
|Agility |Power |

|Flexibility |Strength |

|Aerobic Endurance |Muscular Endurance |

|Speed | |

1. AGILITY - The Illinois Agility Test

• Equipment Required:

Flat non-slip surface

Marking cones


Measuring tape

Timing gates

• Description: The length of the course is 10 meters and the width (distance between the start and finish points) is 5 meters. Four cones are used to mark the start, finish and the two turning points. Another four cones are placed down the center an equal distance apart. Each cone in the center is spaced 3.3 meters apart.

• Procedure: Subjects should lie on their front (head to the start line) and hands by their shoulders. On the 'Go' command the stopwatch is started, and the athlete gets up as quickly as possible and runs around the course in the direction indicated in the diagram, without knocking the cones over, to the finish line, at which the timing is stopped and recorded.

• Results: The following are national norms for 16 to 19 year olds:

|Gender |Excellent |Above Average |

| |cm |inches |cm |inches |

|super |> +27 |> +10.5 |> +30 |> +11.5 |

|excellent |+17 to +27 |+6.5 to +10.5 |+21 to +30 |+8.0 to +11.5 |

|good |+6 to +16 |+2.5 to +6.0 |+11 to +20 |+4.5 to +7.5 |

|average |0 to +5 |0 to +2.0 |+1 to +10 |+0.5 to +4.0 |

|fair |-8 to -1 |-3.0 to -0.5 |-7 to 0 |-2.5 to 0 |

|poor |-20 to -9 |-7.5 to -3.5 |-15 to -8 |-6.0 to -3.0 |

|very poor |< -20 |< -7.5 |< -15 |< -6.0 |

• Validity: This test only measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstrings, and is a valid measure of this.

• Reliability: The reliability will depend on the amount of warm-up allowed, and whether the same procedures are followed each time. Most norms are based on no previous warm-up, though the best results will be achieved after a warm up or if the test is preceded by a test such as the endurance test which can act as a warm up. If a warm up is used, it is important to have a standardized warm up and test order and repeat it for each test.

• Advantages: The sit and reach test is a common test of flexibility, and is easy and quick test to perform. If using the standard procedure, there is a lot of data for comparison.

• Disadvantages: Variations in arm, leg and trunk length can make comparisons between individuals misleading. This test is specific to the range of motion and muscles and joints of the lower back and hamstrings, and may not be relevant to other part of the body.

3. SPEED - 30m Flying Sprint Test

• Equipment Required:

40m tape measure


• Description / Procedure: Mark out a 40 metre run with a 'timing' start

line 10 m into the run. Using a standing start run the 40 m as quickly

as possible. Have someone start the run and time it from the 10 m line

to the 40 m line, so a flying 30 m time is gained.

|Time (secs) for 30 m flying sprint |

|Males |Females |Rating |

|5.0 |Poor |

• Results:


• Advantages: Gives an idea of speed regardless of reaction time.

• Disadvantages: Subject to timing errors.


4. POWER - Standing Long Jump Test (Broad Jump) 

• Purpose: To measure the explosive power of the legs

• Equipment Required:

Tape measure to measure distance jumped

Non-slip floor for takeoff

Soft landing area preferred

Commercial Long Jump Landing Mats are

also available.

The take off line should be clearly marked.

• Description / Procedure: The athlete stands behind a line marked on the ground with feet slightly apart. A two foot take-off and landing is used, with swinging of the arms and bending of the knees to provide forward drive. The subject attempts to jump as far as possible, landing on both feet without falling backwards. Three attempts are allowed.

• Results: The measurement is taken from take-off line to the nearest point of contact on the landing (back of the heels). Record the longest distance jumped, the best of three attempts.

• The table below gives a rating scale for the standing long jump test for for 15 to 16 year old athletes:

|Gender |Excellent |Above average |Average |

|Pupil Age: | |Date: | / / |

|Gender: | | | |

|Fitness Component |Fitness |Result 1 |Result 2 |Result 3 |Units |Interpretation of test results|

| |Test | | | | |(Rating) |

| |Sit & Reach | | | |Cm | |

|Flexibility | | | | | | |

| |Handgrip Dynamometer | | | |Kg | |

|Strength | | | | | | |

| |Multi-stage fitness test | | | |L / S | |

|Aerobic Endurance | | | | | | |

| |30m Flying Sprint | | | |Sec | |

|Speed | | | | | | |

| |Standing Long Jump | | | |m | |

|Power | | | | | | |

| |Sit Up Test | | | |No. of reps | |

|Muscular Endurance | | | | | | |

| |Illinois Agility Test | | | |Sec | |

|Agility | | | | | | |

Bottom of Form



0m: Start Sprint

10m: Start Stopwatch

40m: Stop Stopwatch



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