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Junior b – Verb have got / has got

1. Write.

I have got a blue T-shirt.

I’ve got a blue T-shirt.

He has got a parrot.

He’s got a parrot.

1. They have got a small house.


2. I have got a new book


3. She has got a red bike.


4. He has got three brothers.


5. We have got a big TV.


2. Write.

I have not got a new ball.

I haven’t got a new ball.

She has not got a sister.

She hasn’t got a sister.

1. They have not got old books.


2. The parrot has not got green wings


3. She has not got long hair.


4. We have not got a mobile phone.


5. I have not got a pencil.


3. Write questions.

the boys / a football

Have the boys got a football?

the girl / a kite

Has the girl got a kite?

1. the cat / a ball


2. your mother / a blue car


3. she / a new doll


4. they / a big house


5. your friends / a skateboard


6. your school / a garden


7. you / a blue notebook


|Yes, I / you / we / they have. |

|No, I / you / we / they haven’t. |

| |

|Yes, he / she / it has. |

|No, he / she / it hasn’t. |

4. Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

1. Has the girl got a cat? [pic]


2. Has the boy got a small hat? [pic]


3. Has the elephant got big ears? [pic]


4. Have the giraffes got long necks? [pic]


5. Have the boy and the girl got a bike? [pic]


6. Have the children got balloons? [pic]


5. Write have got / has got.

1. We ______________ three fish.

2. Kangaroos ________________ long tails.

3. My brother ____________ short hair.

4. We ______________ a very big house.

5. I ______________ a new bike!

6. My school _______________ twenty classrooms.

7. Giraffes ___________ long necks.

8. She ____________ a new computer.

9. George and Paul ______________ toys.

10. The children ____________ their books.

11. My brother ____________ a blue skateboard.

12. You __________ two chocolates!

13. I _____________ a pet parrot.

14. John and I _____________ red shorts.


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