CURRICULUM VITAE - Harvard University

DR WENDY MARIA PURCELLBSc PhD FRSA · Emeritus Professor of Biomedicine · Emeritus President Vice-ChancellorNationality:British, with US VisaContact:US Cell: +1-617-717-4053UK Mobile: +44(0)7595 552457Skype: Wendy.Purcell4Zoom: : Personal: wendympurcell@ SUMMARY‘Transformative visionary leader and strategist for global higher education’I am a transformational leader able to deliver excellence in mission-driven organizations in executive and non-executive roles and through leadership coaching and consultancy. My purpose lies in helping to transform lives through education and research in pursuit of social equity and the knowledge economy. By harnessing the abilities of talented people working across disciplines and professional boundaries, I can help organizations move from ‘good to great’. Comfortable with complexity and scale, I am analytical as well as enterprising in my approach. With deep knowledge and experience of the global higher education sector, I seek to connect universities with business and society, locally and internationally. I am an active Member of the American Association of Colleges and Universities. Working with national and local governments, the charity/social enterprise sector, and business (corporates, small- and medium-sized enterprise and start-ups) I support knowledge-based growth, impact and sustainable development. I take a keen interest in equity, diversity and inclusion, leadership and governance and sustainability. I am a Council Member of the United Nations University and a Visiting Scientist with the T.H. Chan School of Public Health at Harvard University. I was a Non-Executive Director with the UK Government’s cabinet-level office the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and Chair of its Nominations (Talent) Committee. Expert Adviser to Sir Andrew Witty’s Review of Universities and Economic Growth and Sir Adrian Smith’s Postgraduate Review, I continue to advise the UK Government, working with the Cabinet Office on Talent and Diversity for the Civil Service (equivalent to all US Cabinet Secretaries and Congressional leadership) and the Government Office for Science on Foresight. I consult on global trends in the higher education sector and the leadership challenges resulting from disruptive forces and in pursuit of sustainable development. I hold Director/Trustee roles with Charities and was Founder/Chair of the Council for Healthcare Scientists. I am a life scientist with practice in knowledge exchange and innovation, having worked with pharma/biotech. I continue to write academic papers and articles/blogs, with my book on ‘Leadership Disrupted’ due in 2020. I have secured competitive research funding from UK, EU and USA sources and am highly effective in raising philanthropic funds. I am an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts, Manufactures and Commerce, a member of the RSA Sustainability Board and member of the Harvard Institute of Coaching.Personal AttributesTransformational leader.Able to harness the passions and talents of people, across boundaries, working towards delivery of excellence in mission-driven organizations via executive and non-executive fortable with complexity and scale, analytical as well as creative and enterprising in my approach. Highly effective communicator, with gravitas.International experience, working across nations and cultures.Acts with passion and purpose and champions diversity and inclusion in pursuit of equity. Deep experience of the global higher education sector, tertiary skills sector, research and its translation via entrepreneurship and innovation.Scientist with national roles and experienced in working with the pharma/biotech sector, in biomedical and healthcare sciences.Seeking to transform lives through education and research.Skills and ExperienceManaged a budget of $500M and staffing cadre of 3,000, mostly knowledge workers (PhD/MBA) and 2,00 professional staff.Undertaken structural form/function re-organizations, and secured large-scale budgetary savings and efficiencies, working within a shared governance model and with recognized trade unions.Driven research growth (4-star international research excellence increased from 36% to 65%, 2008-2014) and diversified income streams to deliver surplus/profit through innovation and internationalization – including establishing overseas in-country operations.Improved student outcome measures (satisfaction, experience, academic performance, retention, progression, employability and internationalization).Improved university brand and global rankings.Effective in philanthropy and fund-raising.Developed strategic and business plans together with accountability measures, including the articulation of benefits realized and benchmarked key performance measures.Articulated a compelling vision and change narrative in different university settings and in charities.Delivered organizational growth through partnerships with business, government and charities/social enterprises.Able to lead a team and/or an organization from ‘good to great’ in executive and non-executive roles and via management consultancy and coaching practice.Current ProjectsResearch Scholar with Harvard University in the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health (2016 to date) undertaking research, executive and faculty education, teaching and coaching on leadership, governance, sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals.Director of the Responsible Travel and Tourism research and education program and Strategic Insights Adviser to the World Travel and Tourism Council on executive leadership and sustainability and best practice case studies.Originator of the Global Professional University project and its co-development for CP Group, Thailand a $10M philanthropy project led by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.Developed and delivered Online Lecture for Henry Stewart Talks () online lectures by leading world experts), see Purcell, W.M. (2019, December 31). 'Off the curve' in higher education [Video file]. In?The Business & Management Collection, Henry Stewart Talks. Retrieved February 13, 2020, from? Board Member of United Planet on international education for sustainable development.Chair United Planet Capital Campaign Committee, and trained the full Board in fund-raising methodology, frameworks and strategy.Chair of the Environmental Association of Universities and Colleagues Sustainability Leadership Academy Program, Cambridge University (2017-date)Member of the Advisory Board for Annual Future EdTech conference and Keynote Speaker (2016-date).Member of the International Women’s Network and the Massachusetts Women’s Network.Expert Adviser to the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Science on socio-economic impact of universities and research institutes and expert contribution to Government Policy Report on universities and the knowledge ecosystem.Academic Consultant to the American University in Bulgaria on sustainability leadership and innovation and design and deliver of executive programs – see Board Member to StudyPortals, on global higher education policy, megatrends and opportunities.Advisory Board Member to Sulitest, on sustainability literacy and higher education.Strategic Adviser to the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) on strategic planning for institutional sustainability, delivering Workshop for senior team.Senior Adviser to Perrett Laver, global search firm, on global higher education policy and future trends and leading a business strategy review of global education practice.Editorial Board Member American Association for Science and Technology ‘International Journal of Modern Education’.Expert Adviser to UK Government Cabinet Office on executive leadership, future and senior leaders’ schemes, equity, diversity and inclusion.Expert Adviser to UK Government Office for Science on Foresight programs: projects include lifelong learning, digital, generations.Senior Board Adviser to the Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges on senior leadership for sustainability programs, governance in higher education and links with business.Member of the Future Business Council advising on how businesses can better work with universities.Advisory Board Member to the Harvard Business Review.Board Member of the Royal Society RSA Sustainability Network.Adviser to Rathbones Impact Investment on university governance, and impact investing.Founder/Director Center for Higher Insights Recent ProjectsSustainability: Key to Long-term Institutional Success, a Guide for Members of Governing Bodies (2018). Expert Moderator of the RSA Sustainability Leadership Roundtable (2018). RSA ‘In ConveRSAtion’ Leadership Interview with Director of Plan A at Marks & Spencer plc, Mike Barry (2018).Member of the Advisory Board for Annual Future EdTech conferences (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) and expert speaker.Academic Consultant to VoyEdge Dutch universities program on digital transformation in higher education (2017/18).Advisory Board Member of the Center for Societal Smart Grids Design, a platform technology business driving societal transformation through experience and wisdom sharing (2017/18).Expert Adviser to Microsoft UK on ‘Exploring the role of technology, employers and young people’ and global higher education trends (2016/17).Consultant to Northeastern University, USA in support of the College of Professional Studies and the Global Network on global higher education policy, trends and opportunities for a global professional studies academic campus offer (2016/17).RSA Action and Research Centre, Member of the Editorial Group on ‘Possibility Thinking’ and Adviser to the Report ‘Re-imagining the Future of Further Education and Skills’ (2016) speaker and invited Faculty at Indiana University in support of the Office of Naval Research Faculty Development Research Institute for Minority Serving Institutions and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics research (2016).Expert Adviser to the Foresight program with the Government Office for Science on ‘Foresight Future of Skills and Lifelong Learning’ in collaboration, led by Sir Mark Walport the Government’s Chief Scientific Adviser.Expert Adviser to the Foresight program with the Government Office for Science on ‘Foresight – Generation Alpha’ and ‘Foresight – Ageing’Lead Non-Executive on the Business, Innovation and Skills Departmental Plan and Strategy 2020 Size and Shape project (the latter underpinning the department’s Spending Review 2105 submission); Departmental Improvement Plan; Talent Mapping.Board Member Adviser to Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges: Strategy Working Group; Senior Leadership Development Program Team; University Governance and the SDGs; Future Business Council.Founding Member and Member of the Steering Committee of the Royal Society RSA Sustainability Network.Contributor to the Public Appointments Review, Sir Gerry Grimstone’s report ‘Better Public Appointments’ Report:? Adviser to the UK national Review on Universities and Business, see: Adviser to the UK Government’s national Postgraduate Review.Gave evidence to the UK Parliamentary Select Committee on Business, Innovation and Skills on the role of universities driving city and regional economies.Provided expert advice to BP, British Gas, Pearson, Unite, and Talent Retention Solutions on graduate trends, employability and sustainability.Led the kick-off policy meeting for the Higher Education Funding Council for England on ‘anchor’ institutions and higher education policy.Invited to contribute to the Welsh Assembly’s Review of 16-19 qualifications.Invited by the Royal Society to advise on a research plan to review barriers for practicing scientists in engaging with the media.Provided expert research advice to Roche, Glaxo-Wellcome, Pfizer, Genentech, Xenogen and Amersham Pharmacia Biotech on cell culture models as testing paradigms to refine, reduce and replace animals in pre-clinical studies.CAREER SUMMARY2016 - datePortfolio career of strategic advising, research, consulting and pro bono board-level governance and Research Scholar with Harvard University, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Center for Health and the Global Environment (2016-2017) and School of Environmental Health 92018-date)Non-Executive Directorships and TrusteeshipsBoard Member United Planet (USA) (2019-date).Board Member Study Portals Global Advisory (2017-date).Council Member of the United National University, Education for Sustainable Development (2016-date).Elected Member of the International Women’s Forum (2016-date).Member of the RSA Sustainability Network Steering Committee (2016-date).Member UK Government Civil Service Talent Advisory Group (2015-date).Chair UK Government Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Nominations Committee (2014-2016).Member Health Education England Genomics Advisory Board (2014-16).Non-Executive Director UK Government Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2013-2016).Member Health Education England Healthcare Science Implementation Network Group (2013-2016).Director/Trustee Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges (2013-2018).Chair People and Performance Sub-committee of Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges (2015-2018).Chair Council for Healthcare Science in Higher Education (2011-17).Director/Trustee of the National Marine Aquarium (2008-2018).2007 - 2015President Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive (CEO), Plymouth University UK (1st December 2007 through to 31st December 2015 inclusive)Turnover $500M, 3,000 employees, over 30,000 students pa. Responsible for developing a distinctive and differentiated vision, mission and strategy, creating and leading a distributed leadership team, managing an executive team of 10-12 people, business development, brand, fund-raising and philanthropy, international partnerships, talent, research and innovation, regional economic development and community social action projects. Secured the university’s place in the top 1% of global universities, THE World Ranking placed 276-300 (2015) and to 37th (2015) in the Top 100 under 50 Ranking of modern universities.Achievements as President Vice-Chancellor and CEOGenerated annual revenue of $500M from students, research grants and commercial income.Delivered internationalization via academic partnerships in Asia, India, Europe and USA, including the establishment of an on-campus international college and overseas recruitment; worth $125M pa.Increased student retention, progression and quality of degree outcomes (1st /2.1); worth $80M pa and especially noteworthy given the social inclusion agenda and diversity of admissions.Set tuition fees at $12k per student against a prevailing view of $7K; additional revenue of $50M in 1-year.Secured $50M in four rounds of competitively awarded Regional Growth Fund grants from UK Government and private sector partners.Partnered with GSM London to generate $30M pa in student fees off-campus satellite.Increased research income, against an increasingly competitive funding landscape to $60M; with the best-performing Government awards for Research since 1992.Increased commercial income: 2014 $30M from under $1M in 2007.Effective management of resourcesOversaw capital investments of $500M, $350M in the period 2008-2013 with a further $150M over 2013-2015, including three new academic and research buildings; the new Marine Station won a prestigious property award in 2015. Negotiated the transfer of the Tamar Science Park to the University that secured $40M EU funds to refinance the Park and part-fund the new $25M Marine Building on campus.Managed 3,000 staff including technical, administrative, professional, research and faculty groups. Negotiated with strong and active staff and students’ unions. Defined academic excellence and criteria for promotion using an entirely new pathway.Managed out an inherited deficit position of $25M over 18-months and reduced overheads by $400M pa while driving growth.Significant philanthropy experience and funds raised $100M.Place-making: city growth, jobs and innovationNegotiated with local councils and UK Government Department (Communities and Local Government) an arrangement worth $650M to the local economy over 15 years with a target to create 9,500 jobs; generate $1BN gross value added and lever in $450M of private sector investment and support 20,000 businesses.University of Plymouth Enterprise Ltd, an innovation I championed to support knowledge exchange secured its highest rank of 18th out of 168 of the most profitable regional companies; Plymouth was also named in the top 10 UK business incubation facilities.Established three Innovation Centers in Cornwall, securing the contract on a commercial basis with the University as operator, worth $90M over 15 years.Established an innovation network and platform, GAIN, to connect the innovation assets of the region to create an innovation ecosystem.Defined the University’s strategy and distinctive enterprise mission that led to a national campaign for ‘anchor’ institutions and underpinned a UK Government-led initiative to explore business-university links.Took the university into the Times Higher Education World Rankings top 1% of global universities, ranked 276-300 in 2015 and 37th (2015; 42nd 2014; 53rd 2013; 60th 2012 in the Times Higher Education Top 100 under 50 rankings for young universities, those under 50-years of age, the so-called ‘global modern elite’. Increased research excellence from 36 to 65% world-leading (4-star) over the period of my tenure as measured in the national Research Excellence Framework.Established an award-winning new brand identity of ‘WITH Plymouth University’, to reflect a non-logo identity and the universities focus on working in partnership.Winner of the Her Majesty The Queen’s Anniversary Prize for excellence in research and education in Higher and Further Education in 2012.Won a strong battle to keep the Peninsula Medical School and Dental School in Plymouth worth $14M in revenue pa, and hugely significant in terms of reputation.Attracted to the University its first Nobel prize-winning scientist.Member by invitation of the Prime Minister’s cohort of Inspirational Women (2014).Partnered with students and the local community Elaborated ‘student as partner’, against a growing consumerism movement and worked with students to create value for them and the institution. For example:improved student residential housing to guarantee are 1st-year students university accommodation and showed how this enhanced student retention; opened the university library 24/7 throughout the year;added new academic support programs, including a Writing Center Café;allocated $750k in funding to support students with disabilities;created an elite athlete program and attracted several Olympic level competitors;developed a new capital campaign to support the development of a dedicated residential building where veterans would live together with medical students in training.Prioritized the student experience as a key strategic agenda, appointing a dedicated Dean of Students and co-ordinating curricular and extra-curricular activities.Established the community-wide University graduation ceremonies. Articulated the vision to move the University’s graduation ceremonies to the iconic Plymouth Hoe and to work with the City and local suppliers on what is now a key economic event and visitor attraction for Plymouth. Restored the University Reservoir and Garden securing significant funds from Heritage Lottery and Big Lottery Fund to drive a $3M restoration project which opened as a community resource in June 2014 for the public to enjoy. Championed the University’s sustainability agenda, taking it to number 1 ranking in the national green university league tables configured by People and Planet. Established the Community Research Awards, creating novel partnerships with university researchers and community groups and social enterprises; some of the project have gone national/international, e.g. Dementia Alliance and secured significant funds for research.Created sporting partnerships with the local football, rugby and basketball teams and engaged with healthcare and sports medicine students and researchers.Secured the Social Enterprise mark, being the first University in the world to do so, by working with local suppliers and social innovation groups.2005 - 2007Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Hertfordshire.Turnover $300M, 3,000 employees, 23,000 students pa. Responsible for managing a team and for academic development, international business development and partnerships, research, marketing and communications, human resources, change management.2003 - 2005Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research) and Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of the West of England, Bristol (Bristol UWE).Turnover $230M, 3,000 employees, 18,000 students pa. Responsible for university-wide research and preparation for the national Research Assessment Exercise (RAE 2008); faculty-wide responsibilities for biology, biomedical sciences, environmental sciences, chemistry and psychology.2000 - 2004Dean of the Faculty of Applied Sciences & Director of the University Centre for Research in Biomedicine, Bristol UWE.Faculty-wide responsibilities for biology, biomedical sciences, environmental sciences, chemistry and psychology; university leadership of the Research Centre in Biomedicine with a focus on developing cell culture models for pre-clinical drug testing, diagnostics and biomarkers, neuroscience and immunology.1997 - 2000Associate Dean & Head of Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Bristol UWE.1993 - 1997Head of Division: Physiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Principal Lecturer (full-time), Department of Biosciences, University of Hertfordshire.1992 - 1993Senior Lecturer (full-time), Physiology and Pharmacology; Department of Biosciences, University of Hertfordshire.1990 - 1992Deputy Head of Health Studies, Senior Lecturer (full-time), Health Studies; Roehampton Institute.1988 - 1990Postdoctoral Research Fellow (full-time), Immunopharmacology, NAB; Hatfield Polytechnic.1980 - 1982Medical Laboratory Scientific Officer, Serology and Haematology; North London Blood Transfusion Centre.Visiting Lectureships2000-2001CERN, Visiting Scientist. 1992Open University, Tutor, S203 Biology: form and function.1990 - 1992North Bedfordshire Health Authority, Visiting Senior Lecturer; Queen Elizabeth II Hospital, Herts.1989-1992London School of Osteopathy, Visiting Senior Lecturer; Roehampton Institute.EDUCATION1985-1989Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)‘Histamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in rat mast cells: a comparative study.’ University College London, Chemistry & University of Hertfordshire; full-time study.Principal Supervisor: Professor T.H.P. Hanahoe (UH, Pharmacology) Second Supervisors: Professor Fred Pearce (UCL, Chemistry)External Examiner: Professor J.C. Foreman (UCL, Pharmacology)Bachelor of Science (BSc Honours, 2.1)Biological Sciences. University of Plymouth; full-time study.TEC Higher Certificate Medical Laboratory Sciences. Harrow College of Further Education; part-time study.Professional DevelopmentVisiting Scientist with the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University (2016-date).Certificate in ‘Coaching’, Harvard Manage Mentor, Harvard University (June 2019).Institute of Coaching program ‘Awareness, Understanding and Impact: What Coaches Need to Know About Inclusion, Equity and Belonging for All’, ICPA HMS (July 2019).Institute of Coaching program ‘Dialogic intelligence: a research and framework for fast forwarding your coaching’, ICPA, HMS (June 2019).Institute of Coaching program ‘Neurobiology for Coaches: connecting the dots, body, brain and behavior’, ICPA, HMS (May 2019).Certificate in ‘Leading Change in Times of Disruption’, MITx 15.671.0x: u.lab (July 2018).Certificate in ‘From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Social Innovation’, Babsonx EPS01x (June 2018).Certificate in ‘Shaping the Future of Work’, MITx 15.662x (May 2018).Attendance at, and participation in expert audience panel, in the Voices in Leadership series, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Harvard University (2016-date).Attendance and participation in ‘Unconscious Bias Training’, Harvard University (November 2016).Attendance and participation in Case-based Teaching and Learning development workshop, Harvard University (November 2016).Member by invitation and election of the International Women’s Forum (2016-date).Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health Executive Education: Sustainability Leadership (2015).Harvard Business School Executive Education: Authentic Leadership Development (2013); Driving Performance through Talent Management (2010); The Corporate Leader (2009); Strategic Agility (2008); Strategic Negotiations: Deal-making for the Long-term (2006); Marketing for Senior Executives (2006).Fellow Top Management Programme, Top Management Programme (2000/01) (TMP2) ‘Strategic Leadership for Effective Change’ offered by the University & Colleges Staff Development Agency.Visiting Bioscientist with CERN, Geneva (2000-2001).Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts Manufactures and Commerce (elected 2010-date).BBC and Wellcome Trust Media Fellow (1996). Fellowship with the BBC World Service Science Unit through the British Association Committee on the Public Understanding of Science (COPUS). Intellectual Property training: Bird & Bird Solicitors.Attendance at scientific conferences has included invited keynotes and submitted presentations to national and international meetings of learned societies and scientific symposia. Participation in executive leadership development events and self-study.Selected Keynotes, Presentations by Invitation & Expert Panels (from 2016)Impact Engineering (2019) invited keynote on ‘Universities Driving Solutions for Change’, New York (October 2019).International Conference Sustainable Development (2019) invited expert panel session and workshop on ‘Universities and the Sustainable Development Goals’, New York, USA (September 2019).Future EdTech 2019, invited to lead expert panel on ‘Future digital challenges and opportunities for higher education, London, UK (June 2019).Perrett Laver, invited to lead a session on equity and under-represented groups in senior academic leadership positions (June 2019).World Travel and Tourism Global Summit (2019) invited to lead and co-moderate a strategic Insights session on ‘The business case for sustainability’, Seville, Spain (April 2019).UN Higher Education Sustainability Initiative Global Event (as part of the High-level Political Forum on the SDGs) invited address ‘Student engagement towards realizing the 2030 agenda for sustainable development’, New York, NY, USA (July 2018).ISCN 2018 Conference invited address ‘Living labs for sustainability: towards a learning system for university campuses’ (Universities as the engine of transformational sustainability in delivering against the Sustainable Development Goals) at the ISCN Workshop in collaboration with IARU (International Association of Research Universities) in session 4 ‘Service for society: universities as thought-leaders and collaborative partners in addressing global challenges’ (June 2018); . UK Government Cabinet Office, Project Discussion ‘Ethnic Disparities in Higher Education’ (June 2018).UK Government Cabinet Office, Roundtable Discussion ‘Use of Government Networks’ (June 2018).EAUC Members Day ‘Sustainable Leadership and Innovation’ program, Keele, UK (June 2018).UK Government Department of Health and Social Care, Women’s Network ‘Leadership truths in a post-truth era’ (June 2018).EAUC Annual Conference workshop on ‘Sustainability for University Board-level Governance’, Keele, UK (June 2018).Perrett Laver Global Search Partners and Global Consultants on Sector Leadership Development, ‘Strategic Planning Session’, London, UK (June 2018).Carbon Credentials Curiosity Session on ‘Megatrends in Global HE’, London, UK (May 2018).American University in Bulgaria and Bulgarian Soft Drinks Association ‘Sustainability Leadership and Innovation’ CEO Workshop (March 2018).University-Business Forum on ‘University-Business Cooperation: A Partnership for Modernization and Growth’ Roundtable Discussion on ‘HEI Governance: How can good practices from private and public sector inspire the governance of higher education’ (February 2018)Study Portals Webinar on ‘Envisioning Pathways to 2030: Megatrends Shaping the Future of Global Higher Education and international Student Mobility’ (January 2018).MIT Festival of Learning Conference, Boston, MA (January 2018).VoyEdge Dutch universities program on digital transformation in higher education (January 2018).Perrett Laver Global Search Partners and Global Consultants on Sector Leadership Development, ‘Strategic Planning Session’, London, UK (January 2018).RSA Sustainability Network ‘In ConveRSAtion’ event Professor Wendy Purcell and Mike Barry, Director of Sustainable Business (Plan A) Marks and Spencer (November 2017).Perrett Laver Global Search Global Search Partners and Global Consultants on Sector Leadership Development, ‘Higher education – in the USA’, London, UK (November 2017).Ashfords LLP Law Firm Legal Group Women’s Network (November 2017).EAUC Emerging Sustainability Leaders Program, Worcester, UK (November 2017).American University in Bulgaria and Bulgarian Soft Drinks Association ‘Re-framing Sustainability’ Workshop for CEOs (October 2017).Higher Education Policy Institute/Resolution Foundation Roundtable Discussion ‘American Universities in Trumpland’ (October 2017).PWC and EAUC TIMM Sustainability Impact Metrics Workshop (October 2017).University Leadership Summit, Florida, USA (October 2017).Perrett Laver Global Search Partners and Global Consultants on Sector Leadership Development, ‘Higher education and EdTech’, London, UK (October 2017).Center for Health and the Global Environment Board Retreat, Harvard University (September 2017).Perrett Laver Global Search Partners and Global Consultants on Sector Leadership Development, ‘Higher education – leadership disrupted’, London, UK (May 2017).PWC Workshop on the SDGs, Lancaster, UK (March 2017).EAUC Pre-Conference Program on ‘Sustainability Leadership in Higher Education’, Lancaster, UK (March 2017).University Industry-Innovation Network, ‘New Governance Models for Entrepreneurial Universities: A Conceptual Framework’, Adelaide, Australia (February 2017).Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), Senior Leader Summit on Leadership for Sustainability, Baltimore, USA (October 2016).UK Government Cabinet Office, ‘How to be an Inspirational Manager’ for the Top Talent schemes, London UK (September 2016).Center for Health and the Global Environment Board Retreat, Harvard University (September 2016).Perrett Laver Global Search Partners and Global Consultants on Sector Leadership Development, ‘Higher education policy changes and impact’, London, UK (August 2016).UK Government Cabinet Office, ‘Diversity – inclusive leadership skills and awareness’ for the Top Talent schemes, London UK (August 2016).Indiana University-Minority Serving Institutions STEM program, Inaugural Faculty Development Research Institute, ‘Transforming Lives and Communities through Research Partnerships’, Bloomington, IN, USA (July 2016).Selwyn College Cambridge with Harvard University and the EAUC, Driving Sustainability Leadership Lab, ‘Linking Delivery of Organizational Mission and Strategy’, Cambridge, UK (July 2016).Government Office for Science ‘Lifetime Learning in the Digital Age’, invited Expert Adviser and Workshop Participant London, UK (July 2016).2nd Annual Future EdTech conference, invited Expert Adviser - Food for Thought Panel ‘It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, but the most adaptable: responding to Millennials current and future needs’, London, UK (June 2016).European Meeting of the United National University, Education for Sustainable Development, Council Member, London, UK (June 2016).Perrett Laver Global Search Partners and Consultants on Sector Leadership Development, ‘Looking around corners: trends and developments’, London, UK (May 2016).Harvard-EAUC Sustainability Program workshop, Bristol, UK (May 2016).Cabinet Office Talent Action Group, London, UK (May 2016).Perrett Laver Global Search Partners and Global Consultants on Sector Leadership Development, ‘Higher education trends and developments’, London, UK (May 2016).Murray Edwards College Cambridge Select BIO Stem Cells in Drug Discovery 2016, ‘Organotypic 3-dimensional spheroid cultures: pre-clinical testing paradigms’, Cambridge, UK (April 2016).iGraduate International Insight Best Practice Exchange Event 2016 - Raising the bar for the student experience, Opening Keynote Address by invitation ‘Looking around corners: trends and developments’, Kings College, London, UK (April 2016).EAUC Strategy Development Steering Group and Workshops, London & Birmingham, UK; (February-December 2016).Research InterestsLeadership and governance; sustainability; global higher education policy and strategy.Alternatives to animals in pre-clinical research; pharmacology; toxicology; immunology; mast cell biology; inflammation and neuroimmunology; neurotrophic factors; neurodegeneration; spheroid models in toxicity testing, drug screening; and metabolism studies; in vitro blood-brain barrier.Research Grant AwardsResearch grants: WTTC, EPSRC, BBSRC, MAFF, ESRC, The Wellcome Trust, Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research, The Nuffield Foundation, The Royal Society, Roche Discovery, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Pfizer.Travel grants/bursaries: The Wellcome Trust, Royal Society, The Nuffield Foundation, British Pharmacological Society, European Histamine Research Society, Roche Products Ltd and Corning Hazleton Europe.Peer Review Scientific papers: British Journal of Pharmacology; Journal of Cellular Biochemistry; Pharmacology Research; Human and Experimental Toxicology; In Vitro Toxicology; Alternatives to Laboratory Animals; Reproduction, Fertility & Development; Agents and Actions; Inflammation Research; Royal Society Proceedings. Grant Applications: EPSRC, BBSRC, The Wellcome Trust, MRC NC3Rs, Irish Health Research Board, NHS Research, NIH.PhD ExaminerSuccessful PhD completions 14; PhD examiner 10.Membership of Learned Societies (until): US Society of Toxicology (2012)British Society for Immunology (2010)British Toxicological Society (2006)European Histamine Research Society (2000)British Pharmacological Society (2000)Pre-eclampsia Society (1997)Academic Awards and PrizesMember by invitation and selection International Women’s Forum (2016)Member by invitation of the UK Prime Minister’s cohort of Inspirational Women (2014).Awarded the Her Majesty The Queen’s Anniversary Prize, for excellence in research and education (2012).Winner of the University Business Plan competition 2001/02 for a spin-out company, Bristol UWE.Professorship, Bristol UWE: April 1997.Media Fellowship 1996: The Wellcome Trust Media Fellow with the BBC World Service Science Unit, July-September 1996; British Association, COPUS.MEMBERSHIP OF COMMITTEESExternal2018 - dateSpecial Adviser to the Board of the Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges. 2016 - dateCouncil Member United National University, Education for Sustainable Development.2016 - dateElected Member International Women’s Forum.2016 - dateMember RSA Sustainability Network Steering Committee.2016 - 2017Member of the Strategic Advisory Committee, Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard University.2015 - date Member Civil Service Talent Advisory Group.2014 - dateJudge International Green Gown Awards. 2014 - 2017 Member Health Education England Genomics Advisory Board.2014 - 2016 Chair Nominations Committee, UK Government Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).2013 - 2016Non-Executive Board Member/Director, Departmental Board, UK government Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).2013 - 2015Member Health Education England Healthcare Science Implementation Network Group.2013 - 2018Board Member/Director Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges 2011 - 2017Chair UK Council of Healthcare Science in Higher Education.2011 - 2013Member National School for Healthcare Science Board.2011 - 2013 Member Advisory Panel for the Future Shape of the Healthcare Science Workforce project, UK government Department of Health.2011 - 2015Member and Deputy Chair (to 2013) Universities UK Employability, Business and Research Policy Network.2011 - 2013Member Universities UK Health Education and Research Policy Network.2011 - 2014Board Member/Director of the Local Enterprise Partnership Board, Heart of the South-West.2010 - 2012Chair Healthcare Science Strategic Advisory Group in Higher Education for the Department of Health.2010 - 2011Co-Chair MEE Healthcare Science Clinical Academic Careers Strategy Group (by invitation of the Chief Scientist Office, Department of Health).2010 - 2010Member MEE Healthcare Science Academic Careers Working Group.2009 - 2011Member of the University Vocational Awards Council Board.2009 - 2010Member of the Plymouth City Development Company Board.2009 - 2011Member of Postgraduate Review Group established by Professor Adrian Smith, Department of Business, Innovation and Skills.2009 - dateTrustee of The Lord Caradon Lectures Trust.2009 - 2013Member Medical Education England Healthcare Science Programme Board.2008 - dateBoard of Trustees, Drake Foundation.2008 - 2014Member CBI South West Council.2008 - 2014Member Chamber Council/Chamber Stakeholder Group, Plymouth Chamber of Commerce and Industry.2008 - dateVice-Chairman (Education) Plymouth Area Business Council.2008 - 2011Member of Business in the Community – SW Leadership Team.2008 - 2015Member Universities UK Long-term Strategy Group.2008 - 2012Member by invitation Universities UK-Guild HE Sustainable Development Task Group.2008 - dateTrustee National Marine Aquarium.2008 - 2012Member Plymouth Local Strategic Partnership Board.2008 - 2011Member Plymouth Economic & Skills Board.2008 - 2009Chair STEMNET South West Assessment Panel: Brokerage; Science & Engineering Ambassadors. 2008 - 2011HERDA-SW Member Regional Skills Partnership Board.2007 - 2014Member HERDA-SW (now Universities SW).2007 - 2010Member HEFCE Leadership, Governance and Management Fund Strategic Oversight and Assessment Group providing strategic direction for the LGM Fund.2007 - 2015Member Universities UK for the Plymouth University.2007 - 2015Member University Alliance group for Plymouth University.2007Member HEFCE Japan-UK Higher Education Policy Forum: University representative of the east of England region.2006 - 2007University of Hertfordshire representative on the University Alliance group (new assembly of Universities UK members not aligned with the three established groups).2005 - 2007Chair Regional Science Support Centre in the East of England (STEMNET).2005 - 2007Member of the Association of the Universities of the East of England Steering Group.2005Member of the HEFCE Higher Education Workforce Development Key Stakeholders Group.2005Member HERDA-SW Leadership and Management Task and Finish Group. 2005 - 2010Member HEFCE Strategic Advisory Committee on Leadership, Governance and Management.2005 Treasurer, UK Deans of Science.2005Convener South West Chapter Top Management Programme Fellow.2004 - 2005Member of the Heads of Biological Sciences Group advising the Higher Education Funding Council for England on relevant metrics of applied research for the Research Assessment Exercise 2008.2003 - 2004Member of the Higher Education Regional Development Agency - Southwest, Physical Sciences Task Group.2002 - 2005Member of the Higher Education Strategy Group, Sector Skills Council for Science, Engineering, Manufacturing and Technologies.2002 - 2005Trustee of the Bristol Urological Institute2001 - 2005Elected Member of the UK Deans of Science Executive Committee.2000 - 2003External Examiner, University of Salford: Biological Sciences Undergraduate Programmes.2000 - 2003 External Examiner, Manchester Metropolitan University: Biomedical Sciences Postgraduate Programmes.2000 - 2002National Elected Member of the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education ‘Biosciences’ Benchmarking exercise.1999 - 2005Elected Member of the Executive Committee, Heads of University Biological Sciences and Press Officer from 2001.1999 - 2015Member of the Association for Women in Science and Engineering.1997 - 2005Member Heads of University Biological Sciences.1997 - 2005Member Heads of University Centres for Biomedical Sciences.1997 - 2000Member of the Heads Groups Biochemical Society.1996 - 1997 Member Organising Committee 15th International Neurotoxicology Conference: Manganese Toxicology, Atlanta, USA.1995 - 1996 Member Organising Committee 14th International Neurotoxicology Conference: Neuroimmunotoxicology, Arkansas, USA.1995 - 1998Meetings Secretary and Committee Member Immunotoxicology Specialty Section, British Toxicological Society.1995 - 2015Member Women in Technology in Europe (WITEC).1993 - 2000Member Committee of Heads of Pharmacology Departments.1993 - 2000Member Committee of Heads of Physiology Departments.University-levelPlymouth University2014 - 2015Chair President’s Board Strategy Group2007 - 2014Chair Vice-Chancellor’s Executive2007 - 2014Chair Senior Leadership Team/Executive Advisory Group2013 - 2014Chair Senior Leadership Forum2007 - 2014Chair Academic Board2007 - 2014Member of the Board of Governors2007 - 2013Chair University Promotions PanelUniversity of Hertfordshire2005 - 2007Member Academic Board; Chair when VC absent2006 - 2007Chair HIBT Executive Review Working Group2005 - 2007Chair Academic Development Committee2005 - 2007Chair OVC Advisory: International2005 - 2007Chair OVC Advisory: Research2005 - 2007Chair, Professorial and Readership Panel2005 - 2007Chair Higher Doctorate Degrees Panel2005 - 2007Member of the Office of the Vice-Chancellor2005 - 2007Member of the Senior Managers Conference2005 - 2007Director of Unisecure Ltd2005 - 2007Member of the Board, Polyfield Properties Ltd2005 - 2006Chair Contribution Pay Working Group2005 - 2006Chair Staff Survey Working Group2005 - 2006Chair Combined Honours Programme Review Working GroupBristol UWE 2005 Chair Contract Researchers Forum2005 Member Pay Equality Project Executive Management Board2005 Member Research Governance Sub-Committee of the University Research Committee2005Chair University Health and Safety Management Group2004 - 2005Chair University Research Committee2004 - 2005Member Research, Innovation and Graduate Studies Executive2004 - 2005Member Personnel Executive2004 - 2005Chair Women in Research Task Group2004 - 2005Chair Promotions Committee - Reader and Principal Lecturer Panel2004 - 2005Lead Member University RAE Policy Group2003 - 2005Chair Finance Project Implementation Board2003 - 2005Member Researcher Grade and Progression Panel2003 - 2004Member Executive Project Board - Part-time Students2003 - 2004Member Executive Project Board - Faculty Redevelopment2003 - 2004Member Promotions Committee - Reader and Principal Lecturer Panel2002 - 2004Member University Professorial Working Group to define performance criteria and merit awards2002 - 2005Member University Health & Safety Management Committee2002 - 2004Member University Research Governance Task Force2001 - 2003Member University External Partnerships Executive Committee2001 - 2002Member University Research Governance Working Group2001 - 2003Member University Personnel Review Group: Defining Promotion Criteria for Readers and Principal Lecturer’s2001 - 2004Member University Senior Staff Development Working Group2001 - 2003Member University Student Support and Guidance Working Group2000 - 2002Member University RAE Advisory and Strategy Group2000 - 2005Member University Research Committee1999Chair QAA HE Subject Programme Review, Subject Contact and Leader of the Subject Programme Review. Units 5, 6 and 7 ‘Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Molecular Biosciences and Organismal Biosciences’. Subject Programme Review visit, February 1-4, 1999. Score: 24 out of 24 (the only ‘full score awarded to the University of the West of England, Bristol)1999 - 2005Member Professorial Committee1999 - 2001Elected Chair of the Senior Staff Board of Governor Appointment Heads Common Interests Group1999 - 2001Chair University Ethics Committee1999 - 2005Member UWE: Bristol NHS Trusts Academic Strategy Group1997- 2003Member Executive Steering Group of the Centre for Research, Innovation and IndustryFaculty1997 - 2005Member and Chair (from 2000) Faculty Executive, Faculty of Applied Sciences (FAS), Bristol UWE1997 - 1999Member Faculty Extended Executive, FAS, Bristol UWE1997 - 2001Chair Biological and Biomedical Sciences Field Planning Committee and Examinations Board, Bristol UWE1997 - 2000Chair Biological and Biomedical Sciences Management Group, Bristol UWE1997 - 2000Member Programme Management Committee, FAS, Bristol UWE1997 - 2005Member Faculty Research Committee, FAS, Bristol UWE1997 - 2002 Member Faculty Equal Opportunity Committee, FAS, Bristol UWE1997 - 2000Member Advisory Committee Centre for Applied Research in Sciences, FAS, Bristol UWE1997 - 2005Member Advisory Committee Centre for Research in Applied Social Care and Health, Faculty of Health and Social Care1996 - 1997Member PhD Appeal Panels, University of Hertfordshire (UH)1995 - 1997Member Faculty Research Committee, Faculty of Natural Sciences, UH1994 - 1997Chair Faculty of Natural Sciences Ethics Committee, UH1994 - 1997Member University Ethics Committee, UH1994 - 1997Member Clinical Sciences Ethics Committee, UH1994 - 1997Member Health Sub-Committee University Research Policy Committee, UH1992 - 1997Deputy/Director of the Cellular Toxicology Unit/CellTox Centre, UHProgram/Curriculum Development1990 - 2007Various roles: chair, external panel scrutineer, internal panel member, award team for numerous Doctoral/Masters/Bachelors degree schemes UWE Bristol, University of Hertfordshire, Roehampton Institute, University of Surrey, Anglia Polytechnic University, University of Plymouth, London School of Osteopathy.Key skills: strategic planning; resource planning; marketing; curriculum design to ensure currency, innovation and equality of opportunity; approaches to teaching and learning; measurement of learning outcomes through assessment; development of key skills; external liaison, with professional bodies and others; quality management.Chair Validation Panel, MSc Programmes in Computing, Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Bristol UWE2002Chair Validation Panel, MA Management Learning with IBM, Bristol UWE2002Member of External Panel for MA Creative Talents & Solutions for Sainsbury’s with Consultants Jo Ouston, Bristol UWE2001Chair Validation Panel, BSc Awards in Computing & Telecommunications and Computer Systems Engineering, Bristol UWE2001Chair Validation Panel, LLB Awards in Law, Bristol UWE2000Chair Validation Panel, LLM Awards in Law, Bristol UWEPanel Member, University Professional Development Programme, Bristol UWEExternal Consultant, Subject Programme Review in ‘Biosciences’, Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambs.Mentor QAAHE Subject Programme Review in ‘Psychology’, ‘Art, Media and Design’, ‘Nursing’; Bristol UWE1998 - 99Subject Leader QAAHE Subject Programme Review in ‘Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Molecular Biosciences and Organismal Biosciences’; scored 4 in all six aspects, Bristol UWE1998Member Validation Panel, BSc (Hons) Human Biology, University of Plymouth, Devon1997 - 1998Member Award Development Committee, BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences, Bristol UWE1998Member Validation Panel, Course Team, BSc (Hons) Biomedical Sciences, CPSM/IBMS, Bristol UWE1997 - 1998Member Award Development Committee, MSc/PgDip Biomedical Sciences, Bristol UWE1997 - 1998Chair Biological and Biomedical Sciences Field Review, Bristol UWE1996Member Scrutiny Panel, Pre-registration Diploma in Higher Education: Nursing, University of Hertfordshire (UH)1995 - 1996Member Scheme Development Committee, PgC/PgD Pharmacovigilance, UH in association with SIGAR (full cost)1995 - 1997Member Applied Biology Schemes Review, UH1994 - 1997Chair Scheme Development Committee, BSc (Hons) Medical Laboratory Sciences, UH in association with SBIE/IST Athens, Greece (for franchise)1994Member Scheme Development Committee, MSc Portfolio in Clinical and Pharmacological Sciences, UH1992 - 1995Member Cambridgeshire Project 2000 University Group, UH1993 - 1994Member Working Party on Academic Support, Cambridgeshire Project 20001992 - 1994Member Scheme Development Committees (Common Foundation Programme and Adult Branch), Cambridgeshire Project 20001992 - 1994Member Scheme Development Committee MSc Medical Imaging Science (Ultrasound), UH1992Member Validation Panel, Course Team, MSc Medical Imaging Science (Ultrasound), UH1992Member Validation Panel, Course Team, BSc (Hons) Radiography, UH1992Member Scheme Development Committee, BSc (Hons) Radiography, UH1991Member Revalidation Committee, Internal Panel, MSc Behavioural Biology and Health Care, Roehampton Institute (Surrey)1991Member Scrutiny Panel, MSc Behavioural Biology & Health Care, Roehampton Institute (Surrey)1990Member Revalidation Committee, Course Team, BSc (Hons) Health Studies & Member Scrutiny Panel, Diploma in Specialist Nurse (Diabetes), Roehampton Institute (Surrey) Past Academic Consultancy2015British Gas: sustainability and university top team issues2015BP: sustainability and graduate attributes2014HEFCE: ‘anchor’ institutions and HE policy 2014Pearson: top team issues in higher education2014Talent Retention Solution: student and graduate employability2014External Assessor National University of Ireland, Galway: Reader/Professor2014Welsh government: qualification reform in Wales 2013BIS: Witty Review see Board: higher education trends2009 - 2011BIS: Postgraduate Review see - dateDepartment of Health & Medical/Health Education England: healthcare science2005Consultant to Xenogen, San Francisco CA, USA: technology related to lux genes and in vitro model development.2004Invited by SEMTA, the Sector Skills Council for Science, Engineering, Manufacturing and Technologies, to advise Ian Gibson as Chair of the Science and Technology Committee on HE science and business/industry links2004Invited to advise to Dr Graeme Reid, Director of Exploitation at the Department of Trade and Industry, Office of Science and Technology on the impact of SRIF on University science2004Invited to Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, US to further academic exchange and collaborative research links2004Invited by Royal Society to advise on research plan to review barriers for practicing scientists in engaging with the media2004External Assessor, Portsmouth University: Readership Panel2003External Assessor, Anglia Polytechnic University: Dean of Science Appointment Panel2002External Assessor, University of Salford: Professorial Appointment Panel2002External Assessor, University of Hertfordshire: Readership Panel2000External Assessor, University of Glamorgan: Dean of Science Appointment Panel2003 - 2005Consultant to Pfizer, Amboise, France on 'Spheroid in vitro models'1999 - 2002Consultant to Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Cardiff on ‘In vitro technology in toxicology’1999Consultant, Subject Programme Review in ‘Biosciences’; Anglia Polytechnic University, Cambs.1998Editor/author textbook 'Approaches to high-throughput toxicity screening', Taylor & Francis1996 - 2012BBC World Service Science Unit, Science/Health Advisor/Programme Contributor, Freelance1996 - dateWomen in Technology, European Handbook of Women Experts in Science, Engineering and Technology: Biological Sciences1994 - 2010BBC Radio 5 Live, Science/Health Advisor/Programme Contributor1994External Assessor, Readership Panel 'Pharmacology & Human Physiology'; St. Martins College Lancaster, Lancs.Research Project Management2004 - 2007EPSRC In Vitro Project Manager for 'Non-linear media-based computers: chemical and neuronal networks through machine learning', Bristol UWE2004 - 2007ESRC Biomedical Cell Cultures Project Manager for 'Forgotten Foetuses: A sociocultural analysis of the use of fetal stem cells'2002 - 2003EU SensaCellTox - In Vitro Project Manager for bid, Bristol UWE2001 - 2005Founder and Director of the UWE Bristol Genomics Research Institute, Bristol UWE; now Executive Director2000 - 2005Founder and Director of the Centre for Research in Biomedicine, Bristol UWE; now Executive Director of CRIB2000 - 2001Project Manager, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech: UWE research contract on ‘In vitro toxicology and spheroids’1997 - 2000Research Leader, Department of Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Bristol UWE1996 - 1997Director of the Cellular Toxicology Unit/CellTox Centre, University of Hertfordshire, Herts.1992 - 1995Deputy Director of the Cellular Toxicology Unit/CellTox Centre, University of Hertfordshire, Herts.1994 - 1997Research Leader, Brain Spheroids in Neurotoxicity Testing; Cellular Toxicology Unit, University of Hertfordshire, Herts.1994 - 1996Research Leader, Peripheral Neuropathy; Cellular Toxicology Unit, University of Hertfordshire, Herts.1992 - 1997Research Leader, Neuroimmunology/immunotoxicology; Cellular Toxicology Unit, University of Hertfordshire, Herts.Research Grants2014Mechanistic Application of Spheroids Cell Culture to 3Rs in Fish Ecotoxicology; BBSRC-CASE Award with AstraZeneca and NERC, PI Professor Awadhesh Zha (Plymouth) and co-applicants Wendy Purcell (Plymouth), Stewart Owen (AZ); ?600,0002005EU 'Novel Testing Strategies for In Vitro Assessment of Allergens (Sens-it-iv); 12.66 million euros (Erwin Roggen PI & Wendy Purcell co-applicant et al).2004?406,588 from BBSRC Engineering and Biological Systems Branch (?127k to UWE) awarded for a project entitled 'Progression of animal cell interactions and intra-cellular processes triggered on contact in ultrasound standing wave traps.' to Terry Coakley (PI, Cardiff) and co-applicants Wendy Purcell (UWE), Charles Archer (Cardiff), Jim Ralphs (Cardiff). BB/C515220/12004?1.2 million from EPSRC (?568k to Bristol UWE) awarded for a project entitled 'Non-linear media-based computers: chemical and neuronal networks through machine learning' to Larry Bull PI and co-applicants Andrew Adamatsky (CEMS) and Wendy Purcell and Ben de Lacy Costello (FAS) with Michael O’Shea at University of Sussex and Annette Taylor at University of Leeds. GR/S638542004 ?147,685 from the ESRC was awarded for a project entitled 'Forgotten Foetuses: A sociocultural analysis of the use of fetal stem cells' to Julie Kent (PI) and co-applicants Wendy Purcell with Naomi Pfeffer at London Metropolitan University and Gordon Stamp Imperial College London.2003?60k EPSRC Research Cluster funding 'Novel computation: coping with complexity'; these research clusters are eligible to bid to a ring-fenced EPSRC fund of ?10 million in support of their planned research programmes.2001 - 2002?796k in grants competitively awarded by Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Roche Discovery, Pfizer1998 - 2000?342k in grants competitively awarded by Roche Discovery Welwyn, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, HEFCE CollR and DevR funds.1995 - 1997?485k in grants competitively awarded by Government research councils, BBSRC and MAFF, in collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry:Glaxo-Wellcome/BBSRC ROPA 1995: Mast cells in vitro: new models to assess pharmaco-toxicological effects of neurotrophic factors.MAFF 1996: Development and initial validation of an in vitro model to replace the 'Hen Test in screening organophosphorus pesticides for neurotoxicity: 'Chick Brain Spheroids'.SmithKline Beecham/BBSRC ROPA 1996: Inflammatory mechanisms in the gastrointestinal tract.Roche Discovery 1997, 1998: In vitro studies with spheroids1992 - 1994?205k in grants competitively awarded by research charities, research studentships, consultancy-funding. The Wellcome Trust; The Royal Society European Science Exchange Programme in Toxicology; Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research.Research Work by Invitation/External CollaborationProfessor Dr Jack Spengler, Harvard University, Center for Health and the Global Environment: executive leadership for sustainability, social enterprise, innovation ecosystemsDr Stewart Owen, AstraZeneca: fish liver spheroids.Dr David Tosh, University of Bath: liver cell differentiation and development.Dr Sakis Mantalaris, Imperial College of Science & Technology: spheroids and tissue engineering.Dr Samantha Orr, UK Human Tissue Bank: human liver culture models.Dr Clare Selden, University College Medical School, Royal Free Hospital; spheroids and tissue engineering.Professor J Nicholson, Imperial College of Science & Technology: spheroids and NMR metabonomics.Professor T Coakley, Cardiff University: spheroids and ultrasonics.Professor J Hadgraft, The Welsh School of Pharmacy, Cardiff University and Western Arc Biosciences Platform: skin spheroids for skin irritancy and barrier function as alternatives to animals for cosmetic testing and pharmaceutical formulations.Dr C Reinhardt, Swiss Institute of Alternatives to Animal Testing, Switzerland: organotypic chick brain reaggregates as an in vitro model in neurotoxicity testing.Dr M Haffner, Mannheim University, Germany: in vitro models of ischaemia-reperfusion injury and calcium imaging.Ms J Kelly, Corning Hazelton Laboratories, Harrogate: mast cells, in vitro/in vivo models in neurotoxicity testing. Dr B Rogers, Genetech, USA: neurotrophic factors.Dr R Lindsay, Regeneron, USA: neurotrophic factors.Dr A Hutchings, Roche Discovery: experimental allergic encephalomyelitis.Dr C Chandler, University of Luton: cytokines and rheumatoid arthritis.Dr P Shah, Allergy & Immunology Department of Paediatrics, Aahus Lummunehospital, Denmark: gastrointestinal inflammatory diseases.Professor F Pearce, University College London: mast cells.Dr M Church, University of Southampton: mast cells.Dr I Rudolph, Universida de Concepcion, Chile: mast cells.Research Students European Science Fellowship (Toxicology) 1996, supervisor to Ms Charlotte Teunissen of the Institute of Medical Chemistry, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria for a programme of work entitled 'The use of histotypic brain spheroids in studying polychlorinated biphenyl-induced neurotoxicity'.ERASMUS Toxicology (1993-94), research studentships, Hogeschool Gelderland, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Mr Rogier van Otterlo, Ms Marianka Derks.Supervisor of undergraduate and post-graduate (MSc) research projects and industrial placements in Pharmacology, Toxicology, Biomedical Sciences, Molecular Biology, Protein Chemistry, Pharmacological Biochemistry, Clinical Sciences, Health Studies, Medical Imaging.PhD student Laura Langan (current): Applications of 3D spheroid cultures in fish ecotoxicology. PhD student Eleanor Butland (current): The role of incubators in improving the long-term sustainability of social enterprises.PhD student (2013) Matthew Baron: Mechanistic Application of Spheroids Cell Culture to 3Rs in Fish Ecotoxicology (CASE award with AstraZeneca)PhD student (2007): Amanda Wallington: Liver spheroids and the toxiome. Bristol UWEPhD student (2004): Paula Waits: Nociceptin in the regulation of immune-neuroendocrine function. UWE, Bristol.PhD student (2004): Mingwen Ma: A study of the physiological and biochemical characteristics of liver spheroid. UWE, Bristol.PhD student (2002): Kian Hwa Tan: Characterisation of T lymphocyte mediated blood-brain barrier damage in an in vitro model: relevance to neuroinflammation? UWE, Bristol. PhD student (2001): Anne Hutchings: Antigen Presenting Cells and Transplantation: A Comparison of Immune Cell Function between Caucasians and African Americans. UWE Bristol. PhD student (2000): Simon Stephan: Colony Stimulating Factors and Nitric Oxide in Rat Cartilage Chondrocytes: Application to Rheumatoid Arthritis.PhD student (2000): Kevin Sales: Development of an in vitro paradigm to model aspects of organophosphate-induced neurotoxicity: hen embryo brain spheroids. University of Hertfordshire.PhD student (2000): Andrew Brooks: Mast cells and free radicals: relationships between histamine release, reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide. University of Hertfordshire. PhD student (1999): Wei Zhang: Histochemical and Immunocytochemical Characterisation of Mast cells from Charles River Wistar Rats. PhD student (1999): Claire Westgate: Rat mast cells and the neuroimmune axis: pharmacological and toxicological perspectives. University of Hertfordshire.Research VivasPhD viva (2005): Peter Wilkinson: Development of an in vitro model to investigate repeat ocular exposure. Nottingham University. [External Examiner]PhD viva (2004): Robert Prince: Pharmacology of the locust extensor tibia neuromuscular junction. UWE, Bristol. [Internal Examiner]PhD viva (2004): Sarah Choudhury: An investigation of mechanisms responsible for modulated biosynthetic function in 3-dimensional cultures of a human hepatocyte cell line, for potential use in a bioartifical liver support system. University of London, Kings College London [Chief External Examiner]PhD viva (2001): Bassam Zeina: Killing of cutaneous microbial species by photodynamic therapy. UWE, Bristol.PhD viva (2001): M Dobbie: The ECV304/C6 cell culture model of the blood brain barrier: barrier integrity and glutathione status. University of London. [External Examiner]PhD viva (1998): Ann Smith: An investigation of the effects of recombinant human cytokines on the sensitivity of normal haemopoietic, and acute myeloblastic leukaemia progenitors to cytosine arabinoside. UWE Bristol. [Internal Examiner]PhD viva (1998): C Mead: Studies of toxic responses in cultured astrocytes. University of Salford. [External Examiner]PhD viva (1996): D J Andrew: The effects of toxins on haemopoetic growth-factor dependent cell lines. University of Leeds. [External Examiner]PhD viva (1995): B F Gibbs: Some studies on the release of cytokines and other mediators from mast cells of the rat and human. University College, London. [External Examiner]MPhil viva (1993): C M Sullens: Compliance of the elderly with medication regimens: determinants and measures to improve. University of Hertfordshire. [Internal Examiner]Patents (filed)Spheroids 9702335.2, 9709899.0, PCT/GB98/00343 [WO 98/35021]CNS Drugs 9702310.5, PCT/GB98/0035Preparation of Spheroids PCT/GB01/05445UK Patent Application No. 0029847.1 filed on 7 December 2000PCT Patent Application No. PCT/GB01/05445 filed 7 December 2001China Patent Application No. (TBA) filed 6 June 2003Japan Patent Application No. (TBA) filed 6 June 2003US Patent Application No. 10/433,928 filed 6 June 2003European Patent Application No. 01999638.8 filed on 16 June 2003High throughput screen assay: patent application 0200721.9PUBLICATIONSSince joining the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public HealthPurcell WM & Spengler JD (2020). LOOKING TO THE FUTURE: SUSTAINABILITY AND OTHER ISSUES. Book chapter in 16th Edition of Maxcy-Rosenau-Last Public Health and Preventative Medicine, Lead Editor Matt Bolton; submitted.Purcell WM, Spengler JD & Chahine T (2019). UNIVERSITY ENGAGEMENT DRIVING DELIVERY OF THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: SOCIAL ENTERPRISE. Paper accepted by ICSD, August 1st, 2019 (Proceedings available 11/19). and WM (2019). CHANGE MANAGEMENT AND METAPHOR IN GLOBAL HIGHER EDUCATION. Chapter in Routledge Book ‘Critical Global Semiotics’. WM (2019. 'OFF THE CURVE’ IN HIGHER EDUCATION’ [Video file]. In?The Business & Management Collection, Henry Stewart Talks. Retrieved February 13, 2020, from WM (2019). A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE IN SUSTAINING ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITIES ILLUSTRATED WITH CASE MATERIAL FROM A RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW OF A UNIVERSITY’S STRATEGIC TRANSFORMATION: THE ENTERPRISE UNIVERSITY. Chapter in Springer 978-981-13-8129-4, Kliewe et al. (Eds): Developing Engaged and Entrepreneurial Universities.Purcell WM, Hendriksen HA & Spengler J (2019). UNIVERSITIES AS THE ENGINE OF TRANSFORMATIONAL SUSTAINABILITY TOWARD DELIVERING THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS: ‘LIVING LABS’ FOR SUSTAINABILITY. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. WM and Chahine T (2019). LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORKS DRIVING TRANSFORMATIONAL CHANGE IN AN ENTREPRENEURIAL UK UNIVERSITY. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 40(5) 612-623 E & Purcell WM (2019). DETERMINATION OF REGIONAL RESEARCH AND INNOVATION HUBS IN BULGARIA: EXPLORING KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECOSYSTEMS. VUZF Review [Online Journal for Economics], 4(8)1, 8-21. ISSN 2534-9228. WM (2018) UNIVERSITIES AS THOUGHT-LEADERS AND COLLABORATIVE PARTNERS IN ADDRESSING LOCAL CHALLENGES. Global priorities educated solutions the role of academia in advancing the sustainable development goals. A report on the program hosted by the international alliance of research universities during the annual conference of the international sustainable campus network, 12 June 2018 in KTH Royal Institute of technology, Stockholm. P18 track: Service for Society. ; LM, Owen SF, Trznadel M, Dodd NJF, Jackson SK, Purcell WM & Jha AN (2018). SPHEROID SIZE DOES NOT IMPACT METABOLISM OF THE β-BLOCKER PROPRANOLOL IN 3D INTESTINAL MODEL. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9: 947- doi: 10.3389/fphar.2018.00947 , W.M. (2018). DYNAMISM IS DYNAMITE. International Educator 27(5) 54-55.Purcell, W.M. (2018). Expert Adviser to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria, Report for the Government: SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPACT OF UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH INSTITUTES. Prepared in cooperation with experts from the OECD and World Bank. (October 2018).Purcell WM, Sharp L & Chahine T (2017). NEW GOVERNANCE MODELS FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITIES: A CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK. Academic Proceedings of the 2017 University-Industry Engagement Conference: From Best Practice to Next Practice – Asia-Pacific Opportunities and Perspectives. ISBN 978-94-91901-25-6; pp 19-29.Jha A, Langan LM, Harper GMM, Owen SFF, Purcell WM & Jackson SK (2017). APPLICATION OF THE RAINBOW TROUT DERIVED INTESTINAL CELL LINE (RTGUTGC) FOR ECOTOXICOLOGICAL STUDIES: MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR RESPONSES FOLLOWING EXPOSURE TO COPPER. Ecotoxicology 26(8) 1117-1133; doi: 10.1007/s10646-017-1838-8. Epub 2017 Aug 7.Selected PublicationsOwen SF, Baron MG, Mintram KS, Hetheridge MJ, Moody JA, Purcell WM, Jackson SK & Jha AN (2016). PHARMACUETICAL METABOLISM IN FISH: USING A 3-D HEPATIC IN VITRO MODEL TO ASSESS CLEARANCE. PLoS ONE (submitted 03/2016 and accepted PONE-D-16-13095)Purcell, WM (2016). FUTURE PROOFING UNIVERSITIES: WHY IT’S ALL DOWN TO THE CIO. , WM (2016) Editorial Group. POSSIBILITY THINKING: REIMAGINING THE FUTURE OF FURTHER EDUCATION AND SKILLS. RSA Action and Research Centre and Further Education Trust for Leadership; Ed. Mark Londesborough. WM, Beer J & Southern, R (2016). DIFFERENTIATION OF ENGLISH UNIVERSITIES: THE IMPACT OF POLICY REFORMS IN DRIVING A MORE DIVERSE HIGHER EDUCATION LANDSCAPE. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 20(1): 24-33. DOI: 10.1080/13603108.2015.1062059; LM, Dodd NJF, Owen SF, Purcell WM, Jackson SK & Jha AN (2016). DIRECT MEASUREMENTS OF OXYGEN GRADIENTS IN SPHEROID CULTURE SYSTEM USING ELECTRON PARAMAGNETIC RESONANCE OXIMETRY. PLoS ONE 11(2): e0149492 doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149492Purcell WM & Paton I (2015). TEN REASONS TO BUILD RESILIENCE INTO THE FUTURE OF YOUR UNIVERSITY – A BUSINESS GUIDE FOR UNIVERSITY GOVERNORS. EAUC with Committee of University Chairs and Leadership Foundation. , WM (2014). DISRUPTION AND DISTINCTIVENESS IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 18(1): 3-8. , WM (2014). EMPLOYABILITY IS OUR JOB. Inside Higher Education. WM (2013). SUCCESS IN A POST-DISRUPTION MARKETPLACE: LESSONS FROM OTHER SECTORS. In Going Global: Identifying Trends and Drivers of International Education, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., chapter 4-5, pp241-248. WM (2014). THE BUSINESS CASE FOR SUSTAINABILITY. Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, Governor Development Programme. ? J, Patton D, Jackson SK, Purcell WM (2013). In-Vitro Maintenance and Functionality of Primary Renal Tubules and Their Application in the Study of Relative Renal Toxicity of Nephrotoxic Drugs. Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods 68: 269-274Purcell, W.M. (2013). Expert Adviser to the UK national REVIEW ON UNIVERSITIES AND BUSINESS. (October 2013).Baron MG, Purcell WM, Jackson SK, Owen SF & Jha AN (2012). TOWARDS A MORE REPRESENTATIVE IN VITRO METHOD FOR FISH ECOTOXICOLOGY: MORPHOLOPGICAL AND BIOCHECMICAL CHARACTERISATIONS OF THREE-DIMENSIONAL SPHEROIDAL HEPATOCYTES. Ecotoxicology 21(8):2419-2429Purcell WM (2012). GROWING THE FUTURE: UNIVERSITIES LEADING, CHANGING AND CREATING THE REGIONAL ECONOMY. Launched with Vince Cable MP, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, 20 September 2011 Purcell WM (2012). THE UNIVERSITY: AN ANCHOR IN A SEA OF CHANGE, University Alliance ‘University Vision’ project; September 2012 WM (2012). WE NEED TO LOOK BEYOND THE VICTORIAN VIEW OF DOCTORS AND NURSES. Huffington Post, 5 October 2012 WM (2012). MEETING THE SOCIAL MOBILITY CHALLENGE: POWER IN PARTNERSHIPS. Huffington Post, 24 October 2012 WM (2012). New thinking required for innovation and growth. Huffington Post, 7 November 2012 WM (2012). COMMUNITY ENGAGED RESEARCH. Huffington Post, 27 November 2012 WM (2011-12). THE IMPORTANCE OF ENTERPRISING LEADERSHIP 28: 12. Engage: Leadership Foundation for Higher EducationPurcell WM (2011). VIEWPOINT – IMPACT AS TRANSLATION. Methodological Innovations Online 6(1): 7-8Purcell WM & Chipperfield C (2011). HOW HIGHER EDUCATION CAN DRIVE AN ENTERPRISE REVOLUTION. Blue Skies: new thinking about the future of higher education. Pearson Centre for Policy and Learning, Pearson, pp 137-141Purcell WM, Beer J, Southern R & Chipperfield C (2011). Positioning universities: how HEIs develop distinctiveness strategies. Guardian online, 19 May 2011 KH, Harry RA, Purcell WM & McLeod JD (2009). Nociceptin-induced modulation of human T cell function. Peptides 30:926-934Rawson FJ, Purcell WM, Xu J, Pemberton RM, Fielden PR, Biddle N & Hart JP (2009). A MICROBAND LACTATE BIOSENSOR FABRICATED USING A WATER-BASED SCREEN-PRINTED CARBON INK. Talanta 77(3): 1149-1154Purcell, W (2008). BALANCING THE NEEDS AND EXPECTATIONS OF SOCIETY WITH THE AUTONOMY OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. OECD’s Higher Education Management and Policy Journal FJ, Purcell WM, Xu J, Cowell DCC, Fielden PR, Biddle N & Hart JP (2007). Fabrication and Characterisation of Novel Screen-Printed Tubular Microband Electrodes and their Application to the Measurement of Hydrogen Peroxide. Electrochimica Acta 52: 7248-7253Liu J, Kuznetsova A, Edwards GO, Xu J, Purcell WM, Jackson SK & Coakley T (2007). FUNCTIONAL THREE-DIMENSIONAL HEPG2 AGGREGATE CULTURES GENERATED FROM AN ULTRASOUND TRAP: COMPARISON WITH HEPG2 SPHEROIDS. J Cell Biochem 102(5): 1180-1189 in press (Epub ahead of print 17April 2007)Xu J and Purcell WM (2006). ENERGY METABOLISM AND BIOTRANSFORMATION AS ENDPOINTS TO PRE-SCREEN HEPATOTOXICITY USING A LIVER SPHEROID MODEL. Toxicol & Appl Pharmac 216: 293-302Uroukov IS, Ma M, Bull L and Purcell WM (2006). ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENTS IN THREE-DIMENSIONAL IN VIVO-MIMETIC ORGANOTYPIC CELL CULTURES: PRELIMINARY STUDIES WITH HEN EMBRYO BRAIN SPHEROIDS. Neurosci Letts 404: 33-38Waits PS, Purcell WM, Fulford AJ & McLeod JD (2004). NOCICEPTIN/ORPHANIN FQ MODULATES HUMAN T CELL FUNCTION IN VITRO. J Neuroimmunol 149: 110-120Sales KM, Kingston ST, Doyle KM & Purcell WM (2004). PRELIMINARY CHARACTERISATION OF AN IN VITRO PARADIGM FOR THE STUDY OF THE DELAYED EFFECTS OF ORGANOPHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS: HEN EMBRYO BRAIN SPHEROIDS. Toxicol 195: 187-202Tan KH, Harrington S, Purcell WM & Hurst RD (2004). PEROXYNITRITE MEDIATES NITRIC OXIDE-INDUCED BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER DAMAGE. Neurochem Res 29(3): 579-587Purcell WM, Atterwill CK & Xu J (2003). CRYOPRESERVATION OF ORGANOTYPIC BRAIN SPHEROID CULTURES. ATLA 31: 563-573Xu J & Purcell WM (2003). ENDPOINT SELECTION FOR HEPATIC CYTOTOXICITY EVALUATION USING LIVER SPHEROIDS. Toxicol Letts 144 (Suppl. 1) S176Xu J & Purcell WM (2003). m-DINITROBENZENE-INDUCED HEPATIC CYTOXICITY IN RAT LIVER SPHEROIDS. Toxicol Letts 144 (Suppl. 1) S368Johnson PL, Prince RI, Purcell WM & Osborne RH (2003). BRADYKININ-INDUCED CONTRACTION OF THE RAT ISOLATED ILEUM INVOLVES EXTRACELLULAR CALCIUM, PROTEIN KINASE C AND INOSITOL TRIPHOSPHATE RECEPTORS. B J Pharmacol 140: 74PMorgan J, Spengler JF, Kuznetsova L, Coakley WT, Xu J & Purcell WM (2003). MANIPULATION OF IN VITRO TOXICANT SENSORS IN AN ULTRASONIC STANDING WAVE. Toxicology In Vitro 18(1), 115-120Ma M, Xu J & Purcell WM (2003). Biochemical and functional changes of rat liver spheroids during spheroid formation and maintenance in culture. I. Morphological maturation and kinetics changes of energy metabolism, albumin synthesis and activities of some enzymes. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 90(6):1166-1175Xu J, Ma M & Purcell WM (2003). Biochemical and functional changes of rat liver spheroids during spheroid formation and maintenance in culture. II. nitric oxide synthesis and related changes. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 90(6): 1176-1185Xu J, Ma M & Purcell WM (2003). CHARACTERISATION OF SOME CYTOTOXIC ENDPOINTS USING RAT LIVER AND HEPG2 SPHEROIDS AS IN VITRO MODELS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN HEPATOTOXICITY STUDIES. I. GLUCOSE METABOLISM AND ENZYME RELEASE AS CYTOTOXIC MARKERS. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 189: 100-111Xu J, Ma M & Purcell WM (2003). CHARACTERISATION OF SOME CYTOTOXIC ENDPOINTS USING RAT LIVER AND HEPG2 SPHEROIDS AS IN VITRO MODELS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN HEPATOTOXICITY STUDIES. II. SPHEROID CELL SPREADING INHIBITION AS A NEW CYTOTOXIC MARKER. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 189: 112-119Zeina B, Greenman J, Corry D & Purcell, WM (2003). Antimicrobial photodynamic therapy: assessment of genotoxic effects on keratinocytes in vitro. Br J Dermatol 148(2): 229-232Osborne RH, Bright J, Prince RI & Purcell WM (2003). ACETYLCHOLINE-INDUCED CONTRACTION OF THE RAT ISOLATED ILEUM INVOLVES ACTIVATION OF l-TYPE CALCIUM CHANNELS AND INOSITOL TRIPHOSPHATE RECEPTORS. B J Pharmacol 138: 54Coltman C, Prince RI, Purcell WM, Osborne RH (2003). CONTRACTILE EFFECTS OF THE TACHYKININS, RANAKININ AND TACHYKININ A, ON THE RAT ISOLATE ILEUM PREPARATION. B J Pharmacol 138: 89Coltman C, Prince RI, Purcell WM & Osborne, RH (2003). SUBSTANCE P-INDUCED TONIC CONTRACTION OF THE RAT ISOLATED ILEUM INVOLVES ACTIVATION OF L-TYPE CALCIUM CHANNELS AND INOSITOL TRIPHOSPHATE RECEPTORS. B J Pharmacol 135: 234Tan KH, Purcell WM, Heales SJ, McLeod JD & Hurst R (2002). ACTIVATED T CELLS MEDIATE DIRECT BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER ENDOTHELIAL CELL DEATH AND DYSFUNCTION. NeuroReport 13(18): 2587-2591Tan KH, Purcell WM, Heales SJ, McLeod JD & Hurst RD (2002). EVALUATION OF THE ROLE OF P-GLYCOPROTEIN IN INFLAMMATION INDUCED BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER DAMAGE. NeuroReport 13(18): 2593-2597Xu J, Ma M & Purcell WM (2002). OPTIMIZING THE ENZYMATIC DETERMINATION OF GALACTOSE IN THE CULTURE MEDIUM OF RAT LIVER AND HEPPG2 CELL SPHEROIDS. Anal Biochem 311(2): 179-181Bollard MW, Xu J, Purcell WM, Griffin JL, Quirk C & Holmes E (2002). METABOLIC PROFILING OF THE EFFECTS OF D-GALACTOSAMINE IN LIVER SPHEROIDS USING (1)h NMR AND MAS-NMR SPECTROSCOPY. Chem Res Toxicol 15(11): 1351-1359Zeina B, Greenman J, Corry D & Purcell WM (2002). CYTOTOXIC EFFECTS OF ANTIMICROBIAL PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY ON KERATINOCYTES IN VITRO. Br J Dermatol 146(4): 568-573Hutchings A, Guay-Woodford L, Thomas JM, Young CJ, Purcell WM, Pravica V, Perrey C, Hutchinson IV & Benfield MR (2002). ASSOCIATION OF CYTOKINE SINGLE NUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISMS WITH B7 COSTIMULATORY MOLECULES IN KIDNEY ALLOGRAFT RECIPIENTS. Pediatr Transplant 6(1): 69-77Hutchings A, Purcell WM & Benfield MR (2001). INCREASED CONSTIMULATORY RESPONSES IN AFRICAN-AMERICAN KIDNEY ALLOGRAFT RECIPIENTS. Transplantation 71(5):692-695Zeina B, Greenman J, Purcell WM & Das B (2001). KILLING OF CUTANEOUS MICROBIAL SPECIES BY PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY. Br J Dermatol 144(2): 274-278Lakhani K, Constantinovici N, Purcell WM, Fernando R & Hardiman P (2000). INTERNAL CAROTID-ARTERY RESPONSE TO 5% CARBON DIOXIDE IN WOMEN WITH POLYCYSTIC OVARIES. Lancet. 356(9236): 1166-1167Xu J, Purcell WM & Ray DE. (2000). AGE DIFFERENCE IN THE METABOLISM OF P-BROMOPHENYLACETYLUREA IN THE RAT: AN IMPLICATION FOR AGE-RELATED SUSCEPTIBILITY TO ITS NEUROTOXICITY. Neurotoxicology. 21(3): 289-293Lakhani K, Constantinovici N, Purcell WM, Fernando R & Hardiman P. (2000). INTERNAL CAROTID ARTERY HAEMODYNAMICS IN WOMEN WITH POLYCYSTIC OVARIES. Clin Sci (Lond). 98(6): 661-665Xu J, Purcell WM & Ray DE. (2000). TOXICOKINETICS AND METABOLISM OF P-BROMOPHENYLACETYLUREA IN THE RAT. Xenobiotica. 30(3): 307-315Sales KM, Kingston ST, Atterwill CK & Purcell WM (2000). AVIAN WHOLE-BRAIN SPHEROID CULTURES: APPLICATIONS IN PESTICIDE TOXICITY. Pest Manag Sci 56: 825-827Stephan S, Purcell WM & Chander CL (1999). GRANULOCYTE COLONY STIMULATING FACTOR DECREASES GLYCOSAMINOGLYCAN CONCENTRATION AND INCREASES NITRIC OXIDE PRODUCTION IN RAT ARTICULAR CARTILAGE. Inflammation Res. 48 Suppl 2: S126-7Stephan S, Purcell WM & Chander CL (1999). COLONY STIMULATING FACTORS REGULATE LEVELS OF NITRIC OXIDE AND PROSTAGLANDIN E2 PRODUCATION IN RAT CARTILAGE CHONDROCYTES. Int J Tissue React. 21(4): 25-31Hutchings A, Purcell WM & Benfield MR. (1999). PERIPHERAL BLOOD ANTIGEN-PRESENTING CELLS FROM AFRICAN-AMERICANS EXHIBIT INCREASED CD80 AND CD86 EXPRESSION. Clin Exp Immunol. 118(2): 247-252Xu J, Nolan CC, Lister T, Purcell WM & Ray DE. (1999). PHARMACOKINETIC FACTORS AND CONCENTRATION-TIME THRESHOLD IN M-DINITROBENZENE-INDUCED NEUROTOXICITY. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 161(3): 267-273Xu J, Lamb J, Jukes R, Purcell WM & Ray DE (1999). APPLICATION OF THE HIGH-PERFORMANCE LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHIC METHOD FOR SEPARATION, PURIFICATION AND CHARACTERISATION OF P-BROMOPHENYLACETYLUREA AND ITS METABOLITES. J Chromatogr B Biomed Sci Appl. 732(2): 349-356Brooks AC, Whelan CJ & Purcell WM (1999). REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES GENERATION AND HISTAMINE RELEASE BY ACTIVATED MAST CELLS: MODULATION BY NITRIC OXIDE SYNTHASE INHIBITION. Br J Pharmacol 128(3): 585-590Xu J, Lister T, Purcell WM & Ray DE. (1999). NEUROTOXIC ‘POTENTIATION’ IS RELATED TO A METABOLIC INTERACTION BETWEEN P-BROMOPHENYLACETYLUREA AND PHENYLMETHANESULFONYL FLUORIDE. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 157(3): 222-226Atterwill CK, Goldfarb P & Purcell WM (1999). APPROACHES TO HIGH THROUGHPUT TOXICITY SCREENING. Book: Publishers, Taylor & Francis; 0 7484 0752 9Stephan S, Purcell WM & Chander CL (1999). EFFECTS OF GRANULOCYTE MACROPHAGE COLONY STIMULATING FACTOR AND INTERLEUKIN-3 ON PROSTAGLANDIN E2 AND NITRIC OXIDE PRODUCTION IN ARTICULAR CARTILAGE. Mediators of Inflamm 8, suppl. 1, S78Stephan S, Purcell WM, Punchard N & Chander CL (1999). EFFECTS OF MACROPHAGE COLONY STIMULATING FACTOR AND INTERLEUKIN-1 ON GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANS AND NITRIC OXIDE PRODUCTION. Br J Rheumatol 38, S2: 4Lakhani KP, Marsh MS, Purcell WM & Hardiman P (1998). UTERINE ARTERY BLOOD FLOW PARAMETERS IN WOMEN WITH DYSFUNCTIONAL UTERINE BLEEDING AND UTERINE FIBROIDS: THE EFFECTS OF TRANEXAMIC ACID. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 11(4): 283-285Teunissen CE, Kingston ST, Morse DC, Purcell WM & Atterwill CK (1998). Volatile Organic Compounds in the Environment, Risk Assessment and Neurotoxicity, Vol 3. Application of rat and chick whole brain spheroids to polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) neurotoxicity testing. Le Collane della Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, PI-ME Press, Pavia, pp 263-272.Sales KM, Doyle KM, Kingston ST, Atterwill CK & Purcell WM (1998). THE USE OF HEN EMBRYO BRAIN SPHEROIDS TO MODEL ASPECTS OF ORGANOPHOSPHATE-INDUCED NEUROTOXICITY. Human & Expt Toxicol 17: 441Sales KM, Kingston ST, Atterwill CK & Purcell WM (1998). AVIAN WHOLE BRAIN SPHEROID CULTURES: APPLICATIONS IN PESTICIDE TOXICITY. Pesticide Sci 19: 89Brookes AC, Whelan CJ & Purcell WM (1998). REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES GENERATION BY NON-IMMUNOLOGICAL MAST CELL ACTIVATION: MODULATION BY NITRIC OXIDE. B J Pharmacol 124: 4Sales KM, Doyle KM, Kingston ST, Atterwill CK & Purcell WM (1998). THE USE OF HEN EMBRYO BRAIN SPHEROIDS TO MODEL ASPECTS OF ORGANOPHOSPHATE-INDUCED NEUROTOXICITY. Human & Expt Toxicol 17: 441Purcell WM (1997). NEURO-IMMUNO-TOXICOLOGY: A MENAGE A TROIS? ROLE IN MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY AND SICK BUILDING SYNDROME. Toxicol & Ecotoxicol News 4 (2): 35Speight SJ, Kingston ST, Sales KM, Atterwill CK & Purcell WM (1997). COMPARATIVE IN VITRO NEUROTOXICITY OF WHOLE EMBRYO HEN AND RAT BRAIN SPHEROID CULTURES EXPOSED TO THE POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYL AROCHLOR 1254. Human & Expt Toxicol 16: 403Kingston ST, Xu J, Sales KM, Speight SJ, Atterwill CK & Purcell WM (1997). OPTIMISATION OF A SERUM FREE MEDIUM FOR THE CULTURE OF HEN EMBRYO BRAIN SPHEROID CULTURES. Human & Expt Toxicol 16: 401.Westgate C, Brooks AC, Atterwill CK & Purcell WM (1997). MAST CELL-FIBROBLAST CO-CULTURES: AN IN VITRO PARADIGM FOR SCREENING COMPOUNDS FOR ANAPHYLACTOID POTENTIAL. Inflamm Res 9: 116Zhang W & Purcell WM (1997). EXAMINATION OF IMMUNOREACTIVITY FOR NERVE GROWTH FACTOR IN MAST CELLS: RAT BRAIN MAST CELLS. Inflamm Res 9: 124Atterwill CK & Purcell WM (1996). BRAIN SPHEROID AND OTHER ORGANOTYPIC CULTURE SYSTEMS IN IN VITRO NEUROTOXICOLOGY. Chapter 9, pp. 213-237, in Neurotoxicology In Vitro, Eds. Pentreath, VW & O'Hare S. Taylor & FrancisPurcell WM (1996). IMMUNOTOXICITY OF VANADIUM: COMMENTARY. Toxicol & Ecotoxicol News 3(5):135Atterwill CK, Fox RM & Purcell WM (1996). BRAIN SPHEROIDS IN NEUROTOXICITY TESTING: OPINION. Toxicology & Ecotoxicology News 3(4): 123-124Purcell WM, Westgate C & Atterwill CK (1996). MAST CELLS IN CELLULAR TOXICOLOGY AND TOXICITY TESTING. Toxicology & Ecotoxicology News 3(3):79-84Teunissen CE, Kingston ST, Fox RM, Purcell WM & Atterwill CK (1996). COMPARISON OF RAT AND CHICK BRAIN SPHEROID CULTURES IN STUDIES OF POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYL-INDUCED NEUROTOXICITY. Human & Expt Toxicol 15: 558Westgate C, Atterwill CK & Purcell WM (1996). CHARACTERISATION OF ISOLATED RAT BRAIN MAST CELLS. Inflamm Res 8: 103Kingston ST, Lethbridge MG, Atterwill CK & Purcell WM (1996). DEVELOPMENT OF CHICK BRAIN SPHEROID CULTURES FOR USE IN TOXICITY TESTING OF PESTICIDES. Human & Expt Toxicol 15: 660Westgate C, Atterwill UK & Purcell WM (1996). MAST CELL-FIBROBLAST CO-CULTURES: AN IN VITRO PARADIGM FOR ACUTE AND CHRONIC TOXICITY TESTING? Human & Expt Toxicol 15: 651Williams SP, O'Brien S, Whitmore K, Purcell WM, Cookson MR, Mead C, Pentreath VW & Atterwill CK (1996). AN IN VITRO NEUROTOXICITY TESTING SCHEME: EVALUATION OFCYTOTOXICITY DETERMINATIONS IN NEURAL AND NON-NEURAL CELLS. In Vitro Toxicology 9: 83Purcell WM, Westgate C & Atterwill CK (1996). RAT BRAIN MAST CELLS: AN IN VITRO PARADIGM FOR ASSESSING THE TOXIC EFFECTS OF NEUROTROPHIC FACTORS. Neurotoxicology 17(3-4): 845-850Purcell WM, Doyle K, Westgate C & Atterwill CK (1996). PRESENCE OF A FUNCTIONAL PERIPHERAL POLYAMINE SITE ASSOCIATED WITH A NMDA RECEPTOR MACROCOMPLEX ON RAT MAST CELLS: PUTATIVE ROLE? Human & Expt Toxicol 15: 172Westgate C, Atterwill CK & Purcell WM (1996).IN VITRO ASSESSMENT OF HISTAMINE RELEASE FROM RAT MAST CELLS INDUCED BY NEUROTROPHIC FACTORS: CONTRIBUTION TO CLINICAL EFFECTS OBSERVED UPON DOSING? Human & Expt Toxicol 15: 175Purcell WM, Doyle K, Westgate C & Atterwill CK (1996). CHARACTERISATION OF A FUNCTIONAL POLYAMINE SITE ON RAT MAST CELLS: ASSOCIATION WITH A NMDA RECEPTOR MACROCOMPLEX? Journal Neuroimmunol 65(1): 49-53Williams S, Egan C, Butt W, Atterwill CK, Purcell WM & Tattersall J (1995). ADULT RAT DORSAL ROOT GANGLION CELLS: USE OF IN VITRO STUDIES TO DETECT PERIPHERAL NEUROTOXICITY CAUSED BY RENAL FAILURE. Human & Expt Toxicol 15: 155Purcell WM, Westgate C & Atterwill CK (1995). MAST CELLS AND NEUROTROPHIC FACTORS. J Invest Dermatol 105: 54Purcell WM, Westgate C & Atterwill CK & Kelly JL (1995). MAST CELLS IN VITRO TOXICITY TESTING: SCREENING OF NEUROTROPHIC FACTORS FOR IMMUNOTOXIC EFFECTS. Pharmacol Toxicol 12: 81Kelly JL, Wilson AJ & Purcell WM (1995). CHARACTERISATION OF MAST CELLS IN HUMAN PLACENTA: AN ELECTRON MICROSCOPY STUDY. Pharmacol Toxicol 12: 87Purcell WM (1995). NEW OP TOXICITY TEST UNDER DEVELOPMENT. 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RODENT AND HUMAN MAST CELLS: AN IN VITRO MODEL IN NEURO- IMMUNOTOXICITY TESTING. Toxicol In Vitro 8: 627Purcell WM, Doyle KM, Bagga L & Derks M. (1994). HISTAMINE RELEASE FROM MAST CELLS BY POLYAMINES: A NMDA RECEPTOR MEDIATION EVENT? Biochem Soc Trans 22(4): 398SPurcell WM & Atterwill CK (1994). HUMAN PLACENTAL MAST CELLS AS AN IN VITRO SYSTEM IN ASPECTS OF NEUROIMMUNOTOXICITY TESTING. Human Expt Toxicol 13(6): 429-433Purcell WM & Atterwill CK (1993). HUMAN PLACENTAL MAST CELLS IN VITRO POSSESS A FUNCTIONAL RECEPTOR FOR NERVE GROWTH FACTOR. Human & Expt Toxicol 12: 327Purcell WM, Taylor JC & Hanahoe THP (1993). EVENING PRIMROSE OIL INHIBITS HISTAMINE SECRETION FROM RODENT MAST CELLS. B J Pharmacol 109: 121Purcell WM & Atterwill CK (1993). A FUNCTIONAL RECEPTOR FOR NERVE GROWTH FACTOR ON HUMAN PLACENTAL MAST CELLS. B J Pharmacol 109: 66Atterwill CK, Davenport-Jones J, Goonetilleke S, Johnston H, Purcell WM, Thomas SM, West M & Williams S (1993). 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B J Pharmacol 90: 101Selected Keynote PresentationsUniversity-Business Forum, ‘HEI Governance: How can good practices from private and public sector inspire the governance of higher education’, Sofia, Bulgaria; Feb 2018.American University in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Soft Drinks Association, ‘Reframing sustainability: leadership and innovation’, Sofia, Bulgaria; Oct 2017.University Industry-Innovation Network, ‘New Governance Models for Entrepreneurial Universities: A Conceptual Framework’, Adelaide, Australia; Feb 2017.Office of Naval Research Faculty Development Research Institute for Minority Serving Institutions and Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, ‘Strategic research partnering’, Indiana, US; July 2016.Cell and Gene Therapy Congress & 2nd Annual Stem Cell Congress, ‘3D cell culture development for stem cell manufacture’, London, UK; Nov 2015.University-Industry Interaction Conference, ‘Universities driving regional growth through enterprise’, Berlin, June 2015.Routledge Global Higher Education series, ‘Developing an innovative, independent, sustainable future for higher education across the UK’, London, May 2015.Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges Annual Conference on ‘Building resilience into the future of university governance – a business guide for university governors’, Leeds, UK; March 2015.Inside government ‘Implementing the Witty Review: One year on’, London, UK; Jan 2015.University-Industry Interaction Conference, ‘Universities driving regional growth through enterprise’, Berlin, Germany; June 2015.Policy Knowledge Briefing on Policy priorities for higher education – a manifesto for the new government, ‘Universities as place makers – joining the policy dots to secure efficiencies’, London, UK; June 2015.Routledge Global Higher Education series, UK Higher Education Regulation Reform ‘Developing an innovative, independent, sustainable future for Higher education across the UK’, London, UK; May 2015.Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges Annual Conference on ‘Building resilience into the future of university governance – a business guide for university governors’, Leeds, UK; March 2015.Inside Government ‘Implementing the Witty Review: One year on’, London, UK; January 2015.Innovate UK 2014 conference on ‘Collaborating for global success’, London, UK; Nov 2014.Westminster Social Policy Forum on ‘Regeneration and local economic growth in England’, London, UK; Nov 2014.University Human Resources Annual Conference on ‘Uncertainty and ambiguity’, Warwickshire, UK; May 2014.Times Higher Education Inaugural Young Universities Summit on ‘Developing a niche, building a vision and establishing a brand’, Miami, USA; April 2014.Innovate UK 2014 conference on ‘Collaborating for global success’, London, UK; November 2014.Westminster Social Policy Forum on ‘Regeneration and local economic growth in England’, London, UK; November 2014.University Human Resources conference on ‘Uncertainty and ambiguity’, Warwickshire, UK; May 2014.Times Higher Education Inaugural Young Universities Summit on ‘Developing a niche, building a vision and establishing a brand’, Miami, USA; April 2014.Times Higher Education Top 100 under 50 World Universities Ranking, expert panel debate, Miami, USA; April 2014.British Council Going Global conference on ‘Disruption and distinctiveness in higher education’, Miami, USA; April 2014.British Council Going Global conference, University Alliance on ‘Creating an enterprise culture for highly employable graduates’, Miami, USA; April 2014.BIS conference on ‘Public service role of BIS’, London, UK; April 2014.Inside Government ‘Implementing Witty’ conference on Case study: Universities at the heart of economic growth – experience from an enterprising university’, London, UK; March 2014.Leadership Foundation ‘Governance in a new economic climate’ governor development day on ‘The business case for sustainability’, Bristol, UK; February 2014.Association of University Administrators 16th Annual Lecture on ‘Disruption and distinctiveness in higher education’, Birmingham, UK; October 2013.Inside Government conference on ‘Supporting growth through research and innovation in higher education’ as Expert Advisor to the Witty Review, London, UK; September 2013.British Council conference ‘Entrepreneurship in UK universities’, Boston, USA November 2012.University of the Third Age, on ‘The Science of Cultures’; October 2012.National Council for Healthcare Science in Higher Education on 'We need to look beyond the Victorian view of doctors and nurses' on the essential role of Healthcare Scientists in the NHS. The posting may be accessed at British Council, Going Global conference on ‘Pathways to the future’, London, UK; March 2012.Royal Society on ‘University-business collaboration’, London, UK; March 2012.UNESCO Eco-Campus Conference on ‘Governance and sustainable development’, Paris, France; January 2012.LinkedIN Blogs see ................

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