(Un)healthy lifestyles - SCP Digitaal

(Un)healthy lifestyles

Education as a dividing line

The Netherlands Institute for Social Research The Hague, 22 October 2018


Andr?, S., G. Kraaykamp and R. Meuleman (2018). (Un)healthy lifestyles: Education as a dividing line The Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP) The Hague, 22 October 2018 ISBN 978 90 377 08 57 8

About SCP The Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP) (Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau) is a government scientific institute which carries out socio-scientific research both on request and on its own initiative. SCP reports to the Dutch government, both Houses of Parliament, government ministries, civil-society and public authority organisations. SCP falls under the formal responsibility of the Dutch Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport. The Institute was founded by Royal Decree on 30 March 1973. scp.wnl

Contact For more information, please contact St?fanie Andr? at the Department of Sociology at Radboud University (RU) on tel. +31 (0)24 3612010 or at s.andre@ru.nl, or the SCP Press Office at pers@scp.nl, or on +31 (0)6 2161 4433.

Translation AVB-vertalingen, Amstelveen The translation of this cardstack was made possible by the ESS-SUSTAIN program

Authors St?fanie Andr? (RU) Gerbert Kraaykamp (RU) Roza Meuleman (RU)

Responsibility Card stack Anouk de Wit Sander Steijn

Design & production Textcetera, The Hague

Figures Studio With Lisa Dalhuijsen, The Hague

Opening image Maarten Hartman, Hollandse Hoogte


Introduction 5 Health-related behaviour in the Netherlands6 Education as a dividing line14 Health-related behaviour and the education gap 19 The Netherlands in Europe 23 Family and lifestyle habits31 Partner and health-related behaviour42 The neighbourhood and health-related behaviour46 Accumulation of risk factors51 Sex and the discrepancy in health-related behaviour 55 Health-related behaviour by age61 Alternative medicine 65 The education gap and policy relevance69 Acknowledgements and sources 72


(Un)healthy lifestyles. Education as a dividing line is a digital report (`card stack') that consists of several standalone chapters. It studies educational differences in six health related behaviors in Europe (smoking, drinking alcohol regularly, being overweight, consuming vegetables, consuming fruit, engaging in sufficient physical activity) with an emphasis on the Netherlands. Differences in individual behavior, the accumulation of multiple (un)healthy behaviors, the role of social context (e.g. the neighborhood where people live, the educational level of parents and partners) and the national context (in a comparison of educational differences in European countries) are discussed. The card stack is based on information from the 7th round of the European Social Survey (ESS) which was conducted in 2014/2015. This publication, written by St?fanie Andr?, Gerbert Kraaykamp and Roza Meuleman (all affiliated to the Radboud University Nijmegen), describes both health risk factors and health promoting behavior. Educational differences in both of these aspects are discussed under the heading (un)healthy lifestyles.


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