Trinity Valley Community College

Associate Degree Nursing ProgramCommunity Health Promotion Project Transition Summer 2017Student Name: ________________________________ Date at Location:______________Total: ____/20ComponentsCompletePartialInsufficientScoreSection 1. ASSESSMENT: CONCEPT – Clinical JudgmentPopulation characteristics and needs3 2.25Include cover sheet, Demographic characteristics of population (including age, educational level, project needs, cultural and development influences) 2 1.25 Included cover sheet, Demographic characteristics of population missing one of the following: Age, educational level, project needs, cultural and development influences1 0Did not include cover sheet or accurately address demographic characteristics of populationSection 2. LEARNING NEED: CONCEPT – Patient EducationIdentifies learning need3 2.25Identifies learning need with supportive assessment data2 1.25Identified learning need but missing pertinent supportive data AND/OR learning need is not pertinent to assessment data 1 0No Learning needSection 3. TEACHING PLAN: CONCEPT – Teamwork & Collaboration & Patient EducationResources, plans, and record of collaboration5 3.5Includes at least 1 learning objective for the learning need with teaching content, teaching strategies and teaching aids - including project minutes 3.25 1.75Includes objective for learning need but teaching content, teaching strategies, teaching aids and minutes are scant. 1.5 0No learning objective or teaching content, strategies, aids or minutes are inappropriate or missing.Section 4 IMPLEMENTATION: CONCEPT – Communication & ProfessionalismCommunication3 2.25Interacted with population, performed in a professional, positive and nonthreatening manner2 1.25Minimal interaction with population or participation in activity1 0Exhibited unprofessional behavior OR exhibited no interaction with populationSection 5-A. EVALUATION : CONCEPT – Clinical JudgmentEvaluation process3 2.25Evaluation process complete with comprehensive answers provided for all 4 required questions 2 1.25Partially completed evaluation process AND/OR did not provide a complete answer to 1 of required questions1 0Partially completed evaluation process AND/OR did not a complete answer to 2 or more of required questionsSection 5-B. EVALUATION: CONCEPT – Teamwork & Collaboration & ProfessionalismProfessionalism3 2.25Team member dressed professionally according to TVCC policy; present for all activities of the project, equivalent contribution to the overall project 2 1.25Team member not professionally dressed for assessment or interventionAND/OR team member arrived or unprepared tardy for assessment or intervention AND/OR partial contribution < than other team members1 0Team member did not contribute to the project AND/OR was not present for assessment and/or intervention Instructor Signature: _________________________________________________Date: ______________ Trinity Valley Community College Associate Degree Nursing ProgramCommunity Health Promotion Project Transition Summer 2017INSTRUCTIONSThis is a group assignment. Each group will consist of 3 -4 students from your clinical group. Your clinical instructor will decide how the groups will be assigned.Choose one population from your community. Your clinical instructor can help guide you, however, the group is expected to find/decide on a population and complete the project independently (Ex; Senior Activity Center).All responses are to be completed as a group effort.Download the full document and type your answers directly into the space provided for each section. Do not alter the text of this document in any way. Do not delete any portion of this document. You may adjust the spacing to accommodate your answers.Each team member will evaluate their team members in Section 5-C. Once complete and all group members approve of the final draft, upload and submit to the appropriate link provided on Black Board. There should be an exact copy of the completed assignment submitted by every group member with the only difference being the answers to 5-C. Submit one folder per group to your clinical instructor with all evidence of your project such as handouts, pamphlets, referrals, pictures, etc. Trinity Valley Community CollegeAssociate Degree Nursing ProgramCommunity Health Promotion Project Transition Summer 2017Project IdentifiersTitle of Project: Clinical Site: Date project implemented: Clinical Group Members: Section 1 Assessment Answer the following questions (short essay paragraph form):What are the demographics of your patient population?Why did you choose this population?Describe your assessment findings complete with one disparity identified for your population related to health promotion or understanding of healthy choices (short essay paragraph form).Section 2 Analyze your findingsIdentify 2 problems surrounding the health promotion disparity your group discovered while assessing your population. Use the table below to complete this section.Problem/Learning Need #1 Supporting assessment findings and etiologyProblem/Learning Need #2Supporting assessment findings and etiologySection 3a Planning Formulate a goal for each of your 2 problems related to the health promotion disparity chosen by your group. List at least 5 nursing interventions your group planned to implement for each goal. Use the table below to complete this section.Goal for problem/learning need #1Interventions plannedWith scientific rationale including a citation from your reference. for problem/learning need #2Interventions plannedWith scientific rationale including a citation from your reference. the following:In list form, record all minutes to phone calls, meetings, or electronic communication that transpired among group members while planning your pletely describe the learning activity as planned by the group (short essay, paragraph form.)Section 4 Implementation (short essay paragraph form):Give a detailed description of the actual interventions your group implemented.Include dialog, and description of any resources and visual aid or props used.What therapeutic communication techniques were utilized during your assessment and teaching intervention(s)?Section 5a Evaluation of Intervention(s)Answer the following questions (short essay paragraph form): Give a detailed description of your audience’s response to your interventions.What observations were made by your team members that indicate your audience was engaged in the learning activity?What tool(s) were used to evaluate your audience’s learning?Discuss the rationale(s) that prove your goals were or were not realistic? Discuss the rationale(s) that prove your goals were or were not attainable? Discuss the rationale(s) that prove your goals are measurable? Were your goals met, partially met, or not met?What interventions would your team revise if given this project to do over?Section 5b Evaluation of Group / PeersThis section is to be answered individually by each team member. Do not submit a group response. Each student should have a different response than all other team members. This is a confidential submission. Answer the following questions in short essay form: In what ways did your team display professionalism?In what ways did your team display compassion?What were strengths of your team?What are the weaknesses of your team?Describe the most outstanding part of your presentation and why do you think it is outstanding?Why do you think your overall project was either successful or not successful regardless of the outcome of your goals?Section 5-C. Evaluation of Peers: This section is to be answered individually by each team member. Do not submit a group response. Each student should have different responses than other team members. This response is a confidential submission. For each of your team mates give a detailed response to the following questions;Describe the appearance of each one of your team members during your presentation.How would you describe the overall appearance of your group one the day of your presentation?Describe the contributions made by each one of your team members.Fully describe any group dynamics or problems that occurred and what steps were taken to resolve the issue.Attach Reference PageN:ADN Syllabus/CBC Curriculum/Transition 2016/RNSG1162&1163/Community Health Promotion Project Transition 2017 Reviewed 03/17 ................

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