Our business, even more so in today’s competitive market

Teams and enterprising

Vodafone depend on their people to deliver excellent service to their customers. They believe that the better experience people have at Vodafone, the better service they will give their customers.

Vodafone Group employs thousands of people around the world. They aim to attract, develop and retain the best people by engaging employees, offering attractive incentives and career opportunities, and ensuring all their people are treated with respect. They want to ensure that the working environments they create are inclusive. Vodafone promotes diversity in the workforce as a business asset, helping them better understand and meet the needs of their diverse customers.

Ensuring their people can do their work safely is a priority. They believe incidents and injuries are preventable. They also aim to help employees balance work and family commitments, manage stress and have a healthy lifestyle.

Their Business Principles demand high standards of ethical conduct in everything they do. They do not condone unfair treatment of any kind, nor do they tolerate bribery and corruption. Vodafone is committed to upholding human rights and their employee policies are consistent with the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labtheir Organization’s Core Conventions.

Their operating companies implement group policies to suit local cultural differences and meet local legal requirements. They are committed to keeping their employees informed about changes in the business and consulting those affected about their strategy to deal with the changes.

Employee engagement

Informed and engaged employees are essential for their business to operate effectively. They communicate their business strategy and new developments to their people and engage with them to gain feedback on how they are doing as an employer. This also helps to create a sense of global community across the Group.

People Survey

They engage with employees formally through the Vodafone People Survey and their annual performance dialogues with line managers. Their annual Group-wide People Survey helps them obtain feedback from their people on key issues and gauge engagement levels. They measure employee engagement by asking questions about employees’ commitment to Vodafone, their desire to continue working for Vodafone, and their willingness to ‘go the extra mile’ for the company. The People Survey also helps them identify opportunities to improve working environments and practices, and support employees so they can do their best work.

Informal engagement and internal communications

They engage with their staff informally every day, through team meetings and discussions with immediate managers. All employees have access to their intranet site, which they increasingly use for online discussions and engagement, as there are hundreds of internal blogs and wikis. They also share information with colleagues through online team rooms, email news bulletins and their internal TV channel.

Vodafone European Employee Consultative Council

They consult employees on changes to the business and other issues that affects them through the Vodafone European Employee Consultative Council (EECC). Employee representatives from local operating companies within the European Union have an opportunity to raise any concerns with the executive management team at the EECC.

The EECC, founded in 2003, meets the requirements of Article 13 of the EU Directive on Multinational European Works Councils. Employees from 13 European countries are represented. The number of representatives per country depends on the number of employees in each local operating company.

There is at least one full EECC meeting a year with Vodafone management and EECC employee representatives attending. Employee delegates can hold two interim meetings in addition to the full meeting. Delegates also have the option to elect Select Committees and may request translation services.

Trade union representation

Vodafone recognise the rights of their employees to join trade unions or similar external representative organisations. It is their preference to engage their employees directly. Where representation by trade unions is conferred automatically by legislation, these rights are upheld. All their local operating companies respect the wishes of the majority of their employees in deciding whether to recognise a trade union to negotiate terms and conditions of employment, where legislation permits.

To ensure all their employees are treated fairly and consistently – whether they are represented by a trade union or not – they consult directly with employees to address their concerns

Training and development

Vodafone provide training and development opportunities to help their employees gain new skills and experiences, and encourage them to reach their full potential. Vodafone offers a wide range of online courses related to specific aspects of the business or key skill sets.

Performance Dialogues

All employees complete an annual Performance Dialogue with their line manager, enabling them to review their performance annually and set clear goals and development plans for the year ahead. The process ensures their people can make a clear connection between their goals and Vodafone’s business objectives.

Development Boards

Vodafone employees with key skills are discussed at an annual Development Board, where their line managers rate their performance and potential. They use this information to identify employees with leadership potential in each local operating company. These employees are encouraged to complete leadership development training, such as Inspire.

Inspire leadership development

Inspire is a global programme designed to identify and develop high potential employees and accelerate their progression into leadership roles. Participants take part in a three-month international rotation and receive commercial training and personalised leadership development through Imperial College, Oxford Said Business School and the Hay Group. They also gain from exposure to and learning from members of their Executive Committee. The programme promotes cross-cultural understanding within Vodafone and encourages employees to take advantage of the breadth of experience across the Group.

Promoting career opportunities within Vodafone

They want people to develop at Vodafone and promote recruitment from within. This encourages people to progress their careers within the company, either through promotion or a change of role to broaden their experience. All vacancies across Vodafone are advertised on the job-posting page of their global intranet, which encourages the transfer of talent across the Group.

Employee volunteering

Many of their employees give their time as volunteers to support good causes. This benefits charities and communities but also allows their employees to learn new skills.

They encourage employee volunteering and help to raise additional funds from third parties. Most of their local operating companies have programmes to encourage employees to volunteer in working hours.

Examples of employee volunteering programmes include:

• Refurbishing a residential care home for young children, by Vodafone Malta to mark its seventh annual ‘Corporate Responsibility Day’.

• Distributing blankets, clothes and food supplies to 10,000 needy families. Over 160 Vodafone Egypt employees volunteered three hours each on average to the cause.

• Giving blood at Vodafone Albania’s Blood Donation Day, in co-operation with The Red Cross. Donors are urgently needed in Albania because 8% of the population carries Thalassemia, a blood condition that can be treated with blood transfusions.

• Vodafone Australia’s Beyondyou programme, to help employees make a personal difference to their community and the environment. Beyondyou offers individual and team volunteering, as theyll as career development opportunities with community partners. Employees can take one additional day of paid leave each year to volunteer


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