Medical staff news - Huntington Hospital

medical staff news APrIl 2017 volume 55, Issue 4

From the president

Consumerism and Healthcare: Not Your Father's Patient

Inside this issue

Medical staff



Cerner updates


CME corner


From the Health

Science Library


Outpatient Nutrition

Counseling Services


From the Clinical






Celebrating milestones 8

Newborns "Go Red"


Huntington Hospital

named one of Healthgrades

2017 America's 50 Best

Hospitals for 4th year

in a row


125 years


Medical staff

meeting calendar


CME calendar


Christopher Hedley, MD | Medical Staff

Around the turn of the century, I noticed that some patients began to

arrive with an unusual understanding of their symptoms and what was

causing them. Sometimes, they had already diagnosed their

disorders. Fortified by internet searches, patients were exhibiting the first signs of healthcare consumerism: a growing interest in the decisions and behaviors that affect their health.

During the past 10 years, a different trend has fueled the rise of healthcare consumerism: skin in the game. The percentage of people with employer-sponsored insurance who opted for high-deductible plans increased from 4% in 2004 to 29% in 2016 (1); of those with individual insurance, almost 90% have high-deductible plans.(2) Now that they are making a bigger

"People pay the doctor for his trouble; for his kindness they still remain in his debt." ? Seneca the

Younger (4 BCE? 65 CE)

financial investment in their health care, patients increasingly

inquire about the costs for procedures.

These two trends ? abetted by the enactment of the Affordable Care

Act ? have given patients more information about and greater responsibility

for their health care. Today, many patients are combining internet research,

continued on page 3

Board meeting. As provided by the Bylaws of the Governing Body and as the designated

sub-committee of the Governing Board the following items were presented and approved by the Medical Executive Committee of March 6, 2017.

Medical staff appointments

Liu, Wenjing, MD Ophthalmology UCLA Stein Eye Institute 100 Stein Plaza Los Angeles, CA 90095

McKnight, Brett J., MD Ophthalmology Doheny Eye Center UCLA 625 S. Fair Oaks Avenue Suite 285 Pasadena, CA 91105 P: (626) 817-4747 F: (626) 817-4748

Pham, Timothy A., MD Pediatrics 301 W. Huntington Drive Suite 206 Arcadia, CA 91007 P: (626) 461-0360 F: (626) 461-0371 Pager: (818) 410-2155

Administrative reports

Please go to SharePoint Medical Staff Services Board Approved Items 2017 and select March 2017.

Cerner upgrade

In March 2017, we started a process of upgrading Cerner to a new platform that will enable several enhancements. This is targeted in the third quarter of this year. A one hour training class will be conducted three times a day for a one month period before the go live (Mon ? Thu). This offers flexibility to book one class that suits your schedule. We will send detailed instructions on how to book your training class using the Bookeo website. More details will be communicated in the coming weeks.


CME corner

If you would like to present or have a topic you would like seen at Medical Grand Rounds or 2nd Monday conference please email Gladys.Bonas@

If you would like a copy of your CME credit report please contact Gladys Bonas via email at Gladys.Bonas@

President Message CoNTINueD

physician input, and cost information to decide where they will access healthcare. our patients and our hospital already are reaping benefits from consumerism in healthcare.

The pursuit of excellence at Huntington Hospital has not gone unrecognized by consumers of health care in the San Gabriel Valley. our patients see, in us, a worldclass destination for the treatment of many diseases, including epilepsy and prostate cancer. We are a leading provider of robotic, minimally invasive surgeries; cardiac care; joint replacements; and bariatric surgery.

We found 525 cases of breast cancer in 2016, far exceeding the average for a 625-bed nonacademic hospital. Why do our patients come here for breast care? one reason a consumer will choose us is our accreditation by the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers, a designation based on our great breast-cancer navigators, breast surgeons, radiation-therapy physicians, medical oncologists, pathologists, and radiologists.

The Patient as Shopper

Healthcare consumerism means patients shopping for healthcare might look at our ratings on the federal Hospital Compare and Physician Compare websites. If they are having a hip replaced, for example, patients want to know how many procedures physicians have done, as well as their complication rates.

Shoppers want to know exactly what their costs will be, so at Hill Medical, we post self-pay prices on our practice's website. Convenient access to medical records also is important, and Huntington Hospital has responded with the free and convenient MyHuntingtonHealth portal.

I appreciate it when patients research their conditions, though they occasionally obtain obsolete or vendorgenerated misinformation. This is a minor inconvenience in the making of the physician?patient team. If physicians don't have to spend a lot of time educating patients about their disorders, perhaps we can graduate to the next level of health care consumerism: asking patients what outcomes they want to achieve and tailoring treatment accordingly.

A recent survey (3) of inpatients sought to debunk some myths about consumerism, revealing surprising insights into what patients value. empathy and support from health professionals and information provided during and after treatment had a stronger impact on satisfaction than outcomes did. Huntington Hospital ? with our high service standards, excellent outcomes, advanced technology, and gleaming physical plant ? will continue to fare well in the era of consumerism in healthcare.

References 1. Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Health costs: 2016 employer health benefits survey.

employer-health-benefits-survey/ Published September 14, 2016. Accessed February 20, 2017. 2. Dolan R. Health policy brief: high-deductible plans. Health Aff (Millwood).

healthpolicybrief_152.pdf. Published February 4, 2016. Accessed February 20, 2017. 3. Cordina J, Kumar R, Moss C. Debunking common myths about healthcare consumerism.

healthcare-systems-and-services/our-insights/debunking-common-myths-about-healthcare-consumerism. Published December 2015. Accessed February 20, 2017.


From the

Health science library Celebrating Huntington Physicians for Doctors' Day

Celebrating Huntington Physicians for Doctors' Day*

Top 10 Medical Schools HH Physicians Graduated From (Descending)




UC Irvine

NY Medical College



UC San Diego

Tufts Univ

San Francisco



Univ of




Top 20 Medical Specialties

108 92

















By Gender

30% Women

70% Men

By Average Age



Years of Service at Huntington

Women Men

Overall 49.9




7% 1%

Under 10 Years 10 to 19 Years 20 to 29 Years 30 to 39 Years 40+ Years * Statistics courtesy Medical Staff Office

*Statistics courtesy of Medical Staff Office


Outpatient Nutrition Counseling Services

T hank you for your continued support of the outpatient Nutrition Counseling office at Huntington Hospital. As referring providers you are helping to improve the nutrition and health of your patients.

Huntington Hospital's outpatient Nutrition Counseling services provide personalized nutrition education and counseling. The Registered Dietitian, Crystal Kwan, MPH, RD, CDe, will teach people the skills they need to manage their own nutritional care wisely.

All diagnoses are welcome, including:

? Diabetes education ? Weight management- gain or loss ? Cardiovascular disease, heart health and

cholesterol management ? High blood pressure and sodium restriction ? Geriatric nutrition

? Kidney disease prevention and treatment ? Management of digestive disorders ? Special diets- plant based, food allergies, etc

These services are available to anyone with a physician's referral or prescription. Please include the patient's diagnosis on the referral. Fax all referrals to (626) 397-2217.

For scheduling appointments and questions, patients can contact the Call Center at (626) 397-5600 x6. Appointments are available Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

We accept most insurance, including Medicare and Medical, PPo Insurance, and HMo insurance. Self pay rates are also available. A physician's referral is still required for self pay patients.

For more information, visit nutritioncounseling



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