
ОСНОВНЫЕ РАЗДЕЛЫГРАММАТИКИ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКАТЕМАНастоящее неопределенное и настоящее продолженное времяЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ ТЕКУЩЕГО КОНТРОЛЯКонтрольная работа 11. Употребите правильную форму глагола.1.It is 12 o'clock. The family (has/ ishaving) tea.2.In the morning my mother (cooks/ is. cooking) breakfast for us.3.1 (have/ am having) a car and I usually (drive/ am driving) to work.Dick (leaves/ is leaving) home at halfpast eight in the morning. He (goes/ isgoing) to his office by bus.In the evening we (watch/ are watching) TV.Look at Mike. He (does/ is doing) hislessons.The weather is fine. The sun (shines/is shining) and it (doesn't rain/ isn'training).It often (rains/ is raining) in autumn.9.Kitty (likes/ is liking) ice-cream.10. My friend (lives/ is living) in London.2.Вставьте do или does.1.... you sleep well? Yes, I .... 2— your sister wash the plates? Yes, she ....3.What ... your teacher read to you?4Mr. Snowdon speak Russian? No,he ... not. ,5. Where ... you take books from?Pamela ... not drive a car.David ... not like getting up early.How long ... it take you to get toschool?9she play tennis well? No, she ... not.10.What languages ... John speak?3. Поставьте вопросы к предложениям.Michael works on a farm. Where ... ?Brenda lives in Leeds. Does ... ?Kevin goes out with friends in theevening. When ... ?Luc likes tea with lemon. What ... ?ОСНОВНЫЕ РАЗДЕЛЫГРАММАТИКИ АНГЛИЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКАТЕМАНастоящее неопределенное и настоящее продолженное времяЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ ТЕКУЩЕГО КОНТРОЛЯКонтрольная работа 11. Употребите правильную форму глагола.1.It is 12 o'clock. The family (has/ ishaving) tea.2.In the morning my mother (cooks/ is. cooking) breakfast for us.3.1 (have/ am having) a car and I usually (drive/ am driving) to work.Dick (leaves/ is leaving) home at halfpast eight in the morning. He (goes/ isgoing) to his office by bus.In the evening we (watch/ are watching) TV.Look at Mike. He (does/ is doing) hislessons.The weather is fine. The sun (shines/is shining) and it (doesn't rain/ isn'training).It often (rains/ is raining) in autumn.9.Kitty (likes/ is liking) ice-cream.10. My friend (lives/ is living) in London.2.Вставьте do или does.1.... you sleep well? Yes, I .... 2— your sister wash the plates? Yes, she ....3.What ... your teacher read to you?4Mr. Snowdon speak Russian? No,he ... not. ,5. Where ... you take books from?Pamela ... not drive a car.David ... not like getting up early.How long ... it take you to get toschool?9she play tennis well? No, she ... not.10.What languages ... John speak?3. Поставьте вопросы к предложениям.Michael works on a farm. Where ... ?Brenda lives in Leeds. Does ... ?Kevin goes out with friends in theevening. When ... ?Luc likes tea with lemon. What ... ?John Prierce goes to his office by underground. How ... ?Mary works at a bookshop. Where... ?Mr. Johnson lives in the country.Who ... ?We have six lessons oh Monday.When... ?It takes me ten minutes to get toschool. How long ... ?10. My sister plays chess quite well. How... ?Контрольная работа 2Употребите правильную форму глагола.l.We (to be) always ready for our lessons.My mother (to cook) very well.З.Му granny {not to work).My father {not to be) at home now.He (to work) at his office.What you (to do) now? I (to learn)the poem.Tom usually (to get up) at seveno'clock.Where you (to live) now?You (to understand) your teacher?109. Where Ann (to be)? She (to sleep). 10. Sometimes he (to watch) TV in the evening.2. Составьте предложения из данныхслов. Помните о порядке слов. l.Not far/ we/ from/ the park/ live/.2.Kate's/ is/ a doctor/ father/ good.? 3. Now/ my/ is/ in/ playing/ sister/ the garden.When/ usually/ you/ get up/ do/?Is/ all/ why/ crying/ the baby/ time?He/ interesting/ give/ you/ a book/can/.Uncle/ funny/ is/ man/ Albert/.In/ have/ your/ pocket/ you/ what/do/?Talking/ what/ he/ about/ is/?10. Has/ at/ she/ o'clock/ dinner/ usually/ two/.3.Сделайте предложения вопросительными.Uncle Podge likes a little job.Tom McKenzy works for a newspaper.In summer we usually go to the seaside.4.Look. Jack is swimming to a big rock.5.1 can read English books quite well.114. Переведите на английский язык.Когда встает твой брат? Он встает всемь часов утра. Но сейчас он еще(still) спит.Она говорит довольно быстро (ratherfluently). Я не могу ее понять. Я непонимаю ее.З.Что ты читаешь? Я читаю приключенческую (adventure) книгу. Я люблю читать.Где Том? Он играет в футбол. Он всегда играет в футбол по воскресеньям.Когда Бесс делает уроки? Она не делает уроки. Она очень ленивая (lazy).Контрольная работа 31. Вставьте вместо точек пропущенные слова.l.Sam ... in London, (live) 2.He ... in a secondary school, (work) З.Не ... two small children, (have) 4. Jane ... not ... in Britain, (live) 5.She ... in Italy, (live) 6.She ... her work at ten o'clock, (start) 7.She ... not ... up early, (get) 8. Henry ... his breakfast at half past seven, (have)129.He ... not ... lunch, (have)Eric Cantona ... for Manchester United, (play)He ... not ... English well, (speak)2. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.Не live in Oxford.She sometimes eat in a restaurant.Michael Riley is married not.Rita have a new car.On Fridays I to the cinema go.She not like cooking very much.Is he live in Liverpool?What you have for breakfast?Does she gets up early?10. Why do the baby crying?3. Составьте вопросы. Where live?have lunch?go for the weekend? When get up?have dinner?study English? What drink for breakfast?watch on TV?like?139.Не ... not ... lunch, (have)Eric Cantona ... for Manchester United, (play)He ... not ... English well, (speak)2. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.Не live in Oxford.She sometimes eat in a restaurant.Michael Riley is married not.Rita have a new car.On Fridays I to the cinema go.She not like cooking very much.Is he live in Liverpool?What you have for breakfast?Does she gets up early?10. Why do the baby crying?3. Составьте вопросы. Where live?have lunch?go for the weekend?When get up?; ihave dinner?study English? What drink for breakfast?watch on TV?like?134. Переведите на английский язык.Когда встает твой брат? Он встает всемь часов утра. Но сейчас он еще(still) спит.Она говорит довольно быстро (ratherfluently). Я не могу ее понять. Я непонимаю ее.З.Что ты читаешь? Я читаю приключенческую (adventure) книгу. Я люблю читать.Где Том? Он играет в футбол. Он всегда играет в футбол по воскресеньям.Когда Бесс делает уроки? Она не делает уроки. Она очень ленивая (lazy).Контрольная работа 31. Вставьте вместо точек пропущенныеслова.l.Sam ... in London, (live) 2.He ... in a secondary school, (work) З.Не ... two small children, (have) 4. Jane ... not ... in Britain, (live) 5.She ... in Italy, (live) 6.She ... her work at ten o'clock, (start) 7.She ... not ... up early, (get) 8. Henry ... his breakfast at half past seven, (have)129.He ... not ... lunch, (have)Eric Cantona ... for Manchester United, (play)He ... not ... English well, (speak)2. Найдите и исправьте ошибки. l.He live in Oxford.She sometimes eat in a restaurant.Michael Riley is married not.Rita have a new car.On Fridays I to the cinema go.She not like cooking very much.Is he live in Liverpool?What you have for breakfast?Does she gets up early?10. Why do the baby crying?3. Составьте вопросы. Where live?have lunch?go for the weekend? When get up?have dinner?study English? What drink for breakfast?watch on TV?like?139.Не ... not ... lunch, (have)Eric Cantona ... for Manchester United, (play)He ... not ... English well, (speak)2. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.Не live in Oxford.She sometimes eat in a restaurant.Michael Riley is married not.Rita have a new car.On Fridays I to the cinema go.She not like cooking very much.Is he live in Liverpool?What you have for breakfast?Does she gets up early?10. Why do the baby crying?3. Составьте вопросы. Where live?have lunch?go for the weekend? When get up?have dinner?study English? What drink for breakfast?watch on TV?like?13Who like reading?live in London?speak English best? Why you like your job?you stay at home?go to school?iКонтрольная работа 41.Глаголы, данные в скобках, поставьтев нужной форме.Isabel and I {live) in a room in the hotel. I (get up) at five o'clock and (have) a shower. Isabel (stay) in bed. I (start) work at six in the morning and Isabel (start) at six in the evening.We (meet) at three o'clock in the afternoon when I (finish) work. I (go) back to our room and Isabel (make) a late lunch for us.2.Закончите предложения по образцу.Образец:1 like swimming, but I don'tlike tennis.1.1 like coffee, but I .... 2. We like playing tennis, but we ... . 3.Sue likes cats, but she .... 4.1 speak French, but I ....14Tom speaks Spanish, but he ... .Mr and Mrs Green have a son, butthey ....3. Вставьте пропущенные глаголы: does, is, has.l.My sister ... very clever.What ... she do in the evening?She ... a teacher in a primary school.Where ... he live?Tom ... a lovely house in the country.6— she married?7.Mary ... two children. 8.My friend ... ten years old. 9. David ... a lot of friends. 10. Sally ... not like cooking.4. Составьте вопросы из данных слов.Do, breakfast, does, what, she, beforeFor, does, have, breakfast, she, whatЗ.То, how, she, go, does, workShe, does, what, evening, do, the, inDoes, what, up, get, she, timeТЕМАМножественное числосуществительных. Настоящеенеопределенное время. Настоящеепродолженное времяЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ ТЕКУЩЕГО КОНТРОЛЯКонтрольная работа 5 Вариант 11. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.His sister works on a farm.My brother is a doctor.Dan is watching TV now.He can ski very well.2.Составьте с данными словами пятьпредложений (в 3-м л.).Get up, go, school, have, tennis, shelf.3.Сделайте предложения отрицательными.We are in the room.He is doing homework.З.Мг McGregor works for a newspaper.4.Bill has got a sister.164. Образуйте форму множественного числа существительных.Cat, scarf, factory, pen, face, dress, baby, child, mouse.Вариант 21.Образуйте форму множественного числасуществительных., Boy, suit, school, glass, dress, scarf, child, nose, city.2.Переведите предложения на английскийязык.Это Том. Его мама продавец. Она работает в книжном магазине. Она ходит на работу с понедельника по пятницу. Она не работает в субботу. Она и сейчас не работает. Она дома смотрит телевизор.3.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.l.Dan is writing a letter. 2. His friend lives in Dover. З.ТЪе blue book is on the table.4.Сделайте предложения отрицательными.1.1 have got a new flat.2. He goes to school every day.2 Зак. 1898173.He can ride a horse.4. Mike is sitting on the sofa.Вариант 31.Образуйте форму множественного числасуществительных.\Table, girl, garden, kitchen, wolf, cat, fly, fox, woman.2.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.Jane is coming.There are many books on the shelf.3.She doesn't go to school on Sunday.Сделайте предложения отрицательными.1. Sid lives in London.2.1 am playing football in the yard.She is a good pupil.Mary has got two sisters.4. Задайте пять вопросов другу о его распорядке дня.Вариант 41. Образуйте форму множественного числасуществительных.Man, bed, baby, shelf, foot, woman, rose, bus, ball.182. Переведите на английский язык. I.Tom ученик 5 класса.Он не живет в Киеве, он живет вПскове.Анна не любит молоко, она любит чай.Я сейчас не читаю, я смотрю телевизор.Эти книги не мои, они моего брата.3.Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.Bill is writing an exercise in his notebook.My father works in the office from9 a.m. to 6 p.m.4.Сделайте предложения отрицательными.1.You get up at seven o'clock in the morning.2.Minsk is a small town.3.Mike is playing football.4. Ann has a big red ball.Вариант 51. Образуйте форму множественного числа существительных.Puppy, dog, cake, man, clock, watch, shelf, child, foot.192.Прочитайте текст и поставьте пять—шесть вопросов к нему.My little sister Mary is a schoolgirl. She is seven. She goes to school. She can read and write quite well. She likes studying at school. But today she ig staying at home. It is Sunday today.3.Сделайте предложения отрицательными.Jack gets up at six o'clock in the morning.He is a shop assistant.З.Му father is reading a book now. 4.1 can ski quite well, and I can skate.4.Составьте пять—шесть предложенийс данными словами.Has got, friend, garden, school, under, autumn.Вариант 61.Образуйте форму множественного числасуществительных.Driver, story, mouse, work, postman, lady, fox, bench, leaf.2.Напишите вопросы к предложениям.1. My sister washes plates after breakfast. Who ...?202.This is a white cat. What colour ... ? З.Тот is playing football in the yard.Where ... ?4. Mike helps mother every day. What... ? 5.1 like coffee. Do ... ? 6.1 can play chess very well. How ... ?3. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.l.We are cleaning the room at the moment.My aunt is a doctor.Kitty has got many books.Chris reads a lot.4. Переведите на английский язык. l.Hama квартира большая. 2. У нас три комнаты и кухня. З.Мы живем в центре Москвы.Мой брат работает на фабрике.Моя сестра сейчас играет в саду.2.Прочитайте текст и поставьте пять—шесть вопросов к нету.My little sister Mary is a schoolgirl. She is seven. She goes to school. She can read and write quite well. She likes studying at school. But today she is staying at home. It is Sunday today.3.Сделайте предложения отрицательными.Jack gets up at six o'clock in the morning.He is a shop assistant.З.Му father is reading a book now. 4.1 can ski quite well, and I can skate.4.Составьте пять—шесть предложенийс данными словами.Has got, friend, garden, school, under, autumn.Вариант 61.Образуйте форму множественного числасуществительных.Driver, story, mouse, work, postman, lady, fox, bench, leaf.2.Напишите вопросы к предложениям.1. My sister washes plates after breakfast. Who ...?202.This is a white cat. What colour ... ? З.Тот is playing football in the yard.Where ... ?4. Mike helps mother every day. What... ? 5.1 like coffee. Do ... ? 6.1 can play chess very well. How ... ?3. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.l.We are cleaning the room at the moment.My aunt is a doctor.Kitty has got many books.Chris reads a lot.4. Переведите на английский язык. l.Hama квартира большая. 2. У нас три комнаты и кухня. З.Мы живем в центре Москвы.Мой брат работает на фабрике.Моя сестра сейчас играет в саду.ТЕМААртикль. Притяжательный падеж. МестоимениеЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ ТЕКУЩЕГО КОНТРОЛЯКонтрольная работа 61.Выберите правильный вариант ответа.l.This is ... teacher.a) we, b) our, с) ours2.Claire is from ... Paris.a) —, b) the, с) а3.These are ... pencils.a) of Anil's, b) Anns', c) Ann'sThe children ... in the garden,a) is, b) are, c) amThose shoes are ... brother's,a) mine, b) my, c) me6.There's ... man at the door.a) the, b) some, с) а 7. Look at ... ! She is a singer.a) hers, b) she, c) her 8.1 can see two ...a) baby, b) babys, c) babies 9.This is the ... bag.a) lady's, b) ladies's, c) ladys' 10. Paul is ... brother.a) their's, b) their, c) them2211. These are stars in ... sky. a) a, b) an, c) the2. Найдите и исправьте ошибки. 1.1 has got two knives.These are a jug of jam.There's a milk in the glass.There are mouses in the house.He's got a umbrella.My fathers' name is John.There is a butter on the table.This is an Ann's pen.3. Вставьте вместо точек артикли a, an, the, где это необходимо.... Mr. Jones has ... new office. There is ... desk, ... telephone, ... computer. ... Mr. Jones is sitting at ... desk, he is speaking on ... telephone now and his secretary is at... computer.... Mr. Jones and his secretary are busy in ... office today.Контрольная работа 71. Вставьте вместо точек глагол to have в нужной форме и притяжательное местоимение.1.1... got a handkerchief. This is ... handkerchief.232. Не ... got a calculator. It's ... calculator. 3.She ... got a mask. It's ... mask.They ... got a motorcycle. It's ... motorcycle.We ... got hats. They are^... hats.You ... got a scarf. It's ... scarf.Mother ... got an apron. This is ...apron.S.Ted ... got socks. These are ... socks. 9. The boys ... got pencils. These are ...pencils. 10.Mary and 1 ... got many toys. Theyare ... toys.2. Выберите правильную форму.My (friend's, friends') name is Mike.His (cousin's, cousins') names areJean and Chris.Our (children's, childrens') names areCatherine and Paula.These are (Christi's, Christis') gloves.This is the (lady's, ladys') dress.Look at the {house's roof, roof of thehouse).The (bathroom's floor, floor of thebathroom) is clean.248. (Andrews', Andrew's) favourite food is fish and chips.3. Вставьте вместо точек a, an, some, гдеэто необходимо.;. hour . cup ■ egg . union . plates. pepper . horse . watermoneymilk... tea ... elephant ... box ... house ... onions... salt ... eye ... uncle ... blouse ... farmersТЕМАСтепени сравнения прилагательныхЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ ТЕКУЩЕГО коНТРОЛЯ Контрольная работа 8Вариант 11.Переведите прилагательные на английский язык и подберите к ним антонимы.Длинный, медленный, слабый, низкий, чистый, новый.2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.Boring, cold, bright, talented, lazy, little.3.Вставьте вместо точек прилагательные в нужной форме.1. My old house is large, but my new houseis .... 2.Linda's car was fast, but her new caris ... . 3.Mrs Black's hat is fancy, but her newhat is ... .264. My uncle is energetic, but my cousinis .... 5.Henry is thin, but his friend is ... inthe group.Tom's dictation was good. But minewas ... in the class.My suitcase is heavy, but my brother'ssuitcase is ... .Вариант 21.Переведите прилагательные на англий-. ский язык и подберите к ним антонимы.Маленький, занятой, сухой, плохой, холодный, шикарный.2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.Difficult, strong, bad, wet, dirty, generous.3.Вставьте вместо точек прилагательные в нужной форме.l.Mrs Wilson is very intelligent. She is ... person I know.2. Mr Smith is {talented)... than Mr Jackson.З.Мг Brown is as {talkative) ... as Mrs Brown.27Fred's dog was fat, but Dick's dogwas ....Bill's clothes are expensive, but myclothes are ....6.Ed's car is good, but Jeff's car is ... .7.Mr Green is {old) ... than Ijis wife.Вариант 31.Переведите прилагательные на английский язык и подберите к ним антонимы.Старший, старый, хороший, красивый, сухой, счастливый.2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.Kind, busy, safe, polite, big, talented.3.Употребите прилагательные в нужнойформе.1.1 think bicycles are {safe) than motorcycles.2.Woolen gloves are {warm) than silk ones.З.Тот is {lazy) pupil in our class.4.Flowers are {pretty) than vegetables.5.1 think the Beatles' songs are {popular)songs.Margaret is {nice) person I know.Winter is {cold) season of the year.28Вариант 41.Переведите прилагательные на английский язык и подберите к ним антонимы.Дешевый, уродливый, толстый, новый, легкий, жаркий.2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.Funny, many, comfortable, low, fat, bad.3.Вставьте вместо точек прилагательные в нужной форме.1.Steve is polite, he is ... boy I know.Bill's coat is warm, but my coat is ... .Jeff s old records were noisy, but hisnew ones are ....Rita's cat was hungry, but now it is ....My stove is {good) ... than yours.6.The doctor's garden is {beautiful) ...than yours. -6 programme is {interesting) ...programme on TV.Вариант 51. Переведите прилагательные на английский язык и подберите к ним антонимы.Свободный, длинный, плохой, быстрый, грязный, горячий.29Fred's dog was fat, but Dick's dogwas ....Bill's clothes are expensive, but myclothes are ....6.Ed's car is good, but Jeff's car is ... .7.Mr Green is (old) ... than l|is wife.Вариант 31.Переведите прилагательные на английский язык и подберите к ним антонимы.Старший, старый, хороший, красивый, сухой, счастливый.2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.Kind, busy, safe, polite, big, talented.3.Употребите прилагательные в нужнойформе.1.1 think bicycles are (safe) than motorcycles.2.Woolen gloves are (warm) than silk ones.З.Тот is (lazy) pupil in our class.4.Flowers are (pretty) than vegetables.5.1 think the Beatles' songs are (popular)songs.Margaret is (nice) person I know.Winter is (cold) season of the year.28Вариант 41.Переведите прилагательные на английский язык и подберите к ним антонимы.Дешевый, уродливый, толстый, новый, легкий, жаркий.2.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.Funny, many, comfortable, low, fat, bad.3.Вставьте вместо точек прилагательные в нужной форме.1.Steve is polite, he is ... boy I know.Bill's coat is warm, but my coat is ....Jeff's old records were noisy, but hisnew ones are ... .4.Rita's cat was hungry, but now it is ....5.My stove is (good) ... than yours.6.The doctor's garden is (beautiful) ...than yours. -6 programme is (interesting) ...programme on TV.Вариант 51. Переведите прилагательные на английский язык и подберите к ним антонимы.Свободный, длинный, плохой, быстрый, грязный, горячий.292.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.Good, old, short, ugly, interesting, dry.3.Употребите прилагательные в нужнойформе.l.The Swedish furniture is {modern) in the world.English suits are (good) suits in theworld.The Greek gold bracelets are (beautiful)than Italian.4.1 think Chinese food is (delicious) than French.In my opinion cats are (smart) thandogs.The elephant is (big) than tiger.Sid is a talkative boy. He is ... than Bill.Контрольная работа 9 Вариант 11.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.Sad, old, bad, happy, far, remarkable, polite, easy, famous, horrible.2.Найдите и исправьте ошибки.l.I'm more clever than my brother.2. New York is moderner than London.30They are busyer than we are.This machine is simplier than theothers.5.He gets stupider (глупый) every day.6.1 was the most surprised than he was.7. This exercise is more easy than thatone.3. Переведите на английский язык.Эта книга — самая интересная в библиотеке.Эта картина нравится мне большевсех.Самолеты летают быстрее, чем птицы.Земля больше, чем Луна.Джейн самая приятная девочка вклассе.Отец был старшим сыном в семье.Зимой дни короче, а ночи длиннее.4. Составьте словосочетания с оборотом as ... as.heavycoalhighicedeepironcoldsnowwhitethe oceanblackthe mountain315. Употребите прилагательные в нужной степени.On the edge (край) of our family of planets, or solar (солнечная) system, is Pluto, which is (cold) of all the planets and (far) from the Sun. ^Surprisingly (удивительно), (hot) planet is not Mercury, although (хотя) no other planet is (close) to the Sun. Mercury, with a surface (поверхностная) temperature of about 420 °C is (not hot) than Venus, which has surface temperature of about 475 °C.Mercury is (small) of the nine planets and Jupiter is (large) in the solar system.Вариант 21.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.Unusual, merry, little, busy, strong, good, fat, important, near, dry.2.Найдите и исправьте ошибки.l.Mary is pleasanter than Jane.Janet is more politer than Chris.You must be more gentler!My sister is carefuler than my brother.Tim is handsomer than his brother.32Spain is dryer than Britain.Your work is best!3. Переведите на английский язык. 1.22 декабря — самый короткий день в году.Эти цветы ярче и крупнее.?Сникерс? вкуснее ?Марса?.Альберт старше Джона.Генри старший из всех братьев.Эверест — самая высокая гора в мире.Кто самый лучший ученик в классе?4.Составьте словосочетания с оборотомas ... as.uglygrassbraveflowernicemonsterlightskyblueliongreenfeather5.Употребите прилагательные в нужнойформе.There are many big cities in the world. One of (large) in the world is Cairo in Egypt. However, Shanghai and Tokyo are (large). But Mexico is considered (считается) to be (populated) city in the world.3 3a*. 189833Old cities and towns are (interesting) places to visit, than modern ones. But most modern cities are (comfortable) to live in, they are usually (dirty) than small towns and villages.But still my home city is (good) place for me.Вариант 31.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных.Lovely, productive, clever, hot, clean, bad, low, far, dangerous, ugly.2.Найдите и исправьте ошибки.This street is more narrow than thatone.Two heads are gooder than one.An orange is tastyer than a lemon.Blood is more thicker than water.Can you come more early next time?John is worst skier that I know.The giraffe is the taller animal in theworld.3. Переведите на- английский язык. 1.Киев — один из самых старых городов Украины.34Зимы в Великобритании теплее, чемв Финляндии.Английский язык труднее, чем французский.Том самый плохой ученик в классе.Твои ботинки дороже, чем мои.Это самый грязный поросенок.История интереснее, чем биология.4. Составьте словосочетания с оборотом as ... as.Digmousebraveelephantcoolhorsestrongliongoodcucumbersmallgold5. Употребите прилагательные в нужнойстепени.Chris Greener is (tall) man in Britain. He is 227 cm tall. At school he was (tall) than the most of his teachers. Some things are (easy) when you are so tall. But some things are (difficult).(Expensive) clothes is a problem. Transport is a problem too. Buses are (terrible), because they are (small) than trains.35ТЕМАПрошедшее неопределенное времяЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ ТЕКУЩЕГО КОНТРОЛЯКонтрольная работа 10 Вариант 11.Напишите три формы глаголов.Ring, clean, take, go, come, wash,make, drive, get.2.Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.John woke up at a quarter to seven.She went to the library yesterday.He began work at nine sharp.He was in France last year.3. Составьте вопросительные предложения в прошедшем времени с данными вопросами.How long? Where? What? Вариант 21. Напишите три формы глаголов.Put, sing, dance, feed, read, wear, wait, run, rise.2.Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.1. Не took his children to the Zoo. 2.Mary was a good student. 3.They saw a new film on Monday. 4. They had breakfast before they went out.3.Составьте вопросительные предложения в прошедшем времени с даннымивопросами.Why? Whom? How?Вариант 31.Напишите три формы глаголов.Say, speak, teach, know, close, buy, follow, keep, put.2.Сделайте предложения вопросительными и отрицательными.His wife cooked some scones for breakfast.The people of Pine Clearing were proudof their school.My mother bought some vegetables forsupper.They had a lot of problems with their373. Составьте вопросительные предложения в прошедшем времени с данными вопросами.When? What? Who?Контрольная работали1.Напишите прошедшее время глаголов.Расположите их в три столбика попринципу произношения окончания.orderneedpushanswerwaitwashclosecleandancevisitreachworkcountplaypaintbrush2.Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках,в прошедшем времени.l.Last week we (to be) at the library. 2. They (to play) games till evening. З.Не (to give) me his pen. 4.1 (to meet) my friend on the way to school.Gagarin (to be) the first man in space.She (to live) in the country last summer.A. Christie (to write) 75 detective stories.He (to buy) bread and milk for breakfast.389. Father (to take) children to the parkon Sunday. 10. They (to be) in the Zoo last week.3. Сделайте предложения отрицательными.He helped his uncle last Friday.We were at the circus yesterday.Sarah came to York a week ago.Задайте вопросы к предложениям с данными вопросительными словами.1.Не watered the plants in the gardenon Monday.Who ... ? Where ... ? What ... ? When... ?She got up at 10.00 a.m. on Sunday.Who ... ? What time ... ? When ... ?Did ... ?We were in the cinema last week.Who ... ? Where ... ? When ... ?ТЕМАПредлоги места, движения, времениЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ ТЕКУЩЕГО КОНТРОЛЯ\Контрольная работа 12 Вариант 11. Вставьте вместо точек предлоги времени. ...Monday ...weekend ...six o'clock September... first of March ... afternoon... midnightwinter... half pasttwo ... Sundaythe... Fridaymorningmorning2.Напишите время словами.14.30 12.0007 p.m. 3.15 a.m.17.45 4.10 p.m. 6.20 a.m. 8.05 p.m.3.Рассмотрите рисунки и вставьтевместо точек правильные предлоги.l.Go ... the church. 4. Go ... the stairs. 2.Go ... the bridge. 5. Go ... the street. 3.Go ... the hill. 6. Go ... the hotel.40Вариант 21. Вставьте вместо точек предлоги времени.... Christmas ... 6.15... night... Tuesday ... the evening ... autumn41... 1996... midday ... summerevening... October ... ten o'clock ... Saturday-night2.Напишите время словами.2.30 p.m. 15.45 2.00 &.m\ 3.05 p.m. 12.15 p.m. 22.30 14.15 8.55 a.m.3.Рассмотрите рисунки и вставьтевместо точек правильные предлоги.l.Go ... the hotel. 4. Go ... the street. 2. Go ... the station. 5. Go ... the bridge. 3.Go ... the corner. 6. Go ... the park.Контрольная работа 131. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги at, in, about, after, for, with, by, to, on, after.James lives (1) ... a small flat (2) ... Cambridge. He lives (3)... two other boys who are students (4) ... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week, but (5) ... weekends they invite a lot of friends to their house. They cook a meal (6) ... their friends, and they go out (7) ... the pub (8)... a drink, or they stay (9) ... home and listen (10) ... music.James has two jobs. (11) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works (12) ... a hospital, where he helps to look (13) ... children who are ill. He goes (14) ... the hospital (15) ... bus. He starts (16) ... ten o'clock and works until quarter (17) ... five. On Thursdays and Fridays he works (18)... home. He has a computer43... 1996... midday ... summerevening... October ... ten o'clock ... Saturday-night2.Напишите время словами.2.30 p.m. 15.45 2.00 a.ml 3.05 p.m. 12.15 p.m. 22.30 14.15 8.55 a.m.3.Рассмотрите рисунки и вставьтевместо точек правильные предлоги.1. Go ... the hotel. 4. Go ... the street. 2.Go ... the station. 5. Go ... the bridge. 3.Go ... the corner. 6. Go ... the park.42Контрольная работа 131. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги at, in, about, after, for, with, by, to, on, after.James lives (1) ... a small flat (2) ... Cambridge. He lives (3)... two other boys who are students (4) ... Cambridge University. They work hard during the week, but (5) ... weekends they invite a lot of friends to their house. They cook a meal (6) ... their friends, and they go out (7) ... the pub (8)... a drink, or they stay (9) ... home and listen (10) ... music.James has two jobs. (11) ... Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays he works (12) ... a hospital, where he helps to look (13) ... children who are ill. He goes (14) ... the hospital (15) ... bus. He starts (16) ... ten o'clock and works until quarter (17) ... five. On Thursdays and Fridays heworks(18)... home. He has a computer43(19) ... his study and he writes stories. (20)... the evening, one of the boys cooks a meal. (21) ... dinner they look in the newspaper to see what's (22) ... TV or they talk (23) ... their day. They usually go (24) ... bed (25) ... midnight.2. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.Why you want to learn Portuguese?How many time you was in Greece lastyear?Say me when you want to stop for lunch.We was in Paris last year.5.1 writed to her three times last year, but she didn't answer me.3. Составьте предложения из данных слов.Помните о порядке слов. l.Many, got, you, now, cousins, have?Rome, last, they, in, week, arrived.Smoking, Jane, up, gave, ago, years,three.Quickly, road, man, the, walked, along,the.Us, they, their, car, told, about, new.Meeting, did, parents, Bob's, you, enjoy?Twelve, he, work, when, started, was,he.ТЕМАНастоящее совершенноеи прошедшее неопределенноевремяЗАДАНИЯ ДЛЯ ТЕКУЩЕГО КОНТРОЛЯ Контрольная работа 14Вариант 11.Вставьте вместо точек глаголы в настоящем совершенном или прошедшемнеопределенном времени.1(You I go) on holidays last year?2.Yes, I ... (go) to Spain.3(you I ever / be) there?4.1 ... (not I finish) my homework yet.We ... (not I see) him since he ... (leave)school.We ... (go) to bed early last night because we ... (be) tired.Вставьте вместо точек for или since.1.I've known John ... we were at school.2.I've wore contact lenses ... five years.We've lived in France ... over ten years454. I've been here ... 5 o'clock.5.I've had this dress ... Christmas.3. Составьте вопросы к предложениям с данными вопросительными словами.1.1 like reading books. What ... ?2. I've got two dogs and a* cat. How many ... ?3.1 visited Paris last year. Did ... or London?4.I've got an expensive car. What ... ?5.1 bought this umbrella on Monday. When ... ?Вариант 21. Вставьте вместо точек глаголы в настоящем совершенном или прошедшем неопределенном времени.1. Kevin ... (lose) his key. He ... (leave) itin the bus yesterday. 2.1 ... (not play) tennis since I ... (be) atschool. 3.1 think our teacher ... (forget) aboutthe test! He ... (not say) anything aboutit in the last lesson! 4.Sarah ... (break) her leg. She ... (fall)off a horse last week.465.1 ... (finish) decorating my room. I ...(paint) it last week and I ... (put) thenew curtains last night. 6.Tom ... (see) this film twice.2.Вставьте вместо точек for или since.1. I've been in Asia ... seven years.2.I've worked at school ... 1993. 3.1've known Tom ... five years. 4.I've been to America ... July, 1989. 5.I've not seen you ... a long time.3.Составьте вопросы к предложениям сданными вопросительными словами.1. John came late last night. Who ... ? 2.Fish live in water. Where ... ? 3.1've sent her some flowers. What ... ? 4.We bought some fruit and cakes forthe party. Why ... ? 5.1 never get up early. What time ... ?Итоговый контроль по грамматическим темамКонтрольная работа 15\ 1. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.Donald is the happyest boy in our school.Monday is the most busiest day of theweek.3.My friends is coming to us on Sunday.4.1 like playing in volleyball.5. Where does he going?2.Вставьте пропущенные буквы в словах,и вы. прочитаете названия англоговорящей страны.BE-UTIFUL, -GLY, -LOW, OF-EN, FA-M, F-MOUS, LITT-E, B-CYCLE, M-GAZTNE.3.Составьте из данных слов выражения соборотом as ... as.lighta mountaindrygrassheavygolddeepa featherbigleadbluea lionhighicegreena cucumbercoolthe skyblackcoalgoodan elephantbravesnowwhitea bonecoldthe sea48IКонтрольная работа 16Составьте семь вежливых выражений.GOOD YOU SORRY YOUR ME NIGHT EXCUSE A GOOD PLEASURE EVENING I AMPARDON IT'S THANK I BEG.Составьте предложения из данных слов.Beautiful, we, sailing, boat, on, a, are.Mountains, to, I, the, am, going.School, our, do, Sunday, to, friends,go, not, on.Cinema, you go, to, will, the, when?Many, in, I, my, library, have, books.This, when, see, did, you, film?3.Найдите антонимы.ugly slow small beautifulbusy big talllowquick free high little4.Рассмотрите рисунки и вставьтевместо точек правильные предлоги.l.The dog swam ... the river. 2.The book fell ... the shelf. 3.The plane flew ... the village. 4.He threw the book ... the window.The drove goes ... the town.A woman got .... a car.A man walked ... the shop.The Moon travels ... the Earth.6^ Ir—TIT7 ElfishnSHOPЩ50Контрольная работа 17 Вариант 11. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме.1.There {to be) money in my pocket.2.1 know my hair (to be) beautiful.These white sheep (do/does) not liveon the farm.Scissors (to be) very sharp.No news (to be) good news.These trousers (to be) too big for me.2.Переведите на английский язык.Сэм очень любит рисовать.Вы опаздываете на поезд?З.Где Китти? Она укладывает дочь спать.Кто-то сюда идет.Прошлым летом он часто играл вфутбол с друзьями.Два дня назад в магазине было много яблок.Я обычно пью чай в 4 часа.Клайд много читает.В воскресенье Том проснулся оченьрано.10. Кто разговаривает?513.Составьте по три вопроса к каждомупредложению.l.She has got a wonderful child.2. He is waiting for us downstairs.3.Miss Bertha sent a letter to her niecelast Monday.{4.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных. Придумайте два—три предложения с разными степенями сравненияи оборотом as ... as.Pretty, bad, happy, sad, clever, dangerous, serious, fine, old.Вариант 21. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме.Today (to be) my day off.There (to be) newspapers on the table.Three white sheep (to be) in the field.There (to be) no information about thematch.She (to have) no brothers.Mary (do/does) not like washing up.2. Переведите на английский язык.Педро любит ходить в горы.Ты знаешь испанский язык?52Мистер Сноу сейчас в кабинете, ончитает газету.Мы прочитали много сказок.Я не вижу здесь ничего интересного.Джек был в Лондоне на прошлойнеделе.В прошлом году мы не изучали английский язык.Ты слышишь, что они говорят?Я люблю чай с лимоном.10. Вчера Питер взял книгу в библиотеке.3.Составьте по три вопроса к каждомупредложению.l.Some people like quiet places amongthe trees and mountains. 2. Mr. Green is sitting by a big tree. 3.Miss Daisy bought a new car lastmonth.4.Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных. Придумайте предложенияс разными степенями сравнения и оборотом as ... as.Young, dirty, big, large, little, comfortable, interesting, wet, good.53Контрольная работа 18Вариант 11. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.Will I help you with cooking?She has worked here sinceia month.We bought some new furniture yesterday.4.There isn't no one in the room.5.1 left for Paris at 10:00 tomorrow.2.Вставьте вместо точек глаголы, данныев скобках, в настоящем времени — неопределенном или продолженном.Every summer Tony and her family (1) ... (go) on holiday. They usually (2) ... {stay) in England but at the moment they (3) ... (travel) by plane. They (4)... (go) to America. Tony (5)... (be) very excited. She (6) ... (look) out of the window and she (7) ... (laugh). Her brother (8) ... (play) a game. He (9) ... (like) aeroplanes. He (10) ... (want) to be a pilot when he grows up.3.Вставьте вместо точек глаголы, данныев скобках, в настоящем совершенном илив прошедшем неопределенном времени.1.... (you / ever/ be) in Paris?2.Yes, I ... (go) there last year.543.What ... (you/ see)?4.1... (see) the Eiffel Tower and ... (visit)the Louvre.5(you / ever / be) at an art gallery?6.Yes, I ... (be) at the National Galleryyesterday.7.How ... (you I like) it? 8.It ... (be) nice. Actually, it's the firsttime I ... (ever / visit) an art gallery.4. Вставьте вместо точек for, since, already, yet или just.l.I've ... seen this film twice.2.Hasn't she cleaned her room ... ?З.Не hasn't written to us ... threemonths.4.She has ... got her test results. 5.1 haven't seen him ... Monday. 6. We have been out ... a week.Вариант 21. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.Want you some ice-cream?Kim hasn't got much friends.It often is cold in December.We didn't went on holidays last summer.Brian just left.552. Вставьте вместо точек глаго'лы, данные в скобках, в настоящем времени — неопределенном или совершенном. We (1)... (be) in the playground. We (2) ... (have) a break at the moment. Some children (3) ... (play) hide-and-seek.1(4)(sit) on the benbh. I usually(5)... (eat) a sandwich but today 1(6) ... (drink) Coke. My friend (7) ... (eat) a big bag of crisps. Our teacher (8) ... (walk) around the playground. She always (9) ... (watch) us or (10) ... (play) with us. We all (11) ... (We) her.3. Вставьте вместо точек глаголы, данные в скобках, в прошедшем неопределенном или в настоящем совершенном времени.Julia, ... (you I ever / drive) a car?No, but I ... (drive) a tractor.Where ... (you / drive) it?4.1 ... (drive) it on my uncle's farm.5. Bobbie, ... (you / ever / see) a ghost?6.No, but I ... (see) a UFO.7. When ... (you / see) it?8.1 ... (see) it in the field last summer.4. Вставьте вместо точек for, since, already, yet или just. 1.Hasn't she come ... ? 562.Mr. Smith has ... called you. 3.Mother has ... cooked dinner.He hasn't been in Dublin ... March.We haven't been to the cinema ... ages.6.Have you finished ... ?Контрольная работа 19Вариант 1Найдите и исправьте ошибки.l.The policeman arrested the thiefs."What are you?" — "Tom Smith".You like pizza?4.1 want being a teacher.They play in the garden now.Mother is standing in the window.He swims fastest than me.They got married in 27th of December.9.She didn't finish her work yet.10. She is taller of all.2. Выберите правильный вариант. l.He always ... at 7 o'clock, a) is getting up, b) has got up, c) gets up 2. Ann ... to Paris in 1991.a) has moved, b) moved, c) moves573.We haven't heard from him ... months, a) since, b) yet, c) forHe goes to work ... bus.a) on, b) by, c) in... we go tonight? >a) shall, b) will, c) haveYou ... cross the street when the lightis red.a) mustn't, b) needn't, c) can'tHe is wearing ... uniform,a) —, b) an, с) аMark is as ... as George.a) taller, b) tall, c) the tallest9.He ... his car a month ago.a) bought, b) buys, c) has bought 10. Claire dances ... than Sue. a) better, b) well, c) the best3. Вставьте вместо точек глаголы в нужном времени.Madonna (1) ... (be) a famous singer. She (2) ... (act) in several films as well. She (3) ... (write) a book some time ago which (4) ... (become) very popular. She (5) ... (travel) all over the world giving concerts. She (6) ... (have) many hit songs already and she (7) ... (make) more 58records in the future. She (8) ... (act) in more films too. She (9) ... (become) famous in the 1980's and she (10) ... (be) a millionairess now.4.Вставьте вместо точек предлоги in, atили on.1.1 always go into town ... Saturday.We get up ... 7.30.We'll go there ... the morning.4.They give each other presents ...Christmas. 5.We went to the theatre ... Fridayevening.6.St Valentine's Day is ... February. 7. You must come here ... noon.5.Вставьте вместо точек слова ago, yetили already.1. We went to Madrid three weeks ....2.1 have ... met them.3.She's been at work ... 8.00 a.m.4.1 haven't seen him ... .5.They have lived there ... 2 years.Вариант 21. Найдите и исправьте ошибки. 1. John has gone skiing yesterday.593.We haven't heard from him... months.a) since, b) yet, c) for 4.He goes to work ... bus.a) on, b) by, c) in... we go tonight?[a) shall, b) will, c) haveYou ... cross the street when the lightis red.a) mustn't, b) needn't, c) can'tHe is wearing ... uniform,a) —, b) an, с) аMark is as ... as George.a) taller, b) tall, c) the tallest9.He ... his car a month ago.a) bought, b) buys, c) has bought 10. Claire dances ... than Sue. a) better, b) well, c) the best3. Вставьте вместо точек глаголы в нужном времени.Madonna (1) ... (be) a famous singer. She (2) ... (act) in several films as well. She (3) ... (write) a book some time ago which (4) ... (become) very popular. She (5) ... (travel) all over the world giving concerts. She (6) ... (have) many hit songs already and she (7) ... (make) more58records in the future. She (8) ... (act) in more films too. She (9) ... (become) famous in the 1980's and she (10) ... (be) a millionairess now.4.Вставьте вместо точек предлоги in, atили on.1.1 always go into town ... Saturday.We get up ... 7.30.We'll go there ... the morning.4.They give each other presents ...Christmas. 5.We went to the theatre ... Fridayevening.6.St Valentine's Day is ... February. 7. You must come here ... noon.5.Вставьте вместо точек слова ago, yetили already.1. We went to Madrid three weeks ....2.1 have ... met them.3.She's been at work ... 8.00 a.m.4.1 haven't seen him ....5.They have lived there ... 2 years.Вариант 21. Найдите и исправьте ошибки. 1. John has gone skiing yesterday.59We went there on car.There isn't no one in the room.We wears uniforms at school.Do she play the piano?Jane is sit on the grass.He usually watch TV in the evening.Sam's test is the goodest.Ann bought a new hat in Monday.10. Today was Monday.2. Выберите правильный вариант. 1.... is Ted? In his study.a) where, b) what, c) who 2. Peter is the ... student in the class.a) good, b) better, c) best 3.... you give me your pencil, please?a) shall, b) could, c) mustLook at him. He ... across the street,a) is running, b) runs, c) ranThis is ... umbrella.a) Mary, b) Mary's, c) Marys'6.There aren't ... flowers in the vase,a) some, b) no, c) any7.... left first? Peter.a) what, b) who, c) which 8.1 haven't got ... bread.a) many, b) much, c) some609. He ... to work since Monday.a) came, b) didn't come, c) hasn't come 10.1 promise I ... you a new sweater. a) buy, b) is buying, c) will buy3.Вставьте вместо точек глаголы в нужном времени.My name (1) ... (be) Julie Baker. I am from America but I (2)... (live) in London since 1985.1 (3)... (work) in a bank. I (4) ... (never I be) married. I (5) ... (like) reading and going to the theatre. I (6) ... (be) friendly person. Last year I (7) ... (go) to Scotland, where I (8) ... (visit) grandparents. They (9) ... (be) nice people. But they (10) ... (never / be) in America.4.Вставьте вместо точек предлоги in, atили on.1.1 finish work ... 5.30 p.m.2. We go to the church ... Easter.3.The party is ... Monday.4.My father works ... night.5.Phone me ... nine o'clock.6. ... summer we go to the beach.7.He will leave school ... June.5.Вставьте вместо точек слова since, ago,for, yet или already.l.He left work three hours ....612.I've been in Germany ... a long time.We have ... finished lunch.We haven't found a new house ....5.You haven't telephoned him ... last week.I Контрольная работа 20Вариант 11. Найдите и исправьте ошибки.London is a city very big.My mother work in a hotel.My father watches TV now.He's like watching TV.In Sundays we go to the restaurant.2. Составьте предложения из данных слов.Policeman, from, is, John, a, NewYork.Madrid, George, from, comes.Married, sister, is, your?3. Сгруппируйте слова по темам.professions / places / things to eat / verbs Cheese, actor, toast, arrive, palace, ham, village, want, bring, chicken, journalist, night club, beach, engineer, office, listen, doctor, flat, orange, interpreter, town, dentist, milk, drink. 62Вариант 2Найдите и исправьте ошибки.l.Hans is businessman.You family is very nice.3.1 like listen to music.Our school have a lot of students.The children go to the school.2. Составьте предложения из данных слов.1.Mountains, sister, skiing, goes, the,in, my.2.Isn't, coffee, nice, English, very.3.Your, what, name, teacher's, is?3.Сгруппируйте слова по темам.things to read / adjectives / clothes /animalsMap, frog, favourite, expensive, goat, hat, trousers, book, notebook, easy, chicken, dictionary, funny, trainers, shirt, cow, tiger, magazine, long, snake, shoes, newspaper, gloves, sad, monkey.Вариант 1ДИКТАНТЫTHE FARMЗадание. Подчеркните в тексте глаголы в настоящем неопределенном времени одной чертой, а в настоящем продолженном — двумя чертами.Вариант 3Tom's farm is in the country. There is a farm house with flowers round the door and the windows. There are a lot of animals on the farm. There are horses, cows, sheep, hens and pigs. The man near the door is farmer Tom. His wife is working in the garden, and his children are playing in the yard with their dog and four puppies.Задание. Выпишите из текста существительные во множественном числе, определите их начальную форму (единственное число).Вариант 2AT THE SEASIDEEvery summer we go to the seaside for two weeks. We usually stay at the hotel. And here we are now. My sister is sitting in the armchair and reading a book, her little son is playing in the sun with his friend. One big boy is swimming to a big black rock. I am not swimming. I am helping my mother with dinner. But I like swimming in warm water very much.64MY FAMILYMy mother is a teacher of English. She knows three languages and she reads, writes and speaks them very well. She works at school and she likes her work very much.My father is a driver. He works from morning till late at night. He comes home at nine o'clock in the evening.I am ten years old. I am a pupil. I like going to school. I study well.Задание. Поставьте вопросы к тексту, используя слова What, When, Where, Do, Does.Вариант 4MY ROOMMy room is not very big, but it is very comfortable. There is a big window with white curtains on it. There is a desk by the window and a chair by the desk. There are shelves with books on the walls. There65is a clock to the left of the shelves. In the corner of the room there is a small table with my computer.Задание. Выпишите из текста предложения с оборотами there is, there are. Переведите эти предложения^ на русскийВариант 5ERIC CANTONAEric Cantona is from France, but he lives and works in Britain. He is a footballer. He is 27 years old and he is married. His wife is from France, too, They have a son. Eric plays for British football team. He trains from Monday to Friday. He doesn't train on Saturdays and Sundays. He speaks English well. He likes reading books in his free time.Примечание: Выписать на доску слова: train, Eric Cantona, team.Задание. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. Where is Eric Cantona from? 2.Whatishis job? 3.1s he married?4.What does he like doing in his freetime?5.Does he train on Thursdays?66Вариант 6AN ENGLISH POST-OFFICEJane and John live in an old house in an English village. John works at home. The village post-office is in one room in their house and John works there. The people in the village buy stamps, envelopes and newspapers in Jane and John's house. The red postbox is on the front door.John and Jane are very happy in their house and they like it very much.Задание. Исправьте неправильные утверждения.Jane and John live in a new house.John works in the post-office of thetown.3.The post-office is not far from their house.John is a driver.The postbox is under the window.John and Jane like their house.Вариант 7ELLEN PEELEllen Peel is over ninety years old. She lives in a village in the country with her five cats. She is not married, but she loves67children. She is happy but she can remember times when her life was difficult.Her father died in 1915 and her mother died in 1916. Ellen started her first work in a rich family in London. She got up at 6 o'clock in the morning andpleaned the rooms. At 7 o'clock she had breakfast. She got only twenty pounds for her job.In 1921 she went to another family and became a baby-sitter. There were four children in the family and Ellen loved them. She lived in the family for twenty years.Ellen Peel looked after the people's children till she was seventy years old.Задание. Выпишите из текста глаголы, определите их временную форму. К глаголам в прошедшем времени напишите начальную форму.en door and I saw — our cat! I shouted at it, and it ran away through the open kitchen window.Задания. 1. Выпишите из текста глаголы в прошедшем времени и определите их начальную форму.2. Ответьте кратко на вопросы.Did a man go to bed early?Was there a film on TV?Did he watch it?Did he read a newspaper in bed?Did he fall asleep before midnight?Was there a loud noise in the kitchenabout 3.00 a.m.?Did his dog make the noise in the kitchen?Was the kitchen window closed?Вариант 8Вариант 9A NIGHT STOKYLONDONI watched a long film on TV last night, and it was very late when I went to bed. I read a book in bed because I couldn't go to sleep. I fell asleep at about two o'clock at night but I woke up suddenly at three because I heard a loud noise in the kitchen. I walked downstairs, opened the kitch-68London is the capital of Great Britain. It stands on the Thames River. It is one of the largest cities in the world. Tourists come to London to visit its historic buildings.The most famous of them are St Paul's Cathedral and the Houses of Parliament.69But the best thing about London is the parks. There are five of them in the city. But the most popular place for children is Hamleys, which is the biggest toyshop in the world.Задание. Выпишите из текста прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени. Дайте три формы степени сравнения прилагательных.Вариант 10MONICA СОХMonica Cox is a tennis player. She has won a lot of competitions. She started playing tennis with her father when she was three years old. Two years ago she went to America to a famous tennis school in California. Monica and her father have travelled to many countries. Last month they went to Australia. Monica played well but she didn't win. She hasn't played at Wimbledon yet, but she hopes to do so.Задания. 1. Подчеркните в тексте глаголы в прошедшем неопределенном времени одной чертой, а глаголы в настоящем совершенном — двумя чертами.2. Поставьте 5 вопросов к тексту.70КлючиТЕКУЩИЙ КОНТРОЛЬКонтрольная работа 11.1. is having; 2. cooks; 3. have, drive;4.leaves, goes; 5. watch; 6. is doing; 7. isshining, isn't raining; 8. rains; 9. likes;10. lives.1. do, do; 2. does, does; 3. does; 4. does,does not; 5. do; 6. does; 7. does; 8. does;9. Does; 10. does.1. Where does Michael work? 2. DoesBrenda live in Leeds? 3. When does Kevin goout with his friends? 4. What does Luc like?How does John Prierce go to his office?Where does Mary work? 7. Who lives in thecountry? 8. When do we have six lessons?9.How long does it take me to get to school?10.How does my sister play chess?Контрольная работа 21. are; 2. cooks; 3. doesn't; 4. isn't; isworking; 5. are you doing; amlearning; 6. getsup; 7. do you live; 8. Do you understand; 9. isAnn; is sleeping; 10. watches.We live not far from the park. 2. Kate'sfather is a good doctor. 3. My sister is playing71in the garden now. 4. When do you usually get up? 5. Why is the baby crying all the time?6.He can give you an interesting book.7.Uncle Albert is a funny man. 8. What doyou have in your pocket? 9. What is he talkingabout? 10. She usually has dinner at twoo'clock.\3.1. Does uncle Podge like a little job?Does Tom McKenzy work for a newspaper?Do we usually go to the seaside in summer?Is Jack swimming to a big rock? 5. Can Iread English books quite well?4.1. When does your brother get up? Hegets up at seven o'clock. But he is still sleepingnow. 2. She speaks rather fluently. I cannotunderstand her. I don't understand her.3. What are you reading? I am reading an adventure book. I like reading. 4. Where is Tom?He is playing football. He always plays footballon Sundays. 5. When does Bess do homework?She doesn't do homework. She is very lazy.Контрольная работа З1.1. lives; 2. works; 3. has; 4. doesn't live;5.lives; 6. starts; 7. doesn't get up; 8. has;9. doesn't have; 10. plays; 11. doesn't speak.2.1. He lives in Oxford. 2. She sometimeseats in a restaurant. 3. Michael Riley is notmarried. 4. Rita has a new car. 5. On FridaysI go to the cinema. 6. She doesn't like cookingvery much. 7. Does he live in Liverpool?728. What do you have for breakfast? 9. Does she get up early? 10. Why is the baby crying? 3. Where/when/what/why do you ...? Who likes/ lives/speaks ... ?Контрольная работа 4Live, get up, have, stays, start, starts;Meet, finish, go, makes.1. ... don't like ...; 2. ... don't play ...;3.... doesn't like ...; 4. ... don't speak ...;5. ... doesn't speak; 6. ... haven't ... .1. is; 2. does; 3. is; 4. does; 5. has; 6. is;7. has; 8. is; 9. has; 10. doesn't.1. What does she do before breakfast?2. What does she have for breakfast? 3. Howdoes she go to work? 4. What does she do inthe evening? 5. What time does she get up?Контрольная работа 5Вариант 11.1. Where does his sister work? 2. Whatis my brother? 3. What is Dan doing now?4.Who can ski very well? What can he do verywell?2.(Варианты предложений) My brothergets up at seven o'clock. He goes to school bybus. He has many books at home. He can playtennis quite well. There are many books on theshelf.73in the garden now. 4. When do you usually get up? 5. Why is the baby crying all the time?6.He can give you an interesting book.7.Uncle Albert is a funny man. 8. What doyou have in your pocket? 9. What is he talkingabout? 10. She usually has dinner at twoo'clock.\3.1. Does uncle Podge like a little job?Does Tom McKenzy work for a newspaper?Do we usually go to the seaside in summer?Is Jack swimming to a big rock? 5. Can Iread English books quite well?4.1. When does your brother get up? Hegets up at seven o'clock. But he is still sleepingnow. 2. She speaks rather fluently. I cannotunderstand her. I don't understand her.3. What are you reading? I am reading an adventure book. I like reading. 4. Where is Tom?He is playing football. He always plays footballon Sundays. 5. When does Bess do homework?She doesn't do homework. She is very lazy.Контрольная работа З1.1. lives; 2. works; 3. has; 4. doesn't live;5.lives; 6. starts; 7. doesn't get up; 8. has;9. doesn't have; 10. plays; 11. doesn't speak.2.1. He lives in Oxford. 2. She sometimeseats in a restaurant. 3. Michael Riley is notmarried. 4. Rita has a new car. 5. On FridaysI go to the cinema. 6. She doesn't like cookingvery much. 7. Does he live in Liverpool?728. What do you have for breakfast? 9. Does she get up early? 10. Why is the baby crying? 3. Where/when/what/why do you ... ? Who likes/ lives/speaks ... ?Контрольная работа 4Live, get up, have, stays, start, starts;Meet, finish, go, makes.1. ... don't like ...; 2. ... don't play ...;3.... doesn't like ...; 4. ... don't speak ...;5. ... doesn't speak; 6. ... haven't ... .1. is; 2. does; 3. is; 4. does; 5. has; 6. is;7. has; 8. is; 9. has; 10. doesn't.1. What does she do before breakfast?2. What does she have for breakfast? 3. Howdoes she go to work? 4. What does she do inthe evening? 5. What time does she get up?Контрольная работа 5Вариант 11.1. Where does his sister work? 2. Whatis my brother? 3. What is Dan doing now?4.Who can ski very well? What can he do verywell?2.(Варианты предложений) My brothergets up at seven o'clock. He goes to school bybus. He has many books at home. He can playtennis quite well. There are many books on theshelf. ■ .■731. aren't; 2. isn't; 3. doesn't work;4. hasn't got.Cats, scarves, factories, pens, faces,dresses, babies, children, mice.Вариант 21.boys, suits, schools, glasses, dresses,scarves, children, noses, cities.This is Tom. His mother is a shop assistant. She works in a bookshop. She goes towork from Monday to Friday. She doesn't workon Saturday. She is not working now. She iswatching TV.1. Who is writing a letter? What is Dandoing? What is Dan writing? 2. Where doeshis friend live? 3. What is on the table? Whereis the blue book?1. haven't; 2. doesn't go; 3. can't ride;4. isn't sitting.Вариант 3Tables, girls, gardens, kitchens, wolves,cats, flies, foxes, women.1. Who is coming? 2. What are there onthe shelf? Where are the books? 3. Whendoesn't she go to school? What doesn't she doon Sunday?1. doesn't live; 2. am not; 3. isn't;4. hasn't.1. When do you get up? 2. How do youget to school? 3. How many lessons do you74usually have? 4. What time do you have dinner? 5. What do you do in the evening?Вариант 4Men, beds, babies, shelves, feet, women,roses, buses, balls.1. Tom is a pupil of the fifth form. 2. Hedoesn't live in Kiev, he lives in Pskov. 3. Annadoesn't like milk, she likes tea. 4. I am notreading now, I'm watching TV. 5. These arenot my books, they are my brother's.3.1. Who is writing an exercise in his notebook? What is Bill writing in his notebook? Where is Bill writing an exercise? 2. Who works in the office? When does my father work? Where does my father work?4. 1. don't get up; 2. isn't; 3. isn't playing;4.hasn't / doesn't have.Вариант 51.Puppies, dogs, cakes, men, clocks, watches, shelves, children, feet.2.1. How old is Mary? 2. Does she go toschool? 3. What does she like? 4. What is shedoing now? 5. What day of the week is it today?3.doesn't get up; isn't; isn't; can't ski, can'tskate.4.1. Tom has got many toys. 2. My friendis a good boy. 3. There is a big garden nearour school. 4. In autumn the trees are yellow.5.Who is under the table?75Вариант 6Drivers, stories, mice, works, postmen,ladies, foxes, benches, leaves.1. Who washes plates after breakfast?2. What colour is the cat? 3. Where is Tomplaying football? 4. What does Mike do everyday? 5. Do you like coffee? 6. How can youplay chess?Aren't; isn't; hasn't got; doesn't read.1. Our flat is big. 2. We have three roomsand a kitchen. 3. We live in the center ofMoscow. 4. My brother works on a factory.5. My sister is playing in the garden.Контрольная работа 61-b; 2-a; 3-е; 4-b; 5-b; 6-c; 7-c; 8-c; 9-a;10-b; 11-c.1. I have got two knives. 2. This is jugof jam. 3. There's some milk in the glass.4. There are mice in the house. 5. He's got anumbrella. 6. My father's name is John.7. There is some butter on the table. 8. Thisis Ann's pen.Mr. Jones has a new office. There is adesk, a telephone, a computer. Mr. Jones issitting at the desk, he is speaking on the telephone now and his secretary is at the computer.Mr. Jones and his secretary are busy in theoffice today.76Контрольная работа 71. have, my; 2. has, his; 3. has, her;4. have, their; 5. have, our; 6. have, our;7. has, her; 8. has, his; 9. have, their; 10. have,our.1. friend's; 2. cousin's; 3. children's;4. Christi's; 5. lady's; 6. roof of the house;7. floor of the bathroom; 8. Andrew's.3.some an some somean a anaaan ansomeaan asome—— —someКонтрольная работа 8Вариант 1Long — short; slow — fast; weak —strong; low — tall; clean — dirty; new — old.Boring — more boring — the most boring;cold — colder — the coldest; bright —brighter — the brightest; talented — moretalented — the most talented; lazy —lazier — the laziest; little — less — the least.3.1. larger; 2. faster; 3. fancier; 4. moreenergetic; 5. the thinnest; 6. the best;7. heavier.Вариант 21. Small — big; busy — free; dry — wet; bad — good; cold — hot; smart — messy.77Difficult — more difficult — the mostdifficult; strong — stronger — the strongest;bad — worse — the worst; wet — wetter —the wettest; dirty — dirtier — the dirtiest;generous — more generous — the most generous.the most intelligent; 2. mbre talented;3. as talkative as; 4. fatter; 5. more expensive;6.better; 7. older.Вариант 3Old — young; old — new; good — bad;beautiful — ugly; dry — wet; happy — sad.Kind — kinder — the kindest; busy —busier — the busiest; safe — safer — thesafest; polite — more polite — the most polite;big — bigger — the biggest; talented — moretalented — the most talented.3.1. safer; 2. warmer; 3. the laziest;4. prettier; 5. the most popular; 6. the nicest;7.the coldest.Вариант 4Cheap — expensive; ugly — beautiful;thick — thin; new — old; light — heavy;hot — cold.Funny — funnier — the funniest;many — more — the most; comfortable —more comfortable — the most comfortable;low — lower — the lowest; fat — fatter —the fattest; bad — worse — the worst.783. 1. the most polite; 2. warmer; 3. noisier; 4. hungrier; 5. better; 6. more beautiful; 7. the most interesting.Вариант 5Free — busy; long — short; bad — good;fast — slow; dirty — clean; hot — cold.Good — better — the best; old —older — the oldest; short — shorter — theshortest; ugly — uglier — the ugliest; interesting — more interesting — the most interesting; dry — drier — the driest.1. the most modern; 2. the best; 3. morebeautiful; 4. more delicious; 5. smarter;6. bigger; 7. more talkative.Контрольная работа 9Вариант 1Sad — sadder — the saddest; old — older(elder) — the oldest (the eldest); bad —worse — the worst; happy — happier —the happiest; far — farther (further) —the farthest (the furthest); remarkable —more remarkable — the most remarkable; polite — more polite — the most polite; easy —easier — the easiest; famous — morefamous — the most famous; horrible — morehorrible — the most horrible.1. I'm cleverer than my brother. 2. NewYork is more modern than London. 3. They79are busier than we are. 4. This machine is simpler than the others. 5. He gets more stupid every day. 6. I was more surprised than he was. 7. This exercise is easier than that one.3.1. This book is the most interesting inthe library. 2. I like this picture most of all.3. Planes fly faster than birds. 44. The Earthis bigger than the Moon. 5. Jane is the nicestgirl in class. 6. Father was the eldest son inthe family. 7. In winter the days are shorter,and the nights are longer.4.As heavy as iron; as high as the mountain;as deep as the ocean; as cold as ice; as whiteas snow; as black as coal.5.The coldest, the farthest, the hottest,closer, not hotter, the smallest, the largest.Вариант 2Unusual — more unusual — the mostunusual; merry — merrier — the merriest;little — less — the least; busy — busier —the busiest; strong — stronger — thestrongest; good — better — the best; fat —fatter — the fattest; important — moreimportant — the most important; near —nearer — the nearest (the next); dry —drier — the driest.1. Mary is more pleasant than Jane.2. Janet is more polite than Chris. 3. You mustbe more gentle! 4. My sister is more carefulthan my brother. 5. Tim is more handsome80than his brother. 6. Spain is drier than Britain. 7. Your work is the best.1. The 22nd of December is the shortestday in a year. 2. These flowers are brighterand bigger. 3. Snickers is tastier than Mars.4. Albert is elder than John. 5. Henry is theeldest of the brothers. 6. Everest is the highestmountain in the world. 7. Who is the beststudent in class?As ugly as a monster; as brave as a lion;as nice as a flower; as light as a feather; asblue as the sky; as green as grass.The largest, larger, the most populated,more interesting, more comfortable, dirtier,the best.Вариант 3Lovely — lovelier — the loveliest; productive — more productive — the most productive; clever — cleverer — the cleverest;hot — hotter — the hottest; clean —cleaner — the cleanest; bad — worse — theworst; low — lower — the lowest; far —farther (further) — the farthest (the furthest);dangerous — more dangerous — the most dangerous; ugly — uglier — the ugliest.1. This street is narrower than that one.2. Two heads are better than one. 3. An orangeis tastier than a lemon. 4. Blood is thicker thanwater. 5. Can you come earlier next time?6. John is the worst skier that I know. 7. Thegiraffe is the tallest animal in the world.813.1. Kiev is one of the oldest cities in theUkraine. 2. Winters in Britain are warmerthan in Finland. 3. English is more difficultthan French. 4. Tom is the worst pupil in class.Your boots are more expensive than mine.This is the dirtiest pig. 7. History is moreinteresting than biology.,As big as an elephant; as brave as a lion;as cool as cucumber; as strong as a horse; asgood as gold; as small as a mouse.The tallest,taller, easier, more difficult,the most expensive, more terrible, smaller.Контрольная работа 10 Вариант 1Ring — rang — rung; clean —cleaned — cleaned; take — took — taken;go — went — gone; come — came — come;wash — washed — washed; make — made —made; drive — drove — driven; get —got — got.1. Did John wake up ... ? John didn'twake up ... ; 2. Did she go ... ? She didn'tgo ... ; 3. Did he begin ... ? He didn't begin ... ;4. Was he ... ? He wasn't ... .How long did he do ... ? Where did hedo... ? What did he do ... ?Вариант 21. Put — put — put; sing — sang — sung; dance — danced — danced; feed — fed —82fed; read — read — read; wear — wore — worn; wait — waited — waited; run — ran — run; rise — rose — risen.1. Did he take ... ? He didn't take... .2. Was she ... ? Mary wasn't ... . 3. Did theysee ... ? They didn't see .... 4. Did theyhave ... ? They didn't have ....Why did he do ... ? Whom did hemeet ... ? How did he do ... ?Вариант 3Say — said — said; speak — spoke — spoken; teach — taught — taught; know — knew —known; close — closed — closed; buy —bought — bought; follow — followed — followed; keep — kept — kept; put — put — put.1. Did his wife cook ... ? His wife didn'tcook ... . 2. Were the people proud ... ? Thepeople were not proud ... . 3. Did my motherbuy ... ? My mother didn't buy ... . 4. Did theyhave ... ? They didn't have ....3.When did he do ... ? What did he do ... ? Who did ...?Контрольная работа 111. [t][d][id]dancedorderedwaitedwashedansweredcountedpushedclosedneededreachedplayedvisitedworkedcleanedpaintedbrushed831. were; 2. played; 3. gave; 4. met; 5. was;6. lived; 7. wrote; 8. bought; 9. took; 10. were.1. He didn't help his uncle last Friday.2. We weren't at the circus yesterday. 3. Sarahdidn't come to York a week ago.1. Who watered the plants in the garden?Where did he water the plants? What did hewater in the garden? When did he water theplants? 2. Who got up at 10.00 a.m.? Whattime did she get up on Sunday? When did sheget up at 10.00 a.m.? Did she get up at 10.00a.m.? 3. Who was in the cinema last week?Where were we last week? When were we inthe cinema?Контрольная работа 12Вариант11. onatatatinontheatinintheoninonHalf past two in the evening; a quarterto six in the evening; twelve o'clock in theafternoon; ten minutes past four in theevening; seven o'clock in the evening; twentyminutes past six in the morning; a quarterpast three in the morning; five minutes pasteight in the evening.1. past; 2. under; 3. up; 4. down; 5. past;6. into.84Вариант21. atatatoninininatoninaton2.Half past two in the afternoon; a quarterpast twelve in the afternoon; a quarter to fourin the evening; half past ten in the evening;two o'clock at night; a quarter past two in theevening; five minutes past three in theevening; five minutes to nine in the morning.3.1. past; 2. to; 3. round the corner;4. across; 5. over; 6. through.Контрольная работа 131. 1. in; 2. in; 3. with; 4. at; 5. at; 6. for; 7. to; 8. for; 9. at; 10. to; 11. on; 12. in; 13. for; 14.to; 15. by; 16. at; 17. to; 18. at; 19. in; 20. in; 21. after; 22. on; 23. about; 24. to; 25. at.2.1. Why do you want to learn Portuguese? 2. How many times were you in Greece last year? 3. Tell me when you want to stop for lunch. 4. We were in Paris last year. 5.1 wrote to her three times last year, but she didn't answer me.3. 1. How many cousins have you got? 2. They arrived in Rome last week. 3. Jane gave up smoking three years ago. 4. The man quickly walked along the road. 5. They told us85about their new car. 6. Did you enjoy meeting Bob's parents? 7. He started work when he was twelve.Контрольная работа 14Вариант 1■,1.1. Did you go; 2. went; 3. Have you everbeen; 4. haven't finished; 5. haven't seen, left;6. went, were.2.1. since; 2. for; 3. for; 4. since; 5. since.3.1. What do you like reading? 2. How manypets have you got? 3. Did you visit Paris or London last year? 4. What have you got? 5. When did you buy this umbrella?Вариант 21.1. has lost, left; 2. haven't played, was;3.has forgotten, didn't say; 4. has broken,fell; 5. have finished, painted, put; 6. has seen.1. for; 2. since; 3. for; 4. since; 5. for.1. Who came late last night? 2. Wheredo fish live? 3. What have you sent her?Why did we buy some fruit and cakes?What time do you get up?ИТОГОВЫЙ КОНТРОЛЬ Контрольная работа 151.1. Donald is the happiest boy in our school. 2. Monday is the busiest day of the week. 3. My86friends are coming to us on Sunday. 4. I like playing volleyball. 5. Where is he going?A-U-S-T-R-A-L-I-A.As light as a feather; as heavy as lead;as big as an elephant; as high as a mountain;as cool as a cucumber; as dry as a bone; as deepas the sea; as blue as the sky; as green as grass;as black as coal; as white as snow; as brave asa lion; as cold as ice; as good as gold.Контрольная работа 161.1 am sorry. Excuse me. I beg your pardon. Good evening. Good night. It's a pleasure. Thank you.1. We are sailing on a beautiful boat.2. I am going to the mountains. 3. On Sundaysour friends do not go to school. 4. When willyou go to the cinema? 5.1 have many books inmy library. 6. When did you see this film?Ugly — beautiful; busy — free; quick —slow; small — big; tall — little; high — low.4.1. across; 2. from; 3. over; 4. out of;5. through; 6. off; 7. into; 8. round.Контрольная работа 17 Вариант 11. is; 2. is; 3. do; 4. are; 5. is; 6. are.1. Sam likes drawing very much. 2. Areyou late for the train? 3. Where is Kitty? She87is putting her daughter to bed. 4. Somebodyis coming here. 5. Last summer he often playedfootball with his friends. 6. There were manyapples in the shop two days ago. 7. I usuallydrink teaat4o'clock. 8. Clide reads very much.9. On Sunday Tom got up early. 10. Who istalking?I1. What has she got? Who has got awonderful child? Has she got a wonderfulchild? 2. Is he waiting for us downstairs?Who is waiting for us downstairs? What ishe doing downstairs? Whom is he waiting fordownstairs? 3. Did Miss Bertha send a letterto her niece last Monday? What did MissBertha send her niece last Monday? Whomdid Miss Bertha send a letter to last Monday?When did Miss Bertha send a letter to herniece?Pretty — prettier — the prettiest —as pretty as ...; bad — worse — the worst —as bad as ...; happy — happier — thehappiest — as happy as ...; sad — sadder —the saddest — as sad as ...; clever —cleverer — the cleverest — as clever as ...;dangerous — more dangerous — the mostdangerous — as dangerous as ...; serious —more serious — the most serious — as seriousas ...; fine — finer — the finest — as fineas ...; old — older — the oldest — as old as...; old — elder — the eldest.Вариант 21.1. is; 2. are; 3. are; 4. is; 5. has; 6. does.2.1. Pedro likes going to the mountains.2. Do you know Spanish? 3. Mr Snow is in thestudy, he is reading a newspaper. 4. We haveread a lot of fairy tales. 5.1 don't see anythinginteresting. 6. Jack was in London last week.7. Last year we didn't study English. 8. Doyou hear what they are saying? 9. I like teawith lemon. 10. Peter took a book from thelibrary yesterday.1. Who likes quiet places among the treesand mountains? What do some people like?Where do some people like quiet places? Dosome people like quiet places? 2. Who is sittingby a big tree? Where is Mr Green sitting?What is Mr Green doing by a big tree? IsMr Green sitting by a big tree? 3. Who boughta new car last month? When did Miss Daisybuy a new car? What did Miss Daisy buy lastmonth? Did Miss Daisy buy a new car lastmonth?Young — younger — the youngest — asyoung as ...; dirty — dirtier — the dirtiest —as dirty as ...; big — bigger — the biggest —as big as ...; large — larger — the largest — aslarge as ...; little — less — the least — as littleas ...; comfortable — more comfortable — themost comfortable — as comfortable as ...; interesting — more interesting — the most interesting — as interesting as ...; wet — wetter —the wettest — as wet as ...; good — better —the best — as good as ....Контрольная работа 18 Вариант 11. Shall I help you with cooking? 2. Shehas worked here for a month. 3. We boughtsome new furniture yesterday. 4. There isn'tanyone (is no one) in the room. S. I shall leavefor Paris at 10:00 tomorrow.1. go; 2. stay; 3. are travelling; 4. aregoing; 5. is; 6. is looking; 7. is laughing; 8. isplaying; 9. likes; 10. wants.1. Have you ever been; 2. went; 3. haveyou seen; 4. have seen, have visited; 5. Haveyou ever been; 6. was; 7. do you like; 8. was,have ever visited.1. already; 2. yet; 3. for; 4. just; 5. since;6. for.Вариант 21. Do you want some ice-cream? 2. Kimhasn't got many friends. 3. It is often cold inDecember. 4. We didn't go on holiday lastsummer. 5. Brian has just left.1. are; 2. are having; 3. are playing;4. am sitting; 5. eat; 6. am drinking; 7. is eating; 8. is walking; 9. watches; 10. plays;11. love.1. Have you ever driven; 2. have driven;3. did you drive; 4. drove; 5. have you everseen; 6. have seen; 7. did you see; 8. saw.1. yet; 2. already; 3. just; 4. since; 5. for;6. yet.90Контрольная работа 19Вариант 11.1. The policeman arrested thieves.2. "What is you name?" — "Tom Smith." 3. Doyoulikepizza?4.Iwanttobeateacher. 5. Theyare playing in the garden now. 6. Mother isstanding by the window. 7. He swims fasterthan I. 8. They got married on the 27th ofDecember. 9. She hasn't finished her work yet.10. She is the tallest of all.1-е; 2-b; 3-е; 4-b; 5-a; 6-a; 7-c; 8-b; 9-a;10-a.1. is; 2. acted; 3. wrote; 4. became; 5. istravelling; 6. has; 7. will make; 8. will act;9. became; 10. is.1. on; 2. at; 3. in; 4. at; 5. on; 6. in; 7. on.1. ago; 2. already; 3. since; 4. yet; 5. for.Вариант 21.1. John went skiing yesterday. 2. Wewent there by car. 3. There is no one in theroom. 4. We wear uniforms at school. 5. Doesshe play the piano? 6. Jane is sitting on thegrass. 7. He usually watches TV in theevening. 8. Sam's test is the best. 9. Ann bought a new hat on Monday. 10. Today is Monday.2.1-a; 2-е; 3-b; 4-a; 5-b; 6-c; 7-b; 8-b; 9-c;10-c.911. is; 2. have lived; 3. work; 4. have neverbeen; 5. like; 6. am; 7. went; 8. visited; 9. are;10. have never been.at; 2. at; 3. on; 4. at; 5. at; 6. in; 7. in.1. ago; 2. for; 3. already; 4. yet; 5. since.Контрольная работй 20 Вариант 11.1. London is a very big city. 2. My mother works in a hotel. 3. My father is watching TV now. 4. He likes watching TV. 5. On Sundays we go to the restaurant.2.1. John is a policeman from New York.2. George comes from Madrid. 3. Is your sistermarried?placespalacevillagenight clubbeachofficeflattown3.professionsactorjournalistdoctorengineerinterpreterdentistВариант 21. Hans is a businessman. 2. Your familyis very nice. 3.1 like listening to music. 4. Ourschool has a lot of students. 5. The childrengo to school.l.My sister goes skiing in the mountains.2. English coffee isn't very nice. 3. What isyour teacher's name?3. things to read map book notebook dictionary magazine newspaperclotheshattrouserstrainersshirtshoesglovesadjectives favourite expensive easyfunnylongsadanimals frogchickencowtigersnakemonkey92things to eatcheesetoasthamchickenorangemilkverbsarrivewantbringlistendrinkДИКТАНТЫ Вариант 1Flowers — flower; windows — window; animals — animal; horses — horse; cows — cow; sheep — sheep; hens — hen; pigs — pig; children — child; puppies — puppy.93Вариант. 2Настоящее неопределенное время: go, stay, are, like.Настоящее продолженное время: is sitting and reading, is playing, is swimming, am not swimming, am helping.Вариант 3What do I like? When does my father work? Where does she work? Do I go to school? Does my mother know three languages?Вариант 4(В моей комнате) есть большое окно с белыми занавесками. У окна стоит письменный стол, рядом с ним — стул. На стенах висят полки с книгами. Слева от полок — часы. Небольшой столик с моим компьютером стоит в углу комнаты.Вариант 51. Eric is from France. 2. He is a footballer. 3. Yes, he is. 4. He likes reading books. 5. Yes, he does.Вариант 6Jane and John live in an old house. John works at home. The post-office is in one room in their house. John is a postman. The post box is on the front door. John and Jane like their house.94Вариант 7died — die; started — start; got up — get up; cleaned — clean; had — have; got — get; went — go; became — become; were / was — are / is; loved — love; lived — live; looked — look.Вариант 8Watched — watch; was — is; went —go; read — read; could — can; fell — fall;woke — wake; heard — hear; walked — walk;opened — open; saw — see; shouted — shout;ran — run.No, he didn't. Yes, there was. Yes, hedid. No, he didn't. No, he didn't. Yes, therewas. No, it didn't. No, it wasn't.Вариант 9Large — larger — the largest; famous — more famous — the most famous; good — better — the best; popular — more popular — the most popular; big — bigger — the biggest.Вариант 10Прошедшее неопределенное время: started, was, went, played, didn't win.Настоящее совершенное время: has won; have travelled; hasn't played.UNIT 1л ?:;-v-*\"fv ■■1. Complete the following sentences with 3, the or no article.(§10)■.-■-;-?- ■':-.,--? .-:-:.':';,1.I am Betty. I am twelve. I am in fifth form.I have lot ofinteresting subjects atschool.2.I am from Dmitrov. It's small town in Russia.I am in sixth form. At school we studyEnglish and French.3.Are you in fourth form? - No, I'm not. I'm in fifth form.4school year in Russia starts on first ofSeptember.Do you enjoy P.E.?Can you gather mushrooms in summer?When do you go to disco?, , .You can see different toys there.Do you play different games athome?Do you go to stadium afterschool?2. Complete article.(§io), ■.,.*,,,.....-..,.., , , :_.Who helps her about house?Do you go tobed at 10 o'clock?Did you go to country last August?I made new friends last summer.Do you always spend your holidays in country?What's news? ■ ;■:.■{'■■ ;nvfv,_: . . o'-v': -?■:■:: '■■' -Do you speak German? - Yes, I do Germanlanguage is difficult.Is German most difficult language?Do they study French or German?We have English onWednesday.plete the following sentences with а/ЭП, theor no article.:i :-.,?■,;.■:. r ■(§10)■ ■.■.:?-. . : , ■ ■ ±,1 Tom is little boy.;.:■'.-2 Tom is little.3 Bob and Tom are friends..■ .,.;.,Where is red ball? - It's in kitchen.;I have got red ball ball is big.. ; -'-'■6 Mr Black was in Russia last year. ' ':7.I have got aunt. She has got nice rabbit. rabbit likes carrots.8.They have got friends in Great Britain. ...';.. Л9r different animals live in Africa.10. Have you got pet?_, ,,4. Complete the following sentences with а/ЭП or no(§10) ...1.Oncetherelived ....... very funnymonkey.2.Oncetherelived ....... old man.3.Oncetherelived ....... three littlekittens.4OncetYiereYiveo ....... e'lepYiant.Once there lived ...Once there lived ...Once there lived ...Once there lived ...Once there lived ....Once there lived .......clever elephant....old woman....six little mice....beautiful princess....ugly princess....very little birds.5. Write the plural.f>*(§ 1, § 6, § 10).■::.■ ..:■-.: ::■: -^r "s;.rthe partyan applea glassthis photo■''■"'■a potato ;'' ' that country "this holiday '■ .a dictionarya monththat fish ." - "'6. Write the plural.(§ 1, §6, § 10, § 14, § 16),.,.The rna_n doesn't like that black sheep.-.-■.?That mouse was very little.?. very little.3.The child has breakfast at home. breakfast at home.6The goose was clever. .■ ■:■■-.-■■ ', ,ii . -, ; , . . .,-<clever.The wolf likes meat.... ... ...........■,, meat.There is a new hat in the box.?*' vIt is a toy.This woman is his teacher..* ■ eThe party was nice. nice.There is a glass on the table. on the table.7. Write sentences as in the example.(§ 10, § 14, § 16)■- -Mr Ivanov lives in Moscow." The IvanOVS live in Moscow. ,.:-!■■?-.■ :.>Mr Brown lives in London. .o. .■'.:. in London. ■ ? . ■ v:;Mrs Green wants to go there. : . . -'. to go there. .-,;, . .:,Mr Baranov has got a nice house. -, .-:.:^ a nice house.Mr Serov often visits Moscow. -■.-:<,, Moscow. ,ц,,,.:; . iJf/,,,:7Mr Lukin is happy. happy.Mr Potter sometimes goes to the country.j to the country.Mrs Smith had a party. v',■ ^ '■?■ ■ ■?"■- a party.Mrs Lomov was busy. busy.Mr White has lunch at home. ■' ■ ■■ :;,.. ' lunch at home.Mrs Jackson is in the country now. in the country now.8. Fill in 'S or '.(§2)the boy S car9< .the boys carthe girl teacherthe girls teacherthe children teachermy sisters petsmy sisterpetsthe sportsmanbagsthe sportsmenbagsthe policemen notebookshis friends notebooksher grandparents garden9. Fiii in S or S where necessary.(§2) .,,??'":...., ,..,.. .:■-.■■:,:■ .. ...This kitten is Tom and Bob pet.The ball is not Ted , it is MikeMary and Helentoys are in the box. . .,.. ,;There are ten boys in our class. The boy toys are athome.We have got three pets. The pet food is on the shelf.Nick and Mike brother must help them.Kate and Betty teacher was in London.The girls are ill. The girl doctor came yesterday.Do you know the boy? - Yes, I do. The boymotherworks in this toy shop.10.There is a swimming pool near the Brown house. _10. Translate into English.(§2, §6, §10). . ...книга этого мальчикакнига этих мальчиковкомпьютер м-ра Браунакомпьютер семьи Брауновимя его сестрыфотографии его сестер'' ■' :дкомната моих родителейавтомобиль семьи Смитшляпки этой женщинышляпки этих женщин11. Fill in the table.(§3) :longvip"the longest1.-"brightdifficultgoodhappylazyhotbadbigsillyinteresting12. Complete the sentences with the comparative or the superlative form of the given adjectives.(§3).;,. . .:- -■??>.-:,Sam l'S Shorter than Tom. (short) ,M, / Sam l'S the Shortest boy in the class, (short)108.- to take care of the dog?-Yes, (He would like to take care of the dog.)9.- in the forest?-Yes, (The boys were in the forest. )10.-to the second party?-Yes, (She must come to the second party.)\14. Make questions. Give short answers.Ш 21-22)1.- a lot of time outdoors?-Yes, (They spend a lot of time outdoors.)2.- a lot of time at the stadium?-Yes, (He spends a lot of time at the stadium.)3.- abroad in summer?, -Yes, (They go abroad in summer.)4.-shopping on Sunday?-Yes, (She goes shopping on Sunday.) I5.- her parents?-Yes, (She misses her parents.)6.-a lot of lessons?-Yes, (They miss a lot of lessons.)7.- English?-Yes, (She studies English.)8.- the computer?-Yes, (He uses the computer.) ":9.- poems?-Yes, (They translate poems.)10.-a lot of postcards?-Yes, (Denis sends a lot of postcards.)1215. Translate into English. Write thepast tense formsof the verbs.<(§13) .. ■. .. . ■? л-покупатьbuybought нтратить посылать ,..,читать переводить пропускать брать давать' играть стараться изучать 16. Make questions. Give short answers.(§ 13, §§ 21-22)Т. - the weekend in Suzdal?-Yes, (They spent the weekend in Suzdal.)2.- a lot of letters?-Yes, (He sent a lot of letters.)3.- two dictionaries?-Yes, (They took two dictionaries.)4.- English magazines?-Yes, (She read English magazines.)5.- a football match?-Yes, (He missed a football match.)136.- abroad?-Yes, (He went abroad.) тм-.-■ ■ ■'7.- the third song?-Yes, (They knew the third song.)8.- the first car?-Yes, (She saw the first car.)9.- a lot of friends there?-Yes, (He made a lot of friends there.)10.- to open the box?-Yes, (They tried to open the box.)17. Ask a question about the information underlined in each of the following sentences.(§25)■: ■-■■'. ■1.--She is abroad.2.-;.".:.....'.'..':. I.:.:....'...;-She goes abroad.3.-:-She went abroad. ,-:-: .:■ ■... ... .,> /4.--She will go abroad.5.- ?.-She can go abroad. , .. . : ■>6.--She must go abroad.у _-They will go abroad next August.';;'.148.- ;.1-He will wear a new uniform.9.- -He learns the words because he wants to get a good mark.10.- -She studied three foreign languages.IS. Ask a question about the information underlined in each of the following sentences, using HOW |ОПС|.Forty minutes. (The lesson lasts forty minutes.12 _Forty minutes. (The lesson lasted forty minutes.13.--Five minutes. (The break lasts five minutes.'),4.- -Two hours. (The film lasts two hours.)3. —,-Three months. (The holidays lasted three months.)6." - -Two hours. (The match lasted two hours.')7.- -Nine months. (The school year lasts nine months.)8.- 'Three hours. (The party will last three hours.)Nine weeks. (The term lasts nine weeks.)10. - -Twenty minutes. (The break will last twenty minutes.)1519.Make questions. ,.::-...:... :?(§23) ;;; .-: : .-; ..-? ь :?-;.,/ :>■. у:DO you speak English or RuSSl'an (a,i,u,n,s,r,s)?1 it hot or (a,r,m,w) now?2 you usually get bad or (o,d,o,a) marks?3 you live in Africa or in (a,a,e,i,c,m,r)?4 you wear the yellow or the (e,r,d) hatyesterday?5 you usually wear shoes or (o,o,s,t,b) in■■ winter?6 Ann usually wear T-shirts or(e,o,u,b,!,s,s,)?7 they have six or (e,e,v,n,s) lessonslast Monday?8 they have six or (e,i,v,f) lessons nextMonday?I9 they go to the country or (a,a,o,b,r,d)last summer?10 the weather good or (a,b,d) yesterday?20.Make questions.(§§26-27):,.1.- in London?-He (He was in London.)2.- abroad?-She (She is abroad.)3.--Ted (Ted can come.) , ?'164.- -Ann (Ann could read.)5.- a computer?-David (David has got a computer.)6.- to take pictures?-My friend (My friend likes to take pictures.)7.- in a hospital?-His grandfather (His grandfather works in a hospital.)8.- to Scotland?-He (He went to Scotland.)9.- him the exercise book?-She (She gave him the exercise book.)10.- many postcards?-They (They sent a lot of postcards.)21, Answer the questions.,(§§26-27).,; ; ;l._ Who is in the fifth form? ,- He ....Who is in the sixth form?- TheyWho was in the seventh form?- He ....Who was in the first form?- TheyWho has got a new game?- He ....Who has got a new toy?- TheyWho wears a uniform?- He ....Who wears gloves?- TheyWho studies French?- He ....Who studies German?-They1722. Make negative sentences.(§28). . . ,■■-He was in the fifth form last year. in the fifth form last year.They were busy last Friday. busy last Friday.You can take the dictionary. the dictionary.They could spend their holidays in the country. their holidays in the country.She will enjoy the party. the party.It is hot today. ' ". today.I wear a school uniform. a school uniform.The lesson lasts fifty minutes.' *, = fifty minutes.'She studies two foreign languages. two foreign languages.They spent a lot of time there. a lot of time there. ,-, .23. Fill in say or tell.(§34). ....She wants to something.' "'She wants to you about it.Let me you something interesting.18You must everything you know. ■'They didn't anything.They didn't her anything.You never me anything.What did you?What did you him?He didn't a word. > ' ?24. Fill in say, speak or tell.(§34) ... . . ,, ,; ..,_, ....■.;.. ..Why did he this?, :r!: ' :;r ■: ..He did not me about it. ■......_? c.vDo you English?My aunt can two foreign ianguages. >vDon't anybody about it.Don't to him about it!.■■■Don't at the lesson!She doesn't like to about her trip.She doesn't want to anything about her trip.Did she you anything about her trip?2s. Fill in There is or There are.(§31). .1 an apple on the table.2 some milk in the glass.3: some bananas in the bag.4 some chairs in the room.5 some tea in the cup.. -?'19б a book on the desk., T7 some honey in the cupboard.; ■8 some cups on the table.9 some carrots in the box. ■■<.10 some bread on the table. , ?■26? Make questions. Give short answers.;;(§ 7, §§ 21-22, § 31)1.-ice-cream in the bag?-Yes, (There is some ice-cream in the bag.)2.- honey on the table?-Yes, (There is some honey on the table.)3.- sandwiches in the box?-Yes, (There are some sandwiches in the box.)4.- cakes in the basket?-Yes, (There are some cakes in the basket.)5.- milk in the glass?-Yes, (There is some milk in the glass.)6.- water in the bottle?-Yes, (There is some water in the bottle.)7.- tomatoes?-Yes, (They have got some tomatoes.)8.- fruit?-Yes, (She has got some fruit.)9.- cheese?-Yes, (He bought some cheese.)10.-sandwiches?-Yes, (He makes some sandwiches.)|20(§ 13, § 16)be learn miss read say speakspendtaketellvisitWe new words.He at the meeting yesterday.She me about her trip. ..- -She that she was happy to see us.They two lessons.We nervous.She the money. .. .... :-i .{...j^v.He the text., , s.The boy his grandmother.They pictures.28. Rewrite the sentences. Use the Past Simple oi Future Simple.It is cloudy today.;:It Will be ClOUdV tomorrow. It Was ClOUdy yesterday.1. He is busy this week. next week. last week.212. She is a student this year.last year, next year.3. I am late today..... yesterday. .... tomorrow.4. It is hungry today.5. It is cold this month.tomorrow, yesterday.next month, last month.29. Which is right? Complete the sentences.Ш 2-3, §§ 7-8, § 31, § 34)1 (Is there/Are there) (many/much)jam on the table?2 (Is there/Are there) (many/much)potatoes in the basket?We have got (some / any) apples.We haven't got (much / many) apple juice." (Tell / Say / Speak) me about yourschool," he (told / said / spoke).6.She (says / tells / speaks) that they can (say / tell / speak) three foreign languages.She (says / tells / speaks) English in class.Where did he (spend / spends / spent) theweekend?229.- This is (Bob / Bob's) and(Peter / Peter's) room.- Is it (big / bigger / the biggest) room in thehouse?10.He (take / takes / took / will take) care of thedog when we were away.30. Correct each sentence. Do not change the underlined words.(§ 2, §§ 7-8, § 10, § 14, § 21, § 28, § 31).-, - ? . > ,.I usually wear a high boots in winter.;Is she like to wear sandals?;She isn't work in a hospital, she is a teacher.This is my uncle. His names' David.: :These is two photos of my family.: |Is it much milk in the cup?■jWe haven't got many bread. ; ii jAre there any cheese on the table?; ■We have got any apple juice. '■i10. That is biggest crocodile in the Zoo.;23 ................

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