MONTH of NOVEMBERSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday111213Ch 6 & 7 FRQ14Ch 6 & 7 MC Exam15Hotel RwandaScrapbooks Due161718 Read pg. 219-22Terms 1-519Read p. 222-25Terms 6-1020Read p. 226-28Terms 11-1521Read p. 229-31Terms 16-20Colonization/Econ ?s22Read p. 232-34Terms 21-25Reading Quiz232425Thanksgiving Break26272829309715502449195Mackinder’s Heartland Theory00Mackinder’s Heartland TheoryMONTH of DECEMBERSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday12Read p. 235-37Terms 26-303Read p. 238-40Terms 31-354Read p. 241-42Terms 36-41Boundaries & Geo Politics ?s5Read p. 243-245Boundaries & Geo Politics ?s Due6Read p. 246-48Reading & Vocabulary QuizTerms Due789Read p. 249-5110Read p. 253-55111213Political MC Exam141516Review 17Review18Final Exams1st & 2nd Periods19Final Exams 3rd & 4th Periods20Final Exams5th & 6th Periods212223Christmas Break2425262728293031Jan 1Jan 2Jan 3Vocabulary1. territoriality2. territorial integrity3. Peace of Westphalia4. Mercantilism5. Nation6. State7. Nation-state8. democracy9. multinational state10. multistate nation11. stateless nations12. colonialism13. capitalism14. commodification *15. core 16. periphery17. semi-periphery18. centripetal19. centrifrugal20. unitary21. federal 22. devolution23.seterritorial representation24. reapportionment25. majority-minority districts26. gerrymandering27. boundary28. geometric boundaries29. physical-political boundaries30. heartland theory31. critical geopolitics32. unilateralism33. supranational organization34. elongated state35. microstate36. landlocked state37. perforated state38. prorupted state39. federal state40. unitary state41. shatterbelt ................

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