Unit 1 Lost in the New School

Unit 1 Lost in the New School


_______ 1. Friends play a key r_______e in Al’s life since he’s the only child in the family.

_______ 2. Wendy kept an eye on her b_______s when she got on the crowded bus.

_______ 3. All the students were happy for Sheila when she won the gold m_______l in the long jump.

_______ 4. Rita s_______ms tired after a sleepless night.

_______ 5. Larry is very n_______s in front of girls. He can hardly speak.

_______ 6. The teacher asked Erin a question. She did not know how to r_______y so she kept silent.

_______ 7. Dorothy c_______ted happily with her friends about the coming winter vacation.

_______ 8. Ed had such a busy s_______e yesterday that he didn’t have time for meals.

_______ 9. Oliver has been feeling down ever since he watched the movie. It r_______ded him of his unhappy childhood.

_______ 10. Ryan’s heart started p_______ding when he saw the girl he liked.

_______ 11. Jeremy was walking his dog when it s_______y began raining.

_______ 12. Henry didn’t show up today. His classmates w_______r what happened to him.

_______ 13. Vicky can’t find her purse. It is o_______s that she lost it again.

_______ 14. Nancy is excited about tonight’s c_______e party. She plans to dress up as Harry Potter.

_______ 15. Ian is quite shy. He seldom talks about his p_______l life.

_______ 16. Alicia likes to speak in a _______ (drama) way to draw people’s attention.

_______ 17. Eva is not in a hurry. She got up early and has _______ (plenty) time.

_______ 18. Frank cannot stand (忍受) _______ (interrupt) when he studies.

_______ 19. There is poor _______ (communicate) between Doreen and her parents. They often have arguments.

_______ 20. When the teacher saw the _______ (confused) on the students’ faces, he repeated what he just said again.


|S + be + so + adj./V + so + adv. + that-clause |

|S + be/V + such + N + that-clause 如此…以致於… |

It rained so heavily that Natalie could only stay home.

1. 這個問題如此困難以致於沒有人能回答。

It is _______ a difficult question _______ no one can answer.

2. 這首歌曲如此受歡迎以致於每個人都會唱。


|make friends (with someone) (和…)交朋友 |

Peter finds it hard to make friends at school.

3. Candace尚未在新班級交到任何朋友。

Candace has not _______ any _______ in the new class yet.

4. Benjamin想跟他昨天遇到的女孩交朋友。


|pluck up the courage (to do something) 鼓起勇氣(…) |

Lucy encourages her best friend to pluck up the courage to learn swimming.

5. Irene終於鼓起了勇氣面對她的恐懼。

Irene finally _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ face her fear.

6. Thomas無法鼓起勇氣表達他的感受。


|. . . N + who/which/that/whom/whose . . . …的(人事物) |

Phoebe lives in an apartment building which faces a beautiful park.

7. Jill和她的家人在一家以美食聞名的餐廳享用晚餐。

Jill had dinner with her family at a restaurant _______ is famous for delicious food.

8. Zack正在和一個父親是校長的女孩說話。( . . . whose . . . )


|as well (as . . . ) 也 |

Gareth speaks English as well as French.

9. Selina在百貨公司找到一件漂亮洋裝。她也買了一個包包。

Selina found a pretty dress at the department store. She bought a bag _______ _______.

10. Charlie賽跑後很累,但是他也對比賽結果感到興奮。


|by the way 順帶一提 |

Dan enjoys jogging. By the way, he met his wife when he went for a jog in the park.

11. Fiona嫁給Douglas。順帶一提,他們有兩個小孩。

Fiona married Douglas. _______ _______ _______, they have two children.

12. Nathan是Ruby的同班同學。順帶一提,他也是她的鄰居。


|check out . . . 查看…,檢查… |

The dentist checked out the patient’s teeth carefully.

13. Jones老師很有耐心地檢查了學生的作業。

Ms. Jones patiently _______ _______ her students’ homework.

14. 警察檢查了該男子的口袋。


|fit in 適應 |

It took Gina a while to fit in when she first moved here.

15. Sonia上高中時很擔心她會無法適應。

Sonia was very worried that she could not _______ _______ when she entered high school.

16. Kirk無法適應因為他很害羞。



Today is Jack Wang’s first day at an American high school. When he stands at the gate of his new school, his heart 1 fast. He is worried whether he can communicate 2 his new classmates. Once Jack walks into the school, he does not know 3 he should go. He feels so lost 4 a woman walks to him and greets him. She turns out to be Ms. Smith, the principal. When she 5 that Jack is a new student, she asks him to come with her. In her office, Ms. Smith gives Jack a sheet of paper on 6 there are two important numbers. One is the number of his homeroom. 7 is his locker number. Jack thanks the principal, goes to his locker, and sees an Asian boy, Ken, standing next to it. Ken knows that Jack is new here because a new student often looks confused. Ken tells Jack that it is okay because he has plenty 8 time to fit in. 9 , he invites Jack to have lunch together in the cafeteria. Jack soon feels better because Ken is a really nice guy. Ken also tells Jack that if he wants to 10 new friends, they can play basketball together after school. The differences between Taiwanese schools and American schools surprise Jack, and he really looks forward to experiencing this unique high school life.

( ) 1. (A) beating (B) starts beating (C) is beat (D) beat

( ) 2. (A) about (B) for (C) of (D) with

( ) 3. (A) which (B) when (C) where (D) what

( ) 4. (A) until (B) that (C) as soon as (D) as well as

( ) 5. (A) walks out (B) comes out (C) checks out (D) finds out

( ) 6. (A) it (B) whom (C) which (D) that

( ) 7. (A) Other (B) Others (C) The other (D) The others

( ) 8. (A) on (B) of (C) for (D) x

( ) 9. (A) First (B) Then (C) But (D) So

( ) 10. (A) make (B) become (C) pluck (D) check


1. Why is Jack so nervous that his heart is pounding? (paragraph 1)


2. Why doesn’t Jack ask any of the other students for help? (paragraph 3)


3. What can Jack do with the locker next to his homeroom? (paragraph 7)


4. When do classes end at Jack’s school? (paragraph 14)


5. How does Jack feel about the differences between the schools in Taiwan and those in the U.S.A.? (paragraph 15)



In high school, I was a big fish in a small pond. I was a high scorer on the basketball team and a regular on the honor roll. My teachers held me up as a good example for others to follow, and younger students would ask me for advice. I felt quite good about myself, but I soon made a terrible discovery, which is known as college.

In my first month at college, I found that I was too short to make the basketball team. I also realized that I wasn’t quite as smart as I had thought. Daily life turned out to be a struggle, too. Social skills, however, turned out to be even more difficult to master. Although the university had 10 times as many teachers and students as my high school, no one was really interested in me. In a short time, I had gone from being a big fish in a small pond to being a fish out of water.

But I decided to make an effort to get to know my roommates and the other schoolmates, and slowly, I started to have friends. Though I didn’t get into the college team, I played pickup (臨時組成的) basketball. As to my classes, I met some upperclassmen who taught me patiently, and my grades got better.

After first semester finals, I headed home for a holiday. To my surprise, I discovered that I missed college. Without realizing it, I had done a lot of growing up in my semester away, and that is no fish story.

( ) 1. The writer says that he is like a(n) ________ in the high school years.

(A) pond (B) example (C) fish (D) basketball

( ) 2. After the writer entered college, what did he find the most difficult to master?

(A) Daily life. (B) Social skills.

(C) The basketball team. (D) Teachers.

( ) 3. According to the article, how did the writer’s grades improve?

(A) With his own hard work. (B) With luck.

(C) With teachers’ direction. (D) With the help of upperclassmen.

( ) 4. What happened when the writer headed home for a holiday after first semester finals?

(A) He missed college. (B) He missed the teachers.

(C) He missed his family. (D) He missed high school.

( ) 5. This article is mainly about ________.

(A) how the writer hated his college life

(B) what the writer experienced in college

(C) why the writer didn’t play basketball in college

(D) how hard the writer studied in college


A 1. 老師如此有耐心以致於每個學生都喜歡他。

The teacher is ________ patient ________ every student likes him.

2. 他也教導學生們如何彼此交朋友。

He also teaches the students how to ________ ________ ________ one another.

B 3. Nora是個游泳好手,以致於她的很多朋友都跟她學游泳。

Nora is ________ a good swimmer ________ many of her friends learn swimming from her.

4. 順帶一提,Nora的姐姐也很會游泳。

________ ________ ________, Nora’s older sister is also good at swimming.

5. Hilary was not brave enough to ask the stranger for directions.

(用pluck up the courage改寫)


6. The old lady looks serious.

Her hair is gray. (用 . . . whose . . . 合併)


7. Leona is making a phone call to a boy.

She met the boy at a party yesterday. (用 . . . whom . . . 合併)


8. Dylan bought a pair of jeans.

He bought a hat, too. (用as well as合併)


Jack is afraid that he cannot play basketball with Ken after school. 9. Ken提醒Jack檢查課表。 Classes end at half past two. It surprises Jack. 10. 儘管有許多差異,Jack相信他可以很快適應。

9. ______________________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________________



Look at the picture and answer the following questions.

1. What will soon happen to the students in the picture?


2. Where was your junior high school graduation ceremony (畢業典禮) held?


3. How did you feel at the graduation ceremony?


4. At the graduation ceremony, what did you see or do?


5. What do you remember most about the ceremony?


6. If you were at the graduation ceremony again, what would you say to your friends and teachers?




1. role 2. belongings 3. medal 4. seems 5. nervous

6. reply 7. chatted 8. schedule 9. reminded 10. pounding

11. suddenly 12. wonder 13. obvious 14. costume 15. personal

16. dramatic 17. plentiful 18. interruption 19. communication 20. confusion


1. such; that

2. This song is so popular that everyone can sing it.

3. made; friends

4. Benjamin wants to make friends with the girl whom/who/that he met yesterday.

5. plucked; up; the; courage; to

6. Thomas cannot/couldn’t pluck up the courage to express/show his feelings.

7. which

8. Zack is talking with/to a girl whose father is a principal.

9. as; well

10. Charlie was very tired after the race, but he was excited about the result as well.

11. By; the; way

12. Nathan is Ruby’s classmate. By the way, he is also her neighbor.

13. checked; out

14. The police officer checked out the man’s pocket(s).

15. fit; in

16. Kirk could not/cannot fit in because he was/is shy.


1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. A


1. It is because it’s his first day at an American high school.

2. It is because they are chatting happily (and he doesn’t want to bother them).

3. He can store his books and personal belongings inside.

4. They end at half past two.

5. He is surprised.


1. C 2. B 3. D 4. A 5. B


1. so; that

2. make; friends; with

3. such; that

4. By; the; way

5. Hilary could not pluck up the courage to ask the stranger for directions.

6. The old lady whose hair is gray looks serious.

7. Leona is making a phone call to a boy whom she met at a party yesterday.

8. Dylan bought a pair of jeans as well as a hat.

9. Ken reminds Jack to check out his class schedule.

10. Though there are many differences, Jack believes that he can fit in soon/quickly.


1. They will soon graduate from/leave school.

2. It was held in our school gym.

3. I felt both sad and excited about leaving junior high school.

4. I thanked my teachers and said goodbye to my classmates.

5. My teacher cried when she said goodbye to us, and it made us all cry.

6. I would thank them for giving me so many happy memories.



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