


Sheaumei Tsai, MD, adjusting the hospital's surgical robot

at North Shore Medical Center


Patient Care


Community Impact


Future of Health

A Message From Anne Klibanski, MD 4 Financial Overview 50 Leadership 56

Partners HealthCare: What's Next Welcome to the next 25 years of Partners HealthCare. Here you will find stories that speak to the values that shape us as a system: a steadfast commitment to delivering the best possible patient care; a belief in our ability to positively impact our community; an unwavering focus on advancing health care through research and practice; and a mission to educate the next generation of caregivers. This is who we are, where we've come from ? and where we're going. As we move into the next quarter-century, we remain singularly focused on our collective mission: to help people lead their healthiest lives.

A mother and her baby, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Torch has made health care better and improved the quality of life for countless individuals. For that, we extend our thanks and appreciation.

? Anne Klibanski, MD, partners healthcare


Dear Colleagues,

Each and every day, around the clock and

Much of the inspiration for our success can

across the region, our more than 74,000

be attributed to Dr. David Torchiana, our

employees arrive at work eager to share their

outgoing CEO. Affectionately known to all of

passion, knowledge, and commitment to

us as "Torch," he put forth a strategic vision

transforming the future of health care.

that encouraged new levels of collaboration

and allowed us to think differently about the

Throughout this year's annual report, you

future of health care, all while maintaining

will see countless examples of our employ- the financial stability needed to sustain our

ees' efforts that are helping us achieve our

mission. From his early days as a world-re-

collective vision for making health care better. nowned cardiac surgeon through his transition

You will read about initiatives underway that

into retirement, Torch has made health care

hold great promise to shape the well-being of better and improved the quality of life for

future generations.

countless individuals. For that, we extend our

thanks and appreciation.

We strive to be the best we can be. We are an

important part of our patients' and their fam- I am grateful for the opportunity to serve in

ilies' lives. We work to improve the health of the role of Interim CEO for Partners Health-

our communities. We fuel the economic and

Care, an organization I have been a part for

life sciences ecosystem in Massachusetts and many years, both as a practicing clinician and

beyond. We advance research and academic

researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital,

accomplishment. And, we train the next gen- and for the past seven years as Partners' Chief

eration of clinicians and scientists, while also Academic Officer. In my new role, I will do

empowering our staff.

everything I can to build upon the progress we

have worked so hard to earn.

The unifying effects of a successfully imple-

mented electronic health record and a shared

digital health vision, a common population

health strategy, and a singular drive to rein-


vent our system through Partners 2.0 have

yielded new strengths for our system. In

the years ahead, our journey together as a

premiere health care system will realize new

and unimaginable potential, reaping great

benefits for our patients, helping us unlock

Anne Klibanski, MD

the cures of tomorrow, and preparing the

Interim President and CEO,

next generation of the health care workforce. Partners HealthCare

Patient Care



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