Vocabulary Fluency

Haunted Houses

|hesitant admit chilling polled ghost commercial otherworldly |7 |

|spirits adrenaline souls possessed paranormal enthusiasts intentional |14 |

|purport anomalous phenomena apparitions agitate symptoms presence |21 |

|amenities afforded residence lingered territorial ambling devoted |28 |

|notable residents courage resolve inn folklore guest |35 |

|Test 1: Test 2: Test 3: Test 4: Test 5: Test 6: | |

Haunted Houses: Triple Entry Journal

| |Text Dependent Questions and Answers |The Story |Our Paragraphs |

|1 |Based on the title, what is the reading going to be |Two Real-life Haunted Houses |Topic Sentence (What’s it about?): After |

| |about? |By Cristen Conger and Jonathan Atteberry |reading the article on haunted houses, write|

| | | |a claim about haunted houses. |

| | | | |

|2 |Why does the author use the word hesitant in the first| Some people might be hesitant to admit that they believe in ghosts. But if you've ever heard |Fact 1: Highlight some important facts from |

| |sentence and chilling in the second sentence? |a chilling bump in the night when you're home alone, ghosts might not be such a leap of faith. In |the reading and write Fact Sentence one. |

| | |fact, a little more than a third of American adults believe in ghosts. Perhaps more surprising is | |

| | |that 23 percent of adults polled said they'd personally seen or felt a ghost. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|3 |What is the purpose of the author ending this | Every October, thousands of people pay to walk through commercial haunted houses, in which |Fact 2: Highlight some important facts from |

| |paragraph with a question? |costumed actors stand in for otherworldly spirits. Customers can get the adrenaline rush of scary |the reading and write Fact Sentence two. |

| | |"monsters" popping out at them for a few minutes without any risk of getting their souls stolen or| |

| | |becoming possessed. But real-life haunted houses are a different story. Sure, there are plenty of | |

| | |paranormal enthusiasts who intentionally stay in purportedly haunted hotels and hunt for ghosts. | |

| | |But what if ghosts found their way into your home? | |

| | | | |

| |Repeated Reading – Read the first two paragraphs fast!|Test 1: | |

| | |Test 2: | |

|4 |Why does the author use the ASSAP guidelines for | According to the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP), there |Fact 3: Highlight some important facts from |

| |haunted houses? |are some things to pay attention to if you suspect your house is haunted. Seeing apparitions, |the reading and write Fact Sentence three. |

| | |hearing weird sounds, smelling odd odors, feeling "cold spots" within a room, noticing objects | |

| | |that have been moved or observing your pet acting agitated are all symptoms that people report in | |

| | |what the association calls a typical haunting. | |

| | |Here is a house with otherworldly presence that you just might have heard of. | |

| | | | |

|5 |What claim is the author making about ghosts and | |Concluding Sentence: Restate your topic |

| |haunted houses? | |sentence as a claim about haunted houses. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|6 | |The White House | |

|7 |According to the author, why might a ghost want to | It must be hard for former presidential couples to adjust to life after the White House. |Topic Sentence (Claim): Write a topic |

| |haunt the White House? |After four or more years, they probably get used to never having to take out the trash, wash |sentence about the haunting of the White |

| | |dishes or change a light bulb, not to mention the other amenities afforded to arguably the most |House. |

| | |powerful people in the Western world. Perhaps that's why some have stuck around after their terms | |

| | |-- and lives -- ended. That's right: 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is not only the most famous address in| |

| | |the United States, but also one of the most haunted. | |

| | | | |

| |Repeated Reading: Read the first paragraph fast! |Test 1: | |

| | |Test 2: | |

|8 |What is the author’s intention for writing stories in | John and Abigail Adams were the first presidential couple to live in the White House, taking |Fact 1: Highlight two examples of White |

| |the next two paragraphs? |residence in 1800, and Abigail has lingered ever since. Her ghost is said to hang laundry in the |House haunting and write a compound sentence|

| | |East Room on occasion. Another first lady, Dolley Madison, has reportedly been quite territorial |summarizing the facts. |

| | |with White House renovations. During her husband's term, Dolley oversaw the landscaping of the | |

| | |Rose Garden, where presidents often meet with the media. When President Woodrow Wilson's wife | |

| | |tried to have the garden dug up, the story goes that Dolley's ghost appeared and instructed the | |

| | |workers not to tear up her beloved garden. | |

| | | | |

|9 | | Going along with a rose theme, the Queen's Bedroom, which was once called the Rose Room, is |Fact 2: Highlight two examples of White |

| | |known as a paranormal hotspot in the White House. It not only houses the bed of President Andrew |House haunting and write a compound sentence|

| | |Jackson but his ghost as well -- people say they've heard it walking around the room. Jackson's |summarizing the facts. |

| | |ghost is rumored to hang out in the Red Room as well. People have seen Abraham Lincoln's ghost | |

| | |ambling down the halls and staring out of windows. He pays visits to the Lincoln bedroom at times | |

| | |as well. | |

| | | | |

| |Repeated Reading: Read this paragraph fast! |Test 1: |What is your opinion about the White House |

| | |Test 2: |being haunted? Support your facts with an |

| | | |opinion statement. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|10 | | Don't believe us? The White House Web site, during George W. Bush's presidency, once had a |Concluding Sentence: Wrap it up in a way |

| | |page devoted to its ghost sightings, spotted by notable residents like Eleanor Roosevelt and Jimmy|that makes the reader want to keep reading! |

| | |Carter's daughter. | |

| | | | |

| | |Ghoulish Lodgings | |

|11 |Why does the author use ‘fun fact’ to describe the |[pic] |Use a question as a topic sentence about |

| |Foley House? |Do you believe in haunted houses now? If you are interested in testing your courage and resolve, |staying in a haunted house. |

| | |try the Foley House for $249 a night. The Foley House Inn is the oldest bed and breakfast (B&B) in| |

| | |Washington D.C., but that's not the only fun fact about it. Guests often report seeing a man in a | |

| | |top hat walking the garden, and folklore says he may have been murdered on the property in the | |

| | |late 1800s. | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Write two facts about the Foley House. |

| | | | |

| | | |What is your opinion about the Foley House? |

| | | |Write one sentence. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | |Conclude the essay with a sentence or two |

| | | |about haunted houses. |

| | | | |

| | | | |


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