


Nature and Science

Class 3 Book

Contents: Syllabus for 37 weeks; 55 Lessons


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr., neces. | |

| | | | |materials) | |

|1. |Introduction of the new book | |Reading the introduction part; | | |

| | | |Learning the structure of the book; | | |

| | | |Looking through the contents; | | |

|2. |PLANTS |change, die, grow, |Observation of the pictures. |pictures of living and non-living | |

| | |living things, plants, reproduce |Making clear when we say that something is living.|things, | |

| |LIVING THINGS | | |pencil, coloured pencils | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 6 - 7 | | |

|3.- 4. | |certain, contain, condition(s), need |Lesson 3: Activity part: Plant the seeds following|marker, two plastic cups, two kinds|Continuous observation |

| | |(something), nutrient(s), seed, soil |the instructions in What to do on Page 9 |of soil; garden soil, sandy or clay|Planting seeds into two different type of|

| |PLANTS NEED.. | |Lesson 4: Teach the unit. Examine the cups, start |soil, |soil will prove that plants need soil |

| | | |doing Tasks to do 1. on Page 9. |grass or wheat seeds, hand lens, |with nutrients and water to grow and |

| | | |Do not forget to do the same on each lesson for |ruler, pencil |live. |

| | | |two weeks! | | |

|5. | |different, each, flowering plant, job, leaf |Observation, examination of the different parts of|live flowering plant or a picture | |

| | |(leaves), |a flowering plant. |of it, illustrations of the course | |

| |FLOWERING |root(s), soft stem, special | |book, | |

| |PLANTS | |Activity part: Page: 10 - 11 |pencil, coloured pencils | |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr., neces. | |

| | | | |materials) | |

|6. | |branch(es), trunk, canopy, |Observation, examination of the different parts of|a picture of a tree, | |

| | |woody (stem) |a tree. |illustrations of the course book, | |

| |TREES | |The functions of the different parts. |pencil, coloured pencils | |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 12 - 13 | | |

|7. | | | | | |

| |LESSON 1 TO USE FREELY | | | | |

|8. | | | | | |

| |LESSON 2 TO USE FREELY | | | | |

|9. | | |Playful activities |pictures, illustrations of the | |

| |REVISION: PLANTS | |(puzzles, guessing games, |course book, photocopies | |

| | | |fill the gaps, etc.) | | |

| | | |Revision: Page: 17 - 18 | | |

|10. | | | | | |

| |TEST 1 | | | | |

| |PLANTS | | | | |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr., neces. | |

| | | | |materials) | |

|11. |ANIMALS |feed, food cycle, to be safe, |Learning why and how plants and animals need each |scissors, glue, pencil, coloured | |

| | |protect(ion), in different ways |other. |pencils, illustrations of the | |

| | | |Understanding what food cycle means. |course book, | |

| |PLANTS AND ANIMALS NEED EACH | |Activity part: Page: 20 - 21 | | |

| |OTHER | |Cutout page A/1, A/2 | | |

| | | | | | |

|12. | |bat, bird(s), carp, catfish, deer, fish, |Learning about vertebrate animals. Learning what |illustrations of books, pictures, | |

| | |inside, mammal(s), |vertebrate means. Grouping vertebrate animals. |pencil, coloured pencils, | |

| |VERTEBRATES |penguin, pigeon, ray, sea-horse, shark, | | | |

| | |skeleton, stork, swallow, vertebrate,whale |Activity part: Page: 22 – 23 | | |

|13. | |both, breathe, constant, feed on, fur, keep, |Learning about one of the big group of vertebrate |illustrations of books, pictures, |. |

| | |lung(s), |animals: Mammals. Learning their important |pencil, | |

| |MAMMALS |meat-eater, plant-eater, |features. | | |

| | |plant-and meat-eater, | | | |

| | |suckle, temperature, through, |Activity part: Page: 24 - 25 | | |

| | |to be born alive, | | | |

| | |warm-blooded | | | |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr., neces. | |

| | | | |materials) | |

|14. | |beak, body feather, |Learning about one of the big group of vertebrate |illustrations of books, pictures, | |

| | |down feather, feather, |animals: Birds. Learning their important features.|pencil, | |

| |BIRDS |flight feather, lay eggs, | | | |

| | |kind of something, | | | |

| | |tooth, teeth, world |Activity part: Page: 26 - 27 | | |

|15. | |cold-blooded, fin, gill, |Learning about one of the big group of vertebrate |pictures, pencil, | |

| | |lay eggs, scale, same, use, |animals: Fish. Learning their important features. | | |

| |FISH |usually | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 28 - 29 | | |

|16. | |abdoman, dragonfly, earthworm, grasshopper, |Learning about invertebrate animals. Learning what|illustrations of books, pictures, | |

| | |insect(s), invertebrate, ladybird, land |invertebrate means. Grouping invertebrate animals.|pencil, coloured pencils, | |

| |INVERTE-BRATES |snail, lay eggs, |Learning some important features of the different | | |

| | |leech, mollusc(s), mussel, muscular, octopus,|groups. | | |

| | |slug, | | | |

| | |segment, thorax, worm(s) |Activity part: Page: 30 – 31 | | |

|17. |LESSON 3 TO USE FREELY | | | | |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr. etc.) | |

|18. |LESSON 4 TO USE FREELY | | | | |

|19. |REVISION: ANIMALS | |Playful activities |photocopies, pictures, word cards | |

| | | |(puzzles, guessing games, | | |

| | | |fill the gaps, etc.) | | |

| | | |Revision: Page: 35 - 36 | | |

|20. |TEST 2 | | | | |

| |ANIMALS | | | | |

|21. |BASIC PROCESSES |check, degree, estimate, |Measuring and comparing temperature in different |scales, liquid measuring device, | |

| | |figure, measure, result, |places. Observing how thermometer works. |thermometers, pencil | |

| |TEMPERATURE |scale, temperature, | | | |

| | |thermometer, weigh |Activity part: Page: 38 - 39 | | |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr., neces. | |

| | | | |materials) | |

|22. | |become, expand, freeze, |Making clear the connection between the weather |a porcelain plate, |Experiments with water and ice. |

| | |freezer, freezing point, |and the temperature; how the changes of the |a spoon, some ice cubes, a hammer, |1. Put a spoonful of water in a porcelain|

| |FREEZING |frozen, ice cube, low(er), |weather influence the temperature. Learning the |a plastic bag, |plate and put it outdoor. Measure how |

| | |puddle |freezing point of the water. |a watch, pencil, coloured pencils |long it takes to freeze. |

| | | | | |2. Put some ice cubes in a plastic bag. |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 40 - 41 | |Break them into pieces with a hammer very|

| | | | | |quickly. Examine the pieces. |

|23. | |Earth, melt(ing), melting point, quickly, |Making clear the connection between the weather |two porcelain plates, some ice |Experiments with water and ice. |

| | |shady, slowly, |and the temperature; how the changes of the |cubes, some glasses, soft drink, a | |

| |MELTING |soft drink, sunshine, |weather influence the temperature. Learning the |watch, |1. Put some ice cubes in two plates. Put |

| | |tap-water |melting point of the water. |a thermometer, |one in the Sun, the other in a shady |

| | | | |pencil, coloured pencils |place. Watch what happens. |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 42 - 43 | |2. Put an ice cube in a glass of soft |

| | | | | |drink. Watch what happens. |

| | | | | |3. Use two glasses. Put some ice cubes in|

| | | | | |each one. Spread some salt on the ice |

| | | | | |cubes in one of the glasses. Watch what |

| | | | | |happens. |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr., neces. | |

| | | | |materials) | |

|24. | |boil, boiling point, disappear, dry, |Making clear the effect of the sunshine and heat |bowl of cold water, heater, |Experiments with water. |

| | |evaporate, evaporation, heat, rise, turn |on the water. Learning the boiling point of the |thermometer, two pieces of clothes,| |

| |BOILING ( EVAPORATION |into, |water. |a hairdryer machine, pencil |1. Heat a glass of water and read the |

| | |water vapour, wet | | |temperature in each minute. |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 44 - 45 | |2. Pour the same amount of water into two|

| | | | | |glasses. Put one in the Sun, the other |

| | | | | |in a shady place. Watch what happens. |

| | | | | |3. Water two pieces of clothes. Put one |

| | | | | |in a shady place to dry. Put the other in|

| | | | | |a windy place or use a hairdryer to dry. |

| | | | | |Watch what happens. |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr., neces. | |

| | | | |materials) | |

|25. | |cloud, condense, |Observing condensation through experiments. |a bowl of cold water, a heater, a |Experiments with water. |

| | |condensation, cool down, | |mirror, |1. Put a handful of soil into the jar. |

| |CONDENSA-TION |mix, tiny, water droplet |Activity part: Page: 46 - 47 |a jar, soil, pencil |Water the soil well, then put the lid on |

| | | | | |the jar. Place the jar by a sunny window.|

| | | | | |(You can also use a lamp.) Look at the |

| | | | | |jar after an hour. |

| | | | | |2. Heat a glass of water until it |

| | | | | |evaporates. Hold a mirror above the glass|

| | | | | |and watch what happens. |

|26. | |amount, container, gas, |Comparing liquid, solid and gas. Making clear the |water, a bowl, a jar, a measuring |Experiments with liquid, solid and gas. |

| | |liquid, matter, property, |differences between them through samples. |cup, a tall glass, | |

| |LIQUID, SOLID, |solid, state of matter | |a dishpan, a rock small enough to | |

| |GAS | |Activity part: Page: 48 - 49 |fit inside the jar, a bendable | |

| | | | |straw, | |

| | | | |pencil | |

|27. | |dissolve, particle, seem, |Making clear the differences between melting and |water, five glasses, a teaspoon for|Experiments with matter that dissolves |

| | |solution, still |solution. |stirring, salt, sugar, sand, oil, |and matter that does not. |

| |SOLUTION | | |rock, pencil | |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 50 - 51 | | |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr., neces. | |

| | | | |materials) | |

|28. | |attract, flat, force, iron, law of magnetism,|Experiencing how magnets work. Learning the law of|bar magnets, scissors, wooden |Experiments with bar magnets and |

| | |magnet, north, object, pole, repel, south |magnetism. |block, saucer, paper clips, crayon,|different objects. Observing how the |

| |MAGNETS | | |rubber, feather, nail, stone, yarn,|magnets work, which objects they attract |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 52 - 53 |piece of cloth, pencil marble, coin|and which ones they repel. |

|29. | |ambulance, burn, emergency, extinguish, |Learning the important telephone numbers and what |illustrations of the course book, | |

| | |firebrigade, fire extinguisher, fireman, |to do in case of fire. Flammable and non-flammable|pencil, coloured pencil | |

| |FIRE ! FIRE! |firefighter, flammable, immediately, in case |materials. | | |

| | |of, lighter, lightning, meal, match, | | | |

| | |non-flammable, notice, police, smoke detector|Activity part: Page: 54 - 57 | | |

|30. |LESSON 5 TO USE FREELY | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|31. |LESSON 6 TO USE FREELY | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr., neces. | |

| | | | |materials) | |

|32. |REVISION: | |Playful activities |photocopies, pictures, word cards | |

| |BASIC | |(puzzles, guessing games, | | |

| |PROCESSES | |fill the gaps, etc.) | | |

| | | |Revision: Page: 61 - 62 | | |

|33. |TEST 3 | | | | |

| |BASIC | | | | |

| |PROCESSES | | | | |

|34. |HUMANS |baby teeth, enough, fit, may, |Making clear that humans are also living things |illustrations of the course book, | |

| | |permanent teeth, rest, wear, wore |because they grow. They look different at |scissors, glue, | |

| |YOU ARE LIVING ( YOU GROW | |different age stages. Measuring weight and height.|a measuring tape, | |

| | | | |a weighing-machine, pencil, | |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 64 - 65 |coloured pencils | |

| | | |Cutout page B | | |

|35. | |blind, bright, iris, less, let, offer, pupil,|Learning the basic things about the eye as a | |Experiments with seeing and doing eye |

| | |sight, special |sensory organ and seeing. | |tests. |

| |SIGHT | | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 66 - 67 | | |

| | | |Cutout page C | | |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr., neces. | |

| | | | |materials) | |

|36. | |bone, deaf, direction, intensity, sense of |Learning the basic things about the ear as a |illustration of the course book, |Experiments with hearing. |

| | |balance, sound |sensory organ and hearing. |six small boxes with lids, six | |

| |HEARING | | |familiar objects, such as nails, | |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 68 - 69 |a rubber, a crumpled up piece of | |

| | | | |paper, some small pebbles, some | |

| | | | |change, sand, pencil | |

|37. | |chamber, flow, neutral, nostril, odour, |Learning the basic things about the nose as a |six substances with fairly strong |Experiments with smelling. |

| | |pleasant, recognise, smell, sniff, throat |sensory organ and smelling. |odours, such as coffee, onion, | |

| |SMELL | | |vinegar, perfume, lemon, orange | |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 70 - 71 |peels, blindfolds, six small jars, | |

| | | | |such as baby food jar, pencil | |

| | | | | | |

|38. | |bitter, flavour, responsible for, sense, |Learning the basic things about the tongue as a |blindfolds, apple pieces, pear |Experiments with tasting. |

| | |sensitive to, sour, sweet, taste, taste bud, |sensory organ and tasting. |pieces, sugar cubes, crackers, | |

| |TASTE |tongue | |lemon pieces, tonic water, pencil | |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 72 - 73 | | |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr. etc.) | |

|39. | |hard, dry, message, pressure, rough, sensory |Learning the basic things about the skin as a |blindfolds, a rubber, a coin, a |Experiments with touching. |

| | |organ, skin, smooth, soft, touch, wet |sensory organ and touching. |key, | |

| |TOUCH | | |a pencil, a pebble, | |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 74 - 75 |a cup of water, a cup of flour, a | |

| | | | |piece of sandpaper, a piece | |

| | | | |of paper, a sponge | |

|40. | |advice, daily routine, |Reading about what healthy lifestyle means. What |pictures | |

| | |develop, eating habits, |everybody should do in order to live a healthy | | |

| |HEALTHY LIFESTYLE |healthy lifestyle, proper, snack, to be on |life. Discussing how everybody can have a good | | |

| |reading |friendly term |eating habit, what people should or should not | | |

| | | |eat. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 76 | | |

|41. | |chickenpox, disease, flu, germ, harmless, |Reading what can cause diseases; reading about the|pictures | |

| | |infection, infectious, measles, medicine, |sings of a disease in order to be able to | | |

| |DISEASES |prevent, rash, rule, vomiting, wound |recognise if one is being sick. Reading about some| | |

| |reading | |prevention rules and what to do if one is sick. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 77 | | |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr., neces. | |

| | | | |materials) | |

|42. |LESSON 7 TO USE FREELY | | | | |

|43. |LESSON 8 TO USE FREELY | | | | |

|44. |Revision: | |Playful activities: |photocopies, pictures, | |

| |HUMANS | |(guessing games, puzzles, fill the gaps, etc.) |word cards | |

| | | |Revision: Page: 82 | | |

|45. |TEST 4 | | | | |

| |HUMANS | | | | |

|46. |BASIC GEOGRAPHY, HUNGARY |cardinal points, compass, depend on |Learning the four cardinal points of the compass. |illustrations of the course book, |Experiments with a compass. |

| | |something, direction, East, horizontal, |Let the children know that the compass has four |a compass, | |

| | |marked, needle, North, South, West |intercardinal points as well, but they do not have|pencil | |

| |DIRECTIONS, POINTS OF THE | |to learn these yet. | | |

| |COMPASS | |Learning how to use a compass. | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Activity part: Page: 85 | | |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr., neces. | |

| | | | |materials) | |

|47. | |layout, object, original, outline, top-view |Learning how to make outlines and layouts. |a box of matches, pencil, some | |

| |MAKING OUTLINES | | |small objects | |

| |AND LAYOUTS | |Activity part: Page: 86 - 87 | | |

|48. | |capital city, equal-sized, mother tongue, |Reading about our native country: Hungary; The |pencil, coloured pencils | |

| |OUR COUNTRY: HUNGARY |situated, stripe, symbol, |flag as one of the symbols of our country. | | |

| |reading | | | | |

|49. | |bank, economic, financial, museum, ministry, |Reading important facts about our capital city: |magazine pictures of famous places | |

| |BUDAPEST |office, shopping mall, theatre, transport, |Budapest. |in Budapest, glue, pencil | |

| |reading |university | | | |

|50. |Unit 28 |features, flat, hill, lake, land, mountain, |Learning the different features of the surface. |relief map of Hungary, magazine | |

| | |plain, relief map, river, surface, varied | |pictures of famous places in | |

| |LAND OF HUNGARY | |Activity part: Page: 90 - 91 |Hungary, glue, pencil | |

|51. |LESSON 9 TO USE FREELY | | | | |


| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr., neces. | |

| | | | |materials) | |

|52. |REVISION: | |Playful activities: |photocopies, pictures, | |

| |BASIC GEOGRAPHY, HUNGARY | |(guessing games, puzzles, fill the gaps, etc.) |word cards | |

| | | | | | |

| | | |Revision: Page: 94 | | |

|53. |TEST 5 | | | | |


|54.- 55. | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |GENERAL REVISION: | |Playful activities: |photocopies, pictures, | |

| |PLANTS, | |(guessing games, puzzles, fill the gaps, etc.) |word cards | |

| |ANIMALS, | | | | |

| |BASIC PROCESSES, | | | | |

| |HUMANS, | | | | |


| | | | | | |



| | |EXPRESSIONS | |(vis. aids, illustr. etc.) |

|1. |INTERESTING READING |almost, believe, |Developing reading skill. |illustrations of the course book |

| |THE GENERAL SHERMAN TREE |compared to, estimated, |Task to do: Page 14 | |

| |SOME FLOWERS |pound, reach around, |Learning the names of some flowers and trees. | |

| |SOME TREES |scientist, sequoia, shorter, |Enjoying some plant rhymes. | |

| |SOME PLANT RHYMES |-storey , stretch, taller, | | |

| | |weight, the widest | | |

|2. |INTERESTING READING |dig, hard, heavy, ivory, land, lift, spray, |Developing reading skill. |illustrations of the course book |

| |THE ELEPHANT |trunk, tusk, zoo |Task to do: Page 32 | |

| |SOME ANIMAL RHYMES | |Enjoying some animal rhymes. | |

|3. |INTERESTING READING |mineral salt, pick up, pass, remain, |Developing reading skill. |illustrations of the course book |

| |WHY ARE THE OCEANS SALTY? |remaining, river bed, roughly, slightly, |Task to do: Page: 58 | |

| |SOME WEATHER RHYMES |supply, surface |Enjoying some weather rhymes. | |

|4. |INTERESTING READING |image, instead, mistake, optical illusion, |Developing reading skill. |illustrations of the course book |

| |EYES PLAY TRICK |play trick, |Task to do: Page: 78 | |

| |SOME BODY RHYMES |receive |Enjoying some body rhymes. | |

|5. | | | |illustrations of the course book |

| |SOME DIRECTION RHYMES | |Enjoying some direction rhymes. | |


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