
Curriculum Vitae W. Edward FoltsAddress:Department of Sociology 204-B Chapell Wilson HallAppalachian State UniversityBoone, North Carolina 28608(828) 262-6393e-mail: foltswe@appstate.eduEducation:Ph.D. University of Florida Gainesville, FloridaSociology 1987M.S. University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AlabamaCriminal Justice1979 B.S. University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AlabamaSocial Welfare1977 Professional Experience:1998-PresentProfessor, Department of Sociology, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina.2008-2013Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina.2005-2008Professor and Chair, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina.2006-2011Executive Director, Appalachian Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Appalachian State University, Lenoir, North Carolina.2004-PresentExecutive Director, Appalachian Senior Programs: Foster Grandparent Program and Senior Companion Program, Appalachian State University, Jefferson, North Carolina.2004-2005Professor and Interim Chair, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina.2001-2004Director, Undergraduate Program in Sociology, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina.1999- 2001Director, Master of Arts in Social Science Program, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina.1991-2000Director, Gerontology Program, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina.1991-1998Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina.1989-1991Assistant Professor, Center for Studies in Aging and Department of Sociology and Social Work, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. 1987-1989Assistant Professor, Center for Studies in Aging, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas. 1986-1987Research Associate, Juvenile Justice Audit Project, Department of Sociology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.1983-1987Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Sociology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. 1983-1985Graduate Research Assistant, Alcohol Research Center, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. 1979-1983Assistant in Social Gerontology and Grants Coordinator, The Center for Gerontological Studies, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 1977-1979Gerontology Intern and Teaching Assistant, Center for the Study of Aging, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. 1976-1977Teaching Assistant, School of Social Work, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. 1970-1977Chief Engineer and On-Air Personality, West Alabama Broadcasting Co., Inc., Tuscaloosa, Alabama (WNPT).1969-1970Chief Engineer and On-Air Personality, and News Director, Radio Station WJRD, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.1967-1969On-Air Personality, West Alabama Broadcasting, Inc., Tuscaloosa, Alabama (WNPT).Publications: Books; Folts, W. Edward and Dale E. Yeatts (eds.). (1994). Housing and the Aging Population: Options for the New Century. New York: Garland Press. Folts, W. Edward, Betty Ide, Tanya Fusco-Johnson, and Jennifer C. Solomon. (1995). Aging Well: A Selected Annotated Bibliography, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.Streib, Gordon F., W. Edward Folts, and Mary Anne Hilker. (1984). Old Homes-New Families: Shared Living for the Elderly, New York: Columbia University Press. Journals as Editor:1996-2002Editor, The Southwest Journal on Aging.Journals as Guest Editor:Folts, W. Edward and James Peacock. Older Volunteers and Higher Education: A New Partnership. Special Issue, Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 32: 2006.Folts, W. Edward, Donna Wagner, and Edwin Rosenberg. Caregiving in Context: A Classroom Resource. Special Issue, Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 20: 7, Oct-Nov, 1994.Journals as Associate Editor1989-1991Associate Editor, The Southwestern: The Journal of Aging in the Southwest.1977-1978Associate Editor, Social Perspectives: Journal of The University of Alabama School of Social Work, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Book Chapters:Nash, Bradley, W. Edward Folts, Kenneth B. Muir, James Peacock, and Katherine Jones (2011). Elderly Populations and the Rural Housing Continuum. In, D.W. Marcouiller, M.B. Lapping, and O.J. Furuseth (eds.), Rural Housing and Exurbanization. Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing.Folts, W. Edward, Kenneth B. Muir, Bradley Nash, Jr., James R. Peacock, and Katherine L. Jones. (2006). Housing for the Rural Elderly: Policies, Practices, and Prospects. In, R.T Goins and J.A. Krout (eds.), Best Practices in Service Delivery to the Rural Elderly (pp. 163-181). New York: Springer Publishing Company. Folts, W. Edward and Kenneth B. Muir (2003). Rural Housing for the Elderly. In R.J. Ham, R.T. Goins, and D.K. Brown (eds.), Best Practices in Service Delivery to the Rural Elderly. Morgantown, WV: West Virginia University.Sellers, Christine S., W. Edward Folts, and Katherine M. Logan. (1999). Elder Mistreatment: A Multidimensional Problem. In L.A. Frolik (Ed.), Aging and the Law: An Interdisciplinary Reader. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Originally published in the Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 4(4) Winter 1992.Folts, W. Edward, Janice Rienerth, Katrina Seitz, Tina Burns, and Ruth Atkinson. (1997). Adult Day Care: Enhancing Family Caregiver Effectiveness. In, Weaver, J.W., Canterbury, J.A., and Webb, L.C. (Eds.). Planning and Managing Adult Day Services, 2nd Edition. Washington, DC: National Council on the Aging.Folts, W. Edward and Gordon F. Streib. (1994). Leisure Oriented Retirement Communities. In, W. E. Folts and D.E. Yeatts (eds.). Housing and the Aging Population: Options for the New Century, New York: Garland Press.Boyd, David, W. Edward Folts, Dale Yeatts, and Charles Longino. (1994). Specialized Housing for Older Adults: Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Health and Issues. In, W. E. Folts and D.E. Yeatts (eds.). Housing and the Aging Population: Options for the New Century. New York: Garland Press. Fairchild, Thomas J. and W. Edward Folts. (1991). Resources for the Planning and Development of Retirement Facilities. In, Susan Brecht (ed.), Evaluating the Market for Retirement Housing. New York: John Wiley & Sons.Fairchild, Thomas J., David P. Higgins, and W. Edward Folts. (1991). An Offer They Couldn't Refuse: Housing for the Elderly. In, L. W. Kaye and A. Monk, (eds.), Congregate Housing for the Elderly: Theoretical, Policy, and Programmatic Perspectives, New York: The Haworth Press. (Published simultaneously as the Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 9, Numbers 1/2:157-165. Fairchild, Thomas J. and W. Edward Folts. (1988). Managing the Impact of Aging Residents. In Retirement Housing Industry: 1988, Philadelphia, PA: Laventhol and Horwath. Streib, Gordon F., Anthony J. LaGreca, and W. Edward Folts. (1986). Retirement Communities: People, Planning, and Prospects. In, Robert J. Newcomer, Powell Lawton, and Thomas Byerts, (eds), Housing an Aging Society: Issues, Alternatives, & Policy. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Folts, William E. and Gordon F. Streib. (1983). The Sale of A Retirement Community in Central Florida. In, Housing the Elderly in Florida: A Report of the Housing Task Force of the International Exchange Center on Gerontology, Tampa, Florida: University of South Florida. Refereed Articles:Streib, Gordon F., Folts, W. Edward, and Peacock, James. (2006). The Life Course of Leisure Oriented Retirement Communities. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 20(4): 39-59.Folts, W. Edward, Ed Rosenberg, Kenneth Muir, and Lorin A. Baumhover. (2005). Reassessing the Demographic Imperative. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 31, 1-10.Folts, W. Edward, Muir, Kenneth B., and Nash, Bradley. (2005). Housing and the Older Rural Population. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 19(1): 41-52.Streib, Gordon F. and W. Edward Folts. (2003). A College in a Retirement Community: The Community Church College of Sun City Center. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 29: 1-8.Folts, W. Edward and Kenneth B. Muir. (2002). Housing for Older Adults: New Lessons from the Past. Research on Aging, 24:(1), pp.10-28).Yeatts, Dale E., W. Edward Folts and James Knapp. (1999). Older Worker’s Adaptation to a Changing Workplace: Employment Issues for the 21st Century. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal. 25:(4), 331-347. (Reprinted in Volume 26, Number 6, 565-582).Wagner, Donna L. and W. Edward Folts. (1997). The Changing Role of Nonprofits in a Managed Care Environment. The Southwest Journal on Aging, 13:(1), pp. 43-49.Folts, W. Edward, Edwin Rosenberg, and Jan Rienerth. (1994). Adult Day Care in a Family Context: Meeting the Needs of Elderly Relatives. The Southwest Journal on Aging, 10:(1-2), 27-35. Folts, W. Edward, and Donna Wagner. (1994). Introduction to Caregiving: A Classroom Resource. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 20 (7).Dwyer, Jeffery, W. Edward Folts, and Edwin Rosenberg. (1994) Caregiving in Social Context. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 20: (7), Oct-Nov, 1994, 615-631.Ray, Sheila, Dale E. Yeatts, Noel List, and W. Edward Folts. (1994). A Model Geriatric Health Care Program for Community/Migrant Health Care Centers. The Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration, Fall, 1994, 196-212.Martin, Cora, W. Edward Folts, Dianne Connery, and Martha Hipskind. (1993). The Long-Range Impact of Administration on Aging Training Grants: A Study of Student Involvement in the Field of Aging. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 12:(4), 497-506.Folts, W. Edward, Christine S. Sellers, Peggy Higgins, and Dale E. Yeatts. (1992). Employed Caregivers: A Multidisciplinary Issue for Gerontological Education. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 18:(8), 803-812.Sellers, Christine S., W. Edward Folts, and Katherine M. Logan. (1992).Elder Mistreatment: A Multidimensional Problem. Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect, 4(4) Winter 1992.Higgins, David P. and W. Edward Folts. (1992). Principles and Cash Flow Expectations of Reverse Mortgages. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 11:(2), 187-199.Yeatts, Dale E., Thomas Crow, and W. Edward Folts. (1992). Service Use Among the Low-Income Minority Elderly: Strategies for Overcoming Barriers. The Gerontologist, 32:(1), 24-32. Folts, W. Edward, Cora A. Martin, and Hiram J. Friedsam. (1991). A Descriptive Study of Selected Student Characteristics: Twenty Years of Gerontological Education. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 17, 257-268. Martin, Cora A., W. Edward Folts, Hiram J. Friedsam, and Patrice Blanchard. (1991). Twenty Years of Gerontological Education: A Report on the Experience of One Program. The Gerontologist, 31(5), 679-685. Fairchild, Thomas J., David P. Higgins, and W. Edward Folts. (1991). An Offer They Couldn't Refuse: Housing for the Elderly. The Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 9, Numbers 1/2, p. 157-165. (Published simultaneously as a chapter in L.W. Kaye and A. Monk, (eds.), Congregate Housing for the Elderly: Theoretical, Policy, and Programmatic Perspectives, New York: The Haworth Press, 1991).Folts, W. Edward, Dale E. Yeatts, and Jeffery W. Dwyer. (1991). The Continuum of Care: Refining the Conceptual Model for Frail Elders. Adult Residential Care Journal, 5(1), 63-67. Folts, W. Edward and Ann L. Schulze. (1990). Reaffirming the Distinction Between the Need for Service and the Need for Adequate Housing. Aging Network News, 8(6) October 1990. Fairchild, Thomas J. and W. Edward Folts. (1990). Elderly Housing in the 1990s: Problem or Opportunity. The Southwestern: The Journal of Aging for the Southwest, 5(2), 10-18.Folts, W. Edward and Sandra K. Fogal. (1989). The Role of Adult Day Programs: An Issue in Need of Clarification. Gerontology Newsletter, 14(1): 1-2, Fall 1989. Streib, Gordon F., W. Edward Folts, and Anthony J. LaGreca. (1985). Autonomy, Power, and Decision Making in Thirty-Six Retirement Communities. Gerontologist, 25(4), 403-409.LaGreca, Anthony J., Gordon F. Streib, and W. Edward Folts. (1985). The Life Stages of Retirement Communities. Journal of Gerontology, 40(2), 211-218. Streib, Gordon F., W. Edward Folts, and Anthony J. LaGreca. (1984). Entry Into Retirement Communities: Process and Related Problems. Research on Aging, 6(2), 257-270. Smykla, John and William E. Folts. (1979). Blaming our Children: Problems with the Alabama Juvenile Code Governing Children In Need of Supervision. Social Perspectives, 6(2), 31-38. Jean Phillips and William E. Folts. (1978). Effective use of the Mass Media by Social Service Agencies. Social Perspectives, 5(2), 66-71. Editor Selected Articles and Chapters:Folts, W. Edward. (2006) Introduction to the Special Issue on Volunteerism. Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 32, 1-3, 2006.Peacock, James, Ed Rosenberg, Ed Folts, and Lorin Baumhover (2005). The Future of Special Interest Groups at SGS. The Southern Gerontologist, Volume XVII, #4, Winter 2005.Folts, W. Edward. (1997). Helping Those Who Help: Evaluating North Carolina’s Alzheimer’s Demonstration Project. Research News, a publication of the Cratis D. Williams Graduate School, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina.Folts, W. Edward and Sandra K. Fogal. (1990). Adult Day Care: An Idea Whose Time is About to Come.SR. Texas: A Prime Time Guide, August, 1990. Martin, Cora A., and W. Edward Folts. (1990). Twenty Years of Gerontology Education. SAGE Report, A Publication of the Texas Consortium of Geriatric Education Centers. 5(2).Folts, W. Edward. (1989). Retirement Housing: The Confusing Opportunity. Sr. Texas: A Prime Time Guide. February, 1989.Fairchild, Thomas, David Dunkelman, and W. Edward Folts. (1989). The Forces of Change: Housing for the Elderly in the 21st Century. Retirement Housing Report, 4(1): 11-12, September 1989.Folts, William E., Mary Anne Hilker, and Gordon F. Streib. (1980). Research in Shared Living Reveals Several Alternatives, Gerontofiles, 3(2): 1-2.Reports:Folts, W. Edward and William E. Arnold (2006). A Review of the Gerontology Program at St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud Minnesota. Folts, W. Edward (2003). A Review of the Department of Applied Gerontology at The University of North Texas, Denton, Texas.Folts, W. Edward and Jackie Eller (2001). A Review of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee.Folts, W. Edward and Lorin A. Baumhover (2001). Aging and Developmental Disabilities: A Blueprint for Change. Boone, North Carolina: Appalachian State University Department of Sociology and Social Work.Martin, Cora A. and W. Edward Folts. (1990). A Twenty-Year Study of Students of The Center for Studies in Aging: 1967-1987. Denton, Texas: Center for Studies in Aging, University of North Texas. Folts, William E., Glen Golterman, Wiley Mangum, Victoria Warner, and Gordon F. Streib. (1983). Housing the Elderly in Florida: A Report of the Housing Task Force to the International Exchange Center on Gerontology. Tampa, Florida: University of South Florida. Book Reviews:Social Aging in a Delhi Neighborhood, J. van Willingen and N.K. Chadha (1999). Westport CT: Bergin and Garvey. Appearing in Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 27(1).Sociology of Aging: International Perspectives, edited by V. Minichiello, N. Chappell, H.Kendig, and A. Walker (1996). Melbourne, Australia: International Sociological Association. Appearing in Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 23(7).New Developments in Home Care Services for the Elderly: Innovations in Policy, Program, and Practice, edited by L.W. Kaye (1995). New York: The Haworth Press. Appearing in Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 22(8), pp. 797-798.Geriatric Case Practice in Nursing Homes, by S. O. Mercer, J. D. Garner, and J. Leon (1991). Newbury Park: Sage Publications. Appearing in Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 18(5) 589.Behavior Analysis and Therapy in Nursing Homes, by D.A. Lunderwood and L.M. Lewin. (1992). Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas. Appearing in Educational Gerontology: An International Journal, 19(8).Professional Papers and Presentations: Moving Gerontology Education Online: Benefits and Risks. To be presented at the 39th Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, February 28-March 3, 2013, St. Petersburg, FL. (with Ed Rosenberg and James R. Peacock (presenters), and Mary F. Englebert).Socialization Over the Life Course. Workshop presented at the 35th Annual State Conference on Volunteerism, North Carolina Association of Volunteer Administration, May 13th-15th, 2009, Boone, North Carolina.People and Their Pets in a Continuing Care Retirement Community. Presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 11-14, 2007, Greensboro, NC (with Gordon F. Streib and Lorin Baumhover).A Win-Win Partnership: Your Gerontology Progran and the Corporation for National and Community Service. Presented at the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, March 1-4, 2007, Portland, Oregon (with Ed Rosenberg and James Peacock). Graduate Gerontology Programs in the U.S.A. and France. Roundtable Discussion presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Lexington, Kentucky, April 5-8, 2006. (with Ed Rosenberg and James Peacock). Apocalyptic Demography: New Challenges for Old Policies. Presidential Symposium, 25th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, May 1-4, 2004.Special Interest Groups: Survey Findings and an Open Forum. Presented at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, Atlanta, Georgia, May 1-4, 2004. (With James Peacock, Ed Rosenberg, and Lorin Baumhover).Get A Job: A Session for Students. Presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, February 26-29, 2004, Richmond, Virginia.Housing the Rural Elderly: Policy and Service Issues. Presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 9-12th 2003, Richmond, Virginia. (With Lorin A. Baumhover, Kenneth B. Muir, and Ed Rosenberg). Sigma Phi Omega Presidential Symposium: New Directions in Gerontology. Organizer and Moderator. Presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, March 6-9, 2003, St. Petersburg, FL (With Jeffrey Dwyer, University of Florida, Graham Rowles, University of Kentucky, Carol Schutz, Gerontological Society of America, and Betsy M. Sprouse, AARP Foundation). Reassessing the “Demographic Imperative” Educational and Career Opportunities for the Future. Presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, March 6-9, 2003, St. Petersburg, FL. (With Lorin A. Baumhover and Ed Rosenberg). Predicting the Future: The Aging Population in 2010. Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, May 22-25, 2002, Orlando, Florida. (With Lorin A. Baumhover).How to Choose A Retirement Community in Florida: The Special Case of the Continuing Care Retirement Community. Presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, May 22-25, 2002, Orlando, Florida. (With: Gordon F. Streib and Wiley P. Mangum).Aging and Developmental Disabilities: Developing a Long-Term State Plan. Presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 4-7, 2001, Lexington, Kentucky (With: Lorin A. Baumhover).Aging and Developmental Disabilities: Utilizing the Planning Process as a Teaching Tool. Presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, February 22-25, 2001, San Jose, California. (With: Lorin A. Baumhover, Ed Rosenberg, Patricia K. Suggs, and Edward F. Ansello).Aging and Developmental Disabilities. Presentation to the North Carolina Association of Rehabilitation Facilities meeting, October 17th, 2000, Winston-Salem, North Carolina.Aging and Developmental Disabilities: North Carolina’s Plan for Cooperation. Paper to be presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Southwest Society on Aging, October 17-20, 2000, Houston, Texas.Aging and Developmental Disabilities. Pre-conference Workshop presented to the North Carolina Association of Area Agencies on Aging, July 13, 2000, Asheville, North Carolina. (With: Lorin A. Baumhover).Cooperative Planning for Older Adults with Developmental Disabilities. Paper presented at the 5th Annual North Carolina Summer Symposium on Aging, July 13-15, 2000, Asheville, North Carolina. (With: Lorin A. Baumhover, and Greg Minisman).Where Do We Go From Here? Sigma Phi Omega Presidential Symposium presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, February 24-27, 2000, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. (With: Graham Rowles and John Skinner).Aging and Developmental Disabilities: A Blueprint for Change. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, February 24-27, 2000, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.Aging and Developmental Disabilities: Planning for the Future, Paper presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, March 30-April 2, 2000, Raleigh, North Carolina.Non-Traditional Housing Arrangements for Older Adults: Twenty Years Later. Paper presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, March 30 - April 2, 2000, Raleigh, North Carolina.Developmental Disabilities and the Older Population: Policy Implications. Roundtable discussion presented at the 21st Annual Training Conference of the Southwest Society on Aging, November 6-9, 1999, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.Apocalypse When? Caring for the Older Population in the 21st Century. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 7-10, 1999, Atlanta, Georgia.Colleges and Communities Together: Coordinating a State-Wide Plan for Gerontology Education and Training. Paper presented at the 25th Annual Conference of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, February 25-28, 1999, St. Louis, Missouri. (With: Patricia K. Suggs).Caregiving in the 21st Century: The Demographic Imperative. Paper presented at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Southwest Society on Aging, November 7-10, 1998, San Antonio, Texas. (With: Patricia K. Suggs).A New Concept for Managing Nursing Home Staff: A Case Study of Self-managed Work Teams. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 21-25, 1998, San Francisco, California. (With: Dale Yeatts)Downsizing in Academia: Implications for Gerontology. Presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 15-18, 1998, Chattanooga, Tennessee. (With: Ed Rosenberg and Lorin A. Baumhover).The Other Side of Technology. Panel presentation: The Future of Gerontology Education: Technology’s Prospects, Challenges, and Threats. Presented at the 24st Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, February 19-22, 1998, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. (With: Edwin Rosenberg, Bruce Craig, Leonard Poon, and Paul Dezendorf).Gerontology Program Review in A Hostile Environment. Presented at the 24th Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, February 19-22, 1998, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. (With: Lorin Baumhover and Edwin Rosenberg).Publishing Your Article in a Professional Journal. Roundtable discussion presented at the 19th Annual Meeting of the Southwest Society on Aging, October 4-7, 1997, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.The Demography of Caregiving. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 16-19, 1997, Norfolk, Virginia.Helping Those Who Help: Evaluation of an Alzheimer's Demonstration Project in Rural North Carolina. Presidential Poster Session presented at the Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 17-21, 1996, Washington, DC. (With: Patricia Suggs, and Karisa Derence).The Southwest Journal on Aging: A User-Friendly Approach. Presented at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Southwest Society on Aging, November 2-5, 1996, Corpus Christi, Texas.A State Web Site on Aging: Development Issues and Educational Potential. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, February 20-23, 1997, Boston, Massachusetts. (With: Edwin Rosenberg).Redefining the Role of the Family: Providing Care in the 21st Century. Workshop presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Area Agencies on Aging, September 29-October 2, 1996, Charlotte, North Carolina. (With: Edwin Rosenberg, and Patricia K. Suggs).An Appropriate Federal Response: Evaluation of the Alzheimer's Demonstration Grant in North Carolina. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 1996, Little Rock, Arkansas. With: Patricia K. Suggs, Laurie Johnson, Karisa Derence, and Kisha Hairston).Jeopardize Your Students! (They'll Thank You For It). Simulation presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, February 29-March 3, 1996, Philadelphia, PA. (With: Edwin Rosenberg).Student Involvement in Gerontological Education: Taking an Active Role in Meeting Career Goals. Paper presented at the Sixteenth Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 19-22, 1995, Birmingham, Alabama. (With: Ruth Miller).Older Worker Adaptation to Participative Management: Factors Affecting the Transition to Self-Managed Work Teams. Paper presented at the Mini-White House Conference on Aging sponsored by the National Council for Senior Citizens, February 27, 1995, Baltimore, Maryland. (With: Dale Yeatts).Assessing the Future of Gerontological Education. Paper presented at the Twenty-First Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, February 23-26, 1995, Fort Worth Texas. Partnerships in Practice: Enhancing Service Provision and Educational Opportunities. Paper presented at the Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 19-23, 1994, Charlotte, North Carolina.Living and Learning at Appalachian Brian Estates: An Extended Internship Opportunity for Gerontology Students. Paper presented at the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, March 10-13, 1994, Cleveland, Ohio. (With: Daniel F. Meyer).Aging Well in Retirement Communities. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 13-17, 1993, Miami, Florida. (With: Gordon F. Streib).A Continuing Education Model for Improving the Knowledge of Aging Among Practicing Registered Nurses. Paper and Poster Session presented at the Third Annual Hogstel Gerontological Nursing Research Symposium, October 15, 1993, Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas. (With: Roberta Burris).A Model for Improving Knowledge of Aging Among Practicing Registered Nurses. Paper presented at the Fourteenth Annual Southern Gerontological Society Meeting, April 28-May 1, 1993, Richmond, Virginia. (With: Roberta Burris).Aging Well: Being All You Can Be in the Twenty-First Century. Paper presented at the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society April 28-May 1, 1993, Richmond, Virginia. Sociology of Aging. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, April 1-4, 1993, Chattanooga, Tennessee.Predictors of Tenure for Nurse Aides: The Development of A New Application Process. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, March 18-21, 1992, Nashville, Tennessee. (With: Gary Kettlitz and Frank Rachel).Disaster Planning and Awareness Among Adult Day Care Centers. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Meeting of the of the Southern Gerontological Society, March 18-21, 1992, Nashville, Tennessee. (With: David M. Neal, Peggy Higgins, and Richard Enos).Twenty Years of Experience in Gerontological Education. Presented at the 43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, November 16-20, 1990, Boston, Massachusetts. (With: Cora A. Martin).Gerontological Education: A Report on Twenty Years of Experience. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, March 1-4, 1990, Kansas City, Missouri. (With: Cora A. Martin).The Role of Adult Day Programs in the Long-Term Care of Elderly Persons. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Sociological Association, March 29-April 1, 1989, Little Rock, Arkansas. (With: S.K. Fogal, S. Bloom, and T. Hocker).Continuing Care Retirement Communities and the Continuum of Care: Refinement of the Conceptual Tool. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Sociological Association, March 23-26, 1988, Houston, Texas.Continuing Care in Texas and Florida: A Comparative Analysis. Poster presentation, 41st Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 18-22, 1988, San Francisco, California. Age as a Factor in Attitudes Toward Suicide: A Predictive Model. Presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 14-16, 1987, New Orleans, Louisiana. (With: John K. Cochran, and Christine Sellers).Utilization Patterns of Elderly Medicaid and Medicare Patients at a Family Practice Center. Presented at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 14-16, 1987, New Orleans, Louisiana. (With: Jeffery W. Dwyer).The Organizational and Environmental Elements of Continuing Care Retirement Communities. Presented at the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 14-16, 1987, New Orleans, Louisiana. Predictors of Involvement in Later Life Activities Among Elderly Persons. Presented at the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 28-May 1, 1986, Norfolk, Virginia. (With: Christine Sellers and John K. Cochran).The Hierarchical Community: Conceptualization and Adaptation to Sunbelt Retirement Communities. Presented at the 80th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 26-30, 1985, Washington, D.C. (With: Gordon F. Streib).Practical Aspects of Housing the Elderly: The Sale of a Mobile Home Retirement Community. Presented at the 4th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 26-29, 1983, Atlanta, Georgia. (With: Gordon F. Streib).The Utility and Validity of the Elderly as Key Informants. Presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 10-14, 1984, San Antonio, Texas. (With: Gordon F. Streib and Anthony J. LaGreca).Process and Problems Related to Entry in the Study of Retirement Communities. Presented at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, November 18-22, 1983, San Francisco, California. (With: Gordon F. Streib and Anthony J. LaGreca). The Life History of Retirement Communities: Comparative Studies of Twenty-Five Communities. Presented at the 77th Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, September 6-10, 1981, San Francisco, California. (With: With: Gordon F. Streib and Anthony J. LaGreca). An Overview of the Available Housing Alternatives for the Well Elderly. North Carolina State Office on Aging: Tenth Annual Statewide Conference on Aging, June 30, 1981, Wilmington, North Carolina. Impediments to the Establishment of Alternative Living Arrangements for the Elderly. The University of Alabama: Tenth Annual Conference on Aging, June 3-5, 1981, Eufaula, Alabama. Alternative Living Arrangements for the Elderly: The Spread of the Share-A-Home Model. Presented at the First Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, February 19-22, 1980, Atlanta, Georgia.The Diffusion of the Share-A-Home Living Arrangement. Pre-Conference Workshop, First Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, February 19-22, 1980, Atlanta, Georgia. (With: Gordon F. Streib and Many Anne Hilker).Alternative Living Arrangements for the Elderly. Presented at the Annual Conference of the Florida Council on Family Relations, April 27-29, 1980, Daytona Beach, Florida. The Shared Living Experiment as a Viable Alternative Living Arrangement for the Well Elderly. The University of Alabama’s 9th Annual Conference on Aging, June 1-4, 1980, Guntersville, Alabama. Invited Workshops, Papers, and Presentations (Selected)Socialization. Presented at the in-service training meeting of the Foster Grandparents and Senior Companion Programs. March 10, 2004, West Jefferson, North Carolina.Aging and Developmental Disabilities. Presented to the Quarterly Training Meeting, Region D Area Agency on Aging, November 9, 2000, Boone, North Carolina. (With Lorin A. Baumhover). Aging and Developmental Disabilities: A Blueprint for Change. Presented to the Aging and Developmental Disabilities Long-Range Planning Task Force, April 13, 2000, Winston-Salem, NC. (With Lorin A. Baumhover). North Carolina’s Older Population. Invited workshop presented to the Aging and Developmental Disabilities Committee of the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities, Blowing Rock, North Carolina, October 20, 1998. ((With Lorin A. Baumhover). The Demography of Caregiving: Issues for the 21st Century. Workshop presented at the conference: Unmasking the Future: Baby Boomers and the New Century, sponsored by the Southwest Planning and Economic Development Commission, June 11, 1998, Maggie Valley, North Carolina.Apocalyptic Demography: Caring for Older Relatives in 21st Century. Keynote Address for the public symposium: Independent Living Today and Tomorrow, sponsored by the American Association of Retired Persons, Isothermal Planning and Development Commission, Land of Sky Regional Council, and the Southwest Planning and Economic Development Commission, May 8, 1998, Asheville, North Carolina.A Gerontological Issue for the Next Century: Caregiving. In-service Training Workshop presented at the Region D Area Agency on Aging, November 6, 1997, Boone, North Carolina.The Demography of Caregiving. Training workshop presented at Watauga Medical Center, October 14, 1997, Boone North Carolina.Apocalypse When? Considerations for the 21st Century. A reply to the address by Dr. Donna Wagner, Vice President of the National Council on the Aging at Appalachian State University's Summer Institute in Applied Gerontology: Meeting the Challenges of an Aging Society: Strategies for Business and Community Leaders, July 27-28, 1995.Elder Rights: Discrimination in Housing for Older Adults. Paper and Discussion Session presented at the Regional Aging Issues Forum of the North Carolina Division on Aging, October 4, 1994, Hickory, North Carolina.Caregiving In The Real World: Lessons for the 21st Century. Paper and workshop presented to the Caregiving Coalition of the North Carolina Division on Aging, March 30, 1994, Raleigh, North Carolina.Northwest North Carolina in 2010: Changing Social Structure. Paper presented at the Public Symposium: Northwest North Carolina in 2010: Regional Initiatives for the 21st Century. The Broyhill Institute for Business Development, December 1, 1993, Boone, North Carolina.Enhancing Training Partnerships. Paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Area Agencies an Aging, October 26, 1993, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. (With: Dinesh Dave).Aging Well: A Concept for the Future. Paper presented at the Area Agency on Aging Symposium for Service Providers, Region D Council of Governments, May 13, 1993, Boone, North Carolina.Employed Caregivers of Older Americans: An Emerging Social Issue. Colloquium presented at the University of South Alabama, March 5, 1991, Mobile, Alabama.Caregiving and Employment: Gerontological Focus for the 1990s. Colloquium presented at Appalachian State University, February 26, 1991, Boone, North Carolina. The Impact of Eldercare on the Employment Opportunities of Women. Colloquium presentation at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, February 15, 1991.St. Louis, Missouri. Caregivers in the Workplace. Paper presented at the public symposium: New Horizons in Eldercare, Angelo State University, August 30, 1990, San Angelo, Texas. Family Stress and the Placement Decision. Paper presented at a public symposium on nursing home placement sponsored by the University Nursing Center of McKinney, Texas, April 24, 1990, McKinney, Texas. Research in Adult Day Care Centers: Process and Results. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Adult Day Care Association of Texas, March 23, 1990, Dallas, Texas. Grant Proposal Preparation: A Practical Guide. Invited Workshop presented at the Grant Writing Clinic for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Grambling State University, Grambling, Louisiana, September 22-23, 1989. Patient Rights and Human Rights: A Common Sense Approach. Workshop presented at a public symposium sponsored by University Nursing Center of McKinney, Texas, July 20, 1989, McKinney, Texas.The Elements of Writing Successful Grant Proposals. Colloquium presentation to the Grants Awareness Conference for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, sponsored by Grambling State University and Texas College, April 28, 1989, Tyler, Texas. The Elderly and Their Caregivers. Invited paper presented at the Adult Child/Aging Parents Forum, Collin County Community College, April 3, 1989, Plano, Texas.Aging in America: A Demographic Profile of the Future. Keynote address presented to the Care of the Elderly Task Force of St. Paul's Medical Center, March 14, 1989. Dallas, Texas.The Demography of Aging: The Graying of the Gray. Invited paper presented at the workshop: Social Work with the Elderly. Sponsored by the Professional Development Association of Tarrant County, March 10th, 1989, Fort Worth, Texas. The Social Institution of Retirement in Historical Perspective. Paper presented at the symposium: Aging Resources Development. Sponsored by the Tarrant County Area Agency on Aging, March 1, 1989, Fort Worth, Texas. Congregate Living as a Viable Alternative Living Arrangement for Elderly People in the 1990s. Paper presented to the Professional Development Institute of the Texas Consortium of Geriatric Education Centers, February 15-17, 1989, Houston, Texas. New and Innovative Ideas in Housing for the Elderly. Presented at a seminar on housing sponsored by Elderly Service Providers of Denton, Texas, April 15, 1988, Denton, Texas. The Structural and Environmental Dimensions of Florida's Continuing Care Retirement Communities. Colloquium presented at North Texas State University, April 7, 1987, Denton, Texas.The Elderly Population in Florida: Demographic Foundations for Service. Invited colloquium presented to the Board of Directors of Florida Power and Light, Inc., August 14, 1986, Miami, Florida. (With: Gordon F. Streib).The Impact of the Sale of a Mobile Home Retirement Community on its Resident Population. Invited Presentation to the Florida State Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services, Division of Aging and Adult Services, May 16, 1983, Tallahassee, Florida. (With: Gordon F. Streib). Shared Living and the Elderly. Invited Presentation to the Human Services Section, Tennessee Valley Authority, July 9, 1980, Knoxville, Tennessee.Shared Living and the Elderly. Invited Presentation at the Summer Series on Aging, Georgia State University, July 8, 1980, Atlanta, Georgia. The Share-A-Home Model of Shared Living. Invited Seminar: Alternative Living Arrangements for the Elderly, at the University of Florida, January 19, 1980, Gainesville, Florida. (With: Gordon F. Streib and Many Anne Hilker).Research on the Diffusion of Share-A-Home as an Alternative Living Arrangement for Older People. Invited presentation at the conference: Shared Housing for Older Persons: Research and Action, City University of New York, December 12, 1979, New York, New York. The Spread of the Share-A-Home Model of Elderly Housing. Invited presentation at the conference: Exploring Housing Options: Shared Living for Independent Older People. State University of New York at Stony Brook, December 11, 1979, Stony Brook, New York. Invited Community Presentations (Selected): The Changing Face of Aging: An Issue for the 21st Century. Public symposium presentation sponsored by the Rotary Club of Boone, Boone, North Carolina, March 10, 1998.Aging in Context: Older Adults and Their Caregivers. Presentation sponsored by the Task Force on Aging, Western Carolina Center, Morganton, North Carolina, November 12, 1992. Caregiving in the 21st Century: Issues for Specialized Populations. Workshop conducted at Western Carolina Center, Morganton, North Carolina, November 12, 1992.The Experiences of Aging: Myth and Reality. Public symposium, Western Carolina Center, Morganton, North Carolina, February 20, 1992.Caregivers as Employees: Family Support Patterns for Frail Older People. Public symposium, First United Methodist Church, of Denton, Texas, February 24, 1991.Caregiving in the 1990s: A Family Affair. Public symposium, First United Methodist Church of Denton, Texas, September 9, 1990.Aging and the Caregiver: Prospects for the Sandwich Generation. Public symposium, First United Methodist Church, Frisco, Texas, July 8, 1990.The Older Population in the 1990s and Beyond: Trends and Projections. Public symposium sponsored by the Lion's Club of Sanger, Texas, May 9, 1990. The Experience of Aging in the 21st Century. Public symposium sponsored by Duncanville High School, Duncanville, Texas, February 27, 1990. (With: Diane Connery).Housing Options for the 1990s: Helping Your Aging Parents. Speech presented at the Life Issues Series: Caring for Aging People, sponsored by the First United Lutheran Church of Dallas, Dallas, Texas, January 29, 1989.The Future of Retirement as a Social Institution. Public seminar on aging sponsored by the First United Methodist Church of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, Texas, August 21, 1988. Social Security: Its History and Future. Public seminar on aging sponsored by the First United Methodist Church of Fort Worth, Fort Worth, Texas, August 14, 1988.Housing for the Elderly: Personal Decisions. Public seminar on housing sponsored by the First Baptist Church of Denton, Texas, January 7, 1988. Establishing Congregate Living Environments for Elderly People: Problems and Process. Public seminar sponsored by the Gainesville Ministerial Association, Gainesville, Florida, January 31, 1982. (With: Mary Anne Hilker).Additional Professional Activities:2013Reviewer for Journal of Applied Gerontology.2013Program of Merit Review Panel for University of Nevada – Reno. Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.2008Program of Merit Review Panel for University of Massachusetts – Boston. Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.2008Reviewer, Sociation Today2007Reviewer, Journal of Applied Gerontology2007Reviewer, Research on Aging2006Chair Search Committee, Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice, Appalachian State University, Boone, North Carolina.2006External Reviewer, Gerontology Program, Department of Community Sciences, Saint Cloud State University, Saint Cloud, Minnesota.2006Reviewer, Journal of Applied Gerontology2005Reviewer, Research on Aging2005Reviewer, Journal of Applied Gerontology2004Reviewer, Journal of Gerontology and Geriatrics Education2004Reviewer, Journal of Applied Gerontology2003External Reviewer, Department of Applied Gerontology, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas.2003-2006Editorial Board, Journal of Applied Gerontology2002-2003National President, Sigma Phi Omega: The National Gerontology Academic Honor and Professional Society.2002National President-Elect, Sigma Phi Omega: The National Gerontology Academic Honor and Professional Society. 2002Textbook Reviewer, McGraw-Hill Higher Education Group2002-2003Member, Annual Meeting Program Committee of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.2002-2003Chair, Workshop Abstract Review Committee of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.2001-2002Reviewer, Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, February 28-March 3, Pittsburgh, PA.2001Reviewer, Educational Gerontology: An International Journal.2001External Reviewer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City Tennessee2001Reviewer, Journal of Applied Gerontology.2000-2003Membership Committee, Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.2000-2001Awards Committee, Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.2000Elected as a Fellow of the Southwest Society on Aging2000Textbook Reviewer, Roxbury Publishing, Los Angeles, California.2000Reviewer, Journal of Applied Gerontology.2000Reviewer, Educational Gerontology: An International Journal.2000Reviewer, Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.1999Member of the Social Science Advisory Committee, Wilkes Community College, Wilkesboro, North Carolina1999-PresentProgram of Merit Board of Reviewers. Association for Gerontology in Higher Education 1999Chair of Paper Session: Gerontological Planning and Practice for Older Adults With Special Needs. 25th Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, St. Louis, MO, February 25-28, 1999.2000-2001Past President, Sigma Phi Omega, The National Gerontology Academic Honor and Professional Society.1999-2000National President, Sigma Phi Omega, The National Gerontology Academic Honor and Professional Society.1998-1999President Elect, Sigma Phi Omega, The National Gerontology Academic Honor and Professional Society.1997Elected as a Charter Fellow of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education1996Editorial Board, Research News, Cratis D. Williams Graduate School, Appalachian State University.1996-2002Editor, Southwest Journal on Aging.1996-2002Member (ex officio), Board of Directors, Southwest Society on Aging.1996-1998National Secretary, Sigma Phi Omega, National Gerontology Academic Honor and Professional Society.1996-1998Reviewer for Sociological Spectrum: The Journal of the Mid-South Sociological Association.1994-1996Member, Editorial Board, Educational Gerontology, An International Journal.1994-1995Chair, By-Laws Committee of the Southern Gerontological Society.1994-1995Reviewer, Journal of Applied Gerontology. 1993-1995Member of the Advisory Panel of the International Senior Companion Project of the American Institute for Foreign Study, Washington, D.C.1993Member of the Review Panel for the Supplemental Security Income Outreach Demonstration Program for the Aged, Blind, and Disabled. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Social Security Administration, Washington, D.C. (September 20-24, 1993).1993-1995Editorial Advisory Board, Collegiate Press, Alta Loma, California.1993-1997Member of the Board of Directors of the Southern Gerontological Society.1993Session Chair, Successful Aging and Volunteerism, Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 28-May 1, 1993, Richmond, Virginia. 1991-1992Reviewer, Journal of Elder Abuse and Neglect.1991-1994Member of the Steering Committee, North Carolina Consortium for Gerontology in Higher Education.1991-1995Editorial Board, Adult Residential Care Journal.1991Member, Advisory Committee: Elder Abuse and Neglect in Health Care Settings. University of Alabama and the Alabama Department of Public Health, June 7-9, 1991, Birmingham, Alabama.1991Moderator for the conference: Integrating Disaster Research and Practice, sponsored by the Sociology Federation of North Texas Universities, the University of North Texas, and Texas Woman's University, February 21-22, 1991, Denton, Texas.1991-1992Member of the Planning Subcommittee of the State of Texas Continuing Nursing Education Committee, Texas Nurses Association, Austin, Texas.1991Reviewer, Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration. 1990Session Organizer and Moderator at the 68th Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Sociological Association, March 28-31, 1990, Fort Worth, Texas.1987Session Moderator at the 40th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Gerontological Society of America, November 18-22, 1987, Washington, DC.1984Session Moderator at the 5th Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, April 14-19, 1984, Orlando, Florida.1984-1985President, Florida Beta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta National Sociology Honor Society. 1982-1983Research Group Leader, Housing Task Force, International Exchange Center on Gerontology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida. 1980Session Moderator at the First Annual Meeting of the Southern Gerontological Society, February 19-22, 1980, Atlanta, Georgia.Grants and Contracts:July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($375,396). Year two of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program. (With Tammy Taylor, Program Director). July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($248,985). Year two of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. (With Debbie Wellborn, Program Director)July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Ashe County Community Foundation ($1,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Ashe County, NC ($20,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 Executive Director and PISupport for the Appalachian Senior Programs. Alleghany County ($12,852) (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 Executive Director and PISupport for the Appalachian Senior Programs. United Way of Wilkes County ($8,900) (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 Executive Director and PISupport for the Appalachian Senior Programs. United Way of the High Country ($1,158) (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019 Executive Director and PISupport for the Appalachian Senior Programs. United Way of the High Country ($3,241) (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($375,396). Year one of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program. (With Tammy Taylor, Program Director). July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($248,985). Year one of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. (With Debbie Wellborn, Program Director)July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Wilkes County, NC ($3,240). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Ashe County, NC ($20,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Wilkes County Community Foundation ($500). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($375,396). Year three of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program. (With Tammy Taylor, Program Director). July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($248,985). Year three of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. (With Debbie Wellborn, Program Director).2016-2017 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Alleghany County ($12,852). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 Executive Director and PISupport for the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. United Way of Wilkes County ($7,900) (With Debbie Wellborn).July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 Executive Director and PISupport for the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. United Way of Wilkes County ($6,400) (With Tammy Taylor).July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Companion Program, United Way of the High Country ($4,398.75). (With Debbie Wellborn).July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program, United Way of the High Country ($1,912.50). (With Tammy Taylor).July 1, 2016- June 30, 2017 Executive Director and PISupport for Appalachian Senior Programs ($1,000). Valle Country Fair. (With Debbie Wellborn, Program Director).2016-2017 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Alleghany County, NC Community Foundation ($1,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2016-2017 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Ashe County, NC ($20,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2016-2017 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of the High Country ($2,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016 Executive Director and PISupport for the Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program. United Way of Wilkes County ($6,600) (With Tammy Taylor).2016-2017 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Wilkes County, NC ($3,350). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).January 1, 2016-December 31, 2016 Executive Director and PISupport for the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. United Way of Wilkes County ($7,900) (With Debbie Wellborn).2016-2017 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Ashe County, NC Community Foundation ($840). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).July 2015-June 2016 Executive Director and PIBoone Service League ($1,000) (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).July 2015-December 2015 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of Wilkes County ($7,700). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).July 2014- June 2015 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of Wilkes County ($6,790). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2014-2015 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($375,396). Year three of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program. (With Tammy Taylor, Program Director). 2014-2015 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($248,985). Year three of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. (With Debbie Wellborn, Program Director). 2014-2015 Executive Director and PIWilkes County Community Foundation ($500). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn). 2014-2015 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of Wilkes County ($18,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2014-2015 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Wilkes County, NC ($3,240). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2014-2015 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Ashe County, NC ($20,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2014-2015 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Alleghany County, NC ($12,852). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2014-2015 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Walmart Foundation ($1,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn). 2014-2015 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Alleghany County, NC Community Foundation ($500). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2014-2015 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of the High Country ($2,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2014-2015 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of the High Country ($6,500). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2014-2015 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Valle County Fair ($1,500). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2013-2015 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($375,396). Year two of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program. (With Tammy Taylor, Program Director). 2013-2014 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($227,150). Year two of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. (With Debbie Wellborn, Program Director). 2013-2014 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($21,835). Supplemental funding for Appalachian Senior Companion Program. (With Debbie Wellborn, Program Director). 2013-2014 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Boone Service League ($1,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2013-2014 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of Wilkes County ($6,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2013-2014 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of Wilkes County ($9,500). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2013-2014 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of Wilkes County ($6,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2013-2014 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Wilkes County, NC ($3,240). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2013-2014 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of the High Country ($3,584). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2012014 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Alleghany County, NC ($12,210). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2013-2014 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Alleghany County, NC ($11,567). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2013-2014 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Alleghany County, NC Community Foundation ($1,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2013-2014 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of the High Country ($6,550). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2013-2014 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Health Foundation, Inc. ($1,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2012-2013 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($391,000). Year one of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program. (With Tammy Taylor, Program Director). 2012-2013 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($236,000). Year three of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. (With Debbie Wellborn, Program Director). 2012-2013 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Wilkes County, NC ($3,240). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2012-2012 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of Wilkes County, NC ($17,262). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2012-2013 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Ashe County, NC ($20,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2012-2013 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Watauga County, NC Foundation ($1,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2012-2013 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Alleghany County, NC ($11,567). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2012-2013 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Health Foundation, Inc. ($1,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2012-2013 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Alleghany County, NC Community Foundation ($1,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2012-2013 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of the High Country ($3,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2011-2012 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($386,594). Year three of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program. (With Tammy Taylor, Program Director). 2011-2012 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($235,657). Year three of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. (With Debbie Wellborn, Program Director). 2011-2012 Executive Director and Co-PICorporation for National and Community Service ($34,917). Appalachian Retired Senior Volunteer Program. (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI) 2011-2012 Executive Director and Co-PIAssistance for Appalachian Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Whitener Foundation, Inc. ($1,000). (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI).2011-2012 Executive Director and Co-PIAssistance for Appalachian Retired Senior Volunteer Program, United Way of Caldwell County ($5,700). (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI) 2011-2012 Executive Director and Co-PIAssistance for Appalachian Retires Senior Volunteer Program, Granite Savings Bank Endowment Fund ($200). (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI) 2011-2012 Executive Director and Co-PIAssistance for Appalachian Retires Senior Volunteer Program, Anne & Alex Bernhardt Foundation ($100). (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI) 2011-2012 Executive Director and Co-PIAssistance for Appalachian Retires Senior Volunteer Program, Coffey Foundation ($1,500). (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI) 2011-2012 Executive Director and Co-PIAssistance for Appalachian Retires Senior Volunteer Program, Broyhill Family Foundation ($3,000). (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI) 2011-2012 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Health Foundation, Inc. ($2,500). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2011-2012 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Watauga County, NC Community Foundation ($1,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2011-2012 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of Wilkes County, NC (20,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2011-2012 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Ashe County, NC Community Foundation ($500). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2011-2012 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Alleghany County, NC Community Foundation ($300). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2011-2012 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of the High Country ($3,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2011-2012 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Alleghany County, NC ($20,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2011-2012 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Companion Program, Blue Ridge Electric Foundation ($5,000). (With Debbie Wellborn).2010-2011 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($386,594). Year two of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program. (With Tammy Taylor, Program Director). Corporation for National and Community Service ($71,631). Additional funding for the Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program. (With Tammy Taylor, Program Director). 2010-2011 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($235,657). Year two of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. (With Debbie Wellborn, Program Director). Corporation for National and Community Service ($41,684). Additional funding for the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. (With Debbie Wellborn, Program Director). 2010-2011 Executive Director and Co-PICorporation for National and Community Service ($58,195). Appalachian Retired Senior Volunteer Program. (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI) 2010-2011 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of Wilkes County, NC ($60,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2010-2011 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Watauga County, NC ($1,100). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2010-2011 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of Wilkes County, NC ($54,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2010-2011 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Wilkes County, NC ($3,500). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2010-2011 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Ashe County, NC ($20,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2010-2011 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Alleghany County, NC ($12,852). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2010-2011 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, United Way of the High Country ($3,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2010-2011 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Companion Program, Blue Ridge Electric Foundation ($5,000). (With Debbie Wellborn).2010-2011 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Watauga County, NC Community Foundation ($1,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2010-2011 Executive Director and Co-PIAssistance for Appalachian Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Whitener Foundation, Inc. ($1,000). (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI).2010-2011 Executive Director and Co-PIAssistance for Appalachian Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Lenoir Service League ($100). (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI).2010-2011 Executive Director and Co-PIAssistance for Appalachian Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Town of Gamewell, NC ($250). (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI).2010-2011 Executive Director and Co-PIAssistance for Appalachian Retires Senior Volunteer Program, Coffey Foundation ($2,000). (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI) 2010-2011 Executive Director and Co-PIAssistance for Appalachian Retires Senior Volunteer Program, Bernhardt Foundation ($2,000). (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI) 2010-2011 Executive Director and Co-PIAssistance for Appalachian Retires Senior Volunteer Program, Caldwell County, NC ($1,400). (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI) 2009-2010 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($381,181). Year one of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program. (With Tammy Taylor, Program Director). Corporation for National and Community Service ($26,747). Additional funding for the Appalachian Foster Grandparent Program. (With Tammy Taylor, Program Director). 2009-2010 Executive Director and PICorporation for National and Community Service ($232,174). Year one of three-year grant (renewed annually) to fund the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. (With Debbie Wellborn, Program Director). Corporation for National and Community Service ($26,747). Additional funding for the Appalachian Senior Companion Program. (With Debbie Wellborn, Program Director). 2009-2010 Executive Director and Co-PICorporation for National and Community Service ($56,500). Appalachian Retired Senior Volunteer Program. (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI) 2009-2010 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Ashe County, NC ($25,000). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2009-2010 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Programs, Watauga County, NC Community Foundation ($500). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2009-2010 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Senior Companion Program, Blue Ridge Electric Foundation ($10,000). (With Debbie Wellborn).2009-2010 Executive Director and PIAssistance for Appalachian Retires Senior Volunteer Program, Broyhill Family Foundation ($3,000). (With Ed Rosenberg, Ph.D., Co-PI) 2006-2009 Executive Director and Co-PI (with Edwin Rosenberg)Retired Senior Volunteer Program of Caldwell County, Appalachian RSVP, Lenoir, NC, Corporation for National and Community Service, Three-year grant renewed annually (Annual Grant Amount ($58,195). 2004-2009 Executive Director and PIFoster Grandparent Program, Appalachian Senior Programs, Jefferson, NC. Corporation for National and Community Service, Three year grant; renewed annually. (Current annual grant amount: $375,396). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).2004-2009 Executive Director and PISenior Companion Program, Appalachian Senior Programs, Jefferson, NC. Corporation for National and Community Service Three year grant; renewed annually (Current annual grant amount: $270,830). (With Tammy Taylor and Debbie Wellborn).1999-2000 Co-Principal Investigator (with Lorin A. Baumhover)Aging and Developmental Disabilities: A Blueprint for Change. North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities: ($60,000). 1995-1996 Principal Investigator.Evaluation of the Federal Alzheimer's Demonstration Grant. North Carolina Division on Aging. ($12,000).1988-1989 Co-Principal Investigator (with Thomas Fairchild)Developing a Certification Examination for Retirement Housing Professionals. ($10,000) American Association of Homes for the Aging.1987-1988 Principal Investigator. Age Concentrated Living Environments in Texas: Specification and Distribution. ($2,000) North Texas State University Faculty Research Grant. 1987 Research Associate. The Florida Juvenile Justice Audit Project. Florida Center for Children and Youth, Inc. (Principal Investigator: Charles Frazier). 1986 Co-Principal Investigator. Social Research on Florida's Aging Population. ($5,000) Florida Power and Light Corporation (With Gordon F. Streib).1983 Project Coordinator and Research Director. Housing for the Elderly in Florida. ($2,000) International Exchange Center on Gerontology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florid.1982-1984 Project Coordinator and Research Associate. Retirement Communities: Their Structure and Aging Process. ($80,000) National Institute on Aging (Principal Investigator: Gordon F. Streib).1982-1983 Co-Principal Investigator and Research Director. An Evaluation of the Shared Living Project in Boston and the Enriched Housing Program in New York. ($5,000) National Ministries: American Baptist Churches (With Gordon F. Streib).1979-1982 Project Coordinator. Shared Living Arrangements for the Elderly: An Evaluation. ($182,000) Administration on Aging (Principal Investigator: Gordon F. Streib).Professional AffiliationsAssociation for Gerontology in Higher EducationSigma Phi Omega, National Gerontology Academic and Honor Society Gerontological Society of America Southern Gerontological Society (Charter Member)North Carolina Council for the Social StudiesNational Council for the Social StudiesNational Council on the AgingNational Institute of Senior HousingInternational Association of Gerontology American Sociological Association Southern Sociological Society Southwestern Sociological AssociationSouthwest Social Science Association Southwest Society on Aging Alabama Gerontological Society National Council on Crime and Delinquency National Criminal Justice Association Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research SocietyProfessional Involvement Southern Gerontological Society2011Member, Awards Committee2006-PresentMember, By-Laws Committee2002Academic Gerontologist of the Year1997-2004Annual Meeting Program Reviewer1996Annual Meeting Session Chair1995Annual Meeting Session Organizer/Moderator1994Annual Meeting Program Committee1994Chair, By-Laws Committee1994Annual Meeting Session Moderator1993-1994Annual Meeting Program Committee1993-1997Board of Directors1993-1994Chair, Education Committee1992-1993Annual Meeting Program Committee1992-1994Research Committee1985-1986Board of Directors 1985-1986Annual Meeting Program Committee 1985-1986Chair, Student Committee 1984-1985Annual Meeting Session Moderator 1983-1984Annual Meeting Session Organizer/ Moderator1982-1985State Membership Coordinator (Florida) 1982-1988Site Selection Committee 1980-1984Education Committee 1980Annual Meeting Session Organizer/ModeratorSouthwest Society on Aging2000-2002Member, Long-Range Planning Committee2000-2002Member, Webpage/Technology Committee1996-2002Editor, Southwest Journal on Aging.1996-2002Member (ex officio), Board of Directors.1987-1991Associate Editor, The Southwestern: The Journal of Aging in the Southwest.Association for Gerontology in Higher Education: 2005-2006Academic Program Development Committee2002-2004Membership Committee2002-2004Program Committee2002-2003Chair, Workshop Abstract Review Committee2001-2002Abstract Reviewer2000-2003Membership Committee2000-2001Awards Committee2000Session Organizer, Program Reviewer, Session Chair1999-PresentProgram of Merit Board of Reviewers1999Program of Merit Review Panel Chair1999Annual Meeting Program Reviewer1997-1998Membership Committee1997Program Committee1997Annual Meeting Program Reviewer1996-1998Co-Chair, Technology Committee1996Annual Meeting Program Reviewer1995-1997Membership Committee1991-2000Institutional Representative 1993-1995Faculty Development Committee1991-1992Publications Committee1988-1989Annual Meeting Program Committee1987-1989Standards in Gerontological Education Committee 1986-1987Program CommitteeSigma Phi Omega, National Gerontology Academic Honor and Professional Society2003-2004National Past President2002-2003National President2001-2002National President-Elect2001-2003Chair, Web Page Committee2001-2002Chair, Membership Committee2001-2002Chair, Nominating Committee2000-2001National Past-President1999-2000National President1998-1999National President-Elect1996-1998National Secretary1996-presentMember, Board of Directors1996-presentFaculty RepresentativeAmerican Sociological Association:1990-2004Aging Well CommitteeInternational Association of Gerontology: 1985-1986Reviewer, Behavioral and Social Sciences Section. 1985-1986Program Committee, 13th International Congress of Gerontology. Gerontological Society of America: 1991-1992Reviewer, Behavioral and Social Science Section.1987-1988Annual Meeting Session Organizer and Chair. 1987-1988Reviewer, Behavioral and Social Sciences Section. 1985-1986History and Archives Committee.Southern Sociological Society:1993Abstract Reviewer for the Annual Meeting Alabama Gerontological Society: 1994-1995Program Committee1994-1995Continuing Education Committee1984-1986Bylaws Committee 1984-1985Program Committee Southwestern Sociological Association: 1989-1990Annual Meeting Abstract Reviewer1989-1990Annual Meeting Session Organizer/ModeratorCommunity Involvement2006-2012Executive Director, Appalachian Retired Senior Volunteer Program, Appalachian State University, Lenoir, North Carolina.2004-PresentExecutive Director, Appalachian Senior Programs: Foster Grandparent Program and Senior Companion Program, Appalachian State University, Jefferson North Carolina.1997-2009Member of the Advisory Board for the Adult Care Center, Blowing Rock Hospital, Blowing Rock, North Carolina. 1993-2001Local Community Coordinator for The Living Bank: National Organ and Tissue Donor Registry, Houston, Texas.1992-1995Member of the Advisory Board for the Adult Care Center, Blowing Rock Hospital, Blowing Rock, North Carolina. 1991-1992Member of the Task Force on Adult Day Care, Boone, North Carolina.1991-1992Member of the Advisory Committee, Appalachian State University Child Day Care Center, Boone North Carolina.1990-1991Member of the Task Force on Accessibility for Older Patrons. Dallas Zoo, Dallas, Texas.1989-1991Member of the Board of Directors, Employment Resource Center, Collin County Community College, McKinney, Texas. 1990Judge for the Dallas Senior Hall of Fame. Sponsored by SR Texas and Classic Residence by Hyatt, Dallas, Texas. 1988-1989Member of the Long Term Care Ombudsman Task Force, North Central Texas Council of Governments, Arlington, Texas. 1988-1989Program Consultant and Member of the Advisory Committee for the The Senior Adult Day Program, Fort Worth, Texas.1988-1989Certified Nursing Home Ombudsman, North Central Texas Council of Governments, Arlington, Texas. 1988-1989Member of the Denton County Elderly Service Providers, Interagency Networking Organization, Denton, Texas.Consulting1997-1998Member of the International Project on Aging Task Force of the Center on Aging at West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia.1996-1997Center for Aging Research and Educational Services, University of North Carolina -- Chapel Hill, School of Social Work.1993-1994American Institute for Foreign Study, International Senior Companion Project, Washington, DC.1990-1991Halsey Engineering and Manufacturing, Inc. Denton, Texas.1990-1991National Association of Jewish Homes for the Aging, Washington, DC.1989-1990Wesley Village Retirement Community, Dennison, Texas. 1989-1991Grants Training Project for Minority Institutions, Grambling State University, Grambling, Louisiana. 1986-1989GEROCORP, a non-profit agency providing consultants to service providers, Knoxville, Tennessee.1981-1982Older American's Program of the Tennessee Valley Authority, Knoxville, Tennessee. 1973-1975Office of Information Services, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.Honors 2002Outstanding Service Award, PartnerShips for Aging: The Southwest Society on Aging and the Mid-America Congress on Aging.2002Academic Gerontologist of the Year, Southern Gerontological Society.2000Fellow of the Southwest Society on Aging.1997Outstanding Service Award, Southern Gerontological Society.1997Charter Fellow of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education.1996Excellence in Teaching Award, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Appalachian State University.1993Sigma Phi Omega, National Academic Honor and Professional Society in Gerontology, Beta Eta Chapter, Appalachian State University.1991Member of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society.1991Outstanding Service Award, University of North Texas Student Retention Program.1988Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship, University of North Texas. 1988Associate Member of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society. 1988Membership in Sigma Phi Omega, National Academic Honor and Professional Society in Gerontology, Alpha Epsilon Chapter, North Texas State University. 1987President's Recognition for contributions in the area of scholarship, University of Florida. 1986Student Paper Award, Southern Gerontological Society 1985Junior Scholar Award, International Association of Gerontology, presented at the Thirteenth International Congress, New York, July, 1985.1984Volunteer Service Award, Prairie View Elementary School, School Board of Alachua County, Gainesville, Florida. 1983President of the Florida Beta Chapter of Alpha Kappa Delta, National Sociology Honor Society1978Distinguished Volunteer Award, Personal Intervention Program, Tuscaloosa County Juvenile Court, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. 1977Alpha Kappa Delta, National Sociology Honor Society. Alabama Alpha Chapter. 1976Phi Alpha, National Social Work Honor Society, University of Alabama Chapter, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.1976Distinguished Volunteer Citation, New Office for Voluntary Action and Woodmont Head Start Learning Center, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. 1972Award of Merit, Tuscaloosa County Park and Recreation Authority, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. 1970Distinguished Public Service Award and Honorary Recruiter Designation, United States Marine Corps. 1968Outstanding Volunteer Service Award, Veterans Administration Voluntary Service Program, Veterans Administration Hospital, Tuscaloosa, Alabama.Courses Taught:Appalachian State University:Graduate Courses;Contemporary Social Issues – Online Programs and Services for Older Adults – OnlineHousing for Older Adults -- OnlineSocial Science SeminarThe Sociology of Adult Development and AgingPrograms and Services for the AgingResearch Problems IIComplex OrganizationsHousing for the Elderly (on-line)The Social Context of Programs and Services to the Elderly (on-line)Undergraduate Courses;The Sociological PerspectiveSocial Problems -- OnlineResearch Methods I (off-campus program)Research Methods II (off-campus program)Marriage and Family RelationshipsSocial GerontologyIntroduction to SociologyIntroduction to Sociology (off-campus program)CriminologyAging in SocietySocial ProblemsThe University of North Texas (name changed from North Texas State University in 1988)Graduate Courses;Federal, State, and Local Programs for the ElderlySocial GerontologyAdult Development and AgingHousing the ElderlyCritical Issues in AgingRetirement and Retirement Preparation Grant WritingApplied Research MethodsDeveloping Community Programs for the AgingCrime and the ElderlyUndergraduate Courses; Social GerontologyQuantitative Methods ................

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