Catholic Social Teaching Chapter 2 Large



3. The parable of the day ___ shows that God treats us in a way that differs from the world’s standards

5. Saint who founded religious orders of women to serve the needs of the urban poor

8. A type of justice that applies the gospel message of Jesus Christ to the structures, systems, and laws of society in order to guarantee the rights of individuals

10. The moral and cardinal virtue by which we give God and our neighbor what is their due right

13. Saint who said we do not make a gift to the poor but merely return what is his

14. Prophet who wrote: "Cease doing evil; learn to do good. Make justice your aim…"

16. A type of justice that regulates citizens’ obligations to the larger society and government

20. The Church in the ___ ___ is document from the Second Vatican Council that defended the dignity and rights of humans

22. Biblical justice is ___ to God, neighbor, and to God’s created goods

25. American Saint who began the Catholic school system in the U.S.

27. A type of justice that calls for fairness in exchanges between individuals and private groups

28. A type of justice that sees to the just distribution of the goods of creation

29. Saint who stripped himself of wealth to be free of its corrupting influence

31. The largest private charitable organization in the U.S.

34. Biblical prophet who describes justice as a fast-moving stream rolling down a mountain

36. The first Christians shared their ___ and goods

37. The seminal social justice encyclical written by Pope Leo XIII

39. Good common sense, human reason married to truth


1. Named as the Patroness of all Social Workers by Pope John XXIII

2. Empowers us to believe in God and all that God has said and revealed to us

4. The document Justice in the World teaches that working for justice is not ___

6. As president of the United Farm Workers he defended the rights of migrant workers

7. Saint who commented that we can see Jesus in the flesh today in the least of our brothers

9. Hinge virtues that enable us to live moral lives

11. A habitual and firm disposition to do good

12. In the parable of the ___ and sheep we learn that our judgment is based on how we respond to the needs of the least in our midst

15. An open-ended contract of love between God and his people

17. Gives us the firmness, strength, and courage to deal with temptations, difficulties, and dangers in doing what is right

18. In the parable of the ___ ___ Jesus teaches that our neighbor is everyone

19. He quoted Isaiah when he said: "The Spirit is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor…"

21. Helps us desire heaven and eternal happiness, trusting firmly in Christ’s promises

23. Moderates the attraction of pleasures and provides balance in the use of created good

24. Those who wish to embrace God’s kingdom must live according to the ___ Jesus expressed in the Sermon on the Mount

26. Virtues that are God-given and direct us to our loving, Triune God

30. Preached a revolt against the deplorable conditions of laissez-faire capitalism

32. This is the price we pay for the space we occupy

33. Enables us to love God above everything for his own sake and to love our neighbor as ourselves

35. Jesus said that whoever wishes to be great among you will be your ___

38. Prophet sent by God to lead his people to freedom


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