PDF Guilford County Schools - Guilford Education Alliance

Guilford County Schools

Pathway to Postsecondary Education and Career

Board of Education Retreat! October 3, 2015! !

112 South Royal Street ? Suite D ? Alexandria, VA 22314! Tel: (703) 548-0855 ? Fax: (703) 683-4707!


? Project Fundamentals! ? Progress Along the Pathway! ? Findings and Recommendations!


Project Fundamentals

Current Situation and Project Summary

? Guilford County Schools (GCS) and Say Yes to Education (SYTE) are engaged in the process of determining how they might collaborate to improve postsecondary access and persistence!

? In order to build a partnership that fully leverages the experience and capacity of each participant, the District and SYTE have launched an extensive analysis of the resources deployed to support K-12 activities and the performance of GCS students!

? In this phase of the project, we examine student progress along a series of steps that we refer to as the Pathway for Post-secondary Education and Career. These include student choices, such as high school schedules, and student performance measures, such as ACT and AP test scores!

? There is evidence that students who complete the steps on the Pathway improve the probability of educational and career success!

? Using data from those student benchmarks, we will recommend a series of focus areas most likely to improve postsecondary success for GCS' students and provide steps for the District and SYTE to make progress in those areas!

? Another section of the project, focused on the District's spending priorities, identifies areas from which District leadership may consider reallocation of funds to support these new activities!

? Data on kindergarteners are from the start of the 2014-15 school year. All other data that describe the performance of elementary school students come from the 2013-2014 school year. PSAT results are from the 2015 test administration for the graduating class of 2016. Other data on high school results come from the students in the class of 2014, and this data set is drawn from their entire high school career!

? No student names were shared with us. When any population size was small enough that it could have allowed identification of specific students, it was combined with others to preserve anonymity!


Project Fundamentals

Critical Issues

? How many of Guilford County School District's students are on a predictable pathway to higher education and/or successful careers?!

? Do rates of readiness differ for students of different economic backgrounds, races, ethnicities, and genders? !

? What courses must a student pass to be ready to attend college or a career preparation program upon graduation from high school? What are the pre-requisites for those courses? In what grade should a student begin selecting courses with an eye on post-graduation choices? !

? How many students can enter college and career preparation courses each year, by grade? What are the options for other students?!

? What changes in scheduling, staff assignments, course planning, class size, recruiting, retention, and hiring would make sufficient classes available?!

? Historically, in what activities has the School District invested, and at what scale? How do these investment levels compare to those of other Say Yes to Education cities?!

? Where are funds invested in ways that do not advance the goal of college and career readiness? Which activities would be delivered differently if funds were invested in the college and career readiness interventions identified in this analysis? How much money would be available for re-investment?!

? What interventions are likely to increase the number of students ready for college and careers? Which can be provided by the School District? By community-based organizations? What are the proper annual goals for improvement?!

? What are the financial implications of these changes? !


The Pathway for Postsecondary Education and Career

13! 12!

Full Tuition Scholarship Incentive! Graduation from High School!

11! 10!

Complete FAFSA and Postsecondary Program! Application by December of Senior Year!

SAT Score of 1,550 / ACT Score of 23!


Advanced Placement (AP) Score 3, International

Baccalaureate (IB) Score IV, or College Course Credit!

8 Algebra I and II by the end of Grade 11 (C or better)!


Complete the PSAT by the end of Grade 10!

6 Plans to Attend a Postsecondary Program! by the end of Grade 9!

5 Postsecondary Prep Course Schedule! Entering Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12!

4 Parent/Guardian Aspiration to and Information about Postsecondary Opportunities by the end of Grade 6!

3 High Stakes Proficiency (>75th percentile) in! ELA and Math by the end of grade 5!


Reading at Grade Level by End of Grade 3!


Kindergarten Readiness!

Included in report! No data available!

Source: Say Yes to Education!



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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