

Here is a list of useful or new words from Headway Elementary Student's Book. adj = adjective conj = conjunction det = determiner excl = exclamation phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun adv = adverb n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition v = verb


alphabetical attendant aunt beautiful big blog boyfriend brother cheap check out coke cold complete conversation cousin darling daughter difficult easy expensive friendly girlfriend good grandfather grandmother horrible husband interesting introduce just lawyer lovely married mother near nephew nice niece office

Part of speech adj n n adj adj n n n adj phr v n adj v n n n n adj adj adj adj n adj n n


n adj v adv n adj adj n adv n adj n n


/?lfbetk()l/ /tend()nt/ /nt/ /bjutfl/ /b/ /bl/ /bfrend/ /br?/ /tip/ /tek at/ /kk/ /kld/ /kmplit/ /knvse()n/ /kz()n/ /dl/ /dt/ /dfk()lt/ /izi/ /kspensv/ /fren(d)li/ /lfrend/ /d/ /r?n(d)f?/ /r?n(d)m?/

/hrb()l /hzbnd/ /ntrst/ /ntrdjus/ /dst /l/ /lvli/ /m?rd/ /m?/ /n/ /nefju/ /nas/ /nis/ /fs/

Example sentence

The list was in alphabetical order. The attendant gave me a map of the gallery. My favourite aunt is my mum's sister. London parks are beautiful. New York is a big city. I have a blog where I write about my life. My sister has a new boyfriend. My brother and I are good friends. The food here is very nice and it's cheap. You can check out my photos on my blog. Can I have a coke, please? It's cold in winter. You can complete the exercise later. What is the conversation about? My cousin is the same age as me. Goodbye, darling! Have a good day! My daughter is five years old. My job is difficult, but I like it. It's easy to use the underground system. That's an expensive restaurant. My new neighbours are very friendly. I think my brother has got a new girlfriend. Debbie is a good teacher. My mother's father is my grandfather. My father's mother is my grandmother. This coffee is horrible!

Mike is my friend's husband. London is an interesting city. Let me introduce you to my sister Anne. Don't worry about me ? I'm just waiting for my brother. My father works as a lawyer. I like your girlfriend ? she's lovely. My sister Emily is married. My mother is a doctor. There's a caf? near my school. I only have one nephew. It's nice to meet new people. Sheila is my niece. Amelia works in an office in York.

? Oxford University Press 2019

Unit My notes

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1



Here is a list of useful or new words from Headway Elementary Student's Book. adj = adjective conj = conjunction det = determiner excl = exclamation phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun adv = adverb n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition v = verb


old opposite parents personal practise sister slow small son spell sunny surname thank goodness ticket topic uncle waiter weather weekend wife accountant actress American architect arrow ballet dancer board game bow Brazilian capital clean conservation degree dentist design do the washing electricity England exactly farm film director

Part of speech adj adj n pl adj v n adj adj n v adj n phr n n n n n n n n n adj n n n n n adj n v n n n v v n n adv n n


/ld/ /pst/ /per()nts/ /ps()n()l/ /pr?kts/ /sst/ /sl/ /sml/ /sn/ /spel/ /sni/ /snem/ /?k dns/ /tkt/ /tpk/ /k()l/ /wet/ /we?/ /wikend/ /waf/ /kant()nt/ /?ktrs/ /merkn/ /ktekt/ /?r/ /bale dns/ /bd em/ /b/ /brzln/ /k?pt()l/ /klin/ /knsve()n/ /dri/ /dentst/ /dzan/ /du ? w/ /elektrsti/ /lnd/ /z?k(t)li/ /fm/ /flm darekt/

Example sentence

How old are you? The opposite of big is small. My parents are on holiday at the moment. Please complete the form with your personal information. You need to practise your English. My sister is older than me. This bus is so slow! Maria is in a small school. My son is a university student. How do you spell your name? I like sunny weather. Is Smith your surname? Thank goodness it's Friday! You don't need a ticket for the museum, it's free. Please help me choose a topic for my blog entry. My uncle lives in Edinburgh. I work as a waiter at a caf?. What's the weather like in your town? I only work at the weekend. My brother doesn't have a wife. He's an accountant. He likes working with money. Natalie Portman is an actress. She was born in Philadelphia, so she's American. She is an architect ? she designs houses. The Yanomani hunt animals with a bow and arrow. Benjamin Millepied is a ballet dancer. Kristina likes playing board games. The Yanomani hunt animals with a bow and arrow. The Yanomani live in the Brazilian rainforest. The capital of Peru is Lima. I clean the house every day. Maggie is interested in wildlife conservation. Natalie Portman has a degree in Psychology. I need to go to the dentist because I've got toothache. My parents design apartment buildings for a living. I do the washing in our house and my brother does the dishes. The Amish don't use electricity. My elder sister lives in England. Where exactly in Peru do you live? Kristine is an Amish and she lives on a farm. A film director directs movies.

? Oxford University Press 2019

Unit My notes

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2



Here is a list of useful or new words from Headway Elementary Student's Book. adj = adjective conj = conjunction det = determiner excl = exclamation phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun adv = adverb n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition v = verb


fire engine fireman fire station firm French German Germany go ice-skating gym hairdresser Hebrew hunt interpreter Israel Italian journalist law firm lawyer look after monkey nurse outside pet physics pilot psychology rainforest receptionist Scotland smile snooker Spain Spanish taxi driver teeth the USA vegetarian Wales walk your dog wolf wrong zoologist Australia

Part of speech n n n n n n n v n n n v n n adj n n n phr v n n adv n n n n n n n v n n

n n n pl

n n

n v n adj n



/fa(r) endn/ /famn/ /fa ste()n/ /fm/ /frent/ /dmn/ /dmni/ / as sket/ /dm/ /hedres/ /hibru/ /hnt/ /ntprt/ /zrel/ /t?ljn/ /dn()lst/ /l/ /lj(r)/ /lk ft/ /mki/ /ns/ /atsad/ /pet/ /fzks/ /palt/ /sakldi/ /renfrst/ /rsep()nst/ /sktlnd/ /smal/ /snuk/ /spen/ /sp?n/

/t?ksi drav/ /ti/ /? juese/

/vedtern/ /welz/

/wk j d/ /wlf/ /r/ /zldst/ /strel/

Example sentence

James drives a fire engine. He likes being a fireman. He works at a small fire station. Pete works at a law firm. My English teacher also teaches French. I can't speak German. My sister lived in Germany for two years. I sometimes go ice-skating in the winter. What time does the gym close? My hairdresser cut my hair too short last time. My uncle is Israeli, but he doesn't speak Hebrew. Toin's father hunts animals in the rainforest. You need to speak at least two languages to work as an interpreter. She was born in Israel. My friend's mother is Italian. A journalist writes news stories. His law firm is very prestigious. I have no problems with the law so I don't need a lawyer. As a dentist, I look after people's teeth. My pet is a monkey. Emily works as a nurse at City Hospital. I sometimes sleep outside in the garden when it's hot. Do you have a pet? I want to study Physics when I finish school. I want to be a pilot and fly a plane. My friend Susie is very interested in Psychology. The Yanomani live in the Brazilian rainforest. Could I speak to the hotel receptionist, please? He was born in Glasgow, Scotland. Friendly people smile often. I love playing snooker with my friend Ellie. Maria is from Spain. She's English but she can speak Spanish fluently. My brother is a taxi driver. He loves driving in the city. My teeth are aching ? I need to go to the dentist. The USA is a big country. I'm a vegetarian so I never eat animal meat. Gareth Bale is from Wales. Do you walk your dog every day? A wolf is like a wild dog. I arrived late because my watch is wrong. As a zoologist, I study animal behaviour. I'd love to go to Australia on holiday.

? Oxford University Press 2019

Unit My notes

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3



Here is a list of useful or new words from Headway Elementary Student's Book. adj = adjective conj = conjunction det = determiner excl = exclamation phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun adv = adverb n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition v = verb


autumn balance bilingual church competition cycling donkey excitement fan (ie. sports fan) fishing flat get up ground hard (ie. work hard) have trouble hedgehog horse riding Indian instrument Irish Italy Jamaican Japanese jockey lively market town match (ie. sports) mess mile miss musical postcode put on pyjamas race course season set off share skiing smoke soul South African spring

Part of speech n n adj n

n n n n n n n phr v n adv phr v n n

adj n

adj n adj adj n adj n

n n n v adj n phr v n pl n n phr v v n v n

adj n


/tm/ /b?l()ns/ /balw()l/ /tt/ /kmpt()n/ /sakl/ /dki/ /ksatmnt/ /f?n/ /f/ /fl?t/ /et p/ /rand/ /hd/ /h?v trb()l/ /hed(h)/ /hs rad/ /ndn/ /nstrm()nt/ /ar/ /tli/ /dmek()n/ /d?pniz/ /dki/ /lavli/ /mkt tan/ /m?t/ /mes/ /mal/ /ms/ /mjuzk()l/ /pstkd/ /pt n/ /pdmz/ /res ks/ /siz()n/ /set f/ /e/ /ski/ /smk/ /sl/ /sa ?frkn/ /spr/

Example sentence

Autumn is my favourite season. Do you have a good work?life balance? You need a bilingual dictionary for your English course. We often go to church on Sunday mornings. I didn't win the competition. My dad loves cycling. My daughter is an animal lover and wants to buy a donkey. I love the excitement of Sunday morning, before the races start. Are you a sports fan? I never go fishing ? I don't enjoy it. Ellie lives in a flat in the town centre. What time do you get up? I usually train at the sports ground. You have to train hard if you want to succeed. Do you have trouble sleeping? When I was a child, I wanted to have a hedgehog. He loves horses so he often goes horse riding. We went to an Indian restaurant for dinner. My favourite musical instrument is the piano. She was born in Dublin, so she's Irish. My parents went to Italy on holiday last year. My dad is Jamaican. Do you like Japanese food like sushi? Frankie Dettori is a horse-racing jockey. It was a lively concert, full of energy and enthusiasm. I live in a market town which always gets busy on market day. Would you like to go to the football match next Sunday? The kids were playing all day and the house was a mess. One mile is approximately 1.6 kilometres. Did you miss your family while you were away? Would you like to learn how to play a musical instrument? The letter won't arrive if you don't write the postcode. I'd put on a coat if I were you ? it's cold outside. I always watch TV at night in my pyjamas. There are horse races every Saturday on a race course near here. What's your favourite season, spring or summer? We are all ready so let's set off for the picnic. I share a flat with my friend Lucy. I love winter because I can go skiing. I never smoke at home. Alexandra's mother was a soul and R&B singer. Johannesburg is the biggest South African city. I like the smell of flowers in spring.

? Oxford University Press 2019

Unit My notes

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3



Here is a list of useful or new words from Headway Elementary Student's Book. adj = adjective conj = conjunction det = determiner excl = exclamation phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun adv = adverb n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition v = verb


star (ie. in a film) stuff summer text traffic train (ie. practise sport) win windsurfing winter amazing armchair awful balcony bell bench bookshelves bright British carpet cathedral chamber chemist's clock comfortable cooker cross curtains cushion diary dictionary dining room dishwasher dreadful excellent fabulous fantastic floor (ie. first floor) fridge glass government great kettle lamp

Part of speech v n n v n v v n n adj n adj n n n n pl adj

adj n n n n n adj n v n pl n n

n n n adj adj adj adj n n n n adj n n


/st/ /stf/ /sm/ /tekst/ /tr?fk/ /tren/ /wn/ /wn(d)sf/ /wnt/ /mez/ /mte/ /f()l/ /b?lkni/ /bel/ /ben(t)/ /bkelvz/ /brat/ /brt/ /kpt/ /kidr()l/ temb/ /kemst/ /klk/ /kmf()tb()l/ /kk/ /krs/ /kt()nz/ /k()n/ /dari/ /dkn()ri/ /dan rum/ /dw/ /dredf()l/ /eks()l()nt/ /fabjls/ /fantastk/ /fl/ /frd/ /ls/ /v()nm()nt/ /ret/ /ket()l/ /l?mp/

Example sentence

My parents are actors ? they star in many movies. They sell old furniture, decorations, and stuff like that. We often go to the swimming pool in summer. I text my friends all the time. My mum was late because the traffic was bad this morning. You have to train hard to become a professional athlete. Did you win the match? Windsurfing is my favourite sport. Celia loves playing in the snow in winter. Jerry's new flat is amazing! This armchair looks comfortable. My exam results were awful. I didn't pass. My sister's flat has a balcony. Big Ben is the name of the bell inside the clock. There isn't a bench for each MP in the House of Commons. Are there any bookshelves in your new flat? Bright red is my favourite colour. The British Parliament was the first in the world. I need to buy a carpet for the living room. Salisbury is famous for its cathedral. The King or Queen can never enter the House of Commons chamber. There's a chemist's near the caf?. The clock struck three. Our flat's small, but it's comfortable. I prefer to cook with a gas cooker. You can watch, but you can't cross this line. Could you please close the curtains? There's one cushion on the sofa. I'll make a note of the meeting in my diary. Can I borrow your dictionary? You eat in a dining room. Most houses have a dishwasher nowadays. The flat they showed us was dreadful. I think you made an excellent choice. The meal was fabulous ? I loved it! Your apartment looks fantastic. I live on a third floor. I like cooking so I need a big fridge to keep the food fresh. Could I have a glass of water, please? The government made an important announcement. That's great news. Congratulations! That kettle is a nice colour. It's too dark in the living room ? we need to buy a lamp.

? Oxford University Press 2019

Unit My notes

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4



Here is a list of useful or new words from Headway Elementary Student's Book. adj = adjective conj = conjunction det = determiner excl = exclamation phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun adv = adverb n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition v = verb


living room major mirror MP newsagent's parliament picture plate playground population postcard pub pull purse rent (v, n) return ticket route sailing shower sofa staircase stamp swing sword terrible toilet towel tower washing machine wonderful advice artist attend Austria be born bill (ie. in restaurant) borrow Brazil Britain carry casual cellist cello

Part of speech n adj n n n n n n n n n n v n v, n n n n n n n n n n adj n n n n adj n n v

n v n v n n v adj n n


/lv rum/ /med/ /mr/ /empi/ /njuzed()nts/ /plm()nt/ /pkt/ /plet/ /plerand/ /ppjle()n/ /ps(t)kd/ /pb/ /pl/ /ps/ /rent/ /rtn tkt/ /rut/ /sel/ /a/ /sf/ /stekes/ /st?mp/ /sw/ /sd/ /terb()l/ /tlt/ /tal/ /ta/ /w min/ /wndf()l/ /dvas/ /tst/ /tend/ /str/ /bi bn/ /bl/ /br/ /brzl/ /brt()n/ /kari/ /kajl/ /telst/ /tel/

Example sentence

Let's have our coffee in the living room. The flat is on major bus routes. There's a mirror in the bathroom. MP is the abbreviation for Member of Parliament. I'm going to the newsagent's to buy the newspaper. She's an MP ? she works in parliament. I want to buy a big picture for the living room wall. Would you like a plate for your cake? There's a playground in the park. The population of my town is 280,000. He sent me a postcard from Seville. Let's go to the pub for a drink. Could you please pull the curtains? There's too much light. My purse is in my bag. I'm looking for a flat to rent. How much is the rent? How much is return ticket from Hamburg to Berlin? What's the route of bus number 5? I want to live near the sea because I love sailing. The bathroom has a shower, but not a bathtub. The living room is very small so there isn't a sofa. There's a wooden staircase inside the house. Could you go to the post office and buy a stamp, please? There's a swing at the playground. A sword is a type of weapon. I felt terrible after the fight. Is there a toilet I can use here? I like the blue towel. The views from the clock tower are amazing. The flat has a kitchen with washing machine and dishwahser. I got a promotion, which was wonderful news. Could you give me some advice? Pablo Picasso was an artist. Young musicians attend the junior school of the Royal Academy. He worked as a ski instructor in Austria. I was born in Budapest. Can we have the bill, please? Can I borrow your dictionary, please? My girlfriend is from Brazil. This is one of the most famous restaurants in Britain. I'll help you carry those bags. I can wear casual clothes like jeans and T-shirts to work. My brother is a professional cellist. I like the sound of the cello.

? Oxford University Press 2019

Unit My notes

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5



Here is a list of useful or new words from Headway Elementary Student's Book. adj = adjective conj = conjunction det = determiner excl = exclamation phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun adv = adverb n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition v = verb


clever cool (ie. fab, awesome) crime earn favour fluently foreign full-time gang give someone a hand give someone a lift included lend Mexican mind your own business Morocco musician pianist pleased Poland Portuguese present prodigy producer proud resort ride scholarship scientist service shock solve songwriter speed spider successful talented tie (ie. shirt and tie) traffic lights try on viola violin violinist

Part of speech

adj adj n v n adv adj adj n phr v phr v adj v adj phr n n n adj n n n n n adj n v n n n n v n n n adj adj n n pl phr v n n n


Example sentence

/klev/ /kul/ /kram/ /n/ /fev/ /fluntli/ /frn/ /fltam/ /?/ /v smwn h?nd/ /v smwn lft/ /nkludd/ /lend/ /mekskn/ /mand j(r) n bzns / /mrk/ /mjz()n/ /pinst/ /plizd/ /plnd/ /ptiz/ /prez()nt/ /prddi/ /prdjus/ /prad/ /rzt/ /rad/ /sklp/ /santst/ /svs/ /k/ /k/ /srat/ /spid/ /spad/ /sksesf()l/ /t?lntd/ /ta/ /tr?fk lats/ /tra n/ /vil/ /valn/ /valnst/

Picasso was a very clever child. Those jeans are really cool. Superheroes fight crime. Talented musicians can earn a lot of money. Could you do me a favour? My English is good, but I don't speak fluently. Have you ever lived in a foreign country? I am a full-time student. Everyone came to the party, all the gang. Can you give me a hand with this box? Could you give me a lift home? My car's broken down. Service is not included in the bill. Will you lend me ?10? She isn't Mexican, she's Peruvian. Don't ask how much money I earn. Mind your own buiness! Did you go to Morocco on holiday last summer? My mum is a musician ? she plays the trumpet. Isata is a pianist and a violinist! I'm pleased that my children think classical music is cool. Marie Curie was born in Warsaw, Poland. My friend Lucy lived in Portugal and can speak Portuguese. I loved my birthday present this year. Your son is so talented ? he's a prodigy! Simon Cowell is a TV and music producer. My parents are really proud of me. I worked in a holiday resort last summer. I'd love to ride a motorbike. Elton John gave him a scholarship. Marie Curie was a scientist. Is service included in the bill? The news came as a shock to me. Batman can solve crimes easily. John Lennon was a singer and a songwriter. Superman can fly at the speed of light. Spiderman has spider powers. Most musicians are successful because they work hard. My cousin is a talented musician. I never wear a tie at home. The caf? is near the traffic lights, next to the newsagent's. I like these jeans. Can I try them on? A viola is larger than a violin. The violin belongs to the string family. Ara Malikian is a well-known violinist.

? Oxford University Press 2019

Unit My notes

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5



Here is a list of useful or new words from Headway Elementary Student's Book. adj = adjective conj = conjunction det = determiner excl = exclamation phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun adv = adverb n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition v = verb


worried worry advanced annoyed annoying aristocrat article award billionaire bored boring box office businessman catch character (ie. in a film) cost crisis disappointed disappointing draw (ie. result in a football match) dress dyslexic excited exciting fascinated fish fisherman fortune founding frightened guillotine hijacker housekeeper inherit lifelike lose mask member Mexico millionaire obviously parking ticket pass (ie. an exam)

Part of speech

adj n adj adj adj n n n n adj adj n n v n v n adj adj n n adj adj adj adj v n n adj adj v n n v adj v n n n n adv n v


/wrid/ /wri/ /dvnst/ /nd/ /n/ /?rstkr?t/ /tk()l/ /wd/ /bljne(r)/ /b(d/ /br/ /bks fs/ /bznsm?n/ /k?t/ /k?rkt/ /kst ftn/ /krass/ /dspntd/ /dspnt/ /dr/ /dres/ /dsleksk/ /ksatd/ /ksat/ /f?snetd/ /f/ /fmn/ /ftn/ /fand/ /frat()nd/ /ltin/ /had?k/ /haskip/ /nhert/ /laflak/ /luz/ /msk/ /memb/ /meksk/ /mljne/ /bvisli/ /pk tkt/ /ps/

Example sentence

What are you worried about? We're not rich and money is always a worry. We live in a technologically advanced world. The teacher was annoyed because nobody did the homework. Their children's behaviour is really annoying. An aristocrat is a member of the aristocracy. I found this article in Wikipedia. I've never won an award, have you? The first space tourist was an American billionaire. I'm bored. Let's do something fun! The film was so boring I fell asleep. The Philosopher's Stone made over $970 million at the box office. He's a successful American businessman. Did you catch any fish today? My favourite Star Wars character is Princess Leia. My new jacket cost a fortune. The economic crisis affected my business. My sister was disappointed because she missed the party. Our holiday was disppointing because the hotel was awful. Neither of us lost the game ? it was a draw. My cousin is a successful dress designer. As a child, I was dyslexic and couldn't read well. My son is very excited about his birthday. Life in New York is very exciting. I've always been fascinated by wax models. Did you fish for salmon? It took the fisherman four hours to catch the tuna. He made a fortune with his fishing business. George Harrison was a founding member of The Beatles. Marie Tussaud was frightened during the French Revolution. Marie Antoinette was guillotined during the French Revolution. A hijacker took control of the plane. Marie's mother worked as a housekeeper. He's going to inherit a fortune now that his uncle has died. We queued for hours to see a lifelike wax model of the US president. Did you lose the match again? She made an animal mask for the party. Are you a member of the club? They live in a small fishing town in Mexico. She became a millionaire when she was 20. Obviously, we didn't meet Prince Harry at the museum. If you park here, you may get a parking ticket. I don't think I'll pass my exam.

? Oxford University Press 2019

Unit My notes

5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6



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