1501775292163500CRIS Release Notes 2.09.10 T1G specificCopyright? Healthcare Software Solutions 2014Registered Office: 3rd Floor i2 Mansfield, Hamilton Court, Oakham Business Park, Mansfield, NG18 5FBThese materials are or comprise restricted and proprietary confidential information of Healthcare Software Solutions. Disclosure to or use by the recipient shall not convey any intellectual property rights in these materials. The right to use these materials by the recipient is subject to restrictions and limitations contained in the Provision of Integrated Care Record System and Associated Services Agreement and related agreements.ConfidentialityAll information in this document is provided in confidence for the sole purpose of adjudication of the document and shall not be used for any other purpose and shall not be published or disclosed wholly or in part to any other party without HSS prior permission in writing and shall be held in safe custody. These obligations shall not apply to information which is published or becomes known legitimately from some source other than HSS. Many of the product, service and company names referred to in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks. They are all hereby acknowledged.Document ControlTitleCRIS Release Notes 2.09.10T1G specificAuthorHelen TurnerDate Created19/01/2017File Ref. FILENAME CRIS Release Notes 2.09.10T1G specific D1.0.docxCRIS Version2.09.10T1GChange HistoryIssueDateAuthor / EditorDetails of ChangeD1.019/01/2017Helen Turner2.09.10 T1G initial draft.V1.026/01/17Helen Turner 2.09.10 T1G V1.0V2.030/01/2017Gary GloverAdditional issue, CRIS-1792, includedReview DateContents TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u 1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc473536882 \h 41.1.Purpose PAGEREF _Toc473536883 \h 41.2.Audience PAGEREF _Toc473536884 \h 42.Database PAGEREF _Toc473536885 \h 52.1.Resolved Issue PAGEREF _Toc473536886 \h 5 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc473536887" 3.Diary PAGEREF _Toc473536887 \h 6 HYPERLINK \l "_Toc473536888" 3.1.Resolved Issue PAGEREF _Toc473536888 \h 64.Dictation PAGEREF _Toc473536889 \h 74.1.Resolved issue PAGEREF _Toc473536890 \h 75.DTIs PAGEREF _Toc473536891 \h 85.1.New Functionality PAGEREF _Toc473536892 \h 85.2.Resolved issue PAGEREF _Toc473536893 \h 86.Obstetrics PAGEREF _Toc473536894 \h 96.1.New Feature PAGEREF _Toc473536895 \h 97.Event Details PAGEREF _Toc473536896 \h 107.1.New Functionality PAGEREF _Toc473536897 \h 108.Vetting PAGEREF _Toc473536898 \h 118.1.New Feature PAGEREF _Toc473536899 \h 118.2.Resolved Issue PAGEREF _Toc473536900 \h 119.Worklists PAGEREF _Toc473536901 \h 139.1.Resolved Issue PAGEREF _Toc473536902 \h 13IntroductionPurposeThis document will outline the functional changes made to this release. It will detail any new features, enhancements to existing functionality and list changes made due to existing functionality not working as expected.AudienceThis document is primarily for the customer, so they have a clear understanding of what is included compared to previous releases. Internal stakeholders such as sales, product/client managers and Release Management personnel will also have visibility to this document and be involved in the review process.Database Resolved IssueCRIS-1742Reporting xrvalue checkDescriptionWhen loading into a new report, the call to the xrvalue() function is performed six times. It is called a further time when the report is finalized.ResolutionThere is only ONE database access for this XR setting. This is when CRIS is started. From then on, the status of the XR setting is checked, but no call to the database is made to do this. Changes to any XR setting are only available if CRIS is restarted. This will enhance the overall database performance due to less database calls within reporting workflow. Fixed in2.09.10 T1GDiaryResolved IssueCRIS-1667Auto commit diary printing error.DescriptionIntermittent auto commit errors can be seen when printing a list of appointment letters from the scratchpad in T1+ CRIS releases. Sometimes, mid printing a batch of letters the following error occurs: This stops any further letters from printing. It's also possible to click ok on the error, however if the user clicks to print and clear selection, some letters won't be printed but are lost from the scratchpad, therefore potentially the patient might not receive a letter.ResolutionA change was made to the way the storing of items is handled that have been requested to be printed. Now, when requesting the printing of letters from the Diary, the Printing thread handles the storage of the letter immediately after the successful printing of it. This avoids the conflicts that were being experienced when attempting to execute each of the storing and printing tasks on separate threads.Fixed in2.09.10 T1GDictationResolved issueCRIS-1670Dictation list SQL containing colon in time valueDescriptionWhen a report is opened from the dictation list, the event should be removed from the list. However this is not the case since 2.09.10S2 due to it creating incorrect SQL containing a colon in the time field.ResolutionHaving ensured that the time value no longer contains a colon separating hours and minutes, the opened report for dictation has now fallen off the users dictation list and also that when another user logs in to the system, the patient is not on the dictation list to be picked up for reporting.Fixed inT1GDTIs New FunctionalityCRIS-1668Philips DTI Change – Clear down PACS when images are not availableDescriptionWhen a user opened a PACS study with an unknown accession in CRIS, and then opened a CRIS study with a known accession in PACS. Due to the nature of multiple viewers on PACS, the studies were not cleared and switching between them didn’t keep the CRIS or PACS in context but offered a warning. ResolutionIf you have a study open in PACS, unknown to CRIS (There is a warning), then in CRIS, an event is opened for reporting (known accession), it will open the corresponding images in context. If the user then switches studies in PACS, to the study images that are unknown in CRIS, CRIS validates this by doing one of 2 actions. If there’s no changes to report in CRIS that known to PACS, it clears the CRIS reporting page and leaves CRIS without any patients open. If there are changes to the report, it allows you to save report. "Are you sure you wish to clear without saving? Yes or No." And the user should follow the appropriate action. Thus they remain in context for reporting. Fixed in2.09.10 T1GResolved issue CRIS-1755 Change the value of sync.PACSInitialize SectraDescriptionIntermittent failure of the DTI between CRIS and SECTRA PACS.ResolutionTimeout value increased from 40 to 10000 ms.Fixed in2.09.10 T1GObstetrics New FeatureCRIS-16243VT VIEW - UPDATE TO CARDIAC PROTOCOLDescriptionThe 3VT view was added to the FASP’s fetal cardiac protocol. This brings the number of views that sonographers have to take of the heart of the fetus to 5. This applies to every pregnant woman at the 18-20 week scan, which is when the fetus is checked for any major physical abnormalities.Resolution3VT field added to ANATFA, ANOMFA, DETFA, ANATNW, DETNWFixed in2.09.10 T1GEvent Details New FunctionalityCRIS-1444Reading GS1 wristbands within CRISDescriptionCRIS to be able to read the GS1 2D datamatrix code and use the encoded Information to verify the patient’s identification and open the patient’s event page in CRIS. ResolutionImplemented a barcode analysis on the 1st 6 fields in the PatientSearch panel. When the GS1 barcode is scanned it brings up the patient events page.Fixed inT1G VettingNew FeatureCRIS-1736Addition of a count field in/near the status comment when a practitioner rejects an examDescriptionWe need a count field in/near the status comment when a practitioner rejects an exam. Currently only 200 characters will display in the status comment and it is difficult to judge how many characters have been inputted.ResolutionAs user type’s, text into the status comment (external) field, a visible counter counts down from 200. As the text length approaches the limit, the count starts to flash, as text is typed and if the limit is exceeded the background colour changes and a tool tip help is shown. Fixed in2.09.10 T1GCRIS-1654Rename Status comment and Reject Reason BoxDescriptionWhen rejecting in vetting if you enter a reason for rejection in the Reject reason box - ?the text does not appear in the HL7 message (only text From the status comment box appears in the message). By accident, occasionally radiologists will enter a reason for rejection in the reject reason box, which is internal to CRIS only. ResolutionWhen rejecting an item during vetting, we’ve renamed the text boxes to be "Status Comment (External)" and "Additional Comment (Internal)" for clarification to the user.Fixed in2.09.10 T1GResolved IssueCRIS-1747Vetting Issues - delays vetting slows downDescriptionEach event that is vetted gets the response that the cache is dirty and it reloads the exam protocols table and we can see this taking longer both in ms and elapsed time between the dirty comment and the next timestamp in the log.ResolutionSeveral changes were made, eliminating a range of exceptions and ensuring that the logs are much easier to handle. Note: Further system improvements to the vetting module will be available on 2.10.00 June 2017. Fixed in2.09.10 T1GCRIS-1792'Required by' date option not being refreshed correctly on 'Vetting' listDescriptionWhen the 'Required by' radio button option is selected in the 'Display' panel on the 'Vetting' list, the 'Required' column is displayed in the list with the 'required by' date for each event. If the 'List' button is now selected and the list refreshed, the 'required by' date data is lost. The only way to retrieve the data is to select either one of the 'Days Wait' or 'Weeks Wait' options.ResolutionThe 'List' button only uses the values entered in the filters at the bottom of the screen, it doesn't filter any data depending on the options selected in the 'Display' panel. So selecting the options will determine what columns are displayed in the table.Fixed in2.09.10 T1GWorklistsResolved IssueCRIS-1716Staff list search not finding active staff as it errors as old staff thread is still runningDescriptionThe system needs to be changed to allow the staff table in memory to be searched whilst the thread to load inactive staff is still running as this can take quite a while in large consortiums with tens of thousands of users.ResolutionThe change here is to ensure that the staff are read correctly from this data structure whilst inactive staff entries can be added concurrently on the separate thread, and the exception is prevented.Fixed in2.09.10 T1G ................

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