The Freedmen’s Bureau Worksheet

The Freedmen's Bureau Worksheet

Directions: Use the quote below to answer the questions. Respond with at least two sentences.

"And yet the government had left the freedmen in a worse felt it had done enough for them. It had made him free, and henceforth he must make his own way in the world...he had none of the conditions for self-preservation and self-protection.

The freedman was free from the individual master but a slave of society. He had neither money, property, nor friends. He was free from the old plantation, but he had nothing but the dusty road under his feet.... He was turned loose, naked, hungry, and destitute [penniless] to the open sky.

The first feeling toward him by the old master classes was full of bitterness and wrath. They resented his emancipation as an act of hostility toward them, and, since they could not punish the emancipator, they felt like punishing the object which that act had emancipated."

- Frederick Douglass

1. What is Douglass talking about in this quote?

2. Based off of the text, why might Douglass say that the Freedman's Bureau is necessary?

3. The Freedmen's Bureau was set up by the U.S. government. Would it have been better if a private organization had tried to help out slaves after the war? Why or why not?

Directions: Use the political cartoon to answer the questions. Use complete sentences.

1. What are two things you see in this cartoon? 2. What does the cabinet represent? 3. What is President Johnson doing in this cartoon?


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