
Unit 4 – Assignment 1

Lesson Plan: Teaching Reading Comprehension

Carol Ann Barry

National University

MAT 646 Comprehension Strategies

Professor Gary Barton, Ph.D.

August 03, 2012


This paper presents a Lesson Plan to teach the different components that make up reading comprehension. It is based on the strategy of Monitoring, which activates many comprehension strategies to decode and derive meaning from words, phrases, sentences, and texts. It focuses on filling in a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast information related to two traditions, one is Halloween, and the other is The Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos). It is standards-based, and it includes activating prior knowledge, Dual Coding Imagery, reciprocal teaching, argument schema, writing, motivation, low achieving students and Spanish Language Learners, specialist language, technology, and assessment (situation model). It uses many SDAIE strategies to help the students comprehend the readings.

Lesson Plan

| |Carol Ann Barry |

|Date: |August 08, 2012 |

|Lesson Title: |Compare and Contrast Traditions: Halloween vs. Día de los Muertos – To be taught in 4 sessions. |

|Grade Level: |2nd Grade – Spanish Immersion |

|Comprehension Strategy: |Monitoring |

|Subject Area/Content Standard: |ELA 2.0 Reading Comprehension: |

| |2.2 State the purpose in reading (i.e., tell what information is sought). |

| |2.4 Ask clarifying questions about essential textual elements of exposition (e.g., why, what |

| |if, how). |

| |2.7 Interpret information from diagrams, charts, and graphs. |

|Subject Area/Content Standard: |ELA 3.0 Literary Response and Analysis: |

| |3.3 Compare and contrast different versions of the same stories that reflect different |

| |cultures. |

|Subject Area/Content Standard: |Writing Strategies: |

| |Organization and Focus: 1.1 Group related ideas and maintain a consistent focus. |

| |Penmanship: 1.2 Create readable documents with legible handwriting. |

| |Written and Oral English Language Conventions: |

| |Written and Oral English Language Conventions |

| |Sentence Structure |

| |1.1 Distinguish between complete and incomplete sentences. |

|Demographics.- |

|There are 24 students, of which 10 are boys and 14 are girls. This classroom is Spanish Immersion, so it is made up of 11 children who speak |

|Spanish at home, and 13 children whose mother language is English. Most of these children have been together since Kindergarten. |

| |

|There are 8 students who have been identified as English Learners, three have been classified as Initial Fluent English Proficient (IFEP), and|

|one is classified as Fluent English Proficient (FEP-L). This classroom also has four Title 1 students and one student who requires Speech |

|services. |

| |

|In order to help them with their English, eight students must work on the computers every day, five of them must log in to Imagine Learning |

|(to improve their pronunciation in English) and Success Maker (to read independently in English), while the other three only log in to Success|

|Maker. Those who are in Success Maker have a score of Basic in their California English Language Development Test (CELDT). There are four |

|students who have not been able to progress in their CELDT scores in the past year, they will be focus students for the year. |

|Prerequisites.- |

|The students need to know how to fill in a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast information. |

|Vocabulary.- |

|The vocabulary words in this lesson are: |

| |

|Difuntos, cementerio, altar, ofrenda, cempazúchitl, pan de muerto, calavera y esqueleto. |

| |

|These words will be discussed with the students prior to starting the lesson, and each will be accompanied by a picture or drawing (File |

|attached). They will be placed on a chart for everyone to see. These words will also help to activate prior knowledge. |

| |

|Prior Knowledge: The students will remember what they know about Halloween and the Día de los Muertos because they have personally experienced|

|one or the other, or maybe even both. They will also remember that comparing means finding things that are the same or alike between the two |

|festivities, and contrasting involves finding differences. They will all be able to visualize Halloween, and many will be able to visualize |

|the Día de los Muertos, good enough to be able to speak about them in detail. |

| |

|With these words, the students will create flash cards (Rule of 3), with the word and definition on one side and a drawing on the other. They |

|will then work in pairs (each pair of students has their own flashcards), and at the end of the lesson, every day (4 days), they will practice|

|the words by defining them in their own words, by explaining what they represent in the festivities we are analyzing (symbolism), and by |

|practicing how they are spelled verbally and in writing on white boards. They will also make up sentences with the words, again verbally and |

|in writing. The students will take turns at doing this. |

| |

|The students will then draw a scene that includes the vocabulary words: altar, ofrenda (food offerings), cempazúchitl (flowers), pan de muerto|

|(typical sugared bread),and calavera (sugar skulls). |

|Materials.- |

|A Venn Diagram for warm up activity, and copies for the whole class |

|White boards to lean on |

|Sharpened Pencils |

|A short story about El Día de los Muertos |

|A short story about Halloween |

|Easel and chart paper |

|Colored markers and Crayolas |

|A giant sized Venn Diagram |

|Overhead projector and screen |

|A song about Halloween and IPod or CD player to play it |

|Colored paper |

|Scissors |

|Sugar Skulls |

|Decorating frosting |

|Masks on paper to color |

|Copies of final Venn diagram for the whole class |

|General Goals.- |

|The students will learn about two important traditions, the Day of the Dead (El Día de los Muertos) primarily celebrated in Mexico and other |

|Catholic Countries, and Halloween (primarily celebrated in the U.S. and Canada), in order to find their similarities and their differences. |

|The students will develop a sense of diversity and respect for other cultures. |

|The students will use comprehension strategies to help them understand what they are reading. |

|Specific Performance-Based Objectives.- |

|As a result of the information presented, the students will be able to: |

|Define what El Día de los Muertos is about |

|Describe how Halloween is celebrated in the U.S. |

|Identify the symbols that represent each tradition |

|Explain the similarities between the two traditions |

|Analyze the differences between the two traditions |

|Create a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast their findings |

|Anticipatory Set (Lead-In).- |

| |

|Teacher Enthusiasm and Student Engagement: Because this is a fun topic to teach that is full of activities to do, and most students have |

|previous knowledge about it, students are sure to be engaged and motivated. The activities included will also make them think and apply what |

|they learn. They will be looking forward to setting up their own Altar with their “ofrendas” at the end of the lesson. |

| |

|The purpose of the lesson will be set by stating the Content Objective and the Language Objective: |

| |

|C.O. – When the lesson is finished, the student will be able to talk about the similarities and differences between Halloween and El Día de |

|los Muertos by filling in a Venn Diagram. |

| |

|L.O. – To Compare: “Ambas tradiciones se parecen en _________” (Both traditions are alike in that…), and |

|To Contrast: “Ambas tradiciones son diferentes porque ____________” (Both traditions are different because…). |

| |

|Both of these will be written on the front white board and read out loud to the students. |

| |

| |

|In order to engage the students in the lesson, I will first ask (Questioning) : |

|Why do we celebrate Halloween in the U.S.? |

|Why do other countries, such as Mexico, celebrate El Día de los Muertos? |

|Bridging: Because half the students are native Spanish speakers, I am sure there will be a lot or participation for the Día de los Muertos. |

|The other half of the students are surely familiar with Halloween. So they all have a personal connection to this topic. |

|I will have students sitting on the carpet, working in pairs, to tell each other one brief idea of why people around the world celebrate these|

|festivities. |

|Next, we will comment, as a group, why these festivities exist and where they originated. |

| |

|The next step will be for the students to work with their partner in order for them to become familiar again with how to fill in a Venn |

|Diagram. This is something they have done before. |

| |

|I will hand out Venn Diagrams for each pair of students, and they will work with their white boards to lean on and a pencil each. They will |

|have to think of three things each one likes, and three things they both like. |

| |

|I will model, on the overhead projector, four steps: |

|I will say out loud what I am thinking (Think Aloud) in order to decide three things I like: I will say, “There are many things I like but |

|three things that I truly enjoy are dark chocolate, cooking and dogs.” |

|I will write the things I like on one side of the Venn Diagram, putting my name on the top of that circle. (Contrast) (Graphic Organizer) |

|I will make belief that I am working on this project with another teacher. Again I will write the things that he/she likes, but in the other |

|circle, putting that person’s name on the top of that circle. (Contrast). I will say, “My friend Melinda likes travelling, walking, and eating|

|pasta.” |

|Finally, I will think of 3 things we both like and write them in the middle, intersecting section of the diagram. For each case (steps 1, 2, |

|and 3) I will use a different color. (Compare) (Scaffold). I will say, “We both like working at the school, our favorite color is blue, and we|

|like field trips.” |

|Modeling: As we work on the final Venn Diagram, I will be modeling how to fill it out on the overhead projector, step by step. Modeling will |

|also take place to make their “papel picado”. |

|Once I have done this, I will clarify what “compare” and “contrast” mean, with their help. We will use the 2 sentence frames which the |

|children will use throughout the lesson(Language Objectives): |

| |

|To Compare: “Ambas tradiciones se parecen en _________” (Both traditions are alike in that…), or |

|To Contrast: “Ambas tradiciones son diferentes porque ____________” (Both traditions are different because…). |

| |

|After I have modeled for them, I will leave my Diagram on the overhead projector for everyone to see as they work on their own. Their task is |

|to compare and contrast 3 things they each like (i.e. food, sports, colors, or animals) and three things they both like. |

| |

|In the end, we will choose random teams to share, by selecting them with a number stick. As they share, they will use the sentence frames: |

| |

|“Las cosas que a mí me gustan son: ______________________, las cosas que a mi compañero(a) le gustan son: _________________________, y las |

|cosas que nos gustan a los dos son: __________________ .” |

|(The things I like are__________, the things my friend likes are ____________, and the thing we both like are ______________). |

| |

|OR |

| |

|“Tres cosas que me gustan a mí, a diferencia de mi amigo (a) son: _______________________; tres cosas que a él/ella le gustan que son |

|diferentes de las mías son: _________________; tres cosas iguales que nos gustan a los dos son: _____________.” |

|(Three things that I like, which are different from what my friend likes, are __________; three things that my friend likes, which are |

|different from mine, are ____________; three things that are the same that we both like are _______________.) |

|Step-By-Step Procedures.- |

| |

|Before our lesson starts, I will introduce the vocabulary words associated with this lesson in order to familiarize the students with them in |

|this lesson’s context. I will post a chart on the board for everyone to see, with drawings to help the students visualize their meaning. The |

|students will create their flash cards as mentioned in the Vocabulary section above. (Hands-on activities). |

| |

|Next, I will fill in a Compare and Contrast T-chart with ideas the students give me about what they know about El Día de los Muertos and |

|Halloween. Charting this information will help the students feel that their contributions are important, and it will assist them when it is |

|time to fill in their Venn Diagram. |

| |

|Schema Building: In order to relate the information they give me, I will write it on a T-chart for everyone to see. |

|Following, I will explain that we will choral read two non-fiction passages (File attached). One refers to Halloween and the other to El Día |

|de los Muertos. I will put up a copy on the overhead projector, but I will also hand out a copy for each student. As we read, I will be |

|stopping in order to question and clarify. The students will be active participants in this, by formulating their own questions that others |

|will answer. They will underline or mark key words or ideas on their sheets as we read and discuss. |

|As we read, we will add new ideas to our Compare and Contrast T-chart. |

|Text Re-presentation: The readings will be done out loud, on the overhead projector, but the students will have their copy as well to be able |

|to underline important information. |

|After we are finished reading the texts, I will ask the students to stop and think for a moment, if they had to summarize each tradition in as|

|few words as possible, what would they say? Again, I will choose students with a number stick. I will continue to ask for participation until |

|we all agree that we have a good summary of each. |

| |

|Before we go on to working with our Venn Diagrams, I will review the Compare and Contrast T-chart we have made. This will refresh the |

|students’ memory and help them with the next step. |

| |

|The students will be grouped in triads to fill out their Venn Diagram to compare and contrast El Día de los Muertos and Halloween. One student|

|will decide on the things that belong ONLY to Halloween; the second student will decide on the things that belong ONLY to El Día de los |

|Muertos; the third student will decide on the things that belong to BOTH. I will walk around to listen in and help those students who need |

|assistance. |

| |

|Each student will have a Venn Diagram, a colored pencil, and a white board to lean on. Before they write, they must discuss with the others. |

|(Cooperative learning groups with different results). |

|It is important to mention that for this activity, the students’ Venn Diagrams contain a list of numbered sentences and phrases, which refer |

|to everything we have discussed on both festivities. When filling in the diagrams, they only have to place the correct NUMBER, not the whole |

|sentence or phrase, in the correct place (scaffolding). |

|When they are finished, I will fill in my giant Venn Diagram with the correct numbers, but before I do, all students will interchange their |

|diagrams with a neighboring triad, who will be responsible of correcting their peer’s paper. Each child who corrects will write his/her name |

|beside one of the three sections (Halloween, Dia de los Muertos, or Intersecting section) he/she corrects to show professionalism and honesty.|

|They will then ask the person whose diagram they corrected, why one of their answers was wrong: “¿Porqué pusiste este número aquí en lugar de |

|aquí?” (Why did you put this number here instead of here?). Each triad will get together to review their work and comment (feedback). Each |

|group will comment on the other numbers that were misplaced, if that is the case. |

|Metacognitive Development: By working on the two Venn Diagrams, the first in pairs and the second in triads, the students take charge of their|

|learning. They will underline their texts as we read to become more focused, and they will cooperatively plan and work to put up an “ofrenda” |

|in their classroom. |

|The students will then go back to their desks and they will have to choose one answer they did not get right, and then write a short |

|paragraph, in their journals, of why they now understand that it belongs in a different circle on the Venn Diagram, with evidence from the |

|texts. (writing to improve comprehension). They will hand in their journals and Venn Diagrams to me. |

| |

|The final formal step in the lesson is assessment. The students will work in their desks to fill out an Assessment by matching columns, |

|filling in blanks from a word bank, and writing two sentences, one that compares the festivities and the other that contrasts them. |

| |

|At the end of the lesson, there are some fun activities and keepsakes to take with them: |

|The students will learn to sing a song called “Las Calaveras”, which is short and fun. I will have the lyrics displayed on the overhead |

|projector for them to read. The song will be playing in the background as they work on other activities. (music) |

|The students will do an art project by cutting a folded colored paper in different parts to make their own “papel picado” to decorate the |

|altar (a typical tradition of el Día de los Muertos). (hands on) |

|The students will color in a calavera mask, that will be placed around the altar. |

|The students will take home a “calaverita” (sugar skull), and an individual sized “pan de muerto”. |

|Contextualization: The lesson includes a couple of craft activities: they will cut out their own “papel picado” out of colored paper. Given |

|the proximity to the Mexican border, I will get “calaveras” (sugar skulls) for them to decorate the altar with. While they work, I will play a|

|“Las Calaveras” song for them to learn. They will also color a skull mask that will be included in the altar they will put up later on. Also, |

|once their Venn Diagram is filled out, I will ask for students to answer me with the proper sentence frames to compare and contrast the |

|information: “Both traditions are alike in that…”, or “Both traditions are different because…”. |

|Technology.- |

|The main use of technology is the overhead projector and screen. The teacher’s computer will be used to play the “Las Calaveras” song. |

| |

|The students will be able to go online, on the last day, to see pictures of altars and “ofrendas”, by loging into Fotos de Altares. This will |

|serve to decide what they will bring from home to decorate the classroom altar. |

| |

|The high achieving students (gifted) will be able to use the 4 computers in the classroom to carry out their research for the Brochure |

|project. I have bookmarked the website that they can access: Janitzio, Michoacan, and Altar de Muertos. |

| |

|Adaptations (For English and Spanish Language Learners and Students With Learning Disabilities).- |

|I will use an overhead projector to model how to fill in a Venn Diagram. |

|I will write on a giant Venn Diagram to demonstrate how the activity is done. |

|I will explain the vocabulary words on a Poster with drawings. |

|I will fill in a Compare and Contrast T-chart |

|ELLs and SLLs students and Special Needs students will be grouped with students who can help them, and I will closely monitor them. |

|Appropriate Language Input and Pace: The lesson will be taught in Spanish, given that it is a Spanish Immersion classroom. I will speak at a |

|slower rate and articulate the words I say well, looking for synonyms at times that might help the students understand. I will also use hand |

|motions and face expressions to convey meaning to words or ideas. |

|These students will greatly benefit from the vocabulary study and chart, the reading of the texts with the overhead projector, the compare and|

|contrast T-chart, and working in pairs and triads with students who can help them. They will be seated close to me when the whole class is on |

|the carpet. |

|Many SDAIE strategies are being used in this lesson to cater to their needs, such as the use of visuals and graphics. Activities address |

|visual, auditory and kinesthetic styles of learning. |

|Lesson Extension (Gifted Students).- |

|Students will be able to make a Brochure with the information provided in class. The objective is to convince people from the U.S. to go to |

|Mexico to experience the celebrations carried out for the Día de los Muertos. They will be the Travel Agency advertising this trip. |

| |

|They will have to do a little research online to specifically advertise the island of “Janitzio”, in the state of Michoacán. The Brochure must|

|contain a brief history about the tradition, a brief history about the location, and the students will have to plan a tour to take people to |

|this event with everything included: airplane, ground transportations, hotel, food and beverages, and entertainment for one week. |

| |

|They will present the brochure in front of the whole class. |

|Closure.- |

|I will discuss with the students that they will be putting up their own “ofrenda” in the classroom Altar. They will need to bring photographs |

|of deceased relatives or friends, and something to eat and drink of their liking. After viewing photographs of altars online, they will decide|

|what else they can bring from home to decorate it. |


Collins,C. and Parris, S. (2008). Comprehension Instruction. Research-Based Best Practices. (second ed.) New York, N.Y.: The Guilford Press.

Ventriglia, L.D. (2009). Best Practices Interdisciplinary Vocabulary Development. The Rule of 3. (ed. 8). México, D.F.: Litográfica Ingramex, S.A. de C.V.

English–Language Arts Content Standards for California Public Schools.

Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve (1997). Retrieved from

.mx. (2012). Retrieved from

Patronato Raíces y Esencias Culturales de Patzcuaro A.C. Retrieved from

Fotos de Altares de Día de Muertos. Retrieved from


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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