Chemically Engineering Soap for a Purpose Goal: Chemically produce soap that reduces hard water, is a healthy pH, and fits the needs of your customer. Each person will produce one soap bar. Each soap bar must also be packaged in the provided packaging. Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7+What is soap? Customer RequestTask 1 DueChemical EngineeringTask 2 DueMaterials & RecipeMaking Soap Day 1Making Soap Day 2Test SoapTask 3-9 Due next dayTask 1: What is soap? Create an information pamphlet on the chemical processes and properties of soap. You will need to do some research. Below are some websites that are reliable, but feel free to search the world wide web! Your pamphlet at minimum should include the following:Title page including your name, class + period, yearHow is soap useful in cleaning? Answer includes vocab words hydrophobic, hydrophilic, micelleChemistry of Soap Making. Includes steps and the vocab words exothermic, reaction, base, salt, pH, saponification, the reactants needed for saponification, products of saponificationQuality of Product. Pamphlet is visually appealing in terms of design, layout, and neatness.Citations. If you summarize or quote any data you should include an MLA citation on your pamphlet*Please underline the vocab words where you use them in the most defined way*Task 2: Customer Request Page (fill out on here)You will be producing your own bar of soap that will be custom made for one person of your choosing. You will interview your customer on what properties they would like in their bar of soap. Feel free to add any additional information that may help you in creating your final product. Name of Customer: _____________________________________ Washes hands __________ times a dayFunction of soap: □ Exfoliating (scrub power)□ Hydration (soft soap)□ Cleansing (removes grime)Scent of soap: □ Citrus □ Eucalyptus□ Lavender □ Rosemary □ NoneSize of soap:□ Small (hand soap)□ Large (body soap)Any allergies (beauty products or food): ________________________________________________________Special Request from customer: ______________________________________________________________Task 3: Chemical Engineering (separate sheet of paper)Packaging: Based on your customer’s request, you will be working with either a small, medium, or large soap mold. Go select your soap mold and write your name on the bottom of it. One constraint of your soap will be volume. Standard soap bars are around an inch thick and take the shape of the mold. It is up to you what dimensions your bar soap will be. Calculate the max volume of soap you should produce in cm3 Show all work.Function of Soap: Based on your customer’s request, your soap should serve a purpose. As the engineer, you will need to design your product to achieve this function. The function of my soap bar will be to___________________________________________________Research three possible ways you can achieve this function with your soap. List them and underline any products you may need.Scent of soap: Your customer may have requested one or multiple scents. For each scent that was requested, list some health benefits that you find through research. It’s important to know what category of chemicals that go into skin care products to avoid toxic chemicals and any sort of allergic reactions. For each scent research the main chemical that is contained in the essential oil and record it in the format Scent- main chemicalTask 4: Materials with a purpose There is a list of provided materials in the lab. Any materials not on the list may be requested, brought from home, or an alternative may be found.To conserve materials in the lab you will work in groups to produce your bulk soap base. Your group should have soaps that have similar function and scent.Name of lab partner(s):__________________________________________________________________Every soap homemade or manufactured needs lye. What is the purpose of lye in all soaps? Explain why lye is acidic or basic? You will be making a solid soap bar, what type of lye will you use? What precautions must you take with your final soap product? Fats and oils are an essential part of the soap making process. What are the two types of fats needed for soap? What qualities does it give to your soap? Explain why fats are acidic or basic? Based on your research and customer preferences, what fats and oils will you use in your soap to achieve its function? Scents are an added bonus for your soap! You have already done research on your scents and their main chemicals. Research the toxicity in the chemical database at Record the following data for each scent: formula, physical properties, hydrogen donor or receiver(acid or base), melting point, drug indication/safety + hazards/toxicity summary.After research, what scents will you use? (Be 100% sure that your customer has no allergies to these compounds!)Based on your research, what additives (if any) will you use to achieve the function or enhance your soap? For each explain its direct benefit. Task 5: The Soap Recipe The recipe will be determined by the volume of soap your customer preferred. In Task 3 you calculated the volume of your mold. Convert that volume to cubic inches (in3). The mass of the oil you will use to create your soap will be 40% of the volume. Calculate the mass of your soap (the units will be in weight ounces). Convert your weight ounces to grams since our scales are all in grams. Calculate the total mass of soap base your lab group will need to create. Use a soap calculator to determine the amount of water and lye that you will need to add. or Choose solid soap, choose grams as unit of measurement, 38% water, 5-8% superfatting, 38% water, 15 g/kg fragrance oil. Add your fats and oils from Task 4. The total mass of your oils should be less than or equal to the total mass calculated above. Scroll down to recipe. As you enter masses, check the properties of your soap. Make sure these properties are matching what your customer ordered. You may have to adjust the amounts or change the oils you want to use. You might have to compromise with your teammates based on their needs. It may be helpful to look up some recipes for soaps to help you get started on amounts. The soap process is all about ratios so you can scale any recipe you find up or down to fit your total mass. When you settle on the correct oils and their amounts create the data table below for your recipe. Recipe IngredientsMass neededMass usedProperty %RecommendedOil 1BubblyOil 2CleansingTotal Water WeightmLmLConditionTotal Lye (NaOH) WeightHardnessLye ConcentrationLongevityTask 6: Making the Soap Procedure: Zero out a weigh boat on the balance. Place the desired amount of fat/oil in the weigh boat. Record masses. Transfer the fat/oil into a beaker using a metal spatula. The fat is messy to work with- try to keep it inside the beaker. Repeat this step with all of your oils. Place beaker on the hot plate on low heat. Stir and heat the fats and oils until the mixture forms a homogeneous solution. Heating too quickly will cause the fats to burn. Remove the beaker from the hot plate. [Lye is highly caustic and can burn your skin, nasal passages, and eyes. Be very cautious and work in the designated area] Measure out the mass of lye on a weigh boat. Transfer to Erlenmeyer flask. Measure the water in a graduated cylinder then transfer to flask. Swirl the solution until all of the lye has dissolved. CAREFULLY add the lye solution to the melted fat and oil mixture. Using a stir rod, mix the solutions together for 5 minutes until the consistency is like that of pancake mix. **The next section will take a minimum of 30 minutes; this may be your stopping point for Day 1**Place beaker of mixed solution on hot plate and heat to 80°C. Cover the solution with a watch glass to avoid evaporation and fumes. After 15 minutes, carefully remove the beaker from the hot plate. If your soap has started to set add 1 mL of water and stir until it smooths out. You may add 1 mL at a time for up to 5 mL of water. At this time, add any scrubbing materials to your soap mixture. Add _____ total drops of fragrance to every 100 g of soap base you made. If your customer wanted, multiple scents split the total amount of drops between them. Stir mixture thoroughly while still warm.Pour your mixture into your molds to let cool and set. Clean your glassware thoroughly with soap. Clean up all your materials from the lab. Set your molds to the designated curing spot.Once hardened (24 hours), remove soap from mold and place on wax paper to cure for a minimum of a week. Task 7: Packaging your ProductEach soap bar will need to be packaged for delivery. Each package should include a small gift tag or information label that includes instructions for use, ingredient list and function of each major component, a small note of appreciation or catchy phrase, and “created by: “. Task 8: Testing the ProductAfter a week of curing your soap, add a small drop of water to the corner of your soap bar. Place a pH strip in the lathered soap. Remove the strip and place on the tabletop. Allow a minute to react and dry. Compare the strip to the pH color chart. Record the pH of the soap. Soap should be between a pH of 7 and 10. If your soap bar is above 9 it is unsafe because lye may still be present and harsh on the body. Please place unsafe soap bars in the appropriate chemical disposal. For soap bars in the appropriate pH range, you will need to package them and attach your information card. Once your soap has been packaged, please place in the designated area for grading and delivery. Task 9: The Post LabImproving the process: If you had to repeat the engineering design process…Ask: What didn’t work? What might work better?Imagine: What are some possible new solutions? Plan: How would you implement your changes? What outcome would you expect? Efficiency of your process: Analyze: Provide an in-depth cost analysis showing the breakdown of each material by weight, cost per gram, and total cost for the bar of soap created. Cost Margin: Calculate the cost of your bar of soap per ounce. Determine how much you could sell your bar of soap for per ounce. Calculate your profit margin. Using the total cost of all the supplies from the receipt provided, how many bars of soap do you have to sell to break even the cost of buying supplies? How many bars of soap much you sell to make $100 profit? Chemistry of the process: Calculate the pH, pOH, [H+], [OH-] for your bar of soap produced. How could you have lowered the pH of your soap to be more of a neutral pH? Materials List: Based upon the availability of chemicals in the lab the following will be provided to you. If your soap calls for a compound that is not available, there are a few options. You may request that substance prior to lab day, you may bring it from home, or you may find an alternative that is listed. Carrier oils & fatsScentsFunctionsSunflower oilCitrus OatmealCoconut oilPineCocoa ButterCanola oilLavenderSugar or SaltLardRosemaryOlive oilMilk fat (butter)EucalyptusCastor oil ................

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