University of Southern California


eRA Enhancement: New Help Desk Ticketing Service Coming Soon

eRA is moving to a new, sleeker help desk ticketing system. The new system will replace the existing online ticketing system on Monday, October 29, 2012. An update will be sent when the new system is available. In the meantime, here is a quick overview of what you can expect:

What will the new system provide?

The new system will be more intuitive and customized to better meet customer needs, providing:

• Increased efficiency

• Better tracking and reporting of issues

• Meaningful notifications

How do I use the new system?

To begin, follow the below two steps.

Step 1. Enter Email Address on New Web Page

When you come to the new web page, you will be prompted to enter your email address (this is the one you normally use to communicate with NIH).

Step 2. Follow Instructions on New Screen

You will come to a new screen (see screenshot below) where various options are available; choose the option that best categorizes your issue(s).


Figure 1: Screenshot of new ticketing system

What are the primary features of the new system?

• More Choices. The new system will offer more choices to categorize the help you are seeking, including multiple drill-down menus. For instance, you will first select the eRA Commons category, then you will have a number of sub-categories to choose from such as Account Questions, xTrain, or Progress Reports. These options trigger related categories allowing you to quickly and specifically categorize the issue.   

• Rich Text Area. If you are not able to find the right choices, there is a rich text area to describe your issue as you see fit. After describing the issue, you can also provide attachments and select your response preference, whether it be phone, email, or TTY.

• Speeding Up Resolution. To help speed up resolution of the issue, eRA encourages you to submit as much information as possible in the different fields available. Saving the ticket will ensure it is submitted. You will also be given a confirmation number.

What other features are available?

• Global Tickets Pop-up Message. The Global Tickets window will list widespread issue(s) affecting a large number of users. If you are experiencing the same issue, simply subscribe to the global ticket to be notified when the issue has been fixed. Note that if there is no global issue, the pop-up will not appear. You will need to have pop-ups enabled in your browser to view the Global Tickets window.


Should you have any questions, please contact your Department of Contracts and Grants Officer.




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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