
NOUN FORMS (STAGES 2,3,4,8,9,14,15, 17, 18, 19)SINGULAR FORMSCASE NAME1STDECLENSION2ND DECLENSIONMASCULINE2ND DECLENSIONNEUTER3RD DECLENSIONMASCULINE-FEMININE 3RD DECLENSIONNEUTERCASE MEANINGCASE USENOMINATIVE-a-us,-r -----The______SubjectGENITIVE DATIVE-ae-ō-īto/for the _____Indirect objectACCUSATIVE-am-um-emthe_____Direct objectABLATIVE-ā-ō-e(by,with,from)the ______ Prep. phraseVOCATIVEPLURAL FORMSCASE NAME1STDECLENSION2ND DECLENSIONMASCULINE2ND DECLENSIONNEUTER3RD DECLENSIONMASCULINE-FEMININE 3RD DECLENSIONNEUTERCASE MEANINGCASE USENOMINATIVE-ae-ī-ēsThe______sSubjectGENITIVEDATIVE-īs-īs-ibusto/for the _____sIndirect objectACCUSATIVE-ās-ōs-ēsthe_____sDirect objectABLATIVE-īs-īs-ibus(by,with,from)the ______ sPrep. phraseVOCATIVE SINGULAR FORMSCASE NAME4TH DECLENSIONMASCULINE5TH DECLENSIONFEMININECASE MEANINGCASE USENOMINATIVEGENITIVEDATIVEACCUSATIVEABLATIVEVOCATIVEPLURAL FORMSCASE NAME4TH DECLENSIONMASCULINE5TH DECLENSIONFEMININECASE MEANINGCASE USENOMINATIVEGENITIVEDATIVEACCUSATIVEABLATIVEVOCATIVEPERSONAL PRONOUNS (STAGES 4,9,10)CASE NAMECASE USENOMINATIVEego Itū YouxxxxxSubjectGENITIVEmeī of metuī of yousuī of himselfOwnershipDATIVEmihi to/for metibi to/for yousibi to/for himselfIndirect objectACCUSATIVEmē metē you sē himselfDirect objectABLATIVEmē (by) metē (by) yousē (by himself)Prepositional phraseCASE NAMECASE USENOMINATIVEnōs Wevōs Y’allxxxxxSubjectGENITIVEnōstrī of usvēstrī of y’allsuī of themselvesOwnershipDATIVEnobis to/for usvobis to/for y’allsibi to/for themselvesIndirect objectACCUSATIVEnōs usvōs y’allsē themselvesDirect objectABLATIVEnobisvobis (by) y’allsē (by) themselvesPrepositional phraseRELATIVE PRONOUNS (stage 15)SINGULAR FORMSCASE NAMEMASCULINEFEMININENEUTERCASE MEANINGCASE USENOMINATIVEquīquaequodwho, whichSubjectGENITIVEcuiuscuiuscuiuswhoseOwnershipDATIVEcuicuicuito/for whom, whichIndirect objectACCUSATIVEquemquamquodwhom, whichDirect objectABLATIVEquōquāquō(by, with) whom, whichPrepositional phrasePLURAL FORMSCASE NAMEMASCULINEFEMININENEUTERCASE MEANINGCASE USENOMINATIVEquīquaequaewho, whichSubjectGENITIVEquōrumquārumquōrumwhoseOwnershipDATIVEquibusquibusquibusto/for whom, whichIndirect objectACCUSATIVEquōsquāsquaewhom, whichDirect objectABLATIVEquibusquibusquibus(by, with) whom, whichPrepositional phraseDEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS (stage 19)SINGULAR FORMSCASE NAMEMASCULINEFEMININENEUTERCASE MEANINGCASE USENOMINATIVEGENITIVEDATIVEACCUSATIVEABLATIVEPLURAL FORMSCASE NAMEMASCULINEFEMININENEUTERCASE MEANINGCASE USENOMINATIVEGENITIVEDATIVEACCUSATIVEABLATIVEDEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS (stage 19)SINGULAR FORMSCASE NAMEMASCULINEFEMININENEUTERCASE MEANINGCASE USENOMINATIVEGENITIVEDATIVEACCUSATIVEABLATIVEPLURAL FORMSCASE NAMEMASCULINEFEMININENEUTERCASE MEANINGCASE USENOMINATIVEGENITIVEDATIVEACCUSATIVEABLATIVEDEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS (stage 19)SINGULAR FORMSCASE NAMEMASCULINEFEMININENEUTERCASE MEANINGCASE USENOMINATIVEGENITIVEDATIVEACCUSATIVEABLATIVEPLURAL FORMSCASE NAMEMASCULINEFEMININENEUTERCASE MEANINGCASE USENOMINATIVEGENITIVEDATIVEACCUSATIVEABLATIVEADJECTIVES (STAGES 8,10,14)REGULAR ADJECTIVESPOSITIVE DEGREECOMPARATIVE DEGREESUPERLATIVE DEGREEaltusaltior, altiusaltissimus,-a,-umMEANING highhigher, more high, rather highhighest, very high, too high, most highIRREGULAR ADJECTIVESPOSITIVE DEGREE/MEANINGCOMPARATIVE DEGREE/MEAN.SUPERLATIVE DEGREE/MEAN.bonus goodmeliur, melius betteroptimus,-a,-um best, very good malus badpeior, peius worsepessimus,-a,-um worst, very badmagnus great,largemaior, maius greater,largermaximus,-a,-um greatest, largestparvus smallminor, minus smallerminimus,-a,-um smallest, very smallAdjectives must agree with the nouns they modify in the following three areas:1)_______gender_____________________________ 2)______number______________________________3)_____case_______________________________ADVERB COMPARISON (STAGE 23)POSITIVE DEGREECOMPARATIVE DEGREESUPERLATIVE DEGREEVERB FORMS (STAGES 4,5,6,10,12,13,16)PRINCIPAL PARTS OF VERBS 1st part __I love______ Present infinitive ____to love___________ Perfect stem_I loved____ Participle____loved__________amōamāreamāvīamātusREGULAR VERBSPresent tense – is, am, doesSINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st person--ō1st person-mus2nd person-s2nd person-tis3rd person- t3rd person-ntImperfect tense – was,wereSINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st person-bam1st person-bamus2nd person-bas2nd person-batis3rd person-bat3rd person-bantPerfect, pluperfect, and future perfect tenses use the perfect stem (3rd part of the verb)How to spot the perfect stem:___x , macron (-), s,u,v____________________Perfect tense – did,have/has, -------edSINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st person-ī1st person-imus2nd person-isti2nd person-istis3rd person-it3rd person-ēruntPluperfect tense - hadSINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st person-eram1st person-eramus2nd person-eras2nd person-eratis3rd person-erat3rd person-erantIRREGULAR VERBS – sum, esse, fuī, futurusPresent tense – am, isSINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st personsum1st personsumus2nd persones2nd personestis3rd personest3rd personsuntImperfect tense – was (sum, esse, fuī, futurus)SINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st personeram1st personeramus2nd personeras2nd personeratis3rd personerat3rd personerantPerfect tense – has been/was (sum, esse, fui, futurus – use fui)SINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st personfuī1st personfuimus2nd personfuisti2nd personfuistis3rd personfuit3rd personfueruntPluperfect tense – had been (sum, esse, fui, futurus – use fui)SINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st personfueram1st personfueramus2nd personfueras2nd personfueratis3rd personfuerat3rd personfuerantPresent tense of possum, posse, potuī------ (to be able, can)SINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st personpossum 1st personpossumus 2nd personpotes2nd personpotestis3rd personpotest3rd personpossuntPresent tense of nolō, nolle, noluī.---- (to not want, refuse)SINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st personnolō1st personnolumus2nd personnōn vis2nd personnōn vultis3rd personnōn vult3rd personnōn voluntPresent tense of volō, velle, voluī---- (want)SINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st personvolō1st personvolumus2nd personvis2nd personvultis3rd personvult3rd personvoluntIMPERATIVE MOOD (STAGE 19)Imperative mood is used for __________________commands.POSITIVE COMMANDSSINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMSNEGATIVE COMMANDSSINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMSPARTICIPLES (STAGES 20, 21, 26, 32)TENSEACTIVE VOICEPASSIVE VOICEpresent xxxxxxxxperfectxxxxxx future The future passive participles when used as the passive periphrastic/gerundive is used to show___ _______________________Aqua bibendum est mihi = ABLATIVE ABSOLUTES (STAGE 31)The ablative absolute shows ___ ___________________ It usually has two parts:1) 2) bellō victō virīs pugnantibusPASSIVE VOICE (stages 29,30)In an active sentence, the subject __ _________________________________________In a passive sentence, the subject___ ________________________________________________.He wrecks the car.The car is wrecked by him. They were eaten by the lion. The lion ate them.Present tense – am/is ______edSINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st person 1st person2nd person2nd person3rd person3rd personImperfect tense – was ______edSINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st person1st person2nd person2nd person3rd person3rd personPASSIVE VOICE – PERFECT SYSTEMPerfect and pluperfect tenses use the participle stem (4th part of the verb) and a form of sum (perfect tense) or a form of eram (pluperfect tense).Perfect tense – have/has/been _____ed, was ______edSINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st person1st person2nd person2nd person3rd person3rd personPluperfect tense – had been ________edSINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st person1st person2nd person2nd person3rd person3rd personDEPONENT VERBS (STAGES 32.34)Deponent verbs have put down (deponere) their active forms – they look __________________ buttheir meaning is _______________________. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD VERBSThere are two subjunctive tenses in Latin II.IMPERFECT TENSE SUBJUNCTIVE (STAGE 24) ACTIVESINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st person 1st person 2nd person 2nd person 3rd person 3rd person PLUPERFECT TENSE SUBJUNCTIVE (STAGE 24)ACTIVESINGULAR FORMSPLURAL FORMS1st person 1st person 2nd person 2nd person 3rd person 3rd person USES OF IMPERFECT, PLUPERFECT SUBJUNCTIVEThese forms can never be used for the main verb of a sentence – only dependent clauses.Circumstantial clauses (stage 24)used to show circumstancesHow to spot it: the adverb cumCum pugnaremus, vicimus.When we were fighting, we wonIndirect questions (stage 25)used to show a repeated questionHow to spot it: look for a question built into the sentenceRogavī quid ageresI asked what you were doingIndirect command (stage 27)used to show a repeated orderHow to spot it: look for a command built into the sentence and the use of the word ut (to, so that)Miles eōs imperavit ut discederent.The soldier ordered them to leave/so that they would leavePurpose clause (stage 26)used to show purposeHow to spot it: look for a dependent clause beginning with ut (to,so that) or ne (not to, so that...not)Discipulī studuerunt ut discerent.Students studied to learn/so that they would learnResult clause (stage 27)used to show resultHow to spot it: look for a dependent clause beginning with ut (to,so that) or ut non (not to, so that...not)Discipuli studuerunt tam multo ut discerent bene.Students studied so much that they learned well. ................

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