Project title: The Ideal Economic SystemDescription: Every society operates with a mixed economic system, combining the influences of market and command models in order to form a functioning economy and government. Individual countries have unique combinations of the market and command influences depending on how countries prioritize different economic goals. Students will learn the characteristics of the market and command systems and evaluate the benefits and consequences of each system.Length of time: 10 daysActivating reading: “The China Challenge”Driving Question: What combination of market and command systems do you believe creates an ideal mixed economy?Product and artifacts For this Unit students will participate in a debate, “Should the US have a national Healthcare system?”, and write an personal opinion essay answering the Driving Question.Need to Know: Vocabulary and ConceptsCapitalism (Market), Mixed, Command, Traditional EconomyCompetition, Voluntary exchange, fraudulent exchange, Private property rights,Profit motive, Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Free Enterprise, Economic Freedom, Equity, Efficiency, Security, Resources: Read a variety of informational and opinion text many can be found under forms on my teacher page at Textbooks: Mankiw Chapter1, 21, 22; Glencoe Chap. 2, 18Websites: healthcare/rights/index.htmlsites/default/files/uploads/careact.pdf?Others: Economist magazine, New York Times, Wall Street JournalDaily class template:15-20 min. Workshop will be given to discuss concepts so students can have background knowledge and understand concepts. Students will use Cornell notes for workshops and for note taking in group discussions. These will be used to assess learning. 30 min. Group planning, discussions, research, writing. Documentation of work completed and what is still left to do. 5-10 min. Summarizing and questionsRoles and Responsibilities:Each group should have a Leader, Document Collector, Time Manager, ResearcherEach individual is responsible for understanding all vocabulary and conceptsTeam members will share contact information.CalendarAug. 27-Intro, ReadingAug. 28-Workshop: Article discussion, Economic goalsAug. 29-Workshop: Economic SystemsAug. 30-Workshop: Economic SystemsSept. 3- Outside reading assignmentSept. 4- Workshop: Role of Government in Market EconomySept. 5-Workshop: Sept. 6-Workshop: Sept. 9- In-class DebateSept. 10- Paper Due and MC TestEvaluation:Daily completion of notes, questioning, quizzes, group work logIndividual Paper Debate ParticipationMultiple Choice Test“Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen.”- John Steinbeck ................

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