EOCT AT HOME REVIEWPlease begin completing the following activities online to help prepare for your EOCT. These activities will help you review vocabulary, concepts, and scientific content. Use the calendar below to organize your time and spread your review time out over this month to get ready for the EOCT. All activities NEED TO BE COMPLETED BY APRIL 23RD. YOU WILL BE TAKING A PRACTICE EOCT TEST ON APRIL 25TH TO MEASURE YOUR READINESS FOR THE EOCT.? Mar 2014~ April 2014 ~May 2014 ?SunMonTueWedThuFriSat1 2 3 4 5 6 7 STUDY STACK ECOLOGY8 USA TEST PREPECOLOGY PRACTICE9 STUDY STACK CELLS10 USA TEST PREPCELLPRACTICE11 RELAX!!!! 12 13 14 STUDY STACK GENETICS15 USA TEST PREP GENETICS PRACTICE16 STUDY STACK EVOLUTION17 USA TEST PREP EVOLUTION PRACTICE18 STUDY STACK ORGANISMS19 20 21 USA TEST PREP ORGANISMS PRACTICE22 USA TEST PREP PRACTICE QUESTIONS23 USA TEST PREP PRACTICE QUESTIONS24 PRACTICE EOCT IN CLASS EXAM25 FINISH UP PRACTICE EOCT EXAM26 27 28 29 30 Notes:STUDY STACK LINKSBio EOCT Domain I Cells Bio EOCT Domain II Organisms EOCT Domain III Genetics Bio EOCT Domain IV Ecology EOCT Domain V Evolution How to access USA Test PrepLog into USA Test Prep: School Code: centralgwActivation Code: newton72Type in your username and password. If your forgot it access it agin through the system, OR CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT…NO EXCUSES!!!Go to the EOCT tab on the top and scroll down to BiologyHit the practice tab and select the domain that you would like to practice (genetics, ecology,organisms, cells, evolution). Choose me “Nadira Singh” as your teacher, so that I have proof that you are completing the activities.Find the practice activity that is assigned and complete it. Check your answers for errors to correct your learning. Each of the activities will take you on average about 6 minutes to complete, so it complete all of them to get yourself ready for the EOCT. USA TEST PREP PRACTICE ACTIVITIESGeneticsEcologyOrganismsCellsEvolutionMatching1-Code DNA! 2-Genetics 3-Meiosis 4-Partners for life! 5-DNA and RNA in Differentiation6- Brave New WorldLabel1-Meiosis and Genetic Variation 2-Punnett Square Classify1-Asexual versus Sexual Reproduction 2-Causes of Genetic Variation 3-Haploid or Diploid? 4-Mutagenic Factors5- DNA and ChromosomesOrder1-Central Dogma Theory2-Genetic Variation and Natural Selection3-Mitosis - Maintaining the NumberLabel1-Food Pyramid 2-Interpret an Energy Pyramid 3-Nitrogen cycle 4-Trophic Levels Classify1-Renewable and Nonrenewable Resources 2-Resource Conservation 3- Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration4- Populations and Limiting FactorsMatching1-Adaptation 2-Ecosystem Organization 3-Environmental Concerns 4-Relationships Order5-Levels of Organization - Biosphere Matching1-Classification 2-Organism Energy Transformations 3-Energy for Organisms4- Eukaryotic KindgomsClassify1-ATP-ADP Cycle 2-Are Viruses Alive?Eukaryotes3-Homeostasis4-Identifying 5-Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic OrganismsMatching1-Animal, Vegetable, Mineral? 2-Cell Transport 3-Levels of Organization 4-Molecules 5-The Cell Label1-Enzyme as Catalyst 2- Organelles 3-Plant Cell StructuresClassify1-Active and Passive Transport 2-Biochemistry 3-Identifying Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Organisms 4-Molecules of Life Prokaryotic v. Eukaryotic Cells Order1-Cellular OrganellesHighlight1-Biomolecules - LipidsClassify1-Evolution and Biological Adaptations Matching1-Animal Survivor 2-Darwin and Evolution 3- EvolutionOrder1-Genetic Variation and Natural Selection2-History of Life on Earth3-Natural SelectionClassify1-Comparing Animal Behaviors2- Evolution and Biological AdaptationsMatching1-Animal Survivor2-Darwin and Evolution3- EvolutionTimeline1-Historical Developments in the Theory of Inheritance and EvolutionHighlightSurvivor! ................

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