Exemplar assignment brief - Edexcel

Exemplar assignment brief

|Centre | |

|Course title: Edexcel BTEC Level 1 Award in Sustainability Skills (QCF) |

|Tutor name: |

|Assignment title: | Improving your lifestyle and the benefits |Ref: | |

|Learner name | | | |

|Start date: | |Deadline: | |

|Unit 13 Healthy Living |

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|Scenario |

|A local charity has asked you to take part in a sponsored health week to raise funds. They have asked that you pick one element of a healthy |

|life style and set a target for improvement. The sponsored health week is in two months’ time, so you will have time to see results and how |

|certain changes in your life style can bring benefits to you. |

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|The project is to include the following tasks |

|Identify the elements that contribute to a healthy lifestyle in the widest sense and those that can produce an unhealthy lifestyle and feedback |

|on your findings |

|Identify one or two areas where you feel you could improve your lifestyle |

|Pick one of the areas of health in which you could improve and set up a plan for improvement and record progress and results |

|Produce and present a report on the progress and outcomes of the activity |

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|Assessment evidence: |

|Unit |Assessment criteria | |

|U13 |The Assessment Criteria that this assignment relates to: | |

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| |1.1 describe the key elements of a healthy lifestyle | |

| |1.2 explain why a healthy lifestyle is important | |

| |2.1 select and carry out activities which contribute to a healthy lifestyle | |

| |3.1 carry out a review of their activities | |

| |3.2 describe what went well and areas for improvement | |

| |3.3 describe how the activities have improved their lifestyle | |

| |3.4 suggest further activities which could contribute to a healthy lifestyle | |

|Summary assessor’s feedback |

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|Learner declaration |

|I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources fully acknowledged. |

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|Learner signature: Date: |

LO 1 Understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle

LO 2Demonstrate how they contribute to own healthy lifestyle

LO 3Review the activities undertaken to maintain a healthy lifestyle


Before undertaking this unit, learners should be given an introduction to Healthy Living. A presentation from an external visitor e.g. local health worker or doctor could form the basis of the discussions.

Task One

□ Identify the elements that contribute to a healthy lifestyle in the widest sense and those that can produce an unhealthy lifestyle and feedback on your findings

□ Identify one or two areas where you feel you could improve your lifestyle

Assessment Criteria

1.1 describe the key elements of a healthy lifestyle

1.2 explain why a healthy lifestyle is important

There are many aspects to healthy living and you will have to carry out some research on both those that promote good health (e.g. good nutrition, exercise, sleep, good hygiene), those that should be avoided as risks to health (e.g. drug abuse, poor diet, smoking, taking safety risks)) and some of the impacts these have on health (e.g. good sleep producing more energy and poor diet damaging teeth / causing obesity). Also look into sources of help and advice.

After the discussion(s) you have had with your tutor and fellow learners about health, you will need to carry out further research. This can be achieved in many ways such as using the internet, magazine and newspaper articles. Talk to family and friends and if possible local health workers or your doctor and watch television programmes on the subject. There are many leaflets on healthy living available at doctors surgeries, dentists, health centres, gyms and fitness centres.

Keep a record of the information sources you have used on the template enclosed and the main points coming from each source. Use the information you have gathered to identify areas in which you could make your lifestyle healthier.

Using the information you have gathered, feedback to your tutor describing what you feel are the key points you have learnt from your research. This must include the key issues of diet, fitness, personal hygiene and personal safety and should also include other aspects of healthy lifestyle.. This feedback can take any format agreed with your tutor and may include a report, an article written in the style of a newspaper article, a poster, a mind map or a short film.

The feedback should include the reason why a healthy lifestyle is important and draw links between living choices and how they impact on lifestyle positively or negatively. Include those choices you make that impact on your health.

Use the information you have gathered to identify areas in which you could make your lifestyle healthier. What results of your research influenced your choice?

Task Two

□ Pick one of the areas of health in which you could improve and set up a plan for improvement and record progress and results

Assessment Criteria

2.1 select and carry out activities which contribute to a healthy lifestyle

Use the information you have gathered to decide what changes you will make. This must be more than one activity but they can be of the same type e.g. walking instead of travelling by bus and taking up a new sport. Explain why you feel that theis activities are y is right for you. You may want to do some checking to make sure that the activities arey is right for you, for example if you have decided to change your diet check what your weight should be before you start.

Your tutor will help you to choose a project that is realistic and takes into consideration your particular life circumstances. Remember this is a chance to improve the way you look after yourself.

You will need to find out how to get support with your project & may want to talk to an expert for advice, for example talking to a trainer (or equivalent) if you want to take more exercise to ensure a reasonable type of exercise.

You will need to talk to your family about the changes you want to make, for example if you are intending to change elements of your diet e.g. eating more fruit or cooking, so they can be taken into account during shopping and cooking.

Set up a plan for introducing the activity you have chosen. This could be a written plan, a spreadsheet or a plan that has been drawn up during discussions in your learning group. When you set up your plan, be realistic about what you can achieve & discuss the plans with your tutor and others to guide you to reasonable aims and actions. Don’t overdo it!

Keep an activity record or diary of your progress so that you can see what benefits you are gaining, how your health is improving or how you are feeling about it, how easy or difficult it is. Include any comments from your friends and family. This can be any format as agreed with your tutor, eg a written diary, a video diary or pictures representing good or bad days. Be creative.

Remember that your records will form part of a final project report so you must make sure they are accurate and consistent.

Task Three

□ Produce and present a report on the progress and outcomes of the activity

Assessment Criteria

3.1 carry out a review of their activities

3.2 describe what went well and areas for improvement

3.3 describe how the activities have improved their lifestyle

3.4 suggest further activities which could contribute to a healthy lifestyle

The report on progress may be presented once you have completed the project or as a regular review as you progress. This should be agreed with your tutor at the beginning of the unit. However you should produce a final report and present the results of your project and reflect on its success.

Once you have completed the project you should produce a report and present the results of your project and reflect on its success.

Using your activity record or diary, describe both how the activity progressed and the results. This can follow the daily diary or be a summary of the final results. How hard or easy was it to make the changes? Did you keep strictly to the plan? If not why not; had you set too high a target? What difference do you feel? Ask your family and friends if they see a difference. Was it what you expected? What could you have done better? Will Include two other you try another aspects of Healthy Living that would benefit you.?

Present the results in a similar way to the results of your research so that you can draw a comparison and include other activities that could benefit you.

Your final report could be in the form of a formal written report, a presentation, a poster or any other suitable format. You can choose how you wish to log the project activities. This could be in the form of a written diary, video diary, blog or a log book.

Tutor Information

The assignment brief will need to be delivered within an assessment tutorial so the level of the learners is catered for in a full understanding of what is required to be presented as evidence for each assessment criteria. The key evidence presented must meet the short criteria that have been written into the end of each task as this is the criteria taken from the specification.

Access to IT facilities to undertake some investigations is required. Television programmes, photographs or extracts from films about current health issues can be valuable learning tools.

A range of healthy living case studies or media extracts would also be useful to examine by learners.

Learners must present the results of their activity in a suitable format. Learners can work in groups for this task but each learner must produce a self-evaluation as well as a list of the benefits and outcomes.

Preparation for the assignment

Tutors should provide reliable resources of information or assist learners in their investigation to gather information. Tutors could also do this using a case study approach making use of articles in the newspapers, TV and film.

Wider issues linked to other areas of Sustainability can be introduced for example organic food production, pollution, healthy buildings, animal welfare and faming.

Introduction to Task 1: To introduce this task, tutors could ask learners to suggest different health issues and what they consider to be healthy choices. The tutor could then give out some examples of reports from the media about health issues. The discussion then could be expanded to health risks and the wider issues including mental and emotional health as well as physical health.

Resources Needed:

Access to Internet to undertake some research is required. There is a raft of information on health issues on the Internet and you may want to guide them where to look or let them find information for themselves. The latter may produce more interesting results and give the learner more independence in choosing the areas of Healthy Living they are most interested in.

Television programmes, photographs or extracts from films about current global issues can be valuable learning tools.

A range of healthy living case studies or media extracts would also be useful to examine by learners.

A process for collecting and collating the information during Task One should be provided either on a spreadsheet on a computer or a written list. A template has been included if this is preferable to give comparable results or you may want to give learners the option to record the results of research in their own way.

Task One requires learners to talk to people e.g. friends, family or health workers. A questionnaire can be designed in the class for learners to use. Learners can talk to people using the questionnaire as an aid to record the information.

They may also need to talk to health professionals; if there is a health worker on the premises they could talk to each learner or the group as a whole.

Computer access with a spreadsheet application such as Excel should be available if the learner is conversant with how to use this and/or a way of recording the information on paper. They need to be able to extract relevant information when needed.

Task Two requires a record of the activity. These may be developed during a class session where learners can work together if they have chosen the same lifestyle change either to produce different ways of recording results or to agree a common format.

Preparation for the assignment:

Introduce this by discussing as wide a scope of the subject as possible. It may be useful to ask learners to define health and ill health.

Task Two:

Ensure that all learners have an opportunity to discuss either during a tutorial session or as part of a class discussion (or both), which healthy living improvements they have selected and why.

Learners must participate in the activities for long enough to be able to produce a positive feature measurable result as outlined in the project brief above. This may be one session or a series of sessions, depending on the type of activity selected.

Task Three

You may want to carry out regular ‘progress report’ sessions with the group or individuals to follow their progress and give an opportunity for learners to discuss any difficulties.

The feedback on the results of the activity can be produced in whatever format or style is agreed between the tutor and the learner.Learners should be encouraged to use their diaries so they can see the benefit of keeping regular records.

The feedback on the results of the activity can be produced in whatever format or style is agreed between the tutor and the learner. For example, an article such as a press review may be appropriate for inclusion into a newspaper or newsletter, especially if accompanied by a photograph. Another possibility is a radio advertisement or a You-tube visual advert. Whatever form the feature takes, it is important that the learner also documents the personal benefit gained from the activity, either within the feature or with an accompanying report.

Learners must present the results of their project in a suitable format. Learners can work in groups for this task but each learner must produce a self-evaluation as well as a list of the strengths and weaknesses of the project.

Indicative resource materials


□ Engauge Case Studies and Seedpacks

□ Teen Girl’s Health on NHS Website

□ Teen health check 12 – 15

□ BBC radio teen health podcast

Task One - Research Activity

|Source of information | |

|(book title, leaflet name etc.) | |

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|Description |What aspect of health was covered? |What have you learnt from this source of information? |Is this information: |

|(e.g. website, leaflet, book etc.) | | |RELIABLE or UNRELIABLE? |

| | | |Explain your answer |

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|Notes |

|(any useful information to help with your project, including whether this has influenced the activitiy you may take up) |

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