Smekens Education

Pre-A Small-Group Lesson Plan


|3-5 |Sound Boxes: Orally push sounds with finger or chip. | |

|min.— |List 3-phoneme words: Explain critical concepts/vocabulary: | |

|WORD | | |

|STUDY | | |

|(Choose | | |

|1) | | |

| | | |

| |Sound/Pictures Sorts: Sort pictures by beginning sounds. | |

| | | |

| |List sounds targeted. | |

|12-15 |Do shared reading with a big book or level A book. Text Title: | |

|min.— | | |

|WORKING |Teach print concepts: (Choose 1 or 2) | |

|WITH |1:1 match | |

|TEXT |Concept of a word | |

|(Choose |(Students frame each word in sentence.) | |

|1) |Concept of a letter | |

| |(Students frame a letter or count the letters in a word.) | |

| | | |

| |Students can locate in text: | |

| |First/last word | |

| |Concept of a letter | |

| |First/last letter | |

| |Period | |

| |Capital/lowercase letters | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Interactive Writing & Sentence Cut-Up: Sentence Created: | |

| |Build a sentence together from a shared experience. | |

| |Model saying words slowly. Attend to dominant consonants. | |

| |Provide support for other sounds/spellings. | |

| | | |

| |Teach print concepts: (Choose 1 or 2) | |

| |Concept of a word (Count the words in sentence) | |

| |Directionality with L-R and return sweep | |

| |1:1 match | |

| |First/last letter | |

| |Period | |

| |Capital/lowercase letter | |

| | |

Adapted from The Next Step in Guided Reading, Jan Richardson © 2018 Smekens Education Solutions, Inc.

Emergent Small-Group Lesson Plan


|1-2 |Write sight words for review. | |

|min.— | | |

|WORD | | |

|STUDY | | |

| |________________ _______________ _______________ | |

|3-5 |Introduce a new book. Give title and gist. | |

|min.— | | |

|BEFORE | | |

|READING | | |

| | | |

| |Locate a new high-frequency word used in the text. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Explain critical concepts/vocabulary. | |

|5-8 min.|Students read whole text. Check prompts used. | | |

|— |Check the picture. What would make sense? | | |

|DURING |Get your mouth ready for the first sound. | | |

|READING |Get your mouth ready, check the picture. | | |

| |Could it be __________ or __________? | | |

| |Show yourself the word ____________. | | |

| |Check the word with your finger. Are you right? | | |

| |Try reading without pointing. | | |

| |How would the character say that? (Show expression.) | | |

|3-5 min.|Discussion Prompt: | | |

|— | | | |

|AFTER |Teaching points after reading: (Choose 1 or 2) | | |

|READING |Check for 1:1 matching. (By Level C, discourage pointing.) | | |

| |Use picture clues to determine meaning. | | |

| |Monitor with known words. | | |

| |Get mouth ready for initial sound. | | |

| |Cross-check picture with the first letter. | | |

| |Use visual scanning; check the word left to right. | | |

| |Read with fluency and expression. | | |

|1-2 min.|Work on sounds with: | | |

|— |Picture Sorts Sound Boxes | | |

|WORD | | | |

|STUDY |Or teach 1 sight word: _________________ | | |

| |Visual scanning Mix & Fix Writing on a whiteboard | | |

| |What’s missing? Table Writing | | |

Adapted from The Next Step in Guided Reading, Jan Richardson © 2018 Smekens Education Solutions, Inc.

Early/Beginning Small-Group Lesson Plan


|1-2 |Write sight words for review. | |

|min.— | | |

|WORD | | |

|STUDY | | |

| |________________ _______________ _______________ | |

|3-5 |Introduce a new book. Give title and gist. | |

|min.— | | |

|BEFORE | | |

|READING | | |

| |Locate a new high-frequency word used in the text. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Explain critical concepts/vocabulary. | |

|8-10 |Students read whole text. Check prompts used. | | |

|min. — |Decoding Prompts: Self-monitoring Prompts: | | |

|DURING |Check the picture. Reread & think what would make sense. Reread after someone tells you a word. | | |

|READING |Check the end (or middle). What would look right & make sense? Reread after problem-solving a word. | | |

| |Cover the ending. Is there a part you know? What would make sense AND look right? | | |

| |Use your finger to break the word into parts. Why did you stop? What did you notice? | | |

| |Do you know another word that looks like this one? What else could you try? | | |

| | | | |

| |Fluency & Phrasing Prompts: | | |

| |Put some words together so it sounds smooth. | | |

| |Read it like the character/author would say it. | | |

| |Point with only your eyes. | | |

|3-5 min.|Discussion Prompt: | | |

|— | | | |

|AFTER |Teaching points after reading: (Choose 1 or 2) | | |

|READING |Word-Solving Behaviors: Fluency Behaviors: Comprehension Strategies: | | |

| |Reread at difficulty. Attend to bold words. Recall information. | | |

| |Reread after problem-solving or given a TOLD. Reread page for expression. Retell events in sequence. | | |

| |Attend to endings. | | |

| |List details with | | |

| |Use known parts. | | |

| |Retelling Glove. | | |

| |Read contractions. | | |

| |Discuss characters’ feelings. | | |

| |Use analogies. | | |

| |Chunk big words. | | |

|1-2 min.|Work on sounds with: | | |

|— |Visual scanning Mix & Fix Writing on a whiteboard | | |

|WORD |What’s missing? Table Writing | | |

|STUDY | | | |

Adapted from The Next Step in Guided Reading, Jan Richardson © 2018 Smekens Education Solutions, Inc.

Transitional Small-Group Lesson Plan


|3-7 |Introduce a new book. Give title and gist. | |

|min.— | | |

|BEFORE | | |

|READING | | |

| |Locate a new high-frequency word used in the text: | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Explain critical concepts/vocabulary: | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Explain method for recording Thinking Voice thoughts: | |

|8-10 |Students silent/whisper read the text at own pace. Check prompts used. | |

|min.— | | |

|DURING |Decoding Prompts: Fluency & Phrasing Prompts: | |

|READING |Cover (or attend to) the ending. Read in phrases. | |

| |Use analogies. Attend to changes in print | |

| |(bold, italicized, etc.). | |

| |Chunk big words. Attend to punctuation. | |

| |Change expression to match the tone of text. | |

| | | |

| |Vocabulary Prompts: Self-monitoring Prompts: | |

| |Reread the sentence and think “What would make sense?” Reread at difficult part. | |

| |Check the picture. What would make sense AND look | |

| |right? | |

| |Use aknown part. Why did you stop? What did you notice?| |

| |Read on to see if the author explains the word. What else could you try? | |

| |Check text feature for explanation of word. | |

|3-5 | | | |

|min.— |Facilitate a comprehension discussion: (Choose 1) Beginning-Middle-End | | |

|AFTER |Retelling Glove | | |

|READING |Somebody-Wanted-But-So-Then (SWBST) | | |

| |Character Analysis | | |

| |Problem/Solution | | |

| |Controlled Predictions Main Idea | | |

| |Text Features | | |

| |1-2 min.—Word Study (if appropriate): | | |

| |Word sorting Analogy chart Make a big word | | |

|NOTE: As texts get longer, consider a 2-day lesson plan. | |

|Day 1—Introduce text. Read to a certain point and discuss. Day 2—Quickly revisit text. Read to the end and discuss complete text. | |

Adapted from The Next Step in Guided Reading, Jan Richardson © 2018 Smekens Education Solutions, Inc.

Fluent Small-Group Lesson Plan


|3-7 |Introduce a new book. Give title and gist. | |

|min.— | | |

|BEFORE | | |

|READING | | |

| |Explain critical concepts/vocabulary: | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Explain method for recording Thinking Voice thoughts: | |

|8-10 |Students read the text silently at own pace. Listen to one student whisper read at a time if needed. Check prompts used. | |

|min.— | | |

|DURING |Vocabulary Prompts: | |

|READING |Where can you break that word? | |

| |Read on to see if the author explains the word. | |

| |Check text features for explanation of word. | |

| | | |

| |Fluency & Phrasing Prompts: | |

| |Read in phrases. | |

| |Change expression to match the tone of text. | |

| | | |

| |Self-monitoring Prompts: | |

| |Reread at difficult part. | |

| |Does it make sense? | |

| |Does it look right? | |

|3-5 | | | |

|min.— |Facilitate a comprehension discussion: (Choose 1) Beginning-Middle-End | | |

|AFTER |Retelling Glove | | |

|READING |Somebody-Wanted-But-So-Then (SWBST) | | |

| |Character Analysis | | |

| |Problem/Solution Controlled Predictions Main Idea | | |

| |Text Features | | |

|NOTE: As texts get longer, consider a 2-day lesson plan. | |

|Day 1—Introduce text. Read to a certain point and discuss. Day 2—Quickly revisit text. Read to the end and discuss complete text. | |

Adapted from The Next Step in Guided Reading, Jan Richardson © 2018 Smekens Education Solutions, Inc.



Names of Students in Grou൰䐍瑡㩥三浵敢⁲景䰠獥潳獮›ठ圍潨敬䌭慬獳䰠獥潳潆畣⁳匨潣数匯煥敵据⥥ഺ匍慭汬䜭潲灵䘠捯獵ഺ䄍呃噉呉⁙偏䥔乏⁓…䉏䕓噒呁佉⁎低䕔൓不浡獥漠⁦瑓摵湥獴椠片畯൰䐍瑡㩥三浵敢⁲景䰠獥潳獮›ठ圍潨敬䌭慬獳䰠獥潳潆畣⁳匨潣数匯煥敵据⥥ഺ匍慭汬䜭潲灵䘠捯獵ഺ䄍呃噉呉⁙偏䥔乏⁓…䉏䕓噒呁佉⁎低䕔൓不浡獥漠⁦瑓摵湥獴椠片畯൰䐍瑡㩥三浵敢⁲景䰠獥潳獮›ठ圍潨敬䌭慬獳䰠獥潳潆畣⁳匨潣数匯煥敵据p

Date: Number of Lessons:

Whole-Class Lesson Focus (Scope/Sequence):

Small-Group Focus:


Names of Students in Group

Date: Number of Lessons:

Whole-Class Lesson Focus (Scope/Sequence):

Small-Group Focus:


Names of Students in Group

Date: Number of Lessons:

Whole-Class Lesson Focus (Scope/Sequence):

Small-Group Focus:


Names of Students in Group

Date: Number of Lessons:

Whole-Class Lesson Focus (Scope/Sequence):

Small-Group Focus:


Names of Students in Group

Date: Number of Lessons:

Whole-Class Lesson Focus (Scope/Sequence):

Small-Group Focus:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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