Periodic Table Lecture Guide -

Periodic Table Study Guide (#1)

(pp. 346/347)

1. In _________, a ___________ chemist, Dmitri Mendeleev, was working on a way to _____________ elements. At that time, _________ elements had been discovered.

2. He studied properties such as density, color, melting point, and ___________ ___________ of each element. He also noticed how elements _____________ with other elements.

3. He _______________ the elements in a list using their ____________ masses. He noticed that the properties of the elements seemed to repeat in a ____________.

4. When he placed the elements into a table, he arranged them in rows of ______________ atomic mass. Elements with _____________ properties where grouped in the same _________________.

5. ____________ means a repeating ___________. Name two repeating patterns Mendeleev noticed in his table: ____________________ and _____________________

6. Mendeleev’s periodic table enabled ___________ to relate the properties of the known elements to their ___________ on the table. The table had a _____________, some _____________ seemed out of place. He believed the __________ masses of certain elements must be _________.

7. In the early 1900’s, Henry _____________ solved the problem! He found that if the elements were listed according to ___________ __________ instead of increasing ____________ ________ columns would contain elements with _____________ properties.

The organization of the periodic table is thought to be one of science’s greatest achievements.

Additional Periodic Table info:

❖ Columns of elements are called a group or a __________. There are 18. Groups 3-12 are often grouped together and considered 1 group. All families or groups have similar properties. A family can be given a name based on the first element in the family – EX Group 14 is known as the Carbon family or it may have special name like the Noble gases.

❖ Rows of elements are called periods. There are ______. These elements do not have much in common, except the number of __________ levels. Periods 6 & 7 have 14 elements each separated from the table so that the table is not too wide. (Have different names; lanthanides – pd 6 and actinides- pd7- named for the first element in the period)

Period 1 – 2 elements

Period 2 & 3 – 8 elements each

Period 4 & 5 – 18 elements each

Period 6 & 7 – 32 elements each

Total elements? __________

❖ An element’s properties can be predicted by its position in the periodic table.

Try this for some Periodic Table Hunting (write the symbols with the added directions to make a phrase):

Translate: Erbium (with an A in between) + thorium / iodine + sulfur / mendelevium (with an A in between) + e / oxygen + fluorine / carbon + helium + manganese (minus the N) +iodine + carbon + aluminum + sulfur.



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