IPA III Multi-country Programme 2021-2022 - One pager outlineProtection sensitive migration governance in the Western Balkans Key Thematic PriorityWindow 1: Rule of law, fundamental rights and democracyThematic Priority 4: Migration and border managementStrategic relevance/coherence of the action The proposed action supports the European perspective of relevant IPA beneficiaries by supporting key reforms aiming to improve protection-sensitive migration management. This is recognised as a priority in the Communication “Enhancing the accession process - A credible EU perspective for the Western Balkans” and in the IPA III programing framework for window 1. The action is designed to follow up on recommendations under chapters 23 and 24 of the Enlargement Package. It matches national strategies for migration management. Specifically, the action will support efforts to harmonise regional approaches for protection-sensitive migration management and to increase regional dialogue, thus contributing to a stronger regional approach on migration in the Western Balkans. It is important to note however that the action operates in a context where there is no equivalent to the EU’s Regulation, which set a regional policy vision on migration management.At the level of SDGs, the action targets art.10.7 “Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies”. It also contributes to SDGs art. 74, comma g), “Supporting follow up to the SDGs based on reliable data on informed by country led evaluations and data which is high quality, accessible, timely, reliable and disaggregated by income, sex, age, race, ethnicity, migration status, disability and geographic location and other characteristics relevant in national contexts”. The action is in line with the Global Compact?for Safe, Orderly and Regular?Migration?(GCM), and the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR).The approach taken in the action focuses on facilitating strategic cooperation on migration management by improving operational cooperation within the targeted region. It builds on lessons learnt from previous assistance and assumes strong complementarity and task-sharing with future IPA III bilateral IPA support without which its objectives might not be realised. However, in view of ensuring that no critical gaps appear in the overall EU support to migration management in the region, and while recognising the primarily bilateral nature of the activities, this proposal includes a number of optional activities that can be included in this regional action if no bilateral action can be/is expected to be taken. These activities have previously formed part of the regional programme but have shown to be very difficult to implement/follow-up through a regional programme.Indicative BudgetEUR 12 -17 million, pending closer identification of activities (see above) – budget 2021 (EUR 15 million average used for budget purposes) Duration of the action4 years (2022-2026)Overall Objective To contribute to effective protection sensitive migration management systems in the Western BalkansSpecific ObjectiveSO 1 To strengthen regionally operable migration management systems aligned with EU and international protection standardsSO 2 To facilitate strategic regional cooperation on migration governance in line with EU standards.Impact/resultsThe programme will have 3 main results:Result 1: Standardized and regionally operable mechanisms for identification, registration and referral of mixed migration flows and information exchange improved Result 2: Regionally harmonized procedures and regional dialogue in different areas of migration governance, namely asylum, reception, return, reintegration, and readmission, and reintegration, strengthenedResult 3: Positive communication and narratives on migration to decrease hate speech and hate crime toward migrants supportedThe programme will improve the identification, registration and referral of people at borders, the identification of vulnerabilities and access to international knowledge at working level on EU standards and thus contribute to acquis application. A standardised and regionally more effective identification and registration of mixed migration flows brings increased security for all, both migrants and hosting communities. The programme will also define roles and responsibilities in the migration chain at bilateral and regional level and continue to provide support to the development of Master Plans for national biometric registration/data systems which are in line with EU data protection standards.It will continue on-going work on regionally harmonized procedures including through sharing of best practice/capacity building on issues such as return, reintegration and readmission. Budget will be earmarked to support ARVs if relevant and in complement to capacity building efforts.Adding a more political dimension, the programme will provide forums for regional dialogue including at decision-making level to promote more regional joint work.The communication component will work on counter narratives on migration. In the long-run, it will support a more nuanced debate on migration based on evidence, which will affect positively migration management in the region. Finally, a long-term impact of the action is to support Western Balkans capacity to implement EU migration management systems and cooperation, at the time of the EU accession.Key activities Result 1 Standardized and regionally operable mechanisms for identification, registration and referral of mixed migration flows and information exchange improvedIndicative activities:1.1 Standardize, channel and share migrations statistics through a common database. Data is accessible and functional to policy makers and other stakeholders1.2 Establish a regional network for statistics development and organise regional workshops to improve data collection and data analysis on asylum-related issues (i.e. country of origin, identification of vulnerable categories, age assessment capacities)1.3 Extend the use of interpretation tools (extensive provision of translations in farsi, urdu, Arabic, etc.) 1.4 Increase civilian oversight in the migration management chain through strengthening cooperation between CSOs and police, as well as CSOs and border guards1.5 Development of standardised mechanisms and enhanced co-operation for the cross-border identification and protection of children/unaccompanied minors along the Western Balkans route, with special attention to potential victims of Human Trafficking, to ensure mutual recognition of vulnerable categories1.6 Support contingency planning and a stronger migratory crisis response by strengthening capacities and improving coordination mechanisms for cross border cooperation, including joint work among crisis management centers, in line with the reception and asylum standards of the EU1.7 Establish regional dialogue for the coordination of contingency planning and crisis management units1.8 Develop Master Plans for IT systems for identification & registration of mixed migration flows in remaining beneficiaries Result 2: Regionally harmonized procedures and regional dialogue in different areas of migration governance, namely asylum, reception, return, reintegration, and readmission, and reintegration, strengthenedIndicative activities:2.1 Harmonise the setup of case management of readmissions at regional level 2.2 Strengthen capacities of beneficiaries to perform voluntary and non-voluntary returns, including through peer to peer exchange of best practice 2.3 Establish regional dialogue on Readmission, voluntary and non-voluntary returns (including case management for readmission) 2.4 Support the development and implementation of effective alternatives to immigration detention and strengthening of procedural safeguards2.5 Support peer to peer exchange of good practices/ knowledge on alternatives to detention at regional level. Such exchange can focus on legal standards, tools available for monitoring conditions in detention and reception centers, practice around referral of vulnerable groups to appropriate facilities etc. Result 3: Positive communication and narratives on migration to decrease hate speech and hate crime toward migrants supportedIndicative activities:3.1 Support the development of common approaches to preventing hate speech and promoting counter narratives on migration 3.2 Establish a peer to peer exchange to share knowledge and challenges in preventing hate speech and promoting counter narratives on migration Possible additional activities which can be included to avoid critical delivery gaps- TO BE DECIDED BASED ON IPA III BILATERAL PROGRAMMINGContinue efforts to develop asylum legal and operational frameworks by working further with EASO on developing and implementing bilateral “Roadmaps to support the establishment of an asylum and reception systems in line with EU standards”. Key indicators Tentative indicators for Specific Objective:N. of people granted with asylum status vs requests lodged, by nationalityN. of requests of asylum lodged vs. number of registered migrants that arrived in a given period of time, and by nationality N. of appeals resolved against number of appeals filed in a given period of time, and by nationalityN. and themes of regional dialogues/networks established under the programmeTentative indicators for Component 1: Common data base populated with data and used by statistic units, evaluation unit, policy makers in the regionBaseline (2018): 1Milestone (2023): 3 Beneficiaries engagedTarget (2027): 6 Beneficiaries engagedN. of users in border operations and international protection procedure implementation N. of vulnerable people identified upon interpretation serviceN. and type of joint operations police, asylum officials, NGOsDevelopment of standardised mechanisms and enhanced co-operation for the cross-border identification and protection of children/unaccompanied minors in the Western Balkans route N. of vulnerable people rescued from human trafficking networksTentative indicators for Result 2: N. of Alternative premises for each category of migrants according to EU and UN standardsN. of sufficient quality standards premises to accommodate people by categoryTentative indicators for Result 3: N. of hate crimes toward people from third countries prosecuted vs n. of hate crimes denouncedRegional dimension justificationThe action contributes to align and harmonise efforts to develop national migration systems in coordination and at the same time with?all the Western Balkans. This approach, in the mid- and long-term, should ensure more efficient regional cooperation on migration management on cross border issues as well as enhance the interoperability of the IPA beneficiaries’ migration management systems with EU Members States systems, in the light of the accession.Reform agenda and links with national, regional and global strategiescontribution of the proposed intervention to the reform agenda of the relevant IPA III beneficiaries The programme follows up the recommendations under ch. 23 and 24, from the Enlargement Packages 2019 for each of the IPA beneficiaries and it matches national strategies for migration management in the area of improving international protection, fully implement asylum systems, and improve cross border operations in the context of contingency planning and crisis management. reforms needed at national level to ensure sustainability of the proposed interventionThe regional programme complements efforts done at bilateral level. Thus, its impact is reachable only if bilateral efforts address the same priorities and follow a coherent and well-coordinated pathway of reforms. Achievement of the action`s goals depends on an improved communication between EU and domestic authorities on processing key priorities.Certain preconditions must be met for the implementation of the regional action to succeed. The support of domestic authorities is needed in the following areas:Activities on common statistics require agreements of beneficiaries to collect and share data. This is currently not in place. Continued efforts by the region to sign bilateral Readmission Agreement with country of Origin based on model of EU member states (respecting protection standards). Increased identification and registration of people from third countries transiting the Western Balkans region, to allow protection channels to be activated for the most vulnerable, included capacities to collect consistent sets of data on sex, age and country of origin information in a standardised and professional manner.The regional action will not perform the following activities, which have a stronger potential to be implemented at bilateral level:The IT system work under the current regional migration programme has faced serious sustainability issues. The programme is proposing to continue support to harmonise the approach of databases at regional level by supporting the drafting of Master Plans. However, support is not proposed to concretely develop the systems needed (no equipment) for accountability and operational reasons. Also, support needed to ensure the appropriate legislative framework needed to implement databases should be catered for by bilateral IPA, due to strong national element of such work. Lastly, political commitment for the establishment of these IT systems must be secured in advance before the development of Master Plans for the creation of these systems. The programme is not proposing to continue working on local resilience, which is better placed to be implemented at national levelIn the course of consultation, stakeholders have raised a need to work on supporting the judiciary on migration sensitive procedures to improve lodging and appeals of asylum and refugees status applications. This can be considered for potential inclusion under the reserve budget of the Horizontal Facility II (CN406 962) as the work involves the Council of Europe and enlarges significantly the scope of this proposed action.Broad arrangements for implementation (if available) The action will be implemented (indirect management) through 2-3 contribution agreements, with EASO, IOM, and Frontex.They will work in coordination among themselves and with partners, such as UNHCR, Council of Europe, and other relevant actors if efficient. Civil Society engagement is highly recommended in this action. Subcontracting will be encouraged for the implementation of specific results or activities. An evaluation of the programme will be included as part of one of the implementation contracts. ................

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