
10 mins twice weekly dailydaily7188202794000052070317500478008315166005397550800041148033655000-654052222500P3 RWI Literacy Grid w/c 8.6.20 Each column is designed to last approximately 1 hour. You may wish to split the tasks and complete them over 2 or 3 smaller times in the day. It is not necessary to complete the full hour in one sitting. I have prepared video lessons which are on the SfL page of the website. I hope they will be helpful. I welcome feedback both good and bad!!! The activities in red are priority for your child. Do those only if you need to make choices about coverage. If you would like to get in touch for clarification, to share your child’s work or for any other reason that I could be of help please contact me by email. Wendy.Donegan@southmorningside.edin.sch.uk Thank you***Handwriting, Sounds Practice, Spelling and Reading to be completed daily. This is the priority and should be done before trying any class work if you have time.***18161020193000122936021209000You spend approx. 1 hour a day on literacySpelling List – w/c 8.6.20or/awshorthorsejawhawkclawlawnthawprawnRemember, always use a sharp pencil and have a rubber handy too!Handwriting -Get a grown up or older brother/sister to test you writing Fry’s Common Words from the list in your pack. The words you find difficult will form your own Personal Word List for you to work through over the next few weeksMonday- practice writing your Personal Word List.For the rest of the week practice some of the words from your spelling lists, as well as some letters you find tricky to write in cursive.Challenge - Start from the beginning of the alphabet and practice writing cursive letters alongside the correct capital letter. Only choose 2 letters a day to focus on. Use your Cursive Handwriting Ruler to help. Remember to think about if any letters are ascenders (letters that go up to the top/ sky) or descenders. (letters that go down)*****Please also have a look at the Powerpoints RWICVCTOMAGICE and RWISOUNDSSET123 which are very good for revising all sounds and words. Just stop when you get aw in the sounds and words.*****Sounds Practice – use your own Edinburgh Sound Chart, reading aloud, your turn my turn (ensuring pure sounds). **There is a new clip called P3/4 Reading from the Edinburgh Sound Chart to watch.**WatchP3RWISounds (or/aw) video on SfL page on the website. Download or view the worksheets P3RWI or/aw and Challenge words with awP3RWIReading (or/aw) video on SfL page on the websiteHave a go at the ‘Differentiated Crossword aw’, ‘Spotter Postcard aw’, ‘Wordsearch with/without Wordbank’ and ‘Roll and Read Mat aw ’ on SfL page of the websiteLook out the Reading Practice Booklet for Vowel Digraphs and complete some of the pages with aw, oo, ow, igh/y, ai/ay/, ee/ea during this week. Spelling - This week’s focus will be or ‘Shut the door’ and aw ‘Yawn at Dawn’Choose ONE of the following activities each day:Watch P3RWISpelling or/aw (Part 1 and 2) clip on SfL page of the website or have a selection of words dictated to you. Write in jotter.Watch P3RWIDictation and have a go writing a couple of sentences. The sentences will be on a separate file for you to check your work Do “Look Cover Write and Check” with the words from your spelling list. Find the Support for Basic Spelling workbook in your pack. Have a go at the au/aw pages. These sheets are single sided in case you want to continue your learning on to the back.Have a look at and type in or/aw as an extra challenge.Pick an activity from your Spelling Grid in you class pack.Get someone to dictate a small selection on the Fry’s Common Words. Tick them off when you are able to write them correctly on 3 different occasions. Keep a note of the ones you need to keep practising.13130711270000Reading‘A vet’s week’‘We can play!’(Orange Level) your new book. Things to remember! A grown up or older brother/sister can have a look at the ‘How to help your child’ at the back of the book. Read through the green and red words (at the back) – every time you open the book1st read is to have a go reading the words you have just practised, in a story format2nd read should be accompanied with the ‘Questions to talk about’ so that you have a better understanding of the characters, their feelings, etc3rd read should be with expression, fluency and accuracy now that you have got to know the characters and the story. Re-tell the story in your own words.Each read should be completed at a different reading session. ****If you have limited time available, please focus on the Handwriting, Sounds Practice, Spelling and Reading.****Any worksheets or powerpoints referred to in the class work can be found on the P3 Private Page.86889970157Grammar0Grammar8487325025371509769215Starter Task (15 mins)Support – Try to help your child think of ideas by discussing examples. An older sibling could help.Do you know what editing means? When do you need to edit work? If you have used check-lists with your Big Writing tasks, then you will be ace at editing sentences. Have a think of why you are expected to edit written work. Now have a read through the Editing and Stretching sentences PowerPoint. This week in writing you are creating a wanted poster of Fantastic Mr Fox. Have a think of what a wanted poster is. What might it include? Why might you create one? What is the purpose of it? Make sure you have listened to/ read the story and know how to describe Mr Fox, explain the crime he has committed and where he was last seen.This week we would like you to have think about being an entrepreneur. If you enjoy watching junior apprentice, then you will already know what that is. Have a chat to your family members at home and ask them what an entrepreneur is. We want you to think about being an entrepreneur that encourages social change/ wants to help people. Main Task (30 mins)Support – Your child should try to complete this task as independently as possible. Give as much support as necessary or able. Try to keep child focussed.Once you have gone over the Editing and Stretching sentences PowerPoint begin the Editing sentences 08.06.2020. Remember you need to check for capital letters, full stops, fingers spaces, correct spelling, and that the sentences make sense. Remember just to complete 1 of the activities. Next begin the Stretching sentences task 08.06.2020. Make sure you consider using who, what, where, when, why and who questions, adjectives and connectives to stretch your sentences. Follow the PowerPoint- Wanted poster writing task 08.06.2020. Make sure you create a detailed poster that is informative, interesting and descriptive for readers FMF Wanted poster 08.06.2020. Make sure you PROOF-READ your poster. Once you have managed to create it, illustrate a picture of Mr Fox and colour it in. After you have chatted to someone at home have a think how you could help someone during lockdown using your entrepreneurial brain. We want you to create your own business idea that results in helping people. Ideas such as creating posters for NHS volunteers or the NHS Heroes charity. Other ideas might be creating cards and positive messages for the elderly who live alone, or in care homes, or who cannot see their families. Once you have come up with an idea you can either create a poster showing your plan or present your idea to family members at home or through face-time. Finishing Tasks (15 mins)Support - Take time to look at your child’s piece of work with them. Help them focus on the positives about the piece of work and what they might consider to work on for next timeAfter you have completed the 2 tasks above PROOF-READ your work! Follow the FMF wanted poster checklist 08.06.2020. If you would like to extend your learning why not create a wanted poster on the farmers using the FMF Wanted poster 08.06.2020. If you have really enjoyed this task, you can take it further and apply to the competition below if you would like to do more with your social entrepreneurial skills. Colour stars when completed728148514350066782344450006656333947900 ................

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