Protocol for Book Discussion Groups

Book Discussion Group*

The purpose of this professional development project is to collaborate as a professional learning community team of educators to gain knowledge regarding a topic and develop a means to disseminate information that meets the following standards:

( Demonstrates high standards for teaching and learning

( Demonstrates high expectations for student achievement

( Create a document for dissemination of learning

The group facilitator will be responsible for identification and coordination of the following:

• Book Title

• Roles and responsibilities for each contributing team member

• Establish meeting dates/times/locations

• Maintain a sign-in log of attendance reflecting total hours

• Conduct oversight/collection of work product

• Oversee completion of Professional Development Evaluation from each member


□ Sign in. Each participant should sign the attendance..

□ Assign chapters to be read. As many of the materials that will be used for book discussions are not considered “light reading”, the group may find it helpful to split the readings among participants. That way an individual can focus on one or two chapters. Each individual will be responsible for reading their assigned chapter(s) thoroughly and preparing and presenting notes/handout for the group.

□ Select a date for completion of the reading and a follow up meeting date.


□ Sign in.

□ Group leader will facilitate discussion of the book. Each participant will share information from the book. Discussions will be held as to how this information can be used to benefit classroom instruction and student achievement.

□ PRODUCT: Assemble an informational packet. The group will determine what information would be helpful for other staff to know. The assigned individual will assemble the information and prepare a packet for distribution, along with a method of dissemination.

□ EVALUATION. The group will complete an evaluation of the selected book as well as the success of the book discussion format.

*Upon Successful completion 10 pdps will be awarded.

Book Discussion Group

Sign In Sheet

Meeting #1 - Organizational: __________________________________________

Date & Time

Meeting #2 – Discussion/Evaluation: ___________________________________

Date & Time

Book Title: _________________________________________________________

| |Participant Signature |Participant Signature |Work Product |

|Participant Name |Meeting #1 (3hrs.) |Meeting #2 (3 hrs.) |Date Completed * |

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*Upon Successful completion 10 pdps will be awarded.

Book Discussion Group

Meeting #2 - Discussion/Evaluation


Book Title : ________________________________________________________

Please comment on the quality of the material presented in this book.

How will the information you learned from participating in this group help you in your work with students?

Please comment on the book study group process. What worked?

What would you like to see changed?



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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