Florida KidCare: An Overview - The Agency for Health Care ...

Florida KidCare: An Overview

Presented to the House Health Care Appropriations Committee

Beth Kidder, Deputy Secretary for Medicaid Agency for Health Care Administration

October 16, 2019

Florida KidCare Program

? Florida KidCare is the umbrella name for Florida's government-sponsored children's health coverage.

? It includes the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicaid for children.

(Sections 409.810 ? 409.821, F.S.)

Title XIX Medicaid services for children

Title XXI Children's

Health Insurance Program


Florida "KidCare" Program


Over 2.3 Million Children are Enrolled in Florida KidCare

Medicaid: 2,064,520 children

CHIP: 264,387 children

Florida KidCare: >2.3 million children

Source: KidCare Enrollment Report ? September 2019. Note: Full-Pay


program enrollees are included.

Florida KidCare: Core Federal Components

Medicaid (Title XIX)

CHIP (Title XXI)

Authorized by Congress:



Implemented in Florida:



Federal Match Rate/ Subsidy: 61.47%


Who is covered under subsidized program:

Low income families and pregnant women, low income elderly, disable

Children in families with incomes below 200% FPL but too high to qualify for Medicaid


Available for all state

Fixed annual federal allotment

expenditures that meet

federal program requirements

Federal Authorization:


Needs periodic reauthorization

*NOTE: In the original CHIP program, Congress created an "enhanced" federal matching rate that is generally about 15 percentage points higher than the Medicaid rate, averaging 71% nationally. The ACA increased each state's enhanced federal match rate by 23 percentage points, not to exceed a total match rate of 100 percent, between FY 2016 and FY 2019. A plan to reduce the FMAP over the next two (2) years was created as part of the most recent CHIP reauthorization.

Federal Fiscal Year 2019-FMAP remains at 23 percentage point increase Federal Fiscal Year 2020-FMAP transitions to 11.5 percentage point increase Federal Fiscal Year 2021-the increase will be eliminated entirely, returning to the original enhanced federal medical assistance percentage, which has a current national average of 71%.


Florida KidCare Consists of Four Programs & Four Partners

MediKids Title XXI

Florida Healthy Kids

Title XXI CHIP Program

Children's Medical Services (CMS) Plan

Title XXI Title XIX

Medicaid for Children

Title XIX



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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