After-service health insurance coverage is optional and available only as a continuation of previous coverage to former staff members and their spouses, dependent children or survivors. UN Administrative Instruction ST/AI/394 of 19 May 1994 as well as Administrative Instruction UNOV/ODCCP/AI.1 of 23 June 1999 set out the established policy in regard to the provision of after-service health insurance coverage under specified conditions as well as the related administrative procedures.


Eligibility for continued coverage. If, on separation, you are

∍ 55 years of age or older,

1. eligible to receive a retirement, early retirement or deferred retirement benefit under the UNJSPF and/or a periodic benefit under Appendix D to the Staff Rules, and

2. participated in a UN or specialized agencies' contributory health insurance scheme for a minimum of 5 years,

you are eligible to continue the health insurance coverage you had during your service as after-service health insurance (ASHI) coverage. Co-insured dependants (i.e. the spouse and all unmarried and financially dependent children up to the end of the calendar year in which they reach the age of 25), who are insured with the staff member at the time of separation, are also eligible for continued coverage in ASHI. New enrolment of dependants for ASHI coverage who were not covered at the time of the staff member's separation is not possible.

How to obtain continued coverage. When the above criteria are met, an application is required for the continued coverage under ASHI in the UNOV/UNIDO Group Medical Insurance Plan and/or the Austrian Sickness Insurance. A discussion on ASHI is normally part of the separation procedure and the entitlement to ASHI is reflected on the Final Payroll Clearance Certificate.

However, you should arrange an individual meeting with the Social Security Office, Room E1075), well in time prior to separation if:

- you plan to retire outside Austria;

- you participated in recognized UN or specialized agency's contributory health insurance schemes other than the UNOV/UNIDO Group Medical Insurance Plan;

- you have more than 5 but less than 10 years of participation;

- you wish coverage under a UN medical insurance plan other than the UNOV/UNIDO

group medical insurance plan (Van Breda).


Coverage and reimbursements. With the completion of the enrolment form reflecting ASHI coverage following separation, the coverage continues with the same benefits as applicable to serving participants. As the insurance policy is in Austrian Schillings (as of 2002 the policy will change to Euros), reimbursements of medical claims cannot be made in other currencies than in Austrian Schillings (and as of 2002 in Euros). Reimbursements of medical claims are made without any bank charge to accounts at either the Creditanstalt-AG or the Bank Austria. Payments to other banks may involve bank charges.

Cost of subsidized ASHI coverage. If you have participated for at least 10 years in a recognized contributory UN health insurance scheme the Organization will pay a share of the ASHI premium. In analogy to calculating the health insurance premiums for serving participants on their annual emoluments in service, the annual emoluments after service for the purpose of calculating ASHI premiums are based on the higher of the following two amounts:

i) the total of the full periodic retirement benefit(s), regardless whether a part of such benefit has been commuted into a lumpsum or not, including any child=s benefit;


ii) The notional pension benefit assuming 25 years of contributory in the UN Joint Staff Pension Fund;

In case of compensation payments under Appendix D to the Staff Rules or survivor=s and disability benefits, or flat rates such as the child=s benefit, the premium calculation is based on the actual benefits in payment.

Premiums are calculated on the above amount(s) as in payment in April of a given year. They are presently payable in Austrian Schillings ( as of the year 2002 in Euros) and the UN exchange rate of March will be used for any conversion. Your contribution will be a percentage of the above amount(s) and the percentage will change from time to time as they do for serving staff.

Cost of unsubsidized ASHI coverage. If you have participated for at least 5 years but less than 10 years in a recognized health insurance scheme, the premium is payable in full by yourself for the balance period. The premium is calculated on the remuneration (net base salary plus post adjustment, language allowance, dependency allowance) of the last month of service and amounts approximately to double the in-service contribution. Upon completing 10 years of combined participation as staff member and as ASHI participant, a subsidy becomes payable by the Organization and your share is calculated as described above.


Continued coverage with subsidy. If you meet the ASHI conditions as outlined above and you participated through the UN for at least 10 years in the GKK, you are eligible for a subsidy from the Organization for the premium payment in respect of your continued coverage in the GKK. A dependent spouse and unmarried dependent children up to age 27, upon evidence of enrolment and successful attendance in a university, qualify for coverage as co-insured dependants.

How to apply for continued GKK coverage. To ensure continued coverage in the GKK, you must personally apply, within six weeks from the date of separation, for voluntary coverage (ASelbstversicherung@) at the Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse, 1103 Wien, Wienerbergstrasse 15-19. Failure to apply within six weeks results automatically in the loss of continued coverage. Application at a later date will be accepted by the GKK but entails a six months waiting period during which premiums are payable, but no benefits.


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