Observed and Calculated ( B Reduction ) Transitions in the Ground State of PD3 a (4 pp)

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a Data with 3 digits after the decimal point are in MHz; data with 5 digits after the decimal point are in cm-- 1. A ( A transitions

correspond to eoth A2 ( A1 and A1 ( A2 transitions whose calculated splitting was less than the uncertainty of the measurement

(0.0001 cm-- 1 ). For K = 0,1 and K = 3n unresolved doublets we used as calculated wavenumbers the average of the reported values

(see text). An asterisk denotes that this value has not been included in the fit. O -- C is (OBS -- CALC) in units of the last digit quoted.

b From Ref. (8).

c From Ref. (9).

d From Ref. (7).

e Blended line.

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