
TO: COUNCIL, THREE RIVERS REGIONAL COMMISSIONFROM: MS. FAYE PERDUE, SECRETARY, THREE RIVERS REGIONAL COUNCILSUBJECT: MINUTES OF MEETING HELD DECEMBER 12, 2013The Regional Council of the Three Rivers Regional Commission held its meeting at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 12, 2013, at the Turin Town Hall in Turin, Georgia. CALL TO ORDER AND WELCOMEChairman Hays Arnold called the meeting to order and asked Mr. Ron Garrett to give the invocation; afterwards Chairman Arnold led the members in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Regional Council Members in AttendanceMr. Wayne Phillips, Mayor, City of JacksonMs. Shirley Marchman, Council Member, City of Villa RicaMs. Donna Armstrong-Lackey, Non-Public Member, Carroll CountyMr. Lee Boone, Chairman, Heard CountyMr. Denney Rogers, Mayor, City of EphesusMs. Kathy Knowles, Non-Public Member, Heard CountyMr. Bennie Horton, Commissioner, Lamar CountyMr. Peter Banks, Mayor, City of BarnesvilleMr. Irvin Trice, Non-Public Member, Lamar CountyMs. Nancy Jones, Chairperson, Meriwether CountyMr. Ron Garrett, Mayor, City of WoodburyMr. Mike Beres, Mayor, City of ZebulonMr. Fred Roney, Non-Public Member, Pike CountyMs. Joanne Todd, Mayor, City of GriffinMr. Richard English, Jr., Commissioner, Troup CountyMr. Bobby Frazier, Council Member, HogansvilleMr. Steve Hudson, Commissioner, Upson County Mr. Hays Arnold, Mayor, City of ThomastonRegional Council Members AbsentMr. Gator Hodges, Chairman, Butts CountyMs. Christy Stephens, Non-Public Member, Butts CountyMr. Marty Smith, Chairman, Carroll CountyMr. Tim Lassetter, Commissioner, Coweta CountyMr. Tony Sinclair, Non-Public Member, Coweta CountyMr. Clayton Hicks, Council Member, City of NewnanMs. Faye Perdue, Non-Public Member, Meriwether CountyMr. Briar Johnson, Chairman, Pike CountyMr. Raymond Ray, Commissioner, Spalding CountyMr. Charles Jones, Non-Public Member, Spalding CountyMr. Joel Upchurch, Non-Public Member, Troup CountyMs. Anne Kelley, Non-Public Member, Upson CountyMr. Ed Bledsoe, Governor’s AppointeeMr. John Edwards, Governor’s AppointeeMr. John Rainwater, Lt. Governor’s AppointeeGuests PresentMr. Leamon Scott, Department of Community AffairsMr. Mike Patterson, Butts County Board of CommissionersMr. Whit Long, County Administrator, Meriwether CountyMr. Billy Minch, Auditor, Metcalf DavisMr. Will Smith, Auditor, Metcalf DavisStaff PresentMr. Lanier Boatwright, Executive DirectorMs. Peggi Tingle, Administrative Services DirectorMs. Amanda Turner, Senior Accounting TechMr. Robert Hiett, Governmental Services DirectorMs. Jeannie Brantley, Planning DirectorMs. Joy Shirley, AAA DirectorMr. Dan Lillis, Director, Workforce DevelopmentMs. Jan Edens, SecretaryINTRODUCTION OF GUESTSChairman Arnold introduced Mr. Scott, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Long, Mr. Minch and Mr. Smith and thanked them for attending the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF LAST MEETINGThe minutes of the meeting held October 24, 2013 were presented for approval. A motion was made by Mr. Irvin Trice to approve the minutes as presented; the motion was seconded by Ms. Nancy Jones and carried unanimously. CHAIRMAN’S REPORTChairman Arnold did not have anything to report.REPORT FROM THE AUDIT REVIEW COMMITTEEChairman Arnold asked Vice Chairman Bobby Frazier to give the report on behalf of the Audit Review Committee. Vice Chairman Frazier stated that the audit reflected that “we stayed within the budget.” He also mentioned that the audit contained “no findings” and that the Three Rivers Regional Commission (TRRC) was “$70,000 to the good.” Vice Chairman Frazier made the motion (recommendation) that the council accept the audit. Mr. Richard English seconded the motion. Chairman Arnold asked the members if they had any questions or comments concerning the audit; nothing was mentioned. He then asked Mr. Billy Minch, auditor with Metcalf Davis, to address the council. Mr. Minch stated that the audit was “unmodified audit opinions” which is “a very good thing” and that “you operated in your budget which is a very good thing.” Chairman Arnold added that it was “a good clean report” and that he was very impressed with the presentation that Mr. Will Smith, auditor with Metcalf Davis, gave to the Audit Review Committee at their prior meeting. Mr. Lanier Boatwright also advised the members that the auditors have recommended that the council adopt a “conflict of interest” statement; the TRRC staff has already adopted this. Chairman Arnold advised the members that a motion to accept the audit and a second were on the floor; he called the question and the motion was unanimously carried. GARC REPORTMr. Peter Banks advised the council that the Georgia Association of Regional Commissions (GARC) board met on November 6, 2013 during the annual training conference on St. Simons Island. Mr. Steve Nygren, Department of Community Affairs (DCA) board member, discussed the direction that the local governments and regional commissions should take in regard to the regional planning. Mr. Nygren indicated that he would contact the regional commissions, local governments, etc. with his recommendations. The GARC board members also discussed the sequester cuts that are affecting the Aging programs; they agreed to contact the Georgia legislative delegation concerning other reductions in funding that will affect the meals and nutrition programs. AGING UPDATEThis portion of the agenda was presented by Ms. Joy Shirley. Ms. Shirley reported that in November the Aging Program received the FY 14 cut in funding; $340,000 was cut in meals and that the senior centers experienced the largest cut. Most counties are putting in more than their ten percent (10%) match; some counties such as Pike and Spalding, have reduced their meals to fifteen (15) a day. This has not been approved by the state; Ms. Shirley has forwarded a waiver to the state and is awaiting their response. The entire state is experiencing the cuts in funding. The Title V program is also experiencing reduced funding; $51,000 has been trimmed from this particular program. The senior population is not taking the funding cuts lightly. Ms. Shirley reported that the seniors are doing more advocacy work such as writing letters (on paper plates) to state and federal officials. It was also reported that $5 million in funding has been cut statewide. These cuts are retroactive; they are from the beginning of the year and not from the present time. She mentioned that a rally is slated for January 30, 2014 on the steps of the state capitol.TRANSPORTATION UPDATEMeriwether County TransitMr. Robert Hiett presented this portion of the agenda. Mr. Hiett advised the members that Meriwether County’s transit vehicle contract was received in the office this week. He will contact Mr. Whit Long, Meriwether County’s administrator, concerning the presentation of the contract at the upcoming (Meriwether County) board of commissioners’ meeting. Upson County Vehicle Mr. Hiett also told the council that one (1) of the Upson County vehicles was recently in an accident; the vehicle was side swiped by a driver that ran a red traffic light. Mr. Hiett is waiting on the insurance adjuster to view the wrecked vehicle and to begin the process. He mentioned to the members that if the vehicle will be out of service for a while or if it is “totaled” by the insurance company, he may try to lease option a temporary vehicle from the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) until a new one can be purchased. It was noted that the wrecked vehicle was purchased with stimulus money; Upson County did not have to put up any funds for that particular vehicle. Mr. Hiett is exploring using any insurance settlement resources to replace the wrecked vehicle without having to ask Upson County for local match towards a new vehicle. Lamar County ContractA contract to replace a Lamar County bus needs the council’s approval. The contract is to replace a 2007 bus that is still in service. Mr. Hiett stated that the local match would be $3,900, which is a negotiated price that provides Lamar County a savings of $850. A motion to allow the staff to enter into the contract (on behalf of Lamar County) was made by Ms. Joanne Todd; it was seconded by Mr. English and carried unanimously. THREE RIVERS WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT UPDATEMr. Dan Lillis presented this portion of the agenda. Mr. Lillis gave a brief background of the Workforce Development program as well as the various programs that are offered to eligible individuals. They are six (6) areas where assistance is given to qualified individuals: adults, dislocated workers, youths, rapid response, on the job training, and offenders. He noted that while there is not a separate program for veterans, they are assisted first. Several members had questions concerning different aspects of the Workforce Development program and Mr. Lillis responded with additional details on the programs in question. Chairman Arnold commended Mr. Lillis on moving the program forward. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORTMr. Boatwright presented this portion of the agenda. Georgia’s Export/Import HighwayMr. Boatwright advised the members that support for the Export/Import Highway was continuing to grow. The Georgia Trend will include an article on this corridor project in the January 2014 issue. Broadband InitiativeThe members were given information about the Digital Economy Planning effort. Mr. Boatwright explained that an analysis was needed in order to provide more information about what type of broadband is available in our region as well as what is needed; this initiative is a cooperative effort between the Three Rivers Regional Commission (TRRC) staff and the Georgia Technology Authority (GTA) staff. The TRRC staff has received input from Congressman Westmoreland’s office. The newspapers in the region will also publish articles about the survey and ask for the public’s help in completing the surveys. Personal Disclosure FormsThe members were reminded that their personal disclosure forms (and information) needed to be filed online by January 31, 2014. Last year, the council members completed the initial forms online to receive their own personal identification numbers (PIN). They must use their PINs to file their information for 2013. Nominating CommitteeChairman Arnold advised the members that a Nominating Committee would be formulated and that this committee would convene prior to the February 2014 council meeting. The committee will be charged with nominating individuals for the offices of chairman, vice chairman and secretary. Members’ Last Meeting It was noted that a few of the members would not be returning next year to serve on the council. Mr. Ron Garrett, Mr. Wayne Phillips and Mr. Bobby Frazier are not returning to serve as municipal representatives. Chairman Arnold and Mr. Boatwright thanked them each for their service, dedication, loyalty and leadership to the council and advised them that they would be missed. Mr. Garrett remarked that “of all the boards that I have served on, this is the best board” that he has been associated with and that he “appreciated all the people” that he’s served with. Mr. Phillips stated that he wanted to “thank you for your friendship and that I have made some great friends in this association.” Mr. Frazier remarked that “I’ve enjoyed being on this board, too; I’ve enjoyed all the people that I’ve met from the ten (10) counties, some of whom I didn’t know where they were.” The council members gave Mr. Garrett, Mr. Phillips and Mr. Frazier a standing ovation after a request from Chairman Arnold. OTHER BUSINESSNothing was mentioned under this portion of the agenda.GOOD OF THE ORDERMs. Todd mentioned that the Griffin Bears were heading to Atlanta (and the Georgia Dome) to play for the state AAAA championship; their opponent is the Carrollton Trojans. She expressed good luck for both teams before adding “Go, Bears!” Ms. Todd also remarked that the local newspaper, the Griffin Daily News, contained an article about the number of professional football players (for the NFL and the AFL) that the Griffin area produced; the number is thirty-one (31). Mr. Banks mentioned that the Lamar County Trojans were also headed to the Georgia Dome for the state AA championship game. The Lamar County Trojans will play the Lovett Lions prior to the Griffin-Carrollton game on Saturday. Mr. Irvin Trice remarked that “everyone in Barnesville is going to the game, so the City of Barnesville will be closed.”Ms. Nancy Jones advised the council that Meriwether County was the featured county in the ACCG monthly publication. Ms. Donna Armstrong-Lackey remarked that Carrollton is the site of a new company, Yachiyo of America. This is an automotive manufacturing plant that makes sunroofs and fuel tanks. Ms. Lackey advised that recruitment for jobs would begin next month.Chairman Arnold wished the members and staff a “very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.” DATE AND LOCATION OF NEXT MEETINGThe next meeting will be held on February 27, 2014. The meeting location will be the Turin Town Hall and the meeting time is scheduled for 2:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENTMr. Bennie Horton made the motion to adjourn the meeting; it was seconded by Mr. English and carried unanimously.________________________________________Faye Perdue, Secretary ................

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