Gross Motor Milestones

Gross Motor Development

While children develop at varying rates, there are typical stages to development. The following is a guide of important stages of gross motor development. The following information represents a timeframe when many, but not all, children will achieve a particular skill. Please remember that each child develops skills at a different rates and this should only be used as a guideline.

By 6 months a child:

• Rolls

• Lifts head while on tummy

• Sits for short time without help

By 12 months a child:

• Creeps on hands and knees

• Pulls to standing

• Cruises

• Stands without support for a short time

• Walks a short distance without assistance

By 18 months a child:

• Walks quickly

• Picks up a toy from the ground without losing balance

• Tall kneels

• Walks up four steps with support (wall/rail)

• Walks down four steps while holding an adults hand

• Flings a tennis ball

By 2 years (24 months) a child:

• Runs

• Begins jumping with feet together

• Walks up four steps without support

By 30 minutes a child:

• Walks down four steps without support

• Walks up four steps with support with one foot on each step

• Kicks a ball

By 3 years (36 months) a child:

• Walk up four steps without support with one foot on each step

• Stands on one foot briefly

• Pedals a tricycle

By 4 years (48 months) a child:

• Walks down four steps without support with one foot on each step

• Walks on a line

• Runs well

• Hops

• Catches an eight inch ball

By 5 years (60 months) a child:

• Gallops

By 6 years (72 months) a child:

• Skips


Colson, E. R. & Dworkin, P. H. (1997, August). Toddler development. Pediatrics in Review, 18(8), 256-257.

Folio, M. R., & Fewell, R. R. (2000). C. Olson (Ed.), Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (2 ed.). Austin, Texas: Pro-ed.

Powell, J., & Smith, C. A. (n.d.). Developmental milestones: A guide for parents the first year. Retrieved from

Powell, J., & Smith, C. A. (n.d.). Developmental milestones: A guide for parents the second year. Retrieved from

Powell, J., & Smith, C. A. (n.d.). Developmental milestones: A guide for parents the third year. Retrieved from

Powell, J., & Smith, C. A. (n.d.). Developmental milestones: A guide for parents the forth year. Retrieved from


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