VEGETARIAN BEET BORSCHT8 Cups Water, or enough to just cover beets and onion8 large beets, peeled and diced? cup sugar, approximately1 medium onion, peeled and cut in half1 tablespoon salt (to taste)2-3 eggs? cup lemon juice (or juice of 4 fresh lemons), approximately6 small potatoes (optional)Sour cream (optional)Put diced beets, onions, and half of the lemon juice in a large pot. Just barely cover the beets and onion with water and add salt.Boil for 45 minutes to one hour or until beets are soft. Remove the onion from the pot.In a separate bowl, add eggs and beat until frothy, adding sugar and blending the two. Take the hot beet liquid and slowly pour into the egg mixture, stirring continually, until eggs have come to the temperature of the hot liquid. Pour the egg mixture back into the pot.Depending on how you like your borscht, you can either grate the beets and put them into the soup or if you like a thicker soup, you can process the beets with an emersion blender or put the liquid and beets into a stand-up blender.Bring the borscht to room temperature and put in the refrigerator to chill. Serve with either boiled potatoes and/or a dollop of sour cream.BEEF, BEET AND CABBAGE BORSCHT3 Pounds Beef Short Ribs2-3 Tablespoons Oil8 Cups Beef Stock, Chicken Stock or Low-Sodium Chicken Broth3-5 Beets, approximately 1 ? pound, Peeled and Diced1 small onion diced3-4 garlic cloves? pound carrots1 head cabbage32 ounce can Chopped tomatoes with pureeJuice of 4-5 lemons?-3/4 Cup Sugar2-3 Tablespoons fresh gingerIn a heavy medium pot, heat the oil. Add the short ribs and cook until browned all over, about 5 minutes. Place on a cookie sheet which has been lined with paper towels and set aside.Reheat the pot, scraping up all the brown bits left from the searing of the meat, and if needed, add an additional Tablespoon or two of oil. Add the diced onion and garlic and cook until they are soft. Add the ginger and cook briefly until fragrant. Add the carrots, cabbage and beets. Cook until the cabbage is wilted. Add the chopped tomatoes and broth and bring to a simmer. Add enough lemon juice and sugar to create a sweet and sour taste to your liking. Cover with tin foil and place the lid on the pot. Place in a 250-degree oven for approximately 4-5 hours or until the short ribs are falling off the bone.Remove the pot from the oven and let cool until you can handle it. Remove the meat from the bones and cut into bite size pieces, if desired. Place the soup in a large bowl and when room temperature, place in the refrigerator. When the soup has chilled, scrape off the accumulated fat on top and discard. Reheat the soup and enjoy with either rice or potatoes.BEETS WITH TEHINAMICHAEL SOLOMONOVFor Tehina Sauce:1 Head Garlic? cup lemon juice (about 3 lemons)1 ? teaspoon kosher salt2 generous cups tehina? teaspoon ground cuminFor Beets:8 Medium Beets? cup tehina sauce (above)? cup olive oil? cup lemon juice? cup chopped fresh dill, plus more for topping2 tablespoons chopped fresh mint, plus more for toppingFor Tehina:Break up the head of garlic with your hands, letting the unpeeled cloves fall into a blender. Add the lemon juice and ? teaspoon of the salt. Blend on high for a few seconds until you have a coarse puree. Let the mixture stand for 10 minutes to let the garlic mellow.Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer set over a large mixing bowl, pressing on the solids to extract as much liquid as possible. Discard the solids. Add the tehina to the strained lemon juice in the bowl, along with the cumin and 1 teaspoon of the salt.Whisk the mixture together until smooth (or use a food processor), adding ice water, a few tablespoons at a time, to think it out. The sauce will lighten in color as you whisk. When the tehina seizes up or tightens, keep adding ice water, bit by bit (about 1 ? cups in total), whisking energetically until you have a perfectly smooth, creamy, thick sauce.Taste and add up to 1 ? teaspoons more salt and cumin if you like. If you’re not using the sauce immediately, whisk in a few tablespoons of ice water to loosen it before refrigerating. The tehina sauce will keep a week refrigerated, or it can be frozen for up to a month.For Beets:Preheat the oven to 375-degree. Wash and wrap in tinfoil, individually each beet. Bake until the beets are tender, about 90 minutes.When the beets are cool enough to handle, remove the beets from the tinfoil and peel. Set them aside to cool completely.Grate the beets into a mixing bowl using the coarse hole of a box grater. Add the tehina sauce, oil, lemon juice, dill and mint, and season with ? teaspoon salt. Mix well to blend. Top with more chopped dill and mint, and serve at room temperature or coldBEET PANNA COTTA WITH MEYER LEMON MOUSEBeet Panna Cotta:? pound red beets, peeled, cut into ?-inch pieces2 cups heavy cream? teaspoon kosher salt1 teaspoon unflavored powdered gelatin3 tablespoons honey? teaspoon vanilla extractMeyer Lemon Mousse1 Tablespoon finely grated Meyer Lemon Zest? cup fresh Meyer lemon juice? cup (1 stick) chilled unsalted butter, cut into pieces, divided? cup sugar4 large egg yolks 1 large egg? cup chilled heavy creamSpecial Equipment:Six 8-ounce glasses or ramekinsBeet Panna Cotta:Bring beets, cream, and salt to a simmer over medium heat in a medium saucepan. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer very gently until beets are tender, 25-30 minutes. Let cool slightlyMeanwhile, combine gelatin and 2 Tablespoons cold water in a blender; let sit 5 minutes for gelatin to soften.Transfer beets and their cooking liquid to blender; add honey and vanilla and puree until smooth. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a large bowl; discard solids.Divide puree among glasses and chill until set, 3 ?-4 hours.Do Ahead: Panna cotta can be made 3 days ahead. Cover and keep chilled.Meyer Lemon Mouse:Bring lemon juice and zest, ? cup butter, and ? cup sugar to a simmer over medium heat in a medium saucepan, stirring to dissolve sugar. Remove from heat.Whisk egg yolks, egg, and remaining ? cup sugar in a small bowl until pale and thick, about 2 minutes. Whisking constantly, slowly pour hot lemon mixture into egg mixture. Transfer back to saucepan and cook over medium-low heat, whisking constantly, until curd is thickened and whisk leaves a trail, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add remaining ? cup butter, whisking until melted and curd is smooth.Transfer curd to a bowl and cover with plastic wrap, pressing directly onto surface. Chill until cold, at least 2 hours.When ready to serve, whisk cream in a small bowl to soft peaks and gently fold into curd. Spoon mouse over panna cotta.Do Ahead: Lemon curd can be made 3 days ahead. Cover and chill.HEARBEET CHOCOLATE CAKECake:4 Medium Beets, scrubbed2 T Virgin coconut oil, plus more for pan? cup Dutch-process cocoa powder, plus more for pan1 ? cups almond flour? tsp baking soda? tsp ground cinnamon2 oz bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped1 tsp apple cider vinegar or distilled white vinegar1 tsp vanilla extract4 large eggs1 ? cups (packed) light brown sugar1 tsp kosher saltGlaze:4 oz bittersweet chocolate, coarsely chopped1 T virgin coconut oil? tsp vanilla extractPinch of kosher saltCake:Cook beets in a medium pot of boiling unsalted water until tender, 30 to 40 minutes, depending on size. Drain and rinse under cold water until cool enough to handle. Cut off stem end, then peel and cut beets into large pieces. Transfer to a blender and add 2 T water. Blend, adding water, 1 T at a time, as needed, until a smooth puree forms—it should be the consistency of applesauce. Measure out 1 cup puree (reserve remaining puree for another use, such as blending into a smoothie).Preheat oven to 350-degrees. Line bottom of an 8” round cake pan with parchment. Grease with oil, then dust with cocoa powder, tapping out excess.Whisk almond flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and remaining ? cup cocoa powder in a medium bowl; set aside.Heat chocolate and remaining 2 T oil in a medium heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of barely simmering water, stirring often, until melted. Remove bowl from heat. Stir in vinegar, vanilla, and reserved 1 cup beet puree until smooth.Beat eggs, brown sugar, and salt in the large bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment on medium-high speed (or use an electric mixer and large bowl) until more than tripled in volume and mixture hold a ribbon for several seconds when beater is lifted above batter, 5-7 minutes. Thoroughly beating the eggs is key to creating an aerated, light crumb and is a critical step when using gluten-free ingredients.Pour chocolate-beet mixture into egg mixture and beat on medium-low speed until combined. Turn mixer off and gently tip in reserved dry ingredients. Beat on lowest speed, scraping down bowl as needed, until combined.Transfer batter to prepared pan. Bake cake until a tester inserted into the center comes out clean and the top springs back when gently pressed, 45-50 minutes. Let cool 10 minutes. Carefully run a knife around edges of pan, then invert cake onto a wire rack and let cool.GlazeHeat chocolate, oil, vanilla, and salt in a medium heatproof bowl set over a saucepan of barely simmering water, stirring often, until chocolate is melted. Let cool, stirring occasionally, until mixture is thickened and cool enough to touch, 10 -15 minutes.Place rack with cake on a rimmed baking sheet. Pour glaze over center of cake to cover top, tilting baking sheet slightly to encourage a few drips to run over sides of cake.Do Ahead:Cake can be glazed 2 days ahead. Cover and store at room temperature. ................

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