
Required Item/Activity_____________________________________________Cost____Activity Fees $100Breakdown of $100.00 CTSO Activity Fees: HOSA local chapter membership $25 Grand Canyon University Health Sciences Day $12.50 (includes lunch)Mental Health Conference $12.50 (includes lunch)HOSA Resources $25 AzHOSA Qualifying tests for competitive events $12.50AzHOSA Project supplies-classroom $12.50Classroom Fees:* $65*Breakdown of $65.00 Classroom Supply Fees:*If purchasing supplies from HOSA, complete the order form and turn in with payment prior to June 1st**Notebook- 3”& 2” $10*Colored Pencils & Markers $8*College ruled notebook paper $3*Scotch tape $3*Glue sticks $2*Black ink pens $5*#2 lead pencils $3*3 ring dividers x 2 $8*3 ring accessory holder $5Clinical Fees: $460Breakdown of $460 Clinical Fees: My Clinical Exchange ~$40 Scrubs/Clinical Uniform $100/set (includes scrub top/pants and jacket)HCE T-Shirt $15 (part of clinical uniform)Physical Exam ~$50 (must be completed prior to start of classes, Aug)Level I Fingerprint clearance Card/Fingerprinting ~$85 (must be completed prior to start of classes, Aug)**Drug Test ~$40-50 (will be completed prior in Aug)CPR Pro/Healthcare Provider Certification ~$50 (must be completed prior to start of classes, Aug)TB/PPD Test ~$25 (must be completed prior to start of classes, Aug)Lab supplies $5 AHA BLS classes offered the week prior to school start date. Check guhsdhce. for info and registration. $40Certification TestsNursing Assisting $128EKG/Phlebotomy $149Stop the Bleed $10First Aide$10Youth/Adult Mental Health First Aid $20/eachAHA BLS $40Total Costs $625*Supplies may be purchased on your own, other fees may be offset by taking CPR offered by HCE instructors’ summer of 2020 at no cost, participating in free sport/activity physicals offered at Sunnyslope High (usually April or May) at no cost. Savings of $150.**Fingerprinting will be offered at Moon Valley after the Parent Informational meeting. All summer students are required to have fingerprints completed at this time. Please bring $20 cash and your first clinical fee of $68.50 (money order made out to DPS. Cash, cards and checks not accepted). Certification costs vary and are not included in total price. Please talk to your instructor.Approximate Due dates for Requirements and Fees:Item/Activity__________________________________________Cost_____~Due DatesClassroom Supplies 65 7/10GUHSD HOSA Activity fees (payment plans available) 100 8/30Scrubs and optional additional scrub set 100 8/15(jacket included as part of uniform, other colors available for spirit days) *Officer Leadership Camp (mandatory for HOSA chapter officers) 150 8/29Clinical Fees ~ 625 Sept/Oct AzHOSA Fall Leadership Conference 45 10/17HOSA polo shirt 25 9/18AzHOSA Spring Leadership Conference and Competition 250 3/06*Certification costs due at time of testing 149 x up to 3 tests*HOSA Uniform (not charged if uniform brought back dry cleaned) 25 4/15*International HOSA Leadership Conference and Competition (deposit) 500 5/01This amount can be offset by participating in fund raising events scheduled throughout the year. We will try to absorb or find payment sources for as much as we can.Tax Credits may be given and credited towards individual student account. Total cost to participate in Health Careers Education Class up to $625Total additional cost to participate in all HOSA activities (strongly encouraged) up to additional $475 (HOSA National Conference not included)tear here tear here tear here tear here tear here tear hearYES, I want to purchase supplies through HOSA. I understand the cost of $50 will be billed to my student account.Student Name: _________________________________ Student ID# ____________________________________Home School __________________________________ Block Requested AM MID PMStudent Signature: ______________________________ Parent Signature: ________________________________________Student Phone # _______________________________ Parent Phone # __________________________________________ ................

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