Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of ConsciousnessVolume 8 Issue 84, June, 2019Articles and excerpts that will inform and inspire! A Letter from the Editor:19050294005We have quite a wonderful newsletter lined up for you, the reader, this month. I personally have a fascination with skulls and there is a fabulous article by a local artist who makes the most amazing art from skulls! And have you ever seen a Rutilated quartz? They are gorgeous, so check out Rock Talk. We also have a well written article on the everlasting effects of homophobia and how it is not just gay people who suffer. Also check out some of the wonderful upcoming events in our fair city. Thank you to all of my contributors! This newsletter is only as good as its contributors, and you guys ROCK.If you are new to this newsletter, please feel free to pass it along to anyone who may be interested. I like the fact that it has been going VIRAL for the last number of years. And if you would like your own free subscription, just let me know via email at deerhorn007@ and it will be done!Enjoy the read!Trent DeerhornEditorDeerhorn Shamanic Services Floating Drum Circle19050279400The Floating Drum Circle will now be available!What is a Floating Drum Circle? It is a Drum Circle that is able to move from one location to another. How does this work? Invite a minimum of 10 friends over for a drum circle in the privacy of your own home. Trent brings the supplies for the Drum Circle and the Ceremony.Ceremony? Yes. As you all know, Trent's Drum Circles are Ceremony/Ritual based, which makes them both spectacular and unique. These celebrations can be in accordance to the phase of the Moon, or the Season, or whatever you choose to celebrate.Who is in charge? You are in charge of the space and the people you invite and the number of people you can comfortably accommodate. Trent is in charge of the circle once it begins.What if I don't have 10 people? It is important to have the minimum of 10 in order to be financially feasible for Trent to lead the circle. Upon your request in advance of the registration date, Trent can share the date and time and contact number with his contacts who can then contact you to see if there is enough space.Who pays? Each person pays their fee ($20) ahead of the date of the Drum Circle. If the fee is not paid 3 days in advance of the circle, the spot goes to the next person in line on the waiting list. The host/hostess collects all fees and pays Trent before the circle begins on the date set. Hosts/Hostesses get the Drum Circle free of charge.Children in attendance must be strictly monitored by their parents.? Any damaged supplies must be paid for or replaced by the one who damaged it (or parents if it is a child) by a similar?article of equal or greater value.What is the method of payment? Cash only. This makes it much easier for the host/hostess to collect.To arrange for a Floating Drum Circle in your home, please contact Trent Deerhorn at deerhorn007@ or at (306) 978-5300. Upcoming Events-47625323850Spirit Haven—Events and WorkshopsVicki Lund, Reiki Master/Psychic Medium Located in Saskatoon, SKvickilund.vickispirithaven306-320-1813 ?Meditation Circle: Every Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:00pm. Investment $15. Contact for address if you are interested in attending.Psychic Development Circle: Third Thursday of every month from February—June, 2019. 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Investment $20. Please contact to register.?Please note that events may be cancelled for various reasons. It is always best to follow on Facebook for updates.-908055061585This professionally recorded 24 minute guided meditation, accompanied by guitar music tuned to the healing frequency of 432Hz, will lead you on a journey to release anxiety.Meditation by Vicki Lund Music by Ed SmithRecording studio: Soundlounge by tBoneArt work by Jasper Lund of SleepyturtartAvailable to purchase by download at for $9.95 + PSTCONGREGATIONALIST WICCAN ASSOCIATION OF SASKATCHEWANSKY RIVER TEMPLEPreparing for Litha Public RitualJune 162:30pmGabriel Dumont Park?715 Saskatchewan Crescent West?Saskatoon, SK?Potluck social to follow (No nuts/legumes/seeds/soy)FREE to attend DONATIONS welcomeNext gathering August 4RITES BY THE WATERThis is a monthly celebration to give thanks to the Gods and the Goddesses, to get together once a month in Public Ritual. These are outdoor events and people should dress for the Weather. All we ask is that all that attend do so with an open heart and an open mind. As Pagans we do not discriminate against anyone so we ask the same of those who attend. These Events are free.. free for all who attend, free for all who are interested in a monthly open circle, free of all Prejudice. Blessed Be.This month's Rite will be to celebrate the Summer Equinox the warmth of the coming summer. It is a time to be outdoors surrounded nature, as the Sun God shares its rays of emotion and self love. The next event is on Sunday June 23rd at 11 am, it will be held at Victoria Park on Spadina Crescent West in Saskatoon Sask.From Llewellyn's Witch's Calendar:19050-2540JUNEFor those unfamiliar with glamour as a form of magic, there are two versions. Version one is what you probably are thinking about - a falsehood. You have magically changed your hair, your eye color, perhaps even your entire form simply by using your will. I haven't done this recently, and you probably haven't either. Next.The more useful definition is what makes you interesting and exciting to yourself and others. Think about something you are currently working to achieve in your life using Witchcraft and mundane means - a career move, a love interest, travel, adventure. Now think how glamour could help you to achieve this goal. Do you need a door opened for you? Do you need someone to take an interest in this goal to assist you? Do you need to be in the right place at the right time? Your glamour magic can help you with that. After all, if you are fascinating and intoxicating, who could resist you? Not even the universe herself, right?Glamour Candle MagicGet out your glitter, your feathers and your hot glue gun! It's time to make some magic happen.You will Need:-Rose essential oil-1 vigil candle (found in the Latin section of your grocery store) in the color of your choice.-Dried rose petals, crushed.-Glitter in the color of your choice-Decorations for the outside of your candle: feathers, crystals, markers that work on glass, hot glue, decoupage glue, old magazines, tiny mirrors - wherever your vision takes you.-Small piece of brown paper bag-Small bit of ribbon or yarn-Pen-Pot-Matches or lighter.Wear something that speaks to your intention. Distill your intention for your work into one sentence, and create a small temporary altar for your intention wherever you generally do magic. Add you craft supplies for you working in front of it. Invoke your goddesses, ancestors, and spirits in front of your altar and make offerings of the things they like.Chant that sentence out loud while you put the candle in your pot on medium heat on your stove with a little water at the bottom. When the top begins to melt, shut off the heat. Add your rose essential oil first, then your rose petals, then your glitter. Pour energy for your intention into the candle by putting your hands a safe distance above the candle. When cool, take the candle out of the pot.Decorate your candle in your sacred space while keeping your intention in the back of your mind. Put on music that will help if you would like, or enjoy the silence. Center yourself. Write your sentence on your piece of paper bag without letting your pen leave the paper. If it does, get a new piece and start again. Lick your thumb and press it to the paper. Fold it seven times toward yourself. Tie your petition paper around your candle. Light your candle. Spark your intention.And so it is.-Deborah CastellanoThings to KnowRemember that you are too blessed to be stressed19050406Rock Talk by Ave RiddlerRutilated Quartz18859501313180This is another situation where a separate mineral type crystal is included within the body of the quartz, much like with tourmaline quartz. Rutile can be a fragile mineral so often finding pieces can be a challenge, working with it included in quartz can protect the more fragile mineral, while enhancing its energy. Rutile on its own is often red and has a strong grounding energy, though like most other minerals it can be found in many variations of color including gold, black, blue, green, and even violet , the energy offered varies based on color. The most commonly found Rutilated quartz contains needles of golden rutile. Some Rutilated quartz does not contain the mineral rutile, sometimes it is a mineral called sagenite, this variation is fairly rare, but the energies of that formation will be slightly different than one with rutile. Rutilated quartz can often be found in clear as well as smoky quartz formations. The combined energy of rutile and quartz can make this mineral an unexpected powerhouse, with a high vibration, and an almost no nonsense approach to the work it does. This powerhouse energy can be used to amplify any focus given to the crystal. This focus can amplify any special properties of the crystal, an example being if one of the faces is triangular, (record keeper) the rutile would ramp up that feature.The keyword with Rutilated quartz would be manifestation.The grounding energy of Rutilated quartz can be useful at figuring out the root of a problem, in physical health, as well as mental. In knowing the root of the dis-ease, it can be easier to figure out a plan on how to heal the problem, helping one to more clearly see the remedy. This energy can help “lighten the load” of a problem while bringing energy and vitality to the healing work being done.Rutilated quartz can affect the etheric and astral bodies, this makes it a valuable aid in astral travel, providing focus and insight into the experiences while on the journey. The energy of the Rutilated quartz can help bridge the gap between the visions seen while on a journey, and the application into mundane life upon the return. An interesting way to work with Rutilated quartz during mediation would be to let your gaze travel along one of the needles of rutile within the crystal, utilizing this method at the start of the meditation would super charge the journey, while utilizing that method to “return” would amp up the grounding needed to reconnect with the self after the journey.Physically Rutilated quartz can help with hair related concerns, either loss or weakness. It may help one dealing with phantom pain after the loss of a body part. Paraphrased from “LOVE IS IN THE EARTH – A Kaleidoscope Of Crystals by Melody” and “THE BOOK OF STONES – Who They Are And What They Teach by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian. With personal add- ins and details by myself (Ave)Indian Hills Community Center, Colorado signsQu!t st3al!ng th3 l3tt3rsThe Skulls Chose MeBy Ash-57150285750The skulls chose me. When I was a kid growing up on a farm, I would spend a lot of time exploring the surrounding land. An only child until I was 12 and delightfully quirky, I roamed the forest, by the river, in the fields and found all sorts of treasure. I remember climbing an evergreen tree to peer into a raven’s nest, so curious of the croaking beaks inside. I loved to sing and the songs would include stories about animals, magical places, and any other seemingly nonsense I could come up with. It felt so liberating to belt out tunes and the melodies charged my adventures, creating a sense of belonging within the wild landscape.The treasures I came across often included animal bones. In my child’s mind, they were powerful tools to contact nature spirits, portals to worlds where animals could talk, or a gifts left by the forest. I collected antler sheds, mouse bones, coyote skulls, deer leg bones, cow and bull skulls, anything that I could carry and that was clean enough to bring home. I worked for my dad spraying and picking stones in the fields, where there would be arrow heads, small shards of pottery, and stones that shone when turned in the sunlight. I felt drawn to the history of these items but I felt a deeper connection to the skulls and the animals they belonged to. My dreams reflected this connection and I would often journey to places I had never seen in my waking life, and there I would become part of the landscape, feeling roots, water down branches, or jagged rocks on the ledge of a lake. My dream life fueled a deepening of my relationship with skulls and the art I ended up doing on them.-47625311785As I grew up and attempted to find a career and a job that would support me, I went in the opposite direction of my passion and ended up working in a role that weakened my spirit. I completed my degree in Archaeology and found that I still was trying to find my way in the world and “fit in” rather than embrace my particular set of gifts. Eventually, I became quite sick and had to take a leave from work and focus solely on my wellbeing. It was then that the skulls made their reappearance. It serves mentioning that in 2013, I took a trip to India that changed my life, and also gave me a parasite (haha!) but the positives outweighed that particular souvenir. While in India, I started my first mandala in a leather bound Ganesh notebook. The process of creating that mandala, reignited my creative fire and brought me back to myself. It was like waking up after a long sleep. The mandalas seeped into my dreams, they imprinted my eyelids, and they soothed my weary heart. After I left my 8-5 job to heal, the mandalas were my medicine. I spent hours creating patterns and wrapping them in repetitive loops. The method calmed my mind and allowed me to step inward, to find that neglected creative that had been weighed down by the shoulds and expectations that weren’t aligned. Amidst my healing, I journeyed through depression, anxiety and darkness that felt endless. I berated myself with insult, hated the person I had become and worried I would never make it out alive. I lost people close to me, shut out support, isolated, and through it all, I held on to the thread of mandalas. While dealing with these projects, I went to visit my parents and came across a coyote skull. The connection was instant and I set to work honouring it the best way I knew how, with a mandala. -47625114935Once I started my first skull, I knew that there would be many more. They kept coming; trappers discarding skulls because they had no use for them, finding remains on walks by the river, friends giving me skulls they had found on their land. The skulls would come up in conversation and word of mouth meant that I ended up getting them from every which direction. They would be cleaned sometimes, but mostly they would be mummified or raw. I had to learn how to clean them and that provided me with a whole new understanding of gross. I smelled things I never thought possible! The transformation, the lessons, the skulls taught me about my fear of death. I learned about decay and unpleasant sensations, morbidity, awareness of mortality of myself and the people I love. I had to sit in that discomfort and watch it transform. They made me anxious and heightened my sensitivity to life, through death I discovered what it meant to truly feel alive. My excitement when talking about my skulls was how I knew that I am doing exactly what I am meant to be doing. They are multidimensional teachers and I am a student, gaining insight with every opportunity to share space and seek understanding. The art is my gesture of honouring them, of responding in conversation and attempting to translate what is unspoken. It comes in the forms of dreams, inspiration, unexplainable knowing, and I am so unbelievably lucky to be able to play this role. It took me a long time to realize that. Much time was spent denying my abilities and the natural inclination to do this kind of work. It’s not easy to move in the direction of least resistance; a lot of internal dialogue still comes up around what I thought I would be doing as a career. I had a fear of failing somehow but my fear of being inauthentic became stronger. I sense the animals, the soft interwoven structure of their spirit as it remains in and around the bone. They visit me in dreams, speak to me in the tingling in my hands, buzzing in my chest, or a sweet wave of calm that rolls over when I focus and listen. They teach me, sometimes nudge me or give me a solid whack when I refuse to believe the wisdom they impart. I may not have always nourished these gifts but I see their value now and choose to spend the time, do the work and appreciate that I am able to play a role that aligns with what I have to offer. The dead speak leagues more than the living4191000144145When my hands understand and my voice quietsEnough to hear the stories, the raw ribbons of old languageFrom flesh and bones, I curl my fingers underCupping the last bits, the remnantsUntil they unwind coiled latches, like a sighFloating up in smoke to my closed eyes, Skulls that crack and hiss, knocking on my dreams and I let them in, arms open to receive and then releaseTheir essence.Ash is an artist whose work revolves around the ritualistic inscription of symbols, mandalas and intuitive designs on animal skulls. She views her artistic practice as a means of transforming grief and pain into beauty, and as a reminder of both the fragility and indestructibility of life. Instagram ~ @essence.of.ash Email ~ essenceskulls@Local Photographers19050-3810Stop and smell the roses Spring 2019Ave RiddlerThought for the Day: Everything I do and say with anyone makes a difference.-Gita BellinExtremes in Our World that You should Know:Which country has the???shortest life expectancy?????????????Sierra Leone??????…???On the opposite side of that coin, the population of Sierra Leone live only to an average of 47 years.???The men of Sierra Leone live to an average of 47 years old, whereas???women live a little longer, an average of 48 years.???Poverty plays a big roll in their short life expectancy.?????????THE ARTIST’S PLAYGROUNDBy Gail Fulkerson287655050800Beyond our physicalityLies a limitless Void,Dark and mysterious,A playgroundThat waitsFor the artist-creator To enter.The invitation to exploreAt our own pace,To create at will,To manifestSomething From Nothing,Is always on offer.There are so many bubblesFloating here.3219450167640The ease of going from one To another isA tiny shift in thoughtAnd you are somewhere else;As simple as walking throughA doorway into another room.The freedom hereIs exhilarating.There are no boundaries,Except the ones You create.Get comfortable.Create to your heart’s content.Materials to make your art,Whether paint, paper,Canvas,Brushes, pens, ink;A thought is all It takes to bringAny and all of them to you.The sounds of creatingCan sometimesFilter through from The Void to Physical reality.Laughter, joy, love;Sobbing, anguish, pain.The Void makes no judgmentBetween ‘good’ or ‘bad’,Positive or negative.It just Is.And We Are.Paraprosdokians:First time I heard about paraprosdokians, I liked them. Paraprosdokians are figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected and is frequently humorous. (Winston Churchill loved them).?I'm supposed to respect my elders, but it's getting harder and harder for me to find one now.?From 365 Zen daily readings by Jean SmithMindfulness helps us focus our attention on and know what we are doing. Usually we are a prisoner of society. Our energies are dispersed her and there. Our body and our mind are not in harmony. To begin to be aware of what we are doing, saying, and thinking is to begin to resist the invasion by our surroundings and by all of our wrong perceptions. When the lamp of awareness is lit, our whole being is lit up. Self-confidence is re-established, the shadows of illusion no longer overwhelm us, and our concentration develops to its fullest. We wash our hands, dress, perform everyday actions as before, but now we are aware of our actions, words, and thoughts.-Thich Nhat Hanh, Zen Keys421767081915Reflections from the Shaman's HutToday I became very angry. Not at anyone in particular, but at how our world is and how cruel people are to those they claim to love. I was reading an article, which I am sharing here, and I almost cried in compassion for the author and his struggles. I would like to mention that I do not use the term "homophobia," because I prefer the more accurate term, "Homomesia," which is the HATRED of homosexuals. That hatred is an ATTITUDE, not a DISEASE. The term "Phobia" indicates a disease, and although homomesia is at a level of epidemic, it is still not a disease, but a choice. So, without further delay, here is the very well written article by Ryan E. Thompson:The everlasting effects of homophobia and why it's not just gay people that sufferBy CBC Life contributor, Ryan E. ThompsonToday is the?International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia.-6667521590I am a man. In September of 2015 I married another man. Something I never thought possible in my youth. Something I never thought I would allow myself to do for one simple reason: homophobia – internalized to the Nth degree. Declaring my love and kissing a man in public, in front of my family… was my worst fear for a time. The moment I publicly said "I do" was a personal triumph, putting aside decades of hiding, fear and self consciousness in the name of love. I had done it. I had overcome my big gay demons for good.In January of 2016 I went on my honeymoon. My new husband Jeff and I went to Hawaii, a generous gift from my parents. They sent us to a timeshare at a first class resort overflowing with amenities. It immediately became clear that in terms of demographics… we were a deviation from the norm. We were surrounded by white haired retirees and young heterosexual families with screaming, running children. My husband Jeff is so good at talking to people it didn't matter, he was striking up conversations with 75 year olds over margaritas and having a great time doing it. Plus, if we needed a break from the crowd we could walk down to the ocean, take a deep breath and listen to the whales sing underwater. There was no complaining.-285753295650Near the end of our trip we decided to attend a luau. We couldn't get into the high demand luau off site so we settled on the second string hotel luau. Even a passing thought of it jolts it back into the present. Seated at a large round table with strangers from America's 'Bible Belt' I am already a bit nervous. I feel them looking at Jeff and I, trying to figure out what the deal is. On stage a male performer, a local in a grass skirt, starts making misogynistic jokes. The crowd laughs uproariously. My discomfort increases. I'm familiar with this sense of humour and the personalities and belief systems that go with it – a relic from my small town childhood. I feel something familiar creeping in, my internal clock stops ticking and time slows. The grand finale comes – "anyone who is on your honeymoon stand up." It's time to slow dance amongst the torches. I freeze. The trauma I carry spiders across my chest. The dark passenger I thought I had finally locked in the trunk on my wedding day was back in the driver's seat. I feel like every pair of eyes in the room is on me. I remain seated as I watch my husband's heart break. I know I'm hurting him but I'm paralyzed. I can't expose my gayness here. Not here. It's not safe. I know I'm ruining our honeymoon and I am powerless to stop it. Jeff can see what's happening. He's seen it before. It doesn't make it less hurtful.Ryan (left) and his husband Jeff on their wedding day. (Photo credit: Matthew Perrin)The road to this moment started long before. Sitting around a packed table in the early 90's on a Sunday it was a usual post-church luncheon at my grandmother's house. That side of my family, my father's side, was always boisterous and funny. This Sunday was no different. I had recently gone to Canada's Wonderland and bought one of those custom rings where they carve your name into the band while you wait. I had sprained my right ring finger playing basketball so I wore it on the left. During the conversation my grandmother stopped as it caught her eye. "Why are you wearing that on your finger? Did you get married and not tell us?" My reply: "No, it has my name on it, it reminds me not to get married." (I was a recent child of divorce, I thought it a topical and timely joke). Her response: "What are you some kind of fa**ot!?" Silence. I was 12 or 13 at the time. I don't remember if I understood what the word truly meant but the sentiment was clear – being a "fa**ot" was not an option.?Homophobia wasn't confined to my family gatherings, it was pervasive in the culture of my small Ontario town. The F word became the go-to insult between boys as my cohort aged. The most common logic on solving the "gay problem" was: "If we put all the gays on an island and shot them there would be no more gays" (because straight people don't ever raise gay people?). The result for me… I became a closeted gay man with some capital D Denial coupled with some capital D Distraction and capital D Depression.?The greatest hits of my adolescence:Unnecessarily hurting several girls with no gaydar by dating them to maintain social development checkpoints;Distracting from my hidden gayness with outrageous try-hard academic achievement;Running until I lost a toenail to win?Athlete of the Year;Avoiding alcohol fearing revelations resulting from lost inhibition;No Capital D D*ck though. None. ??I was a textbook?Best Little Boy in the World.?I also absorbed and internalized every anti-gay sentiment I heard. I agreed with the flawed logic inside and out. I held onto the insistence I was straight as long as I possibly could until finally, in first year university, my psyche cracked in two and exploded like a dark horror movie version of a Skittles commercial (tasting the rainbow really set me off). The following years were difficult but I worked hard and spent a lot of time in therapy to become confident in my sexual identity. Eventually I met a man I loved. He challenged me. He helped me heal. I married him.?But despite an abundance of love and hard work one fact remains: as I learned in Hawaii, my homophobic dark passenger is with me for life. I would love to write that homophobia holds no power over me and make this an empowering inspirational article about the power of love and positivity but it would be a lie. Some gay people are better than others at shelving it… but the fact remains that if you've been the target of homophobia it's always there on the shelf. It speaks to the pervasive power of shame, and homophobia is all about shame. But there is a part of homophobia that is often overlooked: it can deeply affect the homophobic as well. ??A lot of homophobia is the result of miseducation. Once people are educated on the subject, or a close family member or friend humanizes homosexuality their views often change. However, much like the victims of their anti-gay assaults, for the perpetrators in these stories, a homophobic past can become an excruciating sore spot in their personal history too. My parents certainly held some homophobic beliefs, as did the majority of the town I grew up in. It was a thoughtless part of the culture's fabric and they were steeped in it from birth. Thankfully for me, their minds opened when they found out their son was gay but those past beliefs undoubtedly haunt them to this day.A few years after I came out I had lunch with my father in Toronto. He's always been a bit more awkward than unaccepting when it came to my sexuality. As I sat across from him he relayed a perplexing story. At the garage he worked in, during lunch hour in a predominately male lunchroom in aforementioned small town Ontario, one of his colleagues made a homophobic remark and he froze. There was no defending his gay son, no calling out the bigotry. At first I was angry at his response. Why wouldn't he stand up for me? Why would he even tell me this story with no happy ending? A potential moment of redemption seemed so glaringly obvious. Then something became suddenly clear to me. He too was saddled with shame. The culture he still lived in, the culture I moved away from, filled him too with fear of rejection and mockery. It was like this bizarre conversation was an apology and an acknowledgement. It was as if this was his way of saying he was starting to understand my struggle, and that he was ashamed for his part in it now that he too had felt the sting of homophobia, however vicarious. Should he have stood up for me in that room? Yes. But that's not the point. The point is his debt had come due. He too was now suffering at the expense of homophobia – threefold. Crippled by the same silent shame I was indoctrinated in and doubly distressed by a realization of the effect of his past beliefs on his own child and by becoming a target himself by association.My mother's atonement has been more active. I wouldn't call her outwardly homophobic in the past, more of a victim of social consensus – agreeing with the majority because it was the majority. Ironically the mildest offender in my life was the only person who has ever apologized to me. Today, she is a get in your face gay parent. She's just waiting for you to say something homophobic in front of her so she can pounce and reveal she has a gay son. She will also give you an on-the-spot re-education for the low, low price of your self-esteem. But even though her past offences were mild, and her present compensation robust, the cost of her now non-existent homophobia remains high. When I came out I could tell it broke her heart. It wasn't about me being gay, or mourning the expectations of heterosexuality (which all parents do). It was realizing she had hurt her own child without knowing it. When I came out I was deeply depressed not because of my sexuality but because of people's reaction to it. To this day, if she doesn't hear from me for a while or I sound tired on the phone she immediately worries that I have sunk back into a depression and my life could be at risk because of it. ?This is not meant to be a 'woe is me' tale. My life is great. My relationship with my family gets better every day, my husband didn't throw me into a volcano out of frustration and homophobia is not in the driver's seat today despite a recent joyride.The lesson here: take care with your choice to be homophobic because it lasts forever for both the victim and the victimizer. It doesn't just affect gay people or people with gay kids either. The culture of LGBTQ acceptance and inclusion is expanding so rapidly that homophobes risk social condemnation increasingly. Just ask gospel singer?Kim Burrell.?There are, of course, people in this world whose hatred of homosexuals will overpower any regrets or guilt even when confronted and educated. Worry not, secular society's shift toward LGBTQ acceptance is making their beliefs increasingly difficult to hold. But for anyone with a conscience, homophobia is a dangerous practice with lifelong costs.?As I mentioned at the beginning of this article, today is the International Day Against Homophobia and it's important to recognize a few things. The LGBTQ community in Canada is very lucky but we still have work to do. While I can battle homophobia in a psychologist's office, others are battling it in the streets after being kicked out of their homes for being gay. Some are not getting the chance to fight at all because they succumb to homophobia's intended effect: a feeling of worthlessness. Outside of Canada, certain countries have institutionalized homophobia, and the results are predictably inhumane.?Chechnya?comes to mind. If you feel the urge to help those suffering from the effects of homophobia start by confronting it when you hear it. Then check out the links below and donate to an organization that can help combat homophobia both here and abroad.Amnesty InternationalHuman Rights WatchGlaadPFLAG CanadaFor more articles from the Shaman's Hut, visit Trent's blog at Encouragements for Personal Development:Taken from Meditations with James Van PraaghYou must begin to take responsibility for your life. You do have the power to control what you think and how you react to a situation.According to the Farmer’s Almanac 2019:1905028575Praying PredatorPraying mantises are known for their iconic stance, with forelegs held together as if in prayer. These fierce predators hunt many insect pests that terrorize gardens, including moths, beetles, and flies. However, they also may eat beneficial insects and have been known to attack hummingbirds on occasion. You can purchase mantis egg cases from beneficial insect suppliers to release them into the garden. A case usually contains from 200 to 300 eggs.June 3rd: New MoonFor annual flowers, use a high-nitrogen fertilizer until plants are fully grown. Once they are mature, switch to a high-phosphorus fertilizer to encourage blossoms. June 5th: World Environment DayIf you see clouds going crosswind, there is a storm in the air. June 16th: Father's DayFig trees are sensitive to heat, so water heavily a few days before transplanting to provide them with plenty of moisture.June 17th: Full Strawberry MoonTell you what I like the best-'Long about knee-deep in June,Bout the time strawberries meltsOn the vine - some afternoonLike to jes' git out and rest,And not work at nothin' else!-James Whitcomb Riley, American poet(1849 - 1916)19050579120June 21st: National Indigenous Peoples Day (Canada)/Summer SolsticeProvide flat stepping-stones in a sunny spot where butterflies can bask to warm their wings for flight.Puppy Smiles19050363855Ask the Shaman: With Trent DeerhornQ: Is it possible to carry forward various gifts and abilities from past lives, or are those strictly a genetic thing that we access through our bloodlines.A: Ultimately, a gift or ability that is passed down through bloodlines will tend to be quite strong. The stability of that, however, can be dicey. For example, a five year old who has the gift of pyrokinesis (the ability to telekinetically start fires) is going to have a difficult time controlling that for a while until someone steps in and helps with methods to manage it. Yes, there are also past life influences that can be in play. So if a person was telepathic in another lifetime, just as one example, then they can actually access this in this lifetime as well. There have been many a time that, while working on someone's energy system, I had a past life flash back to how to help the energy to heal a particular issue that I have not previously encountered, other than in a past life. So yes, that is a thing and it can happen. So the short answer would be yes, both/and.Tidbits and Tickles:A man went to the local zoo looking for work. The zookeeper said there was nothing available, but the fellow was persistent. The zookeeper finally said that the zoo's only gorilla had died that morning. If the man would don a gorilla suit, get into the compound, and imitate the gorilla until another one could be found, then the job was his.The man gladly took the job and did quite well swinging from tree to tree while making faces at the crowd. The more he did, the more they cheered and laughed. Of all the tricks he did, the one that really set them off was swinging out over the lion's den on a rope. He did this day after day, each time getting a little more daring and a little closer to the lion. With each pass the lion would roar and paw the air, trying to snag the teasing gorilla.On day as he was swinging out farther than he had ever swung before, the rope broke, and down into the lion's den he went. The lion pounced, whereupon the man began to scream bloody murder. Much to his surprise, the lion uttered in a stern voice, but not so loud as to be heard by the screaming crowd, "Shut up, you fool, before we both lose our jobs!"Forum:We want to hear from you! Your feedback is important to us. Email your comments to deerhorn007@ and they will be published in the Forum Section!Of the previous Issue:Jason Wrote: I am very much enjoying the articles from Llewellyn's Witch Calendar. Ashley Wrote: I really enjoyed Beata's article on Jikiden Reiki!Betty Wrote: How cool is it that you now have a section on adopting stray pets?!Ben Wrote: Love the book reviews! Keep them coming!Tobias Wrote: Keep those poems coming, Gail! You are very talented.Classified Ads31197553175-25146031752101850-358140Medium-HealerRyan Hauser(306) 270-0138ryan.hauser@1189355167005A clean home is a true blessing! Trent Deerhorn32385003762375-76200208915This professionally recorded 24 minute guided meditation, accompanied by guitar music tuned to the healing frequency of 432Hz, will lead you on a journey to release anxiety.Meditation by Vicki Lund Music by Ed SmithRecording studio: Soundlounge by tBoneArt work by Jasper Lund of SleepyturtartAvailable to purchase by download at for $9.95 + PST991870180975Face Time with the SHAMAN!4064050800As part of my Shamanic Practice I have, for years, provided long distance healing work for people. This sometimes comes as an energy treatment and sometimes as a telephone counselling session. Well, now there is even another option available! We can now have sessions on Face Time and you can speak to me face to face! If you are interested in this option, simply email me at deerhorn007@ or phone me at (306) 978.5300 to make arrangements. Blessed Be!Flight Newsletter Advertising Advertisements for Flight: A Living, Breathing Document of ConsciousnessAll ads must be in by 6pm on the 20th of the month PRIOR to the issue that the ad is to be placed in. No exceptions. Send to deerhorn007@. Classified Ads:FREE for article contributors $25 for business card size$35 for half page$45 for full pageEvents: FREE for Non-profit organizations and Article Contributors $20 Profit organizations230822559055Workshops/Classes$35 half page$45 full page ................

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