
Questions for “The Bicycle” by Jillian HortonPages 32-40 in Sightlines Read these questions first, then read the story the first time. Answer these questions before you do the critical analysis questions (pages 43-44 in RL). This is the last story you will need to do a full critical analysis for!Why does Tante Rose choose to live her life the way she does? In what ways do Tante Rose’s decisions about how to live her life impact the choices that Hannah makes over the course of the story?In what ways is Hannah’s life chosen for her, rather than by her?What does the bicycle symbolize in the story and how do you know?Explain at least two reasons that Hannah makes the final choice that she does: provide details from the story to support your argument. Do you think that she made the right choice? Why or why not?You have today’s period to work on these questions and your critical analysis. All work is due by the beginning of class on Fri Nov 2, unless you make special arrangements with Mrs. Jackman >work may be submitted by the start of class on Monday Nov 5 with no late penalty.Remember: if you are away from school for a few days or more, you can always reach me by email at the address below!wendy_jackman@wrdsb.on.ca ................

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