Round 10

Round 10

Instructions: During the first 10 minutes of each match, read tossups 1-30, giving 10 points for each tossup answered correctly. Tossups should be answered without stalling as soon as the player has been recognized.

|Tossup Round |1 |2 |

|Tossup #1. Causing a characteristic mask-like facial appearance, shuffling gait, muscular rigidity, and tremor at rest, it is a |10 |10 |

|disorder of the basal ganglia of the brain and may be substantially helped by drugs such as L-dopa that affect impulse transmissions | | |

|of nerve cells. FTP, identify this disease that is common among the elderly. | | |

|Answer: Parkinson's disease | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #2. They are a segment of a cell's DNA and exist in two different types. One type is a gene that is normally in control of |10 |10 |

|cell division which has mutated. The second type normally acts to suppress or reduce the rate of cell division by has ceased to | | |

|perform its function. FTP, give the term for these genes which are involved in transforming a normal cell into a rapidly dividing | | |

|cancer cell. | | |

|Answer: Oncogenes | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #3. In the book of Genesis in the Bible, God tells Abraham he will have an heir in spite of the fact that his wife, Sarah can |10 |10 |

|no longer have children. Abraham does not wait for further instruction from God and had a child of this name with a servant, Haggar. | | |

|For ten points name this man from whom Arabs believe they are descended and whose name is probably more commonly associated with Moby | | |

|Dick. | | |

|Answer: Ishmael | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #4. "Nothing is ugly that has life. Whatever suggests human emotion, whether of grief or pain, goodness or anger, hate or love,|10 |10 |

|has its individual seal of beauty." Who said this in defense of his work Man with a Broken Nose? Identify this creator of Thought, The| | |

|Age of Bronze, and The Burghers of Calais. There are two museums, one in Paris and one in Philadelphia, dedicated to this sculptor of | | |

|The Thinker. | | |

|Answer: August Rodin | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #5. What consists of the D, E, and F layers? Its existence was first predicted by Carl Friedrich Gauss, and it used to be |10 |10 |

|called the Kennelly-Heaviside Layer. Identify this region that begins forty miles above the Earth created by solar radiation on | | |

|uncharged atoms. | | |

|Answer: Ionosphere | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #6. In Europe, these began in the thirteenth century and ended in 1820, though they may have continued after that in Latin |10 |10 |

|America. They would begin with a thirty days' grace period during which people could confess, and then the trials would begin. Accused| | |

|people would not know who the witnesses against them were, but they could submit a list of enemies who could not testify against them.| | |

|People found guilty were punished by fines, imprisonment, death, or excommunication. | | |

|Answer: Inquisition(s) | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #7. What began in 1881 when a White banker and Black political leader invited a teacher from the Hampton Institute to start a |10 |10 |

|school for training teachers? Though it started with only thirty students learning in an old building, it grew quickly due in large | | |

|part to the founder's ambitions. Identify this Alabama school which was led for many years by Booker Taliaferro Washington. | | |

|Answer: Tuskegee (Institute or University or College) | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #8. His doctor confined him to a dark room for 6 months as a cure for blindness. Shortly after being released, this composer |10 |10 |

|suffered a stroke, went into a coma, and died in 1850. Born in 1685, he was the father of 20 children, 3 of whom also became noted | | |

|musicians. For 10 points, who was this composer of the Goldberg Variations and the Well Tempered Clavier? | | |

|Answer: Johann Sebastian Bach | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #9. He began his directing career in the silent era in 1927 but was established in the 1930s with such works as The Lady |10 |10 |

|Vanishes, The Thirty-Nine Steps, and The Man Who Knew Too Much. For 10 points, identify this British film director of the noted | | |

|thrillers The Birds and Psycho. | | |

|Answer: Alfred Hitchcock | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #10. It has been found on a Babylonian tablet from before 1600 BC, though it is unlikely that any proof was known that far |10 |10 |

|back. Today, over three hundred proofs exist. It can be used to prove the Arithmetic-Geometric Means Inequality and Stewart’s Theorem,| | |

|and it can be extended into the Law of Cosines or the Distance Formula. Identify this basic theorem of geometry. | | |

|Answer: Pythagorean (Theorem) (accept a2+b2=c2 or a statement equivalent to the theorem) | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #11. It was hypothesised to have a 65 year cycle for eruptions, but since the last eruption occured in 1921, the latest |10 |10 |

|eruption is long overdue. For 10 points, identify this peak located at the southern end of the Cascades, the last before Mount St. | | |

|Helens to erupt in the contiguous United States. | | |

|Answer: Lassen Peak | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #12. Though the Toyota Prius was the first hybrid gasoline-electric car released in Japan, which company was first to make such|10 |10 |

|a car commercially available in the United States? They started with the Insight, a two-seater capable of getting close to seventy | | |

|miles per gallon, before coming out with a hybrid version of their Civic. | | |

|Answer: Honda (accept Honda Insight, prompt on Insight) | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #13. Which famous experiment was carried out carefully in 1886 and 1887 in Cleveland by the two men it is named after? Though |10 |10 |

|it could have provided evidence for the Theory of Relativity, the several explanations given to its results did not imagine anything | | |

|so bold. It is probable that Albert Einstein either did not hear of the experiment or did not think much of it. The experiment's | | |

|purpose was to measure the speed of the ether, but it was a complete failure in that regard. | | |

|Answer: Michelson-Morley (Experiment) | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #14. In which novel will you find the characters Muriel, Benjamin, Bluebell, Jessie, Pincher, and Boxer? They take part in a |10 |10 |

|revolution against Mr. Jones that is eventually led by Snowball and Napoleon. Identify this novel set on Manor Farm written by George | | |

|Orwell. | | |

|Answer: Animal Farm | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #15. Born with the name In-Mut-Too-Yah-Lat-Tat, he surrendered to General Nelson A. Miles on October 5, 1877, whereupon he |10 |10 |

|delivered this speech: "Hear me, my chiefs; my heart is sick and sad. From where the Sun now stands, I will fight no more forever." | | |

|For 10 points, name this Nez Perce leader. | | |

|Answer: Chief Joseph | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #16. She met her husband at one of his concerts, and they got engaged at the premiere of her HBO film Introducing Dorothy |10 |10 |

|Dandridge. This followed her stormy marriage to David Justice. Identify this actress who caused a sensation by the way she accepted an| | |

|Oscar this year for her performance in Monster’s Ball. | | |

|Answer: (Halle) Berry | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #17. Mountain ranges in this country include the Cordillera Range, and most transatlantic airplane flights pass through much of|10 |10 |

|this country's airspace. FTP, identify this country whose northern claims include Axel Heiberg Island, Melville Island, and Mackenzie| | |

|King Island. | | |

|Answer: Canada | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #18. Lesser known ones include the alpha form of elemental tin, certain types of impure diamond, indium phosphide, aluminum |10 |10 |

|nitride, and silicon carbide, and gallium arsenide. For 10 points, what is this class of solids whose electrical conductivity is | | |

|between that of an insulator and a conductor, whose better known examples include germanium, and silicon? | | |

|Answer: Semiconductors | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #19. Who was a Harvard professor from 1836 to 1854 before becoming a full-time poet? He was highly respected during his |10 |10 |

|lifetime, but most modern critics do not think highly of his uplifting and moralistic works. Identify this writer of The Jewish | | |

|Cemetery at Newport, The Village Blacksmith, The Courtship of Miles Standish, and The Song of Hiawatha. | | |

|Answer: (Henry Wadsworth) Longfellow | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #20. What word of German origin refers to the general cultural, intellectual, and moral state characteristic of an era? It |10 |10 |

|comes from the words for time and spirit and begins with the letter Z. | | |

|Answer: Zeitgeist | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #21. Give your answer as one number. If order does not matter, in how many ways can five people be chosen from a group of |10 |10 |

|seven? That is, what is the value of seven combination five? | | |

|Answer: 21 | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #22. Her life is the basis of the only surviving play based on a saint from late medieval Enlglish drama, a play covering both |10 |10 |

|her life before the Resurrection and her subsequent legendary residence in Provence, as according to French tradition. Medieval legend| | |

|says she was John's wife, and Eastern legend holds she accompanied him to Ephesus and died there. For 10 points, identify this saint, | | |

|the first person to see Christ after His resurrection. | | |

|Answer: Mary Magdalene or Mary of Magdala | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #23. Most of the significant members of this art movement studied under Gustave Moreau a the Ecole des Beaux arts including |10 |10 |

|Raoul Dufy, Andre Derain, and Maurice de Vlaminck. For 10 points, identify this school whose works were characteized by brilliant | | |

|color, expressive brushwork, and flat composition as exemplified in the works of Henry Matisse. | | |

|Answer: Les Fauves or Fauvism or the Fauves | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #24. He originally studied mechanical engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. However, by 1923 |10 |10 |

|he had joined the Art Stude nts League in New York, a group heavily influenced by the Ashcan School. After visiting the Dutch painter| | |

|Mondrian in his studio, this artist began his work on motor-driven sculpture, but his non-motorized work is better known today. Name | | |

|this Pennsylvanian remembered for developing the art of the mobile. | | |

|Answer: Alexander Calder | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #25. After a thirty-year civil war, it became in 1993 the first nation to split off successfully from an independent African |10 |10 |

|country. For 10 poinst, identify this African nation bordering the Red Sea, Djibouti, and Sudan and that has its capital at Asmara. | | |

|Answer: Eritrea | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #26. Identify the common four-letter name for many members of the division filicophyta. They are related to horsetails and |10 |10 |

|quillworts. Parts of these plants include the stipe, pinna, and fiddlehead. Identify these plants whose leaves are called fronds. | | |

|Answer: Fern(s) | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #27. Let i equal the square root of negative one, and put your answer into a+bi form. What do you get when you divide the |10 |10 |

|quantity 5+7i end quantity by i? | | |

|Answer: 7-5i (accept -5i+7 or 7+(-5i)) | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #28. According to the New Testament, which disciple’s question led Jesus to say, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life”? |10 |10 |

|He gained his nickname by demanding physical proof of the resurrection. | | |

|Answer: (Doubting) Thomas | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #29. Who commanded his most famous voyage as a replacement for his father, who had recently died? He left Lisbon in 1497, |10 |10 |

|reached Calicut in 1498, and returned to Lisbon in 1499. He did not accomplish all of his goals because the goods he brought were in | | |

|high demand in Africa but not in India. Identify this explorer who made it to India by traveling around Africa. | | |

|Answer: (Vasco da) Gama | | |

| | | |

|Tossup #30. Lesser known adherents of this school included Robert Delauney, Francis Picabia, Albert Gleizes, and Fernand Leger. The |10 |10 |

|doctrines of the school follow the dictum of Paul Cezanne, "Everything in nature takes its form from the sphere, the cone, and the | | |

|cylinder". For 10 points, identify this movement in modern art whose best known adherents are Juan Gris, Georges Braque, and Pablo | | |

|Picasso. | | |

|Answer: cubism | | |

| | | |

Instructions: During the last 5 minutes of each match, use the 'Blitz' format with 10 points for each tossup and no bonus. All answers must be answered without stalling.

|Blitz Round - All 10 Point Tossups |1 |1 |

|Given an event from the Old Testament, identify the book of the Bible in which it is recounted. | | |

|Tossup #31. Joseph is sold into Egyptian slavery after his Coat of Many Colors alienates his brothers. |10 |10 |

|Answer: Genesis | | |

|Tossup #32. The harlot Rahab saves the lives of two Israelite spies, and in return is spared from the destruction of Jericho. |10 |10 |

|Answer: Joshua | | |

|Tossup #33. The story of Samson. |10 |10 |

|Answer: Judges | | |

| | | |

|Identify the authors of these "native" works -- five point bonus for all correct. | | |

|Tossup #34. Notes of a Native Son |10 |10 |

|Answer: James Baldwin | | |

|Tossup #35. Native Son |10 |10 |

|Answer: Richard Wright | | |

|Tossup #36. The Return of the Native |10 |10 |

|Answer: Thomas Hardy | | |

| | | |

|Time now for a Linnean version of that old Sesame Street game, "Which of these things is not like the others?" Given some lists | | |

|of four animals, identify which one is most unlike the others, according to Linnean classification. Ten points each. | | |

|Tossup #37. Tapeworm, earthworm, leech, ragworm |10 |10 |

|Answer: tapeworm | | |

|Tossup #38. Weasel, raccoon, otter, skunk |10 |10 |

|Answer: raccoon | | |

|Tossup #39. Mud puppy, newt, salamander, tree frog |10 |10 |

|Answer: tree frog | | |

| | | |

|Identify the following Civil War battles Ten pts each. | | |

|Tossup #40. Fought from Feb. 13-16, it was arguably the first important victory for the North. In the battle Grant's 2,800 |10 |10 |

|losses paled in comparison to the near 16,00 casualties of Buchner, bringing early success to Grant's western campaign. | | |

|Answer: Fort Donelson | | |

|Tossup #41. This Dec. 13 defeat left the Union severely discouraged. Most of the Unions nearly 13,000 casualties can be ascribed|10 |10 |

|to General Burnsides tactics, which many afterwards likened to a slaughtering pen. | | |

|Answer: Fredericksburg | | |

|Tossup #42. The confederate defeat after this September battle, known as Sharpsburg in the South, gave Lincoln the reprieve he |10 |10 |

|needed to issue a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. | | |

|Answer: Antietam | | |

| | | |

|Given the pair of characters, name the play by Tennessee Williams. | | |

|Tossup #43. Tom and Laura |10 |10 |

|Answer: The Glass Menagerie | | |

|Tossup #44. Blanche and Stanley |10 |10 |

|Answer: A Streetcar Named Desire | | |

|Tossup #45. Brick and Maggie |10 |10 |

|Answer: Cat On A Hot Tin Roof | | |

| | | |

|For this bonus, I will provide the common name of a chemical, you will have to give me its chemical name. For example: if I said| | |

|table salt, you would say Sodium Chloride. | | |

|Tossup #46. Saltpeter |10 |10 |

|Answer: Potassium Nitrate | | |

|Tossup #47. Chalk |10 |10 |

|Answer: Calcium Carbonate | | |

|Tossup #48. Baking Soda |10 |10 |

|Answer: Sodium Bicarbonate | | |

| | | |

|Identify the economists | | |

|Tossup #49. His _The Wealth of Nations_ states that societies progress through four stages of economic development, the highest |10 |10 |

|being laissez-faire capitalism, which he calls "the system of perfect liberty." | | |

|Answer: Adam Smith | | |

|Tossup #50. Also a supporter of laissez-faire policies, this 19th century English economist is most-known for his Iron Law of |10 |10 |

|Wages, which states that attempts to improve the real income of workers are basically useless. | | |

|Answer: David Ricardo | | |

|Tossup #51. Leader of the physiocrats, he taught that laissez-faire follows natural law and that society is happiest under free |10 |10 |

|competition. | | |

|Answer: Francois Quesnay | | |

| | | |

Round 10

Instructions: During the first 10 minutes of each match, use the tossup-bonus format with 10 points for each tossup and five points for each bonus. The tossups and bonuses are related, so skip the bonus if no one gets the tossup correct. Tossups should be answered without stalling as soon as the player has been recognized. Teams may consult only on bonuses and the team must complete their answer within 20 seconds.

|Tiebreakers |1 |2 |

|TieBreaker - This value on Jupiter is about 38 miles per second, on the Moon it is about one-and-a-half miles per second, and on Earth|10 |10 |

|it is about seven miles per second. It is proportional to the square root of the quantity mass divided by radius for an object. | | |

|Identify this two-word phrase for the speed you would have to start out at if no forces were to act on you other than gravity for you | | |

|to never come back down. | | |

|Answer: Escape Velocity (or Escape Speed) | | |

| | | |

|TieBreaker - It takes Abigail nine hours to mow a lawn. Abigail and Brittany working together take three hours to mow the lawn. How |10 |10 |

|long would it take Brittany working by herself to mow the lawn? | | |

|Answer: 4.5 hours (or 9/2 or 4 1/2 hours or 4 hours, 30 minutes or 270 minutes) | | |

| | | |

|TieBreaker - Hervey Allen's "Anthony Adverse" broke records for fiction sales, Max Baer becomes heavyweight champion by knocking out |10 |10 |

|Schmeling, Sally Rand is the hit of the Chicago's World Fair, and Prohibition is repealed in, for ten points, what year, which also | | |

|saw Adolf Hitler come to power in Germany? | | |

|Answer: 1933 | | |

| | | |

|TieBreaker - He is mentioned in Luke chapter 6 and Act chapter 1 as one of the apostles of Jesus and is often identified with |10 |10 |

|Thasseus, mentioned in Matthew and Mark. His Feast Day is June 19 and is he believed to be the author of the penultimate book of the | | |

|Bible. FTP, name this patron saint of desperate cases and namesake of a children's hospital supported by Danny Thomas. | | |

|Answer: Saint Jude | | |

| | | |

|TieBreaker - Like Chateaubriand, the literary figure he so admired, he played an active part in political life, serving as a peer |10 |10 |

|under Louis Philippe, and a senator of the Third Republic. Often considered France's greatest lyric poet, he penned Les Feuilles | | |

|d'automne, as well as plays such as Cromwell and Ruy Blas. For 10 points, identify this leader of French romanticism, who also wrote | | |

|such novels as Hans of Iceland, Les Miserables, and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. | | |

|Answer: Victor Hugo | | |

| | | |

|TieBreaker - This narrative begins with the town of Bethulia besieged by the Assyrian army of King Nebuchadnezzar. With the town about|10 |10 |

|to surrender, the title heroine upbraids them for their lack of faith in God and sneaks into the Assyrian camp. Taken to the tent of | | |

|the general Holofernes (hollow-fair-naze) because of her beauty, she beheads him while he sleeps, and the townspeople rout the | | |

|leaderless Assyrians. FTP I have just described the plot of what book of the Apocrypha? | | |

|Answer: Judith | | |

| | | |

|TieBreaker - His name has been modified into an adjective describing any method which relentlessly tries to shape a person, argument |10 |10 |

|or idea without regard to the damage it may do. In Greek mythology he was a giant, also known as Damastes, who terrorized Attica as a | | |

|robber and thief until he was killed by Theseus. For 10 points, identify this giant known to capture travelers and tie them to an iron| | |

|bed only to hack off their limbs or stretch them until they fit. | | |

|Answer: Procrustes (accept Procrustean) | | |

| | | |


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