4th PAN-AFRICAN Forum on Migration (PAFoM): THEME: “Harnessing the benefits of Free Movement of persons regime for sustainable development in Africa” 19-21, November, 2018; Palais de Peuple; Djibouti City, Djibouti. DAY ONE (Monday – 19 November 2018)Chair08:00 - 9:00Registration of participantsSecretariat09:00 - 10:00OPENING: Master of Ceremony: Dr. Matlosa Khabele, Director, Political Affairs, AUCChairperson, Bureau of the STC on Migration, Refugees and IDPs.Executive Secretary; IGADDr. Vera Songwe: Executive Secretary; UNECAH.E Minata Samate Cessouma: AU Commissioner for Political Affairs Amb. Antonio Vitorino: Director General; International Organization for Migration (IOM)H.E Moussa Faki, Chairperson; African Union Commission(tbc)H.E Johnson Sirleaf- Chair of the High Level Panel on Migration in Africa (tbc)Official Opening: H.E the President/Prime Minister of the Republic of DjiboutiGovernment of Djibouti10.00-10.10Press Briefing 10:10 - 10:30COFFEE / TEA BREAK - GROUP PHOTO10:30 - 11:30SESSION 1: Towards a coordinated Human Mobility Agenda in Africa: Updates on the AU Continental and Regional Migration Initiatives and Consultative Processes and the future of PAFOMThis session will seek to provide updates of migration and human mobility initiatives by the Regional Economic Activities and the AUC to ensure that there is synergy between RECs and the AUC and also promote sharing of good practises.Moderator: Ms Mariama Cisse, Ag. Director, Social Affairs Department, AUCDiscussants:IGAD EAC ECOWAS SADC ECCAS UMMACENSADCOMESA Kingdom of Morocco11:30 - 13:00Discussions13:00 - 14:00LUNCH14:00 - 15:00Session 2: Sharing Experiences: Benefits and Challenges of Free Movement in AfricaThis session will present the findings of the study commissioned by the AUC and IOM. We will then have representatives from various countries share the challenges and/or the benefits of free movement of people in their respective regions or countries.Moderator: Maureen Achieng: Chief of Mission to Ethiopia and Representative to AU/UNECA/IGAD Discussants:Government of RwandaGovernment of Namibia Government of EgyptGovernment of SeychellesGovernment of Burkina FasoRepublic of Kenya15:00 - 16:00Discussion16:00 - 16:20Health Break16:20 - 17:20SESSION 3: Labor mobility, Intra Africa skills transfer and Social Security benefits Portability : Promoting Labor migration within the context of Free MovementThis session will present the Joint Labour Migration Programme for Africa, which is being implemented by the African Union Commission, IOM, the International Labour Organization, and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa. In addition, a discussion from relevant stakeholders will focus on how this Programme can be successful and effective in the implementation of human mobility rules as key to development and integration in the regional economic communities.Moderator: Dr. Cynthia Samuel -Olunjowon: ILO Regional Director for Africa Discussants:IOM AU Labor Migration Advisory committee (AU-LMAC) Chair Organisation of African Trade Union Unity (OATUU organisation in Africa(TBD)Government of Djibouti Republic of South Africa17:20 - 18:00Discussions19:00 - 20:30RECEPTION Master of Ceremony: Govt. of DjiboutiGovernment of DjiboutiEnd of day 1DAY TWO (Tuesday – 20 Nov. 2018)09:00 - 10:00SESSION 4:Boosting Inter-Africa Trade, Commerce and Tourism through Free Movement of Persons and CFTAThis session, will have a predictive analysis on how free movement will boost intra-African trade, commerce and tourism. This will be followed by a discussion with selected stakeholders on the kind of changes that we need to see in the next 5 years for this to become a reality as well as recent successes (and failures) regarding free movement and intra-African trade at both regional and continental level. Presentation : Implementing CFTA within the context of Free Movement of Persons in AfricaPresenter: Director of Trade and Industry, AUC: Moderator: HON. DR. Tapiwa Mashakada (MP): Chairperson of the Committee on Trade ,Customs & Immigration; Pan African Parliament (PAP) Discussants:ECA UNCTADChambers of Commerce Representative(TBD)AfDBStrive Masiyiwa- Econet Wireless, Zimbabwe Republic of Ghana10:00 - 10:45Discussions10:45 - 11:00Health Break11:00 - 12:00SESSION 5: Promoting Research and accurate Data as a basis for evidence based Migration Policies especially on Free Movement of Persons: This session will have a presentation on the AUC’s activities in relation to migration research and data production on the continent. Discussants will provide an overview of where current data exists, identify a set of data priorities, outline existing gaps and offer a clear road map on how to enhance data capacities of African states. Presentation: Addressing the Gaps in Research and accurate data in Migration management in Africa.Presenter: Director, Department of Economic Affairs, AUC Moderator: Mr. Zachary Mwangi, Director General KNBS, Kenya; and Chair of the Bureau, United Nations Statistical Commission Discussants:African Institute of RemittancesIOM GMDACDirector-Department of Statistics-Government of the Republic of South AfricaDirector for Statistics –Government of the Republic of Nigeria Republic of Sudan12:30 - 13:00Discussions13:00 - 14:00LUNCH14:00 - 15:30SESSION 6: Fostering Social Cohesion, Integration and Security Cooperation within the context of Free Movement of PersonsThis session will look at the potential security concerns and reservations that exist in the context of free movement juxtaposed with how social cohesion and integration both work towards making the continent safer and more peaceful. The discussants will explain how social cohesion, integration and security cooperation will mitigate the risks of free movement. Presentation: Addressing Security concerns, social cohesion within the context of free movement in AfricaPresenter: Committee on Intelligence and Security in Africa (CISSA)Moderator: Mr. Olabisi Dare, Head of Humanitarian Affairs, AUCDiscussants: Government of the Republic of RwandaGovernment of the Republic of EthiopiaGovernment of the Republic of Mauritania (Chair of the Sahel 5)AfriPol Pan Africa Civil Society(TBD) Republic of Cote d’Voire15:30 - 16:30Discussions16:30 - 17:00COFFEE / TEA BREAKEnd of Day 2DAY THREE: Wedsday, 21 Nov. 201809:00 - 10:00SESSION 7: Addressing the needs of Vulnerable Groups including Gender issues within the context of Free Movement This session will discuss vulnerability in the context of human mobility with a specific focus on gender and youth. Discussants will identify the specific needs, challenges and situations of vulnerability in relation to gender and youth and outline what African governments can do – through laws, policies and programs – to respond to the various issuesModerator: tbd, United Nations Development ProgramDiscussants:African Commission for Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR)Chair, ACERWCUN WomenUNHCRUNOHCRPan African Civil Society(ECOWAS)Republic of Namibia10:00 - 11:00Discussions11.00-11.15Health Break11.15-13.00Side Event13:00 - 14:00LUNCH14:00 - 15:00SESSION 8: The Global Compact on Migration: What next after the Marrakesh GCM 2018 Conference?This session will provide initial thoughts on how Africa intends implement the GCM after the December 2018 international Conference on the Global Compact on Migration in Morocco. The discussion will help to gather views and suggestions that will enrich the final Plan that will be rolled out by AUC and IOM in partnership with ECA and other relevant stakeholders.Presentation: Implementing the Global Compact in Africa: Africa’s Proposed Implementation RoadmapPresenter: Bernado Mariano Junior, Senior Regional Adviser for Sub-Saharan Africa, Office of the IOM Director General.Moderator: Ms Fatima Alfeine, Coordinator, African Group in New York and Lead Negotiator for the African Group on the GCMRepublic of Egypt 15.00-14.00Discussions14.00-14.30Health Break14.30-15.00SESSION 9: Summary of Outcomes & Recommendations of the Meeting and decision on the hosting for the next PAFoM in 2019This session will be a wrap up of the 2018 PAFOM and will provide the opportunity for the participants to go through the report and outcome of the meeting; agree on the venue for the 5th PAFOM together with its theme.Presentation: Final Meeting outcome Document and Way ForwardPresenter: Geoffrey Wafula, Program Coordinator, Migration (AUC)Moderator: H.E. Amb. Ajay BRAMDEO: Representative; Permanent Mission of the African Union to the United Nations and other International Organizations, Geneva.Republic of Ethiopia15.00-15.30Discussions15:30 - 16:30- Closing -Master of Ceremony: Mrs Cisse Mariama, Ag. Director, Social Affairs.Executive Secretary; IGADH.E Amira Elfadil-Commissioner for Social Affairs, AUCAmb. Antonio Vitorino: Director General; International Organization for Migration (IOM) Official Closing: H.E Prime Minister, Government of Djibouti/Minister, Djibouti TBDVote of thanksGovernment of Djibouti16:30 - 17:00COFFEE/TEAEND OF PROGRAMME ................

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