MENTAL PAPER year 6 Half Yearly 2016 -2017

MENTAL PAPER year 6 Half Yearly 2016 -2017

`For the following group of questions, you have 5 seconds to work out each answer and write it down.' `Gal dawn il-mistoqsijiet li ejjin, gandek 5 sekondi biex tadem u tikteb kull risposta.' Practice question. What is seven times five?

1. Write the number twenty-six thousand and fifty-seven in digits.

2. Round seven thousand seventy nine to the nearest hundred.

3. What must be added to one hundred sixty eight to make two hundred?

4. What are forty lots of seven?

5. How many m in 3.4 km?

`For the following group of questions, you have 10 seconds to work out each answer and write it down.' `Gal dawn il-mistoqsijiet li ejjin, gandek 10 sekondi biex tadem u tikteb kull risposta.' 6. How many thirds in four and two thirds?

7. Which of these numbers is exactly divisible by nine: fifty-three, fifty-four or fifty-five? Write down the correct number.

8. What is half of 27?

9. Which is the smallest: seven and three tenths or seven point zero three?

10. Write forty eight fifths as a mixed number.

11. What is the best estimate for the weight of an orange: two grams, two hundred grams, two kilograms?

12. Write a fraction equivalent to seven eighths with denominator 24.

13. How many degrees in 3 and ? right angles?

14. Write three quarters as a decimal fraction.

15. I am a square number less than 10. I am also a multiple of three. Which number am I?

`For the following group of questions, you have 20 seconds to work out each answer and write it down.' `Gal dawn il-mistoqsijiet li ejjin, gandek 20 sekonda biex tadem u tikteb kull risposta.' 16. One packet of marbles costs five euro ninety-nine cent. What is the cost of four such packets of marbles?

17. Maria buys 19 books at 9.90 each. What is the approximate cost of the books?

18. Marvin thinks of a number. He doubles it and then adds four. The answer is sixty eight. Which number did he think of?

19. Sarah pours 2 glasses from a 1 litre bottle. If each glass has a capacity of 350ml. How many ml are left in the bottle?

20. Two of the angles in a triangle are seventy degrees and fifty degrees. What is the value of the third angle?




Name: ________________________ Register No________ Class ____________________

Mental Paper Time: 20 minutes Mark

Written Paper Time 1hour 30 minutes Mark

Total Mark

MATHEMATICS Mental Paper Time: 20min GRADE 6

Practice question












Mathematics ---Written Paper--- Half Yearly Exam

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13 0

14 15



cents 18

19 ml



Mathematics ---Written Paper--- Half Yearly Exam

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MATHEMATICS Written Paper Time: 1 hr 30min

1. Work Out:

a) 231 + 76

b) 8000 ? 5432 =


c) 728 ? 7 =

d) 75 X 6 =

(4 marks) _____________________________________________________________

2. Look at these five numbers:

511 499 512 555 455

a) Write the number closest to 500 b) Write the even number

c) Write the smallest odd number

d) Write the number which result to 500 when rounded to the nearest 10

Mathematics ---Written Paper--- Half Yearly Exam

(4 marks)

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3) Match the properties with the shape. The first one has been done for you.

Properties A It has 5 vertices, 8 edges and 5 faces


B It has no vertices and 2 edges

C It has 8 vertices, 12 edges and 6 faces

D It has no vertices and no edges


E It has 1 vertex, 1 edge and 2 faces

Mathematics ---Written Paper--- Half Yearly Exam

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(4 marks)

4a. Each shape stands for a number.


What is the value of each shape?

4b. In the following calculation the missing sign is + or - . Write the missing sign in the circle.

(4 marks)


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