
Membership Matters: A News Hub for LeadersAugust 2020Resources, tips and tricks for AAUW state and branch leadersBragging on BranchesCongratulations to the dozens of branches that have achieved three or more stars in our Five-Star Recognition Program. We’re now keeping a running list of the awardees on the?Five-Star page, along with the instructions for how to apply and track your progress. Check it out!We’re proud of the following branches for their Five-Star achievements this month: (California) Citrus Heights–American River; (Colorado) Littleton-South Metro, Longmont; (Florida) Sarasota; (Michigan) Ann Arbor, Northville-Novi, Wyandotte-Downriver; (Ohio) Middletown; (Pennsylvania) Pittsburgh; (Virginia) Alexandria, Woodbridge; (Wisconsin) Janesville; (Washington) Walla Walla.And kudos to the Ashland (Oregon), State College (Pennsylvania) and Seattle (Washington) branches on achieving all five stars! Check out their success stories below.Success StoriesGet inspiration and advice from this month’s five-star branch leaders.Branch members with Jessica Weiner, CEO of Talk to Jess, LLC. Her presentation "Generational and Cultural Differences in Branding and Consumer Behavior” was the 2019-20 AAUW State College Centennial Lecture at the Penn State Forum.STATE COLLEGE (PENNSYLVANIA)Focus on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion“We satisfied the communications requirements easily, as we have an aggressive plan that relies on an array of communications channels. We’re redesigning our website to more effectively align the branch with AAUW National’s strategic priorities.Historically, public policy advocacy is a strength for us. Our co-chairs are active in local politics and provide guidance to an education sub-committee. We submit timely op-eds and letters to the editor on charter schools and funding for public education, the digital divide, redistricting, family leave and gender equity.We’re focused on enhancing our image in the local community and attracting a more diverse membership. We developed a three-year strategic plan to align with AAUW National and evaluate our progress. We appointed an officer for diversity and inclusion and developed a succession plan to recruit more diverse members and officers.”?—Cindy Hall and Sally Kalin, co-presidentsPublic policy team members at 2020 Lobby Day with their state senator. From left: Julie Benezet, Sen. Jeff Golden, Paula Wiiken, Lesley Kaufman, Ellen Fowler, Sonja Friedman, Ann Bard, Gayle ClasonASHLAND (OREGON)Energize Your Leaders“Our board voted to pursue Five Stars in October 2019. The board members wanted to align ourselves more closely with the gender equity work happening on the national level. We publicized the program in our December newsletter and rolled up our sleeves.We have a very active Public Policy Team, which made our first star easy. Then we welcomed our first Ashland Legacy Circle member in 2019. We wrote several articles about The Greatest Needs Fund, and our members shifted their donations accordingly.Our dedicated Programs team had already designed our branch meetings around gender equity and economic security, so we were ahead on this.The Communications Chair reorganized our website, and our Facebook coordinator made more regular and relevant ernance required a concerted effort. We formed a strategic plan committee that studied AAUW National’s plan, reviewed our local goals and programs and wrote a dynamic new strategic plan.Our advice: Use teams, keep the membership informed, energize your leaders and officers.”?–Paula Wiiken and Catherine Lutes, co-presidentsSeattle (Washington) Gets Social?The Seattle branch had a head start in working toward 5-Star status. Branch programs are primarily mission-driven, and members have always been involved in public policy. In addition, in 2017-18, the branch carried out a comprehensive strategic planning initiative to address branch sustainability. While we still have a core of dedicated members, we wanted to engage new members to fill that leadership pipeline. Two key initiatives implemented were:?A marketing plan that includes more presence on social media, as well as posting program information on neighborhood websites and blogs.?Yearly new member orientation combining a social element with learning about programs in which members can get involved.Both efforts were successful. A targeted marketing focus resulted in non-members attending our programs, and the orientation resulted in four new members now serving on the board.Lynn Dissinger and Fiona Goodchild, co-presidents?News & ResourcesComing Soon: State Portal for Five-StarWe’re pleased to announce that the?Five-Star Recognition portal?for states is officially open for applications. We look forward to recognizing our state affiliates working tirelessly to advance gender equity. State leaders, stay tuned for updates.Renew Membership by September 30Encourage your non-renewed members to renew by September 30 so they remain in good standing and continue to receive member benefits, including action alerts, networking opportunities and discounts on insurance, prescriptions and more. We urge membership vice presidents and finance officers to work together to verify branch membership rosters through the?Membership Services Database. Report any discrepancies to connect@.AAUW Group Exemption Season Is OpenAll AAUW-affiliated entities must file a tax return with the IRS each year. If your annual gross receipts are normally $50,000 or less, you can file Form 990-N. We can also file Form 990-N on your behalf if the finance officer completes the group exemption form in the Membership Services Database, now through October 15, 2020.New Legacy Circle MembersWe gratefully acknowledge the visionary AAUW members and supporters who have recently joined the Legacy Circle: Emily C. Boone (Kentucky) and Alta M. Oben (Minnesota). By making a planned gift to AAUW National, each has embraced equity for future generations of women and girls as part of her personal legacy.If you have included AAUW National in your estate plans, please contact AAUW Director of Advancement Heather Miller at 202.785.7766 so that we may celebrate you, too.Reminder: Virtual Meetings OnlyCOVID-19 is still all around us, and the safety of our members and staff remains AAUW’s top priority. We strongly advise states and branches to avoid holding any in-person meetings or events at least through the end of the year, and in compliance with local and state guidance. We are proud of the affiliates holding creative and successful virtual meetings, elections and programs. Keep up the great work!? ................

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