
Love[luhv] –noun 1. a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person.2. a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend.(dictionary.)Love… according to 1st PeriodLove is an endless story. Love tastes like a dark chocolate covered cherry. Love is the best drug ever invented. Love is a kiss from a fat baby. Love is like a hidden treasure. Love is like the feeling on Christmas Day. Love is a weakness. Love is like a new puppy, it’s hard to control. Love can be the most controversial issue. Love is holding hands. Love is seeing the sun rise. Love is playing in the snow. Love is a rollercoaster ride. Love is doing what you love. Love is a fire in a frigid winter. Love is the light at the end of a dark tunnel. Love is when you need someone more than air. Love is like a childhood memory. Love is selfless. Love has charity like an open, blue sky. Love sees no color viewing everyone as equal. Love is to help better another person. Love is pure, not tainted. Love is the smell of freshly baked sugar cookies. Love tastes like sweet vanilla icing. Love is the joy of dancing by yourself. Love is finding the perfect shoes. Love is the feeling of the perfect first kiss. Love is Valentine’s Day everyday. Love is hot chocolate on a cold winter night. Love is dancing under the stars on a summer night. Love is your favorite song. Love is hearing from an old friend. Love is like orange tic-tacs. Love is mom’s cooking. Love is walking on the beach. Love is there to pick me up when I fall down. Love is eating cupcakes on a rainy day. Love is the feeling of fingers between yours. Love is two doves nestled in their nest. Love is the dream wedding. Love finds a lid for every pot. Love is listening to the Beatles. Love is playing a guitar. Love is the peanut butter to my jelly. Love feels like floating on clouds. Love is the glow from the sun. Love is a gift and a curse. Love looks like flowers blooming in the spring. Love sounds like silver chimes ringing in the wind. Love is all this… and more.________________________________________________________________________1st= write 3 metaphors for love with a positive “sway”; must begin with “Love is…”; NO CLICHES Ex: Love is a home-made Valentine2nd= write 3 metaphors for love with a negative/satirical “sway”; again must begin with “Love is…”Ex: Love is a knife wrapped in red tissue paper.“ Emotion… The Assignment”Part 1—The Video poemUse Windows Movie Maker, Prezi, Videostar or a software/app of your choice; I will give you at LEAST 3 days in front of a computer here (2/25,2/28, 3/3)Save ALL work to your school directory AND/OR a flashdrive; you may email me also sdecosta@You will have AT LEAST 3 in-class work days (2/26, 3/7, 3/10); you may and should work at home as wellThis is an individual assignment OR you may work with 1 other person in classPick an emotionCreate a video “poem” to bring that word/feeling to life; you will present this “poem”—no speaking necessaryVideo poem MUST…be 2-4 minuteshave at least 8 pictures; pictures may come from any medium and should be appropriatehave fitting music that is purposely timedhave a titledemonstrate learning, depth, knowledge and flair Part 2—The PoemYou will compose an original poem to accompany your video poemPoem MUST…Be typedCoincide with the topic of your video poemBe handed in the same day as you present the videoBe in correct format (refer to your notes)Have good grammarHave a picture on or attached to print outALLTHIS IS DUE ON….________________________________________________________________________________________SOME TIPS ON HOW TO MAKE YOUR WRITING HAVE PIZAZZ!!!!!1.TELESCOPING- When you take a small detail and BLOW IT UP as if it were seen through a telescope; this is NOT done to EVERY sentence—if you, did this technique would lose its powerEx: I fell off my bike. I knew instantly that a bone was broken.NEW Ex: I fell off my bike. I felt the shards of shattered bone pierce through my soft seven-year old skin.Ex: At the restaurant, the dinner was fabulous.NOW YOU TRY…2.STRONG VERBS- Switch out ordinary verbs for EXTRAORDINARY verbs; not every single verb has to be a superhero thoughEx: I ran up the hill, and my heart beat really fast. I felt tired. My legs hurt.NEW Ex: I sprinted up the hill and my heart almost burst. I was exhausted and my legs quivered.Ex: The baby cried really loud. It hurt my ears. The baby was so sad.NOW YOU TRY…3.PURPOSEFUL PUNCTUATION- There’s more stuff out there than just a , people. Hey, remember the :? How about the ;? The infamous--? The ever famous .? Ex for a (:) COLON (PS- a colon is used to introduce something): I am sad today.VS.My mood today can only be described with one word: sad. (SO MUCH MORE FOCUS ON THE “SAD” NOW!)Ex for a (--) DASH: (P.S- Use a dash to indicate an abrupt stop or a change in tone or thought OR use a dash to insert a second thought, update, or a correction OR use a dash to emphasize a pause OR use a dash in place of parenthesis. Ex:I have two dollars in my wallet. I can’t find it. I think I left my purse at the mall.VS.I have two dollars in my—Oh No! I think I left my purse at the mall! (NOW WE FEEL THE “SENSE OF URGENCY”)Ex:I took my favorite cat to perform in the cat parade. My cat’s name is Ninja Kitty.VS.I took Ninja Kitty—my favorite cat—to perform in the cat parade. (SO MUCH FUNNIER THIS WAY!) ................

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