INCLUDEPICTURE "/var/folders/bk/8nv92dhd4kn4p_qb8xnr7p780000gn/T/" \* MERGEFORMATINET Dear Families,Happy New Year! We have had a GREAT first month of the year back to school! We have been learning about all things relating to winter, such as winter clothes, winter animals, snowmen, and snowflakes. Some highlights this month include building snowmen in our dramatic play center, while learning about the different body parts and winter clothing pieces, along with making snowmen out of marshmallows, pretzel sticks, and m&ms! We also made “snow dough” and used snowflake cookies cutters – it’s safe to say our friends in the Kiwis love our cooking experiments and sampling our treats. :) It was neat to see how excited our students were during our stories this month; they really enjoyed dressing our snowman and learning about winter clothes.We have a fun month planned ahead for February! We will be learning about colors, shapes, hearts, and turning our dramatic play center into a post office. We will learn about writing letters, putting them in envelopes with a stamp, and placing them in the mailbox.Color week will be during the week of February 10-14!Monday: BlueTuesday: GreenWednesday: BlackThursday: OrangeFriday: Favorite Valentine ColorsWe encourage our students to wear the corresponding colors each day of the week.February Events:February 7 – FSPD – Crafts & Cupcakes Activity (No School - RSVP Required)February 17 – Teacher Work Day (No School)February 18 – Teacher Work Day (No School)Thank you for always supporting your student, our class, and our school! We are looking forward to another fun month of learning and growth!Ms. Rachael and Ms. Kendel ................

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