08-05-14 Addendum No. 1

1965960-54864000HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICTRFP NUMBER – 15-01-09RFP – Implementation of SAP HCM HR Payroll Related FunctionalityADDENDUM NUMBER THREEFebruary 18, 2015This addendum is issued to explain, modify or correct the original Request for Proposals document. This addendum and any subsequent addenda are hereby made a part of the Request for Proposals document and related specifications. In the event of a conflict, the most recent document will govern. Please acknowledge the receipt of all addenda when submitting your Proposal. Addenda should be inserted under Tab 8 of your proposal.Questions:#QuestionAnswer1Can you provide the project schedule (i.e. blueprint, realization, etc.) for the new accounting string project?The Finance Re-Implementation Project has a go-live of July 2016. The phase schedule for the financials project and the HCM/Payroll implementation project will be kept in synch.Phase begin and end dates and the details of each project schedules will be coordinated with HISD and the implementation partners for these projects.2Can you provide a copy of Form G, CHE (Local) Questionnaire? I didn’t see one embedded in the RFP nor listed on the website.No information is required for Form G, CHE (Local) Questionnaire in response to this RFP.3Please provide a breakdown of the 30,000 employee population.3aHow many Full Time (Faculty, Classified and Unclassified) employees; 24,1953bHow many Part Time (Faculty, Classified, and Unclassified) employees; 5,0973cHow many Contingent/Student workers?1494For pricing purposes, is the user population for pricing purposes; is the user population for the SAP HCM Core and Talent Management solution 30,000?Yes, this is a reasonable estimate. 5Has budget been identified for this project? If so, is HISD willing to share the budget? If not, is there a path to get budget?The budget for this project has not been finalized and is not available for distribution.6Since it’s is a Hybrid implementation, Can we assume that security setup of external access to application will be handled by IT Infrastructure team or would you like us to provide the servicesThe HISD IT Team will complete the security setup for external access.7Since other modules of SAP are being Implemented, Is the employee Mini Master implemented. If you have implemented SRM, is the Org Management already created?The mini-HR is implemented. SRM was implemented 2010.Please include design and development of Organization Management within the scope of this project.8Since your earlier HR system of Record is PeopleSoft, which is employee based solution, and SAP is a Position Driven solution, which encompass most of the integration within SAP and also with SF Talent Suite, would you like to include this transition as Part of Change ManagementChange management, which is a separate RFP, should encompass all aspects of the SAP HR/Payroll implementation.The PeopleSoft system currently has full position management enabled.9On reviewing the RFP requirements, we figured out that you wouldn’t require Compensation management, Please let us know if this is correct, If incorrect can you provide high level details of Compensation Plans, Bonus plans and Administration of Compensation Plans.As you noted, HISD currently uses only a portion of SAP ERP and SuccessFactors Compensation Management functionality. Please refer to Attachments I, II, & III to find details of how HISD manages employee compensation. During blueprinting, we will determine the extent of SAP Compensation Management which is in-scope.10Since all the Benefits Management/Administration are outsourced to 3rd Party, and is it safe to say that we can provide an estimate during the Blueprint Phase.Yes, an estimate to track benefits via SAP can be given during blueprint phase. Please exclude this estimate from the fixed-bid pricing in your RFP response. As noted in the RFP, Benefits Administration is not in scope for this project.11Based on the detail provided on Concurrent employment requirement, we understand that this can be handled within SAP HCM Core modules, like CATS (Based on the WBS/ Network item). Appreciate if you can provide additional details, so we can investigate further.HISD is willing to explore alternative solutions to meet the concurrent employment requirements. It is not clear what additional details are being requested. 12How do you envision GRC and security? Do we have to provide an estimate or would it be part of the whole SAP Implementation?GRC is included in the HISD Financials implementation project. Include HCM Security in your fixed bid for the HCM/Payroll implementation project.13Do you currently have any time capturing application or Contract with any third party vendors from different terminals?HISD has a number of time capturing applications. Please refer to the Time Management overview in section 3.1 of the RFP and the Time Reporting details in Appendix I, II, and III. 14Do you need an interface from 3rd party benefit vendors with SAP Payroll to balance out the GL.?Please refer to Attachment I, List of Customizations, Interfaces, Custom Reports, Custom Pages to determine the Benefits interfaces currently used.15We have a recommendation for a Data loading application which has been tested and successfully implemented with ease. Would you consider other products for Data Loads?Yes, we will explore options recommended by the implementation partner. Please include the cost of any third party products in your response.16Would you like to use PI Integration to integrate SAP with SuccessFactors or would prefer to use third party products?We would like to use delivered integrations between SuccessFactors and SAP HR. 17Do you need any integration with Third party vendors for Recruiting (includes all types of screening)?Most likely, yes. However, this would have to be determined during blueprinting.18Is it going to be Centralized Payroll or Decentralized Payroll?HISD will continue with a centralized Payroll19Is SAP Travel Management a part of your FI implementation?Yes20Should there be an approval process (workflow) for Hire/Rehire and other Personnel Actions?Please refer to Workflows and Forms Overview in section 3.1 of the RFP (page 32).This may be an effective means to improve the end-user experience and will be explored during Blueprint Phase.20aIf yes how many levels of approval?This would have to be determined during blueprinting.21Do you want all the forms to be stored as DPF - digital personnel file for employees?Yes 22Active Population breakdownEmployee Population22aHourly:7,67222bSalaried:21,62022cNon-exempt:14,42122dHourly student:149Non-employees22eContractors:5,83922fCharter School Teachers:Approximately 500 - 800022gExternal Training Participants:393Contingent Workers:22hVolunteers:26,01223Time management24How many unions or different collective agreements (different rule groups for hourly employees) do you have and how different are they from one another?None.25Do your unions or collective agreements have different overtime rules? Some get overtime 1.5 greater than 40 hours in a work week other get daily overtime?No.26Do you have different FLSA work weeks for employees? If yes, how does this align with payroll cycles?No.27Do employees have different holiday calendars for different groups of employees? Yes.28Can you provide a brief description of the semi-annual certification process, including approvals and adjustments?The semi-annual certification process for staff to confirm compliance with federal grant guidelines is discussed in the Time and Effort Business Requirement document (HISD006v2) within attachment II of the RFP.29Payroll: Pay 10 days after end of pay period – assume these are 10 work days?10 Calendar Days. For example, payment date of 2/25/2015 is for payroll period of 02/02/2105 through 02/15/2015.30ESS: Stipend Earnings History view: Clarify how far in the past?Currently, 1 year history can be viewed.31Fiori: Should we assume that Fiori (mobile access) is in scope, and if so, for which functionality?Yes. HISD sees Fiori as an opportunity to improve the end-user experience. We expect to look closely at Fiori functionality during the Blueprint phase. We look to our implementation partner for guidance, but are especially interested in exploring Fiori for time recording and management reporting.32PI: Should the provider plan PI consulting service?HISD has on onsite resources for PI. The Implementation Partner will assist in developing an interface strategy. 33Is HISD open to alternate approaches to loading data into BW cubes rather than loading it through the ECC system and then extracting it.We will explore recommended alternatives. SAP BW integration is already established with SAP ERPs (ECC & SRM). HISD strategy is for all SAP BW data in the cubes to come from SAP ECC.34How large is the current 3rd party reporting warehouse?Currently, there is no 3rd party reporting warehouse for HR/Payroll reporting.35How often is data updated in the current warehouse?Nightly.36Are any write-backs anticipated to the data warehouse?Not at this time. This would have to be determined during blueprinting.37How often is data extracted into BI/BW?Nightly.38Does HISD use delta loads?Yes39What is the number of queries in the current warehouse? Should we assume these will all be needed in the BI system? Will the Integrator be responsible to assist with updated requirements for queries?180 certified queries and 90 query views. Most of the Queries are not HR related. However, there are a few queries (no more than 10) which have data coming from the mini-HR. Those queries need to be adjusted with data coming from SAP HR. Other than that we need most of the out-of-box queries implemented for HR. The Blueprinting process will streamline this further.40Apart from these existing queries, can you provide an indication of the approximate number of new BI queries anticipated?This would be determined during blueprinting sessions.41As BusinessObjects is not in scope, should we anticipate reports/queries will be consumed through BEx?Yes.42Can you indicate which 3rd party systems need to feed data into SAP BI system? If possible please provide the frequency of extracts, amount of data, whether delta’s are required and database version of the 3rd party systems.For the HR/Payroll Implementation, requirements will be determined during blueprinting sessions.43FORM G: CHE (Local) Questionnaire is missing from the RFP package (required on page 9 of the RFP). Can you please provide us a copy of the Form G?No information is required for Form G, CHE (Local) Questionnaire in response to this RFP.44We understand that HISD requires historical data conversion of approximately 15 years. With data conversion there are two approaches. Can HISD clarify which conversion approach they would like as part of the scope of the implementation project? a. Historical Data Conversion to the standard SAP tables and fields ? We will convert the 15 years of required data for compliance reporting into the standard delivered SAP fields. In this process, we will translate the historical data from PeopleSoft data into SAP data. This approach will allow HISD to utilize all standard delivered SAP reporting and configuration functionality. ? This approach is SAP Best PracticeThis option seems reasonable. We will explore conversion options recommended by our implementation partner. 45Historical Data Conversion in Custom tables and fields ? This will be a straight data dump of PeopleSoft historical data into custom fields. This approach will require custom reports to be created to report data from the custom tables.We will explore conversion options recommended by our implementation partner. 46Is it the intention of HISD to normalize data converted into BI into corresponding SAP field definitions to support long term reporting and analytic needs?Yes, The HISD strategy is for all conversion to be done in SAP HR and after that SAP BW will pick up. Thus, no direct conversion will take place in SAP BW.We will explore conversion options recommended by our implementation partner. 47Can you confirm that HISD will be implementing Standard Onboarding?Please refer to Onboarding Overview in section 3.1 of the RFP (page 30).A goal of this project is to maintain and improve the user experience. 48Many sections state “The design blueprint phase will determine the specific applications and solutions which are in-scope.” Being a fixed bid proposal, please describe the role HISD will play in scope management.HISD’s implementation must include all current HCM and Payroll functionality with integration to SAP financials. HISD will explore additional SAP standard functionality that makes sense to enhance the user experience. These items will be explored during the Blueprint phase. HISD project management will work with implementation partner to ensure we are confident of our success in meeting the first objective before determining the ‘user experience’ items. A goal of this project is to maintain and improve the user experience. 49Please provide more information on the Application Extender and capabilities to integrate with SuccessFactors.The implementation partner will need to obtain this information.50If solutions manager is used, who will be responsible for creating the framework and structures required for the project?HISD resources will create the framework and structures. 51Are any tools available from HISD (software or otherwise) to assist with stress testing?HISD owns HPQC.52Who will be responsible for managing test scripts and test results, and general test administration responsibilities in HP Quality Center?Both HISD and Implementation Partner have roles and responsibilities for testing success. Please refer to the RACI chart in section 3.3 of the RFP (page 36-39). 53Within SuccessFactors are Role Based permissions in scope?Yes, we expect so. Though, final determination to be made during Blueprinting. Please refer to Security Overview in section 3.1 of the RFP (page 33).54Within SAP are structural authorizations in scope?Yes, we expect so. Though, final determination to be made during Blueprinting. Please refer to Security Overview in section 3.1 of the RFP (page 33).All other terms, conditions, and requirements of the original RFP remain the same at this time.?Stephen PinchbackSourcing Specialist, Procurement713.556.6537 SPinchba@ ................

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