Thirteen Reasons Why

ENG 3E 4E 2015-2016 Semester 2

Thirteen Reasons Why: Reading Log

Character Name: Justin Foley

How Did This Character's Actions Influence Hannah?

-He was her first crush -Her neighbor, Kat, liked him

How Did This Character's Actions Influence Others?

-Justin's rumour affected Hannah's reputation

Personal Thoughts:

-Rumours can be dangerous/devastating to their victims

-He became her boyfriend

-Hannah became known as a "slut"

-Hannah dreamed repeatedly about having her first kiss with Justin

-Justin started a rumour that Hannah let him feel her up, which ruined the memory of her first kiss for Hannah

-Is this the start of the "snowball" effect Hannah mentions?

-Justin probably feels humiliated, and/or guilty

-How was Hannah treated after this?

ENG 3E 4E 2015-2016 Semester 2

Character Name: Alex Standall

How Did This Character's

How Did This Character's

Personal Thoughts:

Actions Influence Hannah?

Actions Influence Others?

-He wrote the list of -Jessica was extremely -Alex maybe isn't to

who is hot and who is angry (red face, tapping blame, but his actions


her pen)

seemed to influence

this guy

-He included Hannah as -A guy came into the

having the hottest ass candy shop (Blue Spot) -Who IS this

(Jessica Davis had the and grabbed Hannah's guy???!!!

worst ass)


-If Clay knows him

-Hannah knew the list -She slapped his hand and knows his

was a joke, but she

away, but he grabbed "move," why hasn't

noticed that everyone her wrist and held her Clay said anything?

was whispering and shoulder: he said,

laughing about her

"Relax. I'm just

-Why didn't Wally


say something?

-Wally got upset

ENG 3E 4E 2015-2016 Semester 2

Character Name: Jessica Davis

How Did This Character's Actions Influence Hannah?

How Did This Character's Actions Influence Others?

Personal Thoughts:

-Jessica, Alex, and

-Most people believed -How could Hannah

Hannah were all new that Hannah broke

have stopped the

students at the school Jessica and Alex up rumours? Could she

and they made friends


-The boys in the locker

-They met at Monet's room tease Alex about -Would people rather

often to talk about their sleeping with Hannah, believe nasty gossip


but Alex doesn't say than the truth?

anything except to Clay

-Alex wrote the Who's

-Hannah has lost her

Hot/Who's Not list

friends and must be

very lonely

-Jessica thinks that

Hannah broke Jessica

and Alex up by having

a relationship with him

-Jessica hits Hannah and gave her a scar above her eyebrow

-Hannah lost her friend(s)

ENG 3E 4E 2015-2016 Semester 2

Character Name: Tyler Down

How Did This Character's Actions Influence Hannah?

How Did This Character's Actions Influence Others?

Personal Thoughts:

-Hannah discovers that -The mystery girl felt -Why didn't Hannah

Tyler is sneaking

excited to think of

call the police?

around under her

Peeping Tom

bedroom window and is

-Why didn't she tell

taking pictures of her -She pretends to have a her parents?

-Hannah's parents are sexual relationship with

away, and she doesn't Hannah to try and catch -Who is the mystery

tell them or call the the guy



-Hannah tells a popular

-Why didn't Hannah

girl at school that she

admit to Tyler that

has a Peeping Tom and

she knows what he

doesn't know who it is

was doing? Would it

-The two girls decide to

have helped?

try and catch the

Peeping Tom on their


-The girls set a trap by

pretending to have a

sexual relationship

(back rub, lotion,

mysterious items in

Hannah's drawer

-Hannah looks out the

window, but doesn't

know who it is until the

next day at school

-Hannah feels unsafe in

her own house

ENG 3E 4E 2015-2016 Semester 2

Character Name: Courtney Crimsen

How Did This Character's Actions Influence Hannah?

How Did This Character's Actions Influence Others?

-She uses Hannah to -Courtney makes a guy

make it look like she's believe that Hannah is

a better person


Personal Thoughts:

-Hannah handled the situation with Courtney well

-She ditches Hannah as -When Hannah leaves,

soon as they get to the she takes Tyler home


(what will people think

if they see Hannah

-She also tells a guy at leaving the party with

the party that Hannah Tyler?)

has a special surprise in

her dresser drawer

-Snowball seems to be getting bigger

-Courtney is mean

-Courtney is covering up her own ugly personality

-Hannah eventually has Tyler Down take a photo of herself and Courtney to show Courtney that she knows what Courtney is really like (Tyler then puts the photo at Monet's Coffeehouse)

-Courtney feels uncomfortable


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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