The Health Benefits of Citrus Fruits

The Health Benefits of Citrus Fruits

Dr Katrine Baghurst CSIRO Health Sciences &


Project Number: CT02057


This report is published by Horticulture Australia Ltd to pass on information concerning horticultural research and development undertaken for the citrus industry.

The research contained in this report was funded by Horticulture Australia Ltd with the financial support of the citrus industry.

All expressions of opinion are not to be regarded as expressing the opinion of Horticulture Australia Ltd or any authority of the Australian Government.

The Company and the Australian Government accept no responsibility for any of the opinions or the accuracy of the information contained in this report and readers should rely upon their own enquiries in making decisions concerning their own interests.

ISBN 0 7341 0694 7

Published and distributed by:

Horticultural Australia Ltd

Level 1

50 Carrington Street

Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone: (02) 8295 2300


(02) 8295 2399


? Copyright 2003

This report provides a comprehensive literature study on the health benefits of citrus which describes and details how the various components of citrus fruits and juices can affect major causes of illness in the Australian community as well as approaches to increasing consumption in the community.

It includes:

? an outline of the major health problems in Australia, including the major causes of sickness and death

? a summary of the effect of citrus fruits (eg oranges, lemons and mandarins) and fruit juices (in particular, orange juice), on major diseases outcomes, including an appendix detailing the relevant papers

? a description of the nutrient and non-nutrient components of orange, lemons and mandarins and orange juice (amount and type of vitamins, fibre, phytochemicals etc), together with a comparison of these components in other fruits such as apples and bananas or drinks such as soft drinks and sports drinks

? a description of the general theory of the mechanisms responsible for the potential beneficial effects of the various components of citrus fruits and juices

? a survey of overseas juice and orange industries to see how they are educating people on the health benefits of citrus and

? recommendations on how Australians can be educated on the health benefits of citrus fruit and juice consumption

Data from studies involving citrus fruits and juices were reviewed until March 03; for related nutrients, data collection was completed in March 02.

Report prepared by:

Dr Katrine Baghurst Consumer Science Program CSIRO Health Sciences & Nutrition




Executive summary


Part 1 Health patterns in Australia

1.1 Major causes of death in Australia 1.2 Trends in mortality in Australia 1.3 Major causes of illness in Australia 1.4 Summary

Part 2 How might citrus fruit and juice consumption affect health in Australia?

2.1 General Mechanisms

2.2 Components and their mechanisms Antioxidant activity Vitamin C Carotenoids Folic acid Potassium Dietary fibre The role of non-nutrient phytochemicals Polyphenols Categories of polyphenolic compounds Flavonoids Coumarins Terpenes Phytosterols Other phytochemicals

2.3 Summary Summary tables of nutrients found in citrus and health effects

Part 3 Composition of citrus fruits, other fruits, fruit juices, soft and sports drinks

3.1 Citrus and other fruits Energy and macronutrients Minerals Vitamins

3.2 Orange juice, other fruit juices, fruit drinks, soft drinks and "sports" & "energy" drinks. Energy and Macronutrients Minerals Vitamins

3.3 Phytochemicals in citrus fruits and juices





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