
Mrs. Kirsti Burrow Page High School

Ph. 370-8200 ext. 4719 Room 719

Email: burrowk@

Website: mrsburrow.

Objective: To discover the relevant, real-life value of Geometry, Algebra 1/2 and Statistics as a problem-solving tool; to improve critical thinking skills; to analyze, connect, and integrate mathematical knowledge; to research mathematical concepts and ideas.

Textbook: Multiple resources (Prentice Hall Geometry, Prentice Hall Algebra 1/2, etc.)

Student Supplies: #2 pencils for all test, quizzes, and homework.

Red pen for correcting homework

Ink may be used for note-taking if the student prefers it.

3-ring binder with loose-leaf notebook paper

Classroom Supplies: If you can send any of the following items to be used in the classroom it would be greatly appreciated.

• Tissues

• Red Pens

• Markers/Color pencils

• Colored card Stock

• Candy

• Clorox Wipes

• Batteries “AAA” (for classroom calculators)

Classroom Rules and Consequences: When students choose not to follow the established rules, they know they will consistently receive negative consequences:

Rule 1: Be on-time, on-task, and prepared to learn every day.

Rule 2: Keep all electronics put away.

Rule 3: Be responsible for you own learning.

Rule 4: Respect the teacher, the classroom, and other students.

Rule 5: Trash goes in the trashcan.

Rule 6: Abide all Page High School rules.

Grading weights: Tests and Projects = 60%

Quizzes = 25%

Classwork and Homework = 15%

Grading Scale: A(90-100), B(80-89), C(70-79), D(60-69), F(0-59)

Website: My website will be updated every other day with assignments, tutoring times, and information regarding upcoming tests, quizzes and projects. I will also upload many of the assignments for students to complete.

Classroom Procedures: This is a list of procedures, which, if followed, will enable students to be successful in the Math 2 classroom.

Entering the Classroom: Students are to enter the classroom before the bell rings. When students enter the classroom they should turn in homework, get a calculator on their way to their desk, and complete writing down the Essential Question and Bell-Ringer problem. Students should do this without talking and before the teacher finishes taking attendance.

Seating Arrangement: On the first day of class, the student’s will be placed in their assigned seats alphabetically by last name. As the semester goes on, I will reassign seats based on grades and behavior. Depending on the class, students may end the year with self-assigned seats.

When Class Begins: There should be no talking without being acknowledged. I will allow time for group work and that is when students may talk. Class will start with the bell ringer, which will typically be an introduction to the lesson or a question assessing their prior knowledge of an upcoming topic.

Tardiness/ Absences/ Leaving Early: If a student is late or absent to class, they MUST get a note from the front office before being able to enter the classroom. Three tardies equal an absences (leaving early will not count as a tardy as long as the student is there for over half the class period and is excused for the early dismissal). Students are responsible for getting the information they missed when they return to school. Check my website for information on assignments that you might have missed. Any assignments you missed will be in the rack with your name on it located on the student supply table.

Make-up Work: It is YOUR responsibility to complete work missed due to absence. All work must be completed within three days of every one day you are absent. Any assignments not completed within those three days will result in zero grades.

Late Work: Late work is not accepted. Do not ask to make up an assignment.

Turning in Assignments: On the wall beside the windows, there is a tray designated with each class period on it. That basket is where students are to turn in homework and class assignment when completed. If the assignment is finished early, it may be put in the tray. Student’s name MUST be written on it or it will not be graded and will receive minus 5 points for no name when claimed.

Taking Tests: The desks will be moved into vertical rows during a test and all backpacks must be put in the front of the room with cellphones inside. Cheating on tests, quizzes, or homework assignments will result in a zero on the test, quiz, or assignment and a conference with your parent. Having a cellphone on your person during a test also results in a zero. Cellphones must be secured in your backpack at the front of the room.

Test Corrections: After each test, students will be given a week to make corrections to earn additional points to their test score. On a blank sheet of paper provide the question number, the question if short, the correct work, and an explicit explanation of your mistake or the correct way to solve it. Students must attend a tutoring session if they received a grade lower than a 70 before corrections will be taken. It is expected that every student will review their test to determine their mistakes and how to correctly solve the missed problems. If you score a 70 or higher you will be able to do your test corrections at home. If you score 69 or below then you will need to do test corrections during tutoring hours which will be posted. Test corrections will require you to correct the missed problem, fully showing all work to obtain the answer, and write a 2-3 sentence reflection on what you did wrong/how to correct the problem. I will discuss the process and rewards fully after we have completed our first test.

Leaving Class: If a student should need to leave the classroom, they must take the designated hall pass. There will be a sign out sheet on the door for students to fill out each time they leave the classroom. It must be filled out every time a student leaves and must be filled out completely and correctly.

Bathroom Passes: Students may not go during the first 10 or last 10 minutes of class. There will be 5 passes assigned each quarter to students. Each pass that has not been used will be a point added to their lowest test grade.

Dismissing Class: The bell does not dismiss class and it does not tell students when to pack up. The teacher will let the class know when it is time to pack up. Do not stand up before the bell rings unless the class lesson has ended early. The sooner the lesson finishes, the more time students have for homework in class and can have help from the teacher.

Tutoring/ After-School Help: I will designate days as tutoring days. During these days students can come to class for addition help on homework, understanding lessons, projects, or for make-up time for absences. Tutoring will be available each week at least once in the morning from 8:15 till 8:45 and once in the afternoon from 4:05 till 4:30.

Extra-Credit: If I do not tell you about extra credit opportunities, there are none. Try your hardest throughout the year so you don’t need extra credit. I do allow the bathroom passes and test corrections.

Electronics: Phones and other electronic devices may be used before school, in the halls, and during lunch.  Our goal is to allow students the use of phones, except during instructional time.  Strict consequences for classrooms are in place to protect instructional time.  Electronic devices out during instructional time will be confiscated, including headphones or ear buds.  Parents may pick up the items between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm that day or the items will be returned to the student the following day.  Phones or other devices will not be returned prior to the end of the school day.  Phones that make any noise during instructional time will also be confiscated. 


•         Students may not use external speakers for any personal audio devices anywhere on campus.

•         Students may not charge their cell phones in any class.

•         Students may use ear buds and/or personal sound audio devices anywhere on the school campus.  The volume of the audio device headsets are only for the user to hear and must not interfere with being able to hear directions from others or authorized staff.

•         Phones or other devices will be kept for three days for any student refusing to relinquish the item, when asked to, by a school administrator.  If an administrator is called and student refuses to relinquish item, the student will receive OSS. 

•         Personal use of music instruments during school hours not related to performance courses is prohibited.


At no time may students record other students or events at Page High without administrative permission.  Consequences will include confiscation of the phone/electronic device for ten (10) days and out of school suspension. 


Students may not participate in online or augmented reality games which require the student(s) to deviate from any normal movement patterns, such as changing class or during lunch period.  This applies to all parts of the campus all the time.




1.      Students may not access any personal electronic devices during any test or quiz.  Students accessing a device during test or quiz time will receive a zero on the test or quiz and be referred to an administrator.  There will be no make-up test or quiz.  Such unauthorized access will be considered cheating as any unauthorized material can be quickly deleted.  

2.      Students may not access personal electronic devices to access information during assignments unless clearly directed by the teacher for that assignment. 

3.      For any tests, quizzes, labs, or other assignments, cell phones and other electronic devices are turned off and secured according to the teacher’s policy for each particular activity  (Example: phones collected for a tests but secured by student for a quiz.) 


Cheating is defined as - Taking credit for someone else's ideas - sharing information with peers, getting information from outside sources without acknowledgement including online resources, or any kind of unfair advantage for an assignment or grade - is considered as cheating and will result in a zero and referred to an administrator (as defined in the GCS handbook).  Examples are:  photographs of tests or assessments; assessment materials; sending or receiving texts, emails, or any other social media or electronic communication.

Power School: Once Power School is online for parents; I will update it weekly. Please check it regularly for information on your child’s progress. If an assignment is blank then I have not yet recorded his/her grade. If an assignment has a grade of “1” then your son/daughter has not turned in the assignment but may makeup the work for partial credit. If an assignment has a grade of “0” then your son/daughter did not turn in the assignment and it cannot be made up. If you have questions please email me or call me at the school.

Weekly Email Updates: Please send me an email from your preferred email address with a subject line of “student name, subject and class period”. I will then add you to my class distribution list.

Wednesday Morning Tutorial: On late start Wednesdays there will be a school wide tutorial session offered. This is tutorials from students for students. A teacher can request a student receive this opportunity as well as the student, or parent. There is a link on the Page website to sign up online. This can be something you want to enroll in every week to stay on top of things or it could be used for difficult units.

Please sign and return the bottom portion of this form to Mrs. Burrow

You will receive this back for your records.

Signature of student: _____________________________________Period_____________

Printed student’s name:_____________________________________________________

Signature of parent: ________________________________________________________

Printed Parent’s name:______________________________________________________

Home Phone number of parent: _____________Cell_____________Work_____________

E-mail address of parent (if applicable): ________________________________________

***Please remember to email me (burrowk@) from your preferred address with a subject of – Student Name, Subject, and class period so that I may add you to my group email.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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